Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

92. ♥♥ Dominance and Reward (R-18, BDSM)

Lust stood and turned away from the sobbing, broken demoness of Wrath to face Bonny, who was still curled up in Courage’s arms. “Will you reward me, Mistress?”

Bonny pointed at the guard captain, who was still holding the weasel’s severed hand. “Take the two scales.”

The captain recoiled and tossed the hand to the bunny demoness as she approached.

She caught it and drew her fingers across the tattoo and scales, cracking them and drawing the power into herself. She handed the hand back, then licked her lips and smiled at him, a feral, wicked grin that showed teeth and promised pain.

He blanched and fell back against the council desk, where he slid to the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest.

While Lust was distracted, Bonny reached up to pull Courage’s head down for a quick kiss, then wiggled free, dropping to the floor. She needed to face the demoness directly. Hiding in the goddess’ arms would never be seen as courageous, no matter the diety’s name.

When Lust approached her, Bonny stood tall, chin raised, though that was partly just to meet the eyes of the eight foot tall demoness that towered over her. The cat o’ nine tails had vanished at some point.

Other than the covert orgasm that Lust had just given her, Bonny and Lust hadn’t really pleasured one another. There had been moments they had come close, once during the stage performance and some interaction during the encounter with Hyzenth. They had taken Courage together, but never one on one, until today.

The room watched, silent, as Bonny pointed at the floor and Lust knelt in front of her, then slid her knees wide into a W sitting position. In that position, with ass on the floor, the demoness’ head was just slightly lower than Bonny’s.

Bonny stepped in and petted Lust on the head, then started scratching around the demoness’ bunny ears and horns. Lust purred.

After a minute or so, Bonny slid her fingers into Lust’s hair, then grabbed hold and pulled back and down, forcing the demoness’ head back. Bonny leaned in for a kiss, brushing her lips and tongue across Lust’s, teasing and tasting.

She slid a foot under Lust’s crotch and lifted her heel, pressing up and in.

Lust moaned into Bonny’s lips, opening her own, inviting the bunny in. At the same time, the demoness shifted her hips forward, grinding into the top of Bonny’s foot.

Bonny allowed it for a few seconds, then broke the kiss and pulled back. She moved her hands to Lust’s shoulders and pushed.

Lust fell back, her breasts undulating up and back as she landed. Her feet were still tucked behind and to the side of her hips, knees wide, and pussy exposed.

Bonny turned to look at her friends and the guards. The room was frozen, unmoving. Eloisss shook her head slightly. Zeal had turned her head to watch, but was still kneeling with ass in the air, as Bonny had left her.

“Zeal. Come.” Bonny pointed down at the floor beneath her.

The dragon girl cowered slightly at her name, then crawled over.

“Hands and knees, here.” Bonny turned Zeal sideways, between Lust’s knees then sat down, using the dragon girl as a seat. She placed a foot on Lust’s pussy and pushed the ball of her foot into the demoness’ clitoris, drew a small circle, then stopped. “Go ahead. Pleasure yourself.”

Lust grinned up and lifted her hips, then started moaning softly and grinding into Bonny’s foot.

Bonny ignored her and looked up at the council, meeting each of their eyes in turn, then focusing on Cassius.

“So, what were you trying to say?”

Cassius stared back at her, then stammered, “Umm, I, uh, you have, umm…” He paused and looked up at the four goddesses, down at the sobbing demoness, then at the bunny sitting on a dragon and the demoness thrusting into the bunny’s foot.

“Go ahead.” Bonny waved for him to continue.

“You, uh, have been accused of consorting with demons, and …” His voice faded away.

“And?” Bonny prompted.

“And, … being one.” Cassius’s voice cracked.

Bonny concentrated and shifted. Wings, horns, and tail sprouting and feet pulling back into cloven hooves as she took on her succubus form. “Like this?” Her voice was soft and velvety, promising pleasure and danger.

Cassius nodded, eyes wide.

Lust stopped grinding when Bonny’s foot shifted from rabbit pads to a goat hoof.

Bonny looked down and tapped the demoness with her hoof. When Lust didn’t move, Bonny shifted her hoof down and pushed into the demoness’ folds. She flexed it, separating the two toes and slid them up, bracketing Lust’s not-so-little jewel, then twitched it from side to side and pushed in slightly. “I didn’t say you could stop.”

Lust grinned and started thrusting up again. “Yes, mistress.”

Bonny turned back to Cassius. “What do you want to do about it?”

Cassius shook his head and looked to the rest of the council for help.

“Consider this,” Bonny said. “Matt and the cultists were trying to destabilize the city and kill most, if not all, of you. On the other hand, I have been working since my arrival to give warning and help people. I’ve spent hours each day healing the sick and injured, both at the temple and at the Busty Beaver. You can check at both locations if you don’t believe me.

“I accepted the power to change forms in order confront the dragon.” Bonny tapped Zeal on the head. “Then my friends and I ended the threat of invasion. Your city only stands because of me. Do you really want to punish me, or us, for that?”

She paused to watch Lust squirming beneath her. The demoness was caressing her nipples and moaning softly as she rocked against Bonny’s hoof.

“If I may,” A quite voice interjected and Bonny looked up to see Eris, the gray tabby, leaning forward, watching intently. “What if we grant you some land? Near the forest on the north road? You have friends that live there, right?”

She seemed well informed.

“Why?” Bonny was confused. “I thought I was on trial here. After dragging me and my friends in here, you want to offer a reward?”

“I think,” Eris answered. “That you aren’t a threat. To us. Yet. I mean, yes, the demons are concerning, but four gods? What other tricks do you have, Bonny? I would rather buy your loyalty.”

Eris seemed unimpressed by the goddesses, unlike the rest of the council, who were silent and had pulled back from the desk.

“Thank you. But I don’t plan to stay. We may have defeated Wrath, but there are five other demons with champions out there.”

“What if we built you a house? A place to stay after the war? Somewhere your family, your … children, could settle down?”

She was good. Very well informed. Bonny wondered how she knew Miu and Kanae were pregnant. Bonny didn’t think it was a threat, merely an acknowledgment. Eris was clearly informing Bonny that she had done her research.

“That … might be nice.”

“Can you promise to protect the city, both from threats in the forest and other demons?”

Bonny nodded. “I think so. Yes”

The forest really shouldn’t have many monsters left in it, though the remnants of the army were still a problem.

Eris pulled Cassius over and whispered something to him. Bonny cocked an ear, but couldn’t pick up anything. There must be a skill or magic involved.

Bonny focused on Lust again. The demoness was starting to moan louder. She touched the bond between them and was surprised to find the demoness wasn’t as turned on as she appeared. She was acting. Faking. Why?

She opened her aura sense to the rest of the room. More than half the guards, both men and women, were focused on the demoness. Some were squirming in place, excited, but trying not to break ranks more than they already had.

Bonny stood and summoned the large dildo, pulling it from the air. It was close to a foot long and thicker than both of her fists put together. In her mind she labeled it ‘giant red’. She held it out, over Lust. “Do you want this?”

Lust nodded and licked her lips. She was half again bigger than Bonny, so even if the dildo was large, Bonny didn’t think there would be a problem. Besides, not much could hurt the demoness and this was sort of, technically, part of her. Part of them both.

Bonny crouched and rubbed the head across the demoness’ folds, before pushing it in. Lust was slick and wet, more than ready.

A thrill ran through Bonny as she pushed it in and she wondered if this was a mistake. She was still sensitive from the earlier orgasm and pleasure radiated through her as the demoness clenched around it.

Bonny stifled a moan and focused on the rest of the room. Eris and Cassius had stopped talking and were watching. Everyone was watching. The smell of arousal permeated the room.

She reached over to grab one of Zeal’s horns and repositioned the dragon girl slightly, then sat again. She put one hoof back on Lust’s clit and the other on the base of the dildo. One hand held onto Zeal’s horn and the other grabbed onto the dragon girl’s ass, for stability. Her prehensile tail whipped around and the bulbous tip pressed into Zeal’s mouth, pushing between the girl’s lips.

“You’re doing great, Zeal. Suck on this, but don’t bite it.”

If Lust wanted Bonny to put on a show, she would. She started to work her hooves, circles with one, pushing the dildo in and out with the other. It was like trying to pat her head and rub her stomach at the same time, but sexier. Messier.

Desire in the room spiked and Lust responded, pushing into Bonny’s hooves, moaning, writhing.

Zeal did as asked, taking the full head into her mouth and caressing it with her serpentine tongue.

The double sensation of Lust’s soft, tight, wet pussy and Zeal’s hot, wet mouth were too much for Bonny’s overstimulated nerves. She spasmed and cried out, remote cock and tail twitching and ejaculating, filling both girls.

Lust bucked into Bonny’s hooves, moaning louder, her pussy spasming around the dildo, milking it.

Zeal sucked the tail further into her mouth, tongue splitting around it just behind the head. Sucking, swallowing, her throat hot, so hot. Wisps of flame flickered out and Bonny felt heat radiating up through her ass.

The moment stretched and Bonny touched the room again, her aura transmitting pleasure and desire. She stroked the web of bonds, both friendly and antagonistic, then tugged. She pulled from the guards, taking life and giving ecstasy. She sipped from her friends, giving the same amount of pleasure along with a touch of love, need, and tenderness, in exchange for their delight, concern, and wisps of power.

Bonny was surprised at the taste of divinity from the goddesses around her. She hadn’t meant to take from them and assumed they offered it willingly. The flavor of Courage was particularly savory and her soul welcomed it, the bond between her and the goddess resonating, the feedback complex and exquisite.

She touched the cable between Lust and her and fed a trickle of power and pleasure up, feeding the demon what she wanted most. She held back the divinity, not sure what would happen, but certain that giving the demoness divine power would end badly one way or another.

Many of the guards collapsed, shivering and trembling in bliss, danger and fear forgotten, lost in their own worlds.

Bonny spared the council. She wanted them thinking clearly. They watched, still silent, some scared and some excited, all intimidated.

When she opened her eyes a few minutes later, it was to a room gone quiet except for a few sporadic moans.

Zeal trembled underneath her, still licking and sucking at her tail. Bonny withdrew it and stood, pulling Zeal to her feet and giving her a kiss. “Thank you.”

Bonny unsummoned the giant red dildo without removing it, leaving Lust gaping open for a moment. She stepped up, on top of Lust, the first step landing on Lust’s mons and pushing in as Bonny transferred her whole weight to that hoof. She stepped forward with small steps, abdomen, then solar plexus.

Lust’s breasts were huge. Proportionally, they were similar to Bonny’s, but were soft and had flattened out to the sides. Bonny carefully set one hoof over one demonic nipple, then repeated it with the other. She stood there, looking down.

Lust grinned back up. She hadn’t climaxed herself. It had all been a show. A very effective one, but Bonny wasn’t fooled.

“Do you feel rewarded?” Both of them knew Bonny was asking about the power, not the sex.

Lust nodded. “Yes. Thank you, Bonny.”

Bonny lifted one hoof and touched it to Lust’s lips. The demoness’ eyes crinkled in amusement as she kissed Bonny’s foot.

Bonny set her foot to the side of Lust's head, then stepped down with the other, she kept her eyes locked on the demoness as she squatted down, brushing her lower lips across the demoness' lips. It was an entirely different kind of kiss from the one they shared earlier. This time, Lust did the teasing and tasting, her tongue sliding gracefully over and in, lapping at the juices still seeping out.

When Bonny stood, she pointed at the bound demoness off to the side. “You may go. Please take her with you.”

Lust rolled to her feet and grabbed the braided rope confining Wrath. She nodded to Bonny and goddesses, then two demons vanished.

Bonny walked slowly back to Courage and Recovery, pulling Zeal along by a horn. The dragon girl scrambled along on hands and knees and Bonny felt satisfaction radiating from her.

Bonny’s legs trembled, both from the aftereffects of her orgasm and the tension from the confrontation. She thought it best to sit for the rest of the conversation with the council.

She hugged Courage, then Recovery, arms tight around their waists and her head barely high enough to reaching their chests. “Thank you. You may go.”

The four goddesses vanished and Bonny turned back to the council.

She motioned for her companions to join her, then sat down on Zeal's back. She cast “Invigorate!” on herself as she crossed her legs and settled down. The spell wasn’t lasting as long as expected, but the day had been exceptionally long and she wasn’t done yet.

Bonny addressed Eris and Cassius, ignoring the rest. “So, you wanted to reward us with land and a house in exchange for us defending the city and protecting it from future conflict? Let’s talk details. Freja, what can you tell us about the area between the forest and Colette’s house?”

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