Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

24. ♥ Chaos and Comfort (R-18)

They didn’t make it through the meal.

Miu brought a pretty calico, named Callie, up to meet them. Callie was more than just Miu’s friend, she was Miu’s chosen partner, when in heat. None of the boys measured up, apparently.

They exchanged greetings and talked about what had happened in the last few days. Miu had already informed Fluffy about the goblin threat, but Callie wasn’t important enough to be there. She was apparently a herds-person who helped care for the domesticated animals they kept as food. Feeding more than thirty cats wasn’t easy, so they supplemented by hunting and a small amount of grains and vegetables.

Some drool dripped onto the table and Bonny looked up to see Callie blushing. “Sorry, nya. Don’t know … can’t.” Callie was looking between Miu and Bonny, while rubbing herself under the table, rocking slightly with the motion.

Bonny looked around the room, to see confusion and disorder spreading through the cat kin. Some were ignoring their food to touch or kiss their neighbors. A few were already starting to undress. She noticed a couple of same sex cats starting to pair up and hoped they were already out.

Same sex relationships didn’t seem to be the problem here that they were back in the US, at least not that she had seen. Maybe it was different in bigger cities? Human cities? She hadn’t seen any humans, but Grandmother Oak had mentioned them.

She looked over to see that even Fluffy was affected, his attention on a lioness next to him. They were both touching each other through their clothes.

Bonny’s new Lust aura was obviously stronger than expected, not something other people could suppress or ignore. She would have to avoid crowds. Maybe avoid everyone if she couldn’t get it under control. There were several cats not paired with anyone that were eying her closely.

It seemed like a good time to leave. She wasn’t afraid, perhaps due to her Courage aura, but she was wise enough to see that staying here could go very wrong. It already was, even if it hadn’t affected her directly yet.

“Miu? Callie? Is there a way out? A back door maybe?”

“Yes, nya. Come.” Miu had also noticed the atmosphere and immediately stood to lead the way though a door behind them, in the kitchens. Bonny, Eliosss, and Callie followed.

There were a few cooks startled to see them, two were already paired up and copulating while a third touched himself while watching. They stared as the four of them ran through, not stopping their amorous activities for the intruders.

Once outside, Callie took over and led them back down the slope and past the pool where they had bathed earlier. A little further back was another gate into the palisade, this section holding several pens with animals inside. There were a couple of cat kin guarding the gate, but Callie waved them off as she hurried to a small building at the back.

“We should be safe here, nya.” Even as Callie waved them in and reassured them, she was touching herself.

Bonny sighed. “Will they blame me?”

Both Miu and Callie shook their heads. Callie was obviously distracted.

“Miu, can you take care of Callie?” She turned to Eloisss, “Can you just hold me? I don’t wan … I mean, all the death is too much. Just hold me tonight, ok?”

Miu and Callie vanished into the back of the building.

Eloisss picked up Bonny and coiled up her body behind them to lean against. Bonny held on tightly and cried as Eloisss rocked her back and forth. They both fell asleep, exhausted after the day’s events.

Some time later, Bonny stirred and whispered, “Eloisss, the gods are watching me. And the demons. I don’t know what to do.”

The lamia woke with Bonny’s movement. “Jusst live. We thought the godss dead, no one has sspoken to them in many yearss. If they are watching, then you are obvioussly a hero desstined for great thingss.”

Bonny shook her head. “I don’t want to be a hero. I don’t want to fight things. I just want to make friends and live peacefully.”

“I doubt fate will allow it. I will sstay with you to ssupport you.”

“Thank you.” Bonny stretched up to kiss Eloisss and Eloisss responded, hungrily.

They broke apart after a minute, panting. “Oh, no. Are you … I mean, have you been horny all night? From my aura?”

Eloisss nodded, “It iss ok. I would not hurt you. Or take advantage when you are distressed.”

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t think.” Bonny sat up and reached around to unlatch and remove Eloisss’ armor, which had been cleaned when they were bathing earlier. “Let me take care of you now.”

They helped each other undress and went back to kissing, hands rubbing against exposed skin and fur.

Bonny nibbled at Eloisss’ ear, then worked her way down, small bites down the lamia’s neck and onto her shoulder. She slid lower and kissed Eloisss’ nipples, which were already tight and hard. She worked her way around the nipples, taking turns for each breast, small bites, with small kisses, before taking the whole areola into her mouth and sucking on it hard. First one, then the other.

Eloisss moaned at the attention.

Bonny moved on down, kissing across the lamia’s stomach, while running her hands up and down, caressing and teasing Eloisss’ breasts and nipples, then down to the edge of her skin, where the scales started.

Eloisss shivered as Bonny ran her nails along the edge of the serpentine body.

Bonny followed with her mouth, kissing and nibbling at the edge of the skin. Running her hands lower and pushing in, massaging muscles under the scales.

Eloisss tangled her hands in Bonny’s hair, kneading at the bunny’s scalp, then pushing her head lower. Not forcefully, but suggestively. “It iss clean. The upper cloaca iss ussed for ssex only. Wasste goes to lower."

Bonny laughed and slid lower. “That’s fine, but thank you.”

She explored Eloisss’ cloaca with her tongue, the area inside the vent muscled and moist. Lamia clearly had something in common with mammals. Bonny ran her tongue across the tight muscles, and licked up the moisture, tangy and earthy.

Eloisss moaned more and guided Bonny’s head with her hands, while rolling her hips and coils forward, pushing into the bunny’s mouth.

Bonny moved her hands in to help, massaging and pushing in rhythmically. Lamia didn’t seem to have a clitoris, but this area was definitely sensitive.

Eloisss grew increasingly frantic, moaning louder and louder as Bonny tended to her. She spasmed suddenly, pulling her coils around and wrapping around Bonny, squeezing in pulses timed with her moans.

Bonny wrapped her arms around Eloisss’ serpentine body and squeezed back, hugging her as the lamia shuddered and trembled. Eloisss collapsed and loosened her coils, almost falling as her muscles relaxed all at once.

When free, Bonny moved back up, touching and caressing in the reverse order. She climbed up the lamia’s body until she pillowed her head on Eloisss’ impressive breasts, and settled in, arms around Eloisss’ waist, hugging tightly.

Eloisss hugged Bonny back and they cuddled, falling asleep while holding on to each other.

The next morning, Miu and Callie woke them. The two cats were disheveled and had clearly not slept.

“Are you ok?” Bonny asked, concerned.

“No, nya. We should leave.”

“I think our bagss are sstill in the welcoming hall. Can you get them? It iss not wisse for Bonny go back and I would sstand out too much.”

Callie spoke up, “I can, nya. Nice to meet you, Bonny, but you are hard to be around.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry. It just happened yesterday. If I get this under control, I’ll come back and visit.” Bonny smiled back, then stepped in to hug the calico. “You are very pretty.”

“Aww, thank you, nya. Take good care of Miu for me.”

“I’ll try.” Bonny waved as Miu and Callie left to get their stuff. Then started to get dressed in the pants and shirt she had worn the night before.

Eloisss stopped her before she got the pants on. “The goddesss Courage sseemss to want you naked. Iss not that what her boon ssaid?”

Bonny eyed the lamia, who watched her with a neutral expression. “I think the reward was for running into battle unprotected. A battle I didn’t want to be in. A battle I only joined To. Help. You!” She punctuated the last few words with pokes into Eloisss' naked chest.

“Are you ssure? You sshouldn’t anger the godss.” The lamia’s mouth tightened, as if suppressing a grin.

“Are you really concerned about the gods or just trying to get me to stay naked?” Bonny smirked.

“You can ssit on me, if you sstay naked.” Eloisss flicked her tongue out and finally broke into a grin. “Do you want a ride?”

“Yes!” Bonny ran around and hopped on, finding it easier without the swords and shield strapped on. She snuggled up tight to the lamia’s back and reached around to cup her breasts.

“Thosse won’t make good handholdss.”

Bonny laughed and pinched Eloisss’ nipples in response. “Giddy up, mighty steed of mine.”

Miu came back down some time later, struggling with the gear, one backpack strapped on and dragging the other two behind her. She stopped, amazed, and watched as her two naked companions slithered rapidly around the pond.

Bonny was groping Eloisss and laughing wildly as she swayed back and forth in time with the lamia’s undulations.

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