Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

19. Anger and Request

Bonny thought about how unfair this whole situation was.

She had been happy, she liked her job, even if there were some creepy guys. She liked her school and friends. She even liked her classes and looked forward to finishing her nursing degree.

Then Matt went and fucked everything up. What the hell was he even thinking? Who did he think he was?

She had been kind to him, accepted him, despite his flaws. Then he got possessive and yelled at her about her work? She worked there before they started dating. He knew what she did, so who the fuck was he to tell her what to do?

She left him after that, of course. Then he went and did what all impotent men do: tried to get revenge on her for standing up for herself? Tried to make her submit? To him? To someone who couldn’t keep a job and relied on her earnings? Then yelled at her for earning a living in the first place?

Bonny realized she was growling and stood to start pacing around the table.

It was a good thing he killed her, or she would hunt him down and claw his fucking eyes out.

He killed her and left her in a creepy goblin ditch. GOBLINS! What the fuck, Matt? If he was here, she would cut his tiny fucking dick off and make him eat it.

Then the cat. The cat person that made her run through the woods until she fell into a river of piranha. Why were there piranha in California? Why did the stupid cat drag her into the woods?

Why …

“Bonny! Bonny! Calm down, nya.”

Bonny opened her eyes to glare at the offensive cat in front of her. Had she been talking out loud? The cat was touching her and telling her to calm down? She would show it who was calm!

“It’s your fault too, you stupid cat! Get out of my way. Why …”

Bonny noticed the tears.

This wasn’t right. Miu had helped her. Miu was nice and fluffy and … loved her.

Bonny rejected the spirit of Wrath and spit out the scale as it reformed in her mouth. The red tinge to the world receded as her anger and frustration faded.

“Oh, Miu. I’m so sorry.” Bonny reached out to pull Miu into a hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

Miu hugged her tight, shaking.

Bonny thought back to what Miu had asked the previous night: that Bonny just stay with her. “I’m sorry, I won’t leave you. I won’t send you away.” What had happened to Miu in the past, that made her so afraid of rejection?

Bonny realized her words of apology were similar to things Matt had said during the last few weeks of their relationship. Was he fighting the same thing? What if it wasn’t his fault after all?

No, that couldn’t be. There was no magic on Earth. She hadn’t been so lustful before she woke up here, so the Lust demons hadn't affected her before transmigrating.

Why had the one spirit angered her so much? She had a stronger spirit already, or a lot of them, or something. Those didn’t affect her as badly. She could function, even without sex every day.

“Miu, I think I need help.” She whispered as she sank to her knees, pulling Miu down with her, still holding onto each other.

This couldn’t work. She needed…

What did she need? Sex, apparently. A lot of sex. More than she had been getting, which was, kind of a lot. At least compared to her past life. She’d woken up 4 days ago, with the goblins. They’d escaped and spent two nights at the waterfall, then a night traveling, and one night here after rescuing Eloisss.

She glanced up, the fireflies and fairies were lighting up in the tree branches, signaling sunset. Well, almost two nights here.

So, almost five days and nights, and she had sex five or six times. A lot, but not too extreme for a young couple back on Earth.

Sex would keep Lust satisfied and grant it power. She needed to gain power at the same time, to avoid Lust taking over. Maybe there was another way to absorb Wrath spirits.

Bonny pulled Miu up and held on to her as they walked back to where Eloisss was finishing up. She had paced further away than she thought while under the spirit’s influence.

“Girls, I need your help.” Once she had their attention, Bonny talked about her conversations with Grandmother Oak. The demons, Lust inhabiting the dildo and binding with her, Wrath possibly being bound to Matt. How the scales were individual Wrath spirits bound to and empowering goblins. How Grandmother Oak wanted her to absorb and convert them to Lust.

“So, I tried to eat it like I did the water spirit, but it just made me really angry. I think there’s a better way.”

“You want more sex, nya?”

Bonny laughed. “Sort of, but not just for fun. I think I need a lot more sex, and probably more partners. I think,” she paused for a moment, trying to phrase her request correctly.

“I think that Lust is affecting both of you as well. Miu, I really like you, but we’ve only known each other for a few days. That’s a little quick to fall in love.”

Bonny looked at Eloisss, “And swearing an oath and initiating a blowjob on the first night seems extreme. Are you two sure you want to stay with me? Even if you’re being influenced?”

“Yes, nya!” Miu didn’t hesitate. “You saved me and you change things. Around you, everything rotates around you. I want to be part of it.”

“What sshe ssaid. I want to be part of your desstiny ass well.” Eloisss nodded in agreement.

Bonny let out her breath in a deep sigh. “Thank you. Lean over, group hug!” She pulled them in tight and held on.

“Sso what elsse do you need from uss?” Eloisss said after a minute.

“Lust will get stronger over time and maybe more dominating. I think I need more companions to dilute it’s influence on any one person. Miu and I both had soul wounds when we got here, so we’ll also need to check for soul depletion, I think.”

“There is a queen in my clan, nya.” Miu blushed. “We were partners for a while. She might join.”

Bonny grinned, “A former lover, huh? Are you sure you don’t mind sharing? You kitties are very cute.” Bonny reached over and scratched Miu’s head, behind and around her ears.

Miu purred. “We need to warn them too, nya. Been away too long.”

Eloisss spoke up, “I need to warn my clan as well. And stay for a mourning ceremony for the fallen.”

“That sounds like a plan. We can leave in the morning.” She ran over to grab the dildo and other two scales, then came back. “For tonight, I need you two to get me super excited and insert one of these scales in me. Then use the dildo. I think it would be best if Lust was as close as possible to Wrath when it was released.”

Miu giggled. “Bunnies always in heat, nya.”

Bunnies are always in heat. Especially this specific one.

The first part of this chapter was a little hard to write. It's meant to be a little confusing, since Bonny is confused.

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