Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

15. Quiet Morning and Peaceful Stroll

The next morning, Bonny found a feast laid out on a wooden table near the trunk of the tree. Nearby there were several limbs from different fruit trees grafted onto the trunk of The Oak, as well as a garden, full of fresh vegetables ready for picking.

Bonny walked over, hand in hand with Miu. They were both naked. Bonny still didn’t have any clothes other than the shirt Miu had lent her the first night. Miu’s armor, and the shirt, were still by the pool and needed to be cleaned.

Their fur mostly covered them, so it wasn’t too weird. Sure, their nipples and areola were bare, as were their vulvas and butts, but when standing and walking, those parts were mostly hidden anyway, especially with tails hiding the view from behind.

Besides, the only other beings here were an ancient dryad, who also wore no clothes, and lamia, who only wore a protective breastplate. They had seen what was under that last night. There were a few animals around as well, mostly prey animals, taking advantage of the sanctuary of The Oak.

In a strange way, body fur here was the opposite of Earth, where there was very sparse hair covering most of Earthling bodies, but thicker longer hair around their genitals. Some sort of divergent evolution, perhaps. Not really worth thinking about now.

Of course, Bonny still had a huge dick hanging down, almost to her knees, swinging slightly as she walked. That wasn’t covered or hidden by fur, it wasn’t really natural either. It definitely wasn’t worth comparing to life on Earth. She was still well sated from the previous night, and felt calm, content. Better than she had in days.

Except for the hunger. Once she saw the food, she realized she was starving. She wasn’t even sure when she had eaten more than a couple of roots or berries foraged during their travels. Most of that food had been provided by Miu.

As Bonny’s thoughts came around to the cat girl she was holding hands with, she glanced over, admiring her. Miu’s fur was glossy and beautiful. It covered her from the neck down, black with white socks and a white patch on one side. Her well shaped, D cup breasts swayed slightly as she walked. Miu’s long fur hid her shape, but Bonny knew how soft those breasts were and how her taut, muscular body narrowed around her waist, before swelling back out around her hips. Miu’s long black hair fell to mid back and swished slightly, as she walked, her tail flowing sinuously, arching up slightly, then curling under. Occasionally, Miu’s tail would swing over to Bonny and wrap around her leg possessively, then retreat, as if the tail itself was embarrassed by the contact.

Bonny smiled and squeezed Miu’s paw. Miu glanced over and returned the smile. They still needed to talk about last night and whatever their relationship was, but, maybe it could wait till after they ate something.

As expected, the food was delicious. Dryad magic used for growing things was amazing. Ok, all of their magic was probably amazing, it's magic, after all. But this is all she had to compare at the moment.

A few of the animals joined them. Bonny noticed a couple of foxes, one brown and the other a bright orange with black socks. There were plenty of squirrels running up and down the trunk, taking berries and nuts up somewhere. She also spotted some rabbits raiding the garden. Real rabbits. Without the people parts.

Bonny moved to sit by The Oak and held her hand out to a particularly cute bunny, offering a few small bits of carrot. It hesitated, little pink nose wiggling, before it hopped over and ate out of Bonny’s hand. She stroked its soft back and ears and smiled, enjoying the peaceful morning.

This was the first chance she had to completely relax and take in the world. The Oak offered protection and peace. Her spirit felt calm. Her belly was full, but not painfully so. Miu curled beside her and purred, laying her head in Bonny’s lap. Bonny stroked the cat girl’s hair and scratched around her ears, occasionally running her hand down Miu’s back, fingers buried in the soft, fluffy fur. If only she could stay like this, forever.

Hours passed, Bonny unwilling to wake the cat laying on her. Until the trunk beside her bulged out and Grandmother Oak emerged. She was tall, slender, and naked, as Bonny remembered. Her skin was rough, like oak bark, but without noticeable feminine attributes. She didn’t really look naked, she looked armored. Her black eyes twinkled, with an internal light, as Bonny looked her over.

“It is time, Rabbit Bonny. Walk with me.” Her voice was a gentle breeze, shifting through the leaves.

Bonny carefully slid out from under Miu’s head, lowering it to the ground gently. Miu curled into a tighter ball, but kept purring, as Bonny stood and stepped away.

She followed the dryad and watched as the long mossy hair dragged across the ground. It swept up debris and left a small bare, trail. They walked in comforting silence, making wide circles around The Oak, occasionally stopping as Grandmother Oak stopped to check on flowers or grasses, so sometimes walked in small strange patterns, looking up into the tree.

After a couple of circuits. Bonny realized she hadn’t seen Eloisss. The lamia would normally be hard to miss. She looked around, just seeing normal wildlife around The Oak. Butterflies and fairies flew in complex patterns among the limbs, squirrels still ran up and around the trunk, chittering away, the orange fox seemed to be following them, sniffing along the trail left by Grandma Oak’s hair.

“Your snake friend left to go hunting. She needs more sustenance than my garden provides.” Her voice was still reminiscent of the wind. Calming and peaceful. “I believe she will bring back meat for your cat friend as well.”

“Thank you, Grandma Oak. What did you need to talk to me about?”

The dryad turned to her and motioned toward Bonny’s dick. “Before we start, may I?”

“Uh, sure.”

Grandma Oak wrapped her hand around the bunny's flaccid shaft. Her hand was was cool and rough, like the bark it appeared to be. There was a slight squeeze and Bonny felt her dick growing numb around the grip. Then Grandma Oak tugged, hard.

Bonny gasped as she felt a pull against something deep inside. The something stretched, then snapped, and the dildo came free in the dryad’s hand. It looked normal, red silicone, shaped as Bonny remembered. No longer part of her, but she could still feel it. Not quite like an appendage, but she had a sense of where it was and of the hand holding it, but the feelings were faint, disconnected.

She rubbed at her groin. Everything felt normal, like it had her whole life. Her clitoris sent a thrill of pleasure through her as she brushed her fingers across it.

“How? What … did you do?”

Grandma Oak handed the dildo over. “This must be made from your world. Here. I have no use for it.”

Bonny accepted it and ran her hand down it, a strange double sensation, an echoing, followed her fingers.

Grandma Oak continued, “It is part of you, but not part of your body. You should be able to add or remove it at will. Check your status, please.”

Bonny obliged, “Status.” She notice a few changes immediately.

Name: Bonny
Race: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin
Age: 22
Health: Healthy
Soul: Healthy

Title: Demonic Master

Class: Lesser Medic/Demonic (alternatives available)
Skills: (1 available)
     Wound Transfer

General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Running, Walking, Outworlder Knowledge

Equipment: Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Epic/Demonic)

Power: Below avg
Control: Above avg
Stamina: Above avg
Magic: Low
M Contr: Below avg
Mana: Low

“Do you mind listing your class and skills? This is considered rude, but I suspect you will find my insight helpful.”

Bonny went through the list, then continued, “This weird title is new and it says I have a skill available.”

“Hold off on those for now. As suspected, there is a demonic influence around you. Have either of your companions explained what that means?”

“Miu said there were three types: arcane, demonic, and divine. That arcane uses internal or ambient mana, demonic uses sacrifices or bargains, and divine, uh, well, it’s gone or something.”

“That is not quite accurate, but good enough. There is also elemental magic, which involves invoking spirits aligned with elements. I use arcane and elemental. Before we discuss magic or your status, let us continue our walk while I tell you a story. Please hold your questions until I finish.”

The ancient dryad turned and continued her circuit of the tree. Bonny followed.

This is the first really quiet moment Bonny has had. I thought I would also take the time to describe Miu and the environment in more detail.

Thanks for reading,

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