Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

13. Sanctuary and Vow

When Bonny woke, she was lying in a makeshift bed a short distance away from the battle site. The sun sat low in the west, meaning she had been out for a while. Mana loss was a bitch! She really needed to find a way to deal with that better.

Miu came running over. She had obviously been concerned and had kept watch while Bonny slept.

Bonny waved and smiled, “Hey, Miu. Sorry, I didn’t realize it would be so hard.”

“Is fine, nya. We clean up and collect weapons and supplies. Leave soon.” Miu moved in and hugged Bonny. “Glad you safe, nya.”

Bonny looked around to see the lamia slithering their way. Five heavy bags were stacked nearby and the remains of a pyre burned in the distance, almost down to embers. Goblin bodies were still strewn around haphazardly, so they clearly didn’t do anything with them. The pyre must be for the fallen lamia.

Eloisss' narrow forked tongue flickered out as she arrived. She bowed, then spoke formally. “I thank you for ssaving me. For that, I owe you a boon, anything within my power iss yourss.”

Of course she exaggerated her sibilants. What else should Bonny expect from a snake girl? Wait, was that racist? Or species-ist? Or, … why did her brain do this to her?

“Uhh, thanks? I don’t think I need anything right now. Except for help getting back maybe.” She leaned on Miu to stand up and took an experimental step. It was fine. She was fine. Just a two hour walk back uphill to see the dryad. No problems.

“We sshould leave. Sscavengerss will be here ssoon.” As Eloisss spoke, she turned to pick up one of the bulging packs. It only had one strap, which she pulled around her waist, like a belt. The bag sat under a round shield and two oddly curved scabbards that crossed her back, each holding a short falcata. Her chest was covered with a fitted breastplate, but it looked slightly small, probably taken from one of her companions.

Bonny and Miu both grabbed a bag and pulled the strap over a shoulder. It was heavy, but they could manage if they didn’t have to hurry. Eloisss grabbed the other two, one in each hand and nodded for them to lead.

It was slow going and they stayed silent for the trip, both Bonny and Miu panting at the extra weight. It was after nightfall when they arrived back at the oak. The ancient dryad stood just under the boughs waiting for them. As they approached, both Miu and Eloisss bowed to her.

Bonny tried to follow suit and fell on her face, exhausted from mana drain and the strenuous hike.

“Thank you, young ones. Because of the need for haste, we did not formally introduce ourselves earlier. I am Dryad Oakleigh. My name means shelter of the oak. You three are welcome here as long as you do not mean harm while under my tree. I recognize Lamia Eloisss and Cat Miu, and you are?”

“Uh, thank you,” Bonny croaked, still lying on the ground. She cleared her throat and continued in a rush. “I’m Bonny, a bunny girl. Or person. I suppose there are bunny boys, even though I haven’t seen them. Oh, I just got here from another world or something. Miu said you could answer some questions?”

“I will speak with you tomorrow, after you have rested. First, did you find a cause for the goblin raids?”

Miu stepped forward and handed over three scales. “Some goblins carried these nya. Badge, maybe. Strong goblins?” She looked at Eloisss as she said the last.

The lamia nodded and continued the explanation. “Yess, the strongesst goblinss carried thosse. We did not collect them all. They may be tainted.”

Oakleigh took the tokens and motioned for them to follow her. “Leave the supplies and follow me. I owe you cleansing.”

Bonny struggled up and trailed them, leaving the bag next to the one Miu dropped. She noticed Eloisss still carried the three she had carried, and wondered just how strong the lamia was.

Near the base of the tree, they found a pool of water. Steam rose in the chilly air and the sweet scent of nectar suffused the air around it.

“A hot spring? Here? How? Why?” Bonny asked, confused.

“I asked the elements and their spirits responded. They, too, are worried about goblins.” The dryad examined the scales as the three girls stripped and climbed into the pool.

Eloisss pulled her breastplate off, revealing double D breasts. They were rounded at the bottom, with her nipples pointing up. She slithered in and pulled her tail into coils around her. She sank into the hot water, her breasts floating near the top. There was still room for the other two, though it would be tight.

Bonny felt her dick respond as she watched the well built lamia, but tried not to think too much as she unwrapped her loincloth and slid into the water as well.

The water was soothing, but more than that, it soothed something inside that Bonny didn’t realize was injured. She sighed and relaxed, fears forgotten. She felt completely safe for the first time since she arrived.

At least until the dryad spoke. “I sense a resonance between these scales and you, Bonny.”

“What?!” Bonny sat up, awake. “How, why? What do you mean?”

The dryad pointed at Bonny’s half-erect dick, bobbing near the top of the water. “You have been touched by the same demonic energy as these scales. It is likely the goblin king will try to find you soon.”

“Uhh, that doesn’t sound good. Can I get rid of it?”

“No, it has marked your soul. He is likely marked as well, binding you together.”

Eloisss spoke up, “Bonny? If you are to fight the goblin king, insstead of a boon from me, I would assk one of you.”

“Uh, sure. Yeah. I won’t promise anything, but you can ask.”

Eloisss rose up higher and bowed to Bonny again. “I would be your ssword and sshield againsst the one who sslew my team. Pleasse accept my sservice while you oppose him.”

“Oh, yes. That sounds fine. What do I need to do?”

Eloisss smiled and tasted the air with her tongue, then spoke, “I bind mysself willingly, body and ssoul, to the one who ssaved me and will avenge my companions, forssaking all other vowss. I sswear to defend and sserve you to the besst of my abilitiess, so that no harm will befall you, without firsst going through me.”

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