Bofuri in Another World ( I’m the final boss)

Chapter Fifty Five

'HE' sat on the crystallized throne, surrounded on all sides by jagged crystals glowing a red efflorescent sheen.

His hand went to the bone necklace on his chest, and he allowed himself to reminisce. 'Good old days' he had called it. 

As usual, a stinging pain blossomed within his chest and he forced himself to cease his train of thought.

At his side, his guards barely flinched when they noticed his dismay. He smiled, they had gotten strong. 'Just a little more.' he allowed his mind to hope. 'It will all be perfect.'

His chamber was not unnecessarily large like the human settlements he had been to that one time. In contrast to the humans opulently extravagant decor, his chamber was a fierce red on all sides, with the small purple streams flowing through the carvings in the halls.

At the edge of his 'awesome' chamber, the large doors opened. They were massive, even for a cyclops, they were large enough for eight mature cyclops to stand on each other's shoulders just to match the heights.

Again, he was impressed by the might his kin were displaying, to be able to push those doors, the guards, he had definitely chosen well.

He focused on the young one that had hurried into his chambers. He was already aware of the issue, but he allowed the young cyclops to speak regardless.

The young cyclops, barely eight meters, kneeled before him. "My Sovereign!!" He declared, and 'HE' allowed a smile to breach his face, humans were not the only ones with a strict social hierarchy of course, he had learned. 'They' had learned.

"RISE!" He spoke, and his voice thundered throughout his chambers, even without his meaning to. Proof of his inevitable ascension.

The young cyclops rose up to his feet, his head still held low. "I bring news Sovereign. We have intruders in our home. They've already breached the second floor."

Of course, 'HE' was already aware of this, the humans called it a raiding party, or at least the humans who called themselves adventurers. Glorified murderers.

"Hmmmm." He growled, a low growl, yet it reverberated throughout the chamber like thunder. "So Goliath has fallen. No matter, he will be reborn once they are dealt with."

The young cyclops was quick to interrupt him, although he looked to grow a few shades paler in fear as he did. "My Sovereign, unfortunately the Intruders are cowards."

'HE' raised a brow at this. The young cyclops took that as his cue to continue. "They never made to the trial gates of the first floor, instead, they somehow snuck their way into the second. They are not worthy."

'He' allowed his thoughts to settle. Of course he knew the cyclops was wrong. Goliath was without a doubt dead. Killed in a single blow. He had felt the faint vibrations all the way down here a few minutes ago.

'HE' rested his chin on his right fist. "Where are the Intruders now?" 

The young cyclops snarled as he answered. "The weaklings are currently hiding in one of Todesfüßler's cave. They won't be able to survive contact with one of her children. They might not even make it to her trial."

"SEE TO IT, young one," 'HE' commanded, voice echoing through the crystalline chamber. "Although they may face Todesfüßler's full wrath. I want them watched while they scurry around our home. Should they make it past her... Summon Grorubas."

The young cyclops nodded vigorously, eagerness flashing in his single eye. "As you wish, My Sovereign!"

'HE' waved his hand dismissively. "GO. Do not disturb me with trivialities. I have... matters to attend to."

With a hasty bow, the young cyclops departed, leaving 'HE' to contemplative silence. His gaze drifted toward the jagged crystals, their red glow pulsating like lifeblood. Memories stirred, and the stinging pain in his chest resurfaced.

"Foolish humans," he muttered, " Once again they trespass, taking what does not belong to them without a second thought, thinking they can breach our sanctum."

A low growl rumbled within his chest. Goliath's demise still rankled. An idiot he might have been, but that colossal cyclops had been a prized warrior.

"Reborn, yes... but what of those who slew him?" 'HE' pondered.

His thoughts turned to the intruders, scurrying in Todesfüßler's cave. A cruel smile spread across his face.

"Todesfüßler's children will feast. Sort the chaff from the worthy, and what remains... hopefully, shall be enough."

Suddenly, the chamber's massive doors creaked open once more. A towering guard entered, his single eye fixed on 'HE'.

"Sovereign, the crystal stirs," the guard announced.

'HE' sat upright, intrigue sparking within.

"Interesting timing. Summon the elder shamans. We shall begin the ritual and with it, my ascension."

The guard bowed and exited.

'HE' rose from his throne, crystalline structure gleaming around him.

"Godhood..." He whispered, once again caressing the bone necklace. "Soon."


The ground rumbled and the walls trembled as the grey haired scout ran towards the group. "Turn back!!" He yelled. "Run!!" 

Chrome's gaze locked onto the horror chasing the grey-haired scout. It was, for lack of a better term, a gargantuan centipede, its segmented body as long as a train, burst into the chamber. Thousands of razor-sharp legs pounded the ground, creating a deafening roar.

"By the gods..." Bekhan whispered, his eyes wide.

The centipede's body glistened with venomous secretions, its very presence seeming to poison the air. Small, squirming larvae dropped from its underside, dispersing across the ground like living projectiles.

Kitti readied her fists. "That's disgusting!"

Jean took a stance. "We'll just cut it!"

The scout, still panting, crashed in front of the group.

Chrome unsheathed his cleaver. "Take its head. We'll end this quick."

The centipede lunged, jaws wide, revealing rows of dripping, poisonous fangs.


Kitti and Chrome struck simultaneously. Fists and cleaver crushed segments of the centipede's body, but it barely slowed.

"Regenerates..." Chrome warned. "Cut its head!"

Jean leapt forward, sword flashing. _SHHHZZZT!_

The centipede's head toppled, but the body continued its relentless assault, as the head literally picked itself up and crawled back to it.

"Keep moving!" Chrome yelled.

Larvae swarmed, attempting to burrow into the group's skin. The adventurers smashed them with swift efficiency.

Kitti stomped on escaping larvae. "Die, die, die!"

A line of mages stood as they began drawing magic, with Bekhan at the forefront. He spoke words of power. "I beckon thee, from beyond the veil. Grant me authority to hinder my foe. [YuKkuRiLeNtO]"

The massive legged monster, visibly slowed down, as if weighed by a higher power. The adventurers didn't miss their chance with this.

Bekhan's incantation held the centipede in an state, its usually fluid movements now labored. The adventurers seized the opportunity.

"Press the attack!" Chrome bellowed.

Kitti's fists pounded the centipede's segments, crushing chitinous plates. Jean's sword sliced through the air, striking true. Larvae burst beneath his boots.

"Die, foul spawn!" Kitti spat.

Bekhan sustained the magical hindrance, his voice steady.

"[YuKkuRiLeNtO] endure my will."

The centipede's regeneration slowed, its body beginning to weaken. Shade's claymore bit deep into its core.

"Finish it!" he roared.

A burst of magical energy, as Bekhan released his spell, propelled the group's assault. The centipede's body convulsed, its legs thrashing wildly.

"Down!" Chrome yelled.

The group dodged the centipede's death throes. Segments crashed, sending shards flying. The chamber shook.

In the sudden silence, the adventurers stood victorious, panting.

Bekhan nodded. "Well-timed strike."

Jean wiped his sword clean. "That was... Satisfying."

Kitti spat. "Disgusting!!"

Shade turned to the grey haired scout, Jean behind him. "It was my belief, there were six of you."

A hand appeared on Shade's shoulder as Jean walked past him, and faced the scout. "What happened Taro, where are the rest of your group?"

Taro's face contorted in anguish. "They're dead boss. Fuck, the first floor alone was... then we couldn't get out, Maery, Gon, Yeet and Hugh. The cyclops got'em." Tears pooled around his eyes as he spoke. The cavern was silent now, as everyone listened. His voice broke as he continued. "I... We didn't sign up for this. This was supposed to be a new dungeon. You said it was strong but still young. This... I... Fuck boss... fuck."

Jean had a somber look on his face before he asked. "And, Rae?"

Taro's face somehow got darker, the light in his eyes dimming even further as he squeezed his fists, his fingers digging into his skin.

Jean noticed this and lowered his head. Silently, Taro turned and headed deeper into the cave. Without a word spoken, the leaders followed him, while the adventures starting setting up camp.

Taro led the group through winding paths, scarred stone walls testament to countless scurrying. 

"When the others fell to the cyclops, we did everything to escape." Taro explained. "We eventually fell into a chasm and ended up on the second floor."

An opening up ahead came into view, and they slowly but surely, heard it.

The sounds of clicking, scuttling, scurrying, skittering, crawling, shuffling, rustling and thudding.

Chrome drew his cleaver. "Seriously?."

Kitti shivers. "That sounds disgusting."

Jean checked his sword. "Stay sharp. We don't know what's inside."

Bekhan readied his magic. "I'm pretty sure we do."

Shade lead the group, revealing a dimly lit chamber. The air reeked of damp earth and decay.

"Urgh." Kitti gagged and immediately turned around. "So much bugs."

"Well shit, this is..." Shade scratched his chin.

"I hate being right." Bekhan frowned.

Before them unfolded a ghastly spectacle: a hive of gargantuan centipedes, these ones not quite as large as the one that had attacked them, their segmented bodies entwined in a maddening dance.

Thousands of razor-sharp legs scuttled, clicked and skittered, creating a deafening cacophony. Mandibles snapped wildly, spraying viscous fluids. The centipedes' very presence seemed to poison the air.

The group's gaze fell upon the hive's center, where remains lay strewn. Body parts, some recognizable, others mangled beyond identification, were scattered across the chamber floor. The centipedes feasted, their jaws working with savage efficiency.

A cyclops severed arm, still clad in tattered armor, lay beside a mangled torso. A few Kraelion skulls, now a grotesque receptacle, overflowed with writhing larvae. A thin sword, once proud, now pierced a centipede's segment, a futile testament to a final stand.

Jean was quiet as his gaze was glued to a certain sight.

Rae's body, intact but lifeless, hung from the hive's roof, suspended by sticky, glistening strands. The centipedes' offspring, tiny and malevolent, crawled upon her pale skin.

Shade sighed. "We'll have to leave the cave."

Jean jerked up, a strange look on his face. Taro's face contorted in rage. "Boss, we have to get her down, she doesn't deserve this."

Bekhan had a look of sympathy on his face. "Unfortunately, Shade is right. We are severely outnumbered here twenty to one at the very least. The other adventurers are still tired stressed and nursing their injuries."

Taro had a look of betrayal on his face as Shade interjected. "This cavern is too dangerous as these creatures are a single path away from us. It's only a matter of time. We take a short rest and try to find the second floor boss in one go. We can't afford anything else."

Taro's face twisted, anguish and betrayal warring within. "You're leaving her?" His voice cracked.

Jean's lifeless gaze remained fixed on Rae's lifeless form, suspended like a macabre ornament. "We can't... do anything for her, Taro. Not now."

Kitti's fists clenched. "Those... things... will pay."

Chrome's cleaver gleamed, hunger for vengeance etched on his face.

Bekhan's eyes, filled with a deep sorrow, turned toward Shade. "I will need to speak with your mages for a warding spell, keep our presence unknown to these... abominations."

One of Taro's eye blazed. "You're abandoning her."

Shade's jaw set. "We'll return, Taro. With strength to honor our fallen." 'If we survive long enough.'

The group retreated, leaving the hive's horrors, their footsteps echoing through winding tunnels. Camp was set, weary bodies seeking respite.

As night descended, the cavern's darkness seemed to press in. Whispers of the centipedes' relentless hunger seeped into their dreams.

Dawn broke, bringing resolve. The adventurers mustered, steeling themselves.

"Today, we find the second floor's master," Shade declared.

The adventurers fell in a lose routine as they gathered their luggages.

Kitti strapped on her gauntlets when she noticed that the grey haired scout was standing next to handso- impressive shielder. A resolute look in his eyes.

As the adventurers got ready, she sneaked away, headed deeper into the cavern. "I don't hear them."

She moved until she reached the opening, the silence defeaning.

She froze. "Don't tell me... How!?"

Huh. That's four chapters a week. I think I can work with that.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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