Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

93. Exploding Pill

She was poised, her blue eyes taking a distinct, determined look with her brows furrowed. She seemed...more focused.

"Esteemed judges," she began, her voice clear and just loud enough to hear from where I was standing. "Today, I present to you an exploding pill. This pill, when infused with qi, can be set to explode and cause significant damage, even to peak Qi Initiation stage cultivators."

She held up a small, seemingly unremarkable pill, letting the light catch its surface. I squinted, trying to discern any details that might hint at its true nature.

"The process begins with refining pyrite into sulfur," she continued. "I then used this sulfur in an array to ensure the pill is stable and safe to handle. The core of the pill's explosive power comes from a thunderstone, which generates a powerful electrical explosion."

My breath caught. An explosive pill? Using a thunderstone?

I searched my memory for any mention of the ingredient. Found on mountain peaks where thunderstorms frequent...they contain and absorb the energy from lightning strikes, usually detonating once broken.

Creating a pill like that was suicidal! I considered a similar idea but ultimately dismissed due to the inherent dangers. The risk of creating such a volatile concoction was immense. Every alchemical concoction carried the risk of failure, but using that?! One wrong move and the consequences could be catastrophic. Perhaps she was sweating not because of how difficult it was to create the array, but the consequences of her failure.

Jingyu Lian held the pill delicately between her fingers, her expression calm and composed. "To demonstrate its effectiveness," she said simply, "I will infuse it with my qi and show its controlled detonation."

The judges leaned forward, their interest piqued. Even Elder Mingmei, who was usually so composed, seemed impressed. Elder Wei Lian, however, maintained a neutral expression, his gaze steady and unreadable.

She placed the pill on a small platform and began to infuse it with her qi. I watched, holding my breath. A faint glow emanated from the pill, and she stepped back, counting down from five. When she reached one, the pill detonated in a burst of crackling light and energy, the explosion contained within the platform but powerful enough to send a gust of wind throughout the arena. Dust flew, and the air was filled with the smell of ozone, pungent and distinct. Where the ground was, all I could see was a slight indentation, scorched earth, and scattered rocks.

Significant damage? Feng Wu was at the fourth stage of the Qi Initiation stage, and I'm pretty sure he'd be crippled if he took that head on!

Gasps echoed around me, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and admiration. The sheer skill and control required to create and handle such a dangerous concoction at our level...

"Judges," Jingyu Lian continued, "I used an array to allow the user to control the detonation time. By infusing their qi, they can set the pill to explode between one to five seconds, allowing for greater strategic use in combat."

Elder Mingmei nodded, her eyes reflecting a rare hint of admiration. "Your workmanship is impressive. Utilizing arrays in this manner is usually reserved for more advanced alchemists. You have demonstrated a high level of skill and understanding."

Wei Lian's expression remained unreadable, and I expected him to sing her praises, given their familial connection. Instead, his voice cut through the arena with an edge of criticism. "Jingyu Lian, while it is impressive to use such complex techniques at your age, the quality of your array is shoddy. The consequences of making it poorly cannot be ignored."

I blinked, baffled by his treatment of her. He continued to drone on, picking apart the pill with what seemed to be valid points but overall felt nitpicky and almost spiteful. "The array's stability is questionable. The containment of the sulfur and thunderstone components is rudimentary. Have you considered the risks of handling such volatile ingredients with such an elementary array?"

The other judges exchanged uncomfortable glances but didn't contest his points. Elder Mingmei eventually spoke up, her voice firm. "Elder Wei Lian, your critique is too harsh and overly meticulous. Jingyu Lian's work here is commendable, especially for someone of her experience."

Jingyu Lian's face was a mask of conflict, her emotions tightly controlled. But her fist was balled up into a fist, trembling slightly.

Elder Wei Lian's expression hardened further. "The most critical flaw, however, is that if a higher-tier cultivator were to send out their qi outwardly, the array could destabilize and explode preemptively." He demonstrated by tossing another pill into the air and releasing a pulse of qi. A subtle blue hue radiated from the man.

Wasn't that qi projection? Something limited to those in the Essence Awakening stage!

As his energy passed through the pill, it began to glow, filling the air with the scent of ozone once again. It exploded midair, sending a shockwave through the arena. I could see Jingyu Lian's struggle to keep her composure. Her eyes were tightly shut, and her shoulders sagged in front of the judges.

Elder Wei Lian's voice was stern and cold. "Presenting something so dangerous is irresponsible. You must think about the potential dangers that come with creating such a concoction."

Jingyu Lian bowed her head slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, judges. I will take this into consideration."

She walked back to her station, her posture rigid, and the atmosphere in the arena grew tense. Whispers spread among the crowd, the air thick with discomfort and unease. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Elder Wei Lian's relentless critique of his own relative's work seemed almost cruel. Jingyu Lian's pill was relatively brilliant compared to the other competitors, yet he had torn it apart with merciless precision.

Ma Hualong coughed into his palm, announcing the end of the round.

"Competitors, please return to the lounge and await the results. The judges will discuss among themselves, ranking based on personal preferences, and tally the points together at the end."

We all filed back into the lounge, where the tables were once again laden with food and drink. I scanned the room for my friends, catching sight of Bai Hua and Tao Ren. Before I could join them, I noticed Duan Jian approaching Jingyu Lian. Her expression was subdued, and shadows cast around her face.

"That was really unjust, the way Elder Wei Lian criticized you," Duan Jian said, attempting to sound sympathetic. "As the young master of the Jian clan, there's no-"

Jingyu Lian shot him a frosty glare. "I'm not in the mood to talk. Be quiet," she warned, her voice cold and firm. "Or else I'll make you."

Duan Jian stepped back, clearly taken aback by her curt response, and slunk away. I turned my attention back to my friends, who were gathering near one of the tables.

Bai Hua grinned as I approached. "Quite the show out there, huh?"

Tao Ren joined us, his usual exuberance on full display. "Did you see that knife? Pure genius. A shame the judges didn't see it that way. But I think they'll use this time to realize its brilliance!"

Bai Hua and I exchanged amused glances. "Genius, sure," Bai Hua said, trying to keep a straight face. "But it's still a knife in an alchemy contest."

We both laughed, and despite being the butt end of the joke, Tao Ren couldn't help but chuckle.

Zhi Ruo joined our little group, a quiet smile on his face. "The atmosphere among you is quite easy, considering how the other competitors seem nervous."

I nodded, realizing just how odd it was. Despite being seen as lesser due to our backgrounds, we were the most confident in the room. Perhaps it was that freedom, the lack of expectations in comparison to them, but I was confident in the results. My eyes drifted to Duan Jian, who was brooding in a corner, clearly upset by the judges' lack of approval for his pill.

"This round might end with all of us, except maybe Tao Ren, qualifying for the next round," I mused, earning a playful punch from the blacksmith.

Ow. That really hurt.

"Hey! Don't count me out just yet," he retorted, grinning. "The story of Tao Ren's Jade Foundry doesn't end here! BELIEVE IT!"

Everyone's product was ingenious. Even though I joked with Tao Ren, being able to create a blade from the pyrite chunk we were given was nothing short of incredible. Bai Hua's two-stage incense showcased the potential of a neglected art in alchemy. And Zhi Ruo's...

Turning to the librarian, I asked, "How did you create your purification pill? Do you have an eidetic memory or something? It's hard to take into consideration every single reaction, property, and alignment of the ingredients. And don't say that you're just well-learnt. Even those judges were stumped by the sheer detail."

Zhi Ruo's expression grew thoughtful. "I have a skill called the Memory Palace technique," he explained. "It allows me to store and recall vast amounts of information with perfect clarity. It's...something I learned recently, after the Heavenly Interface came into play."

I blinked in surprise. "You have the Memory Palace technique too? I thought I was the only one."

His eyes widened, clearly baffled. "Too? You have the Memory Palace as well?"

I nodded. "Yes, I learned it quite early on after completing a quest. It was to refine my mind, you see."

The older man shook his head in amazement. "That’s incredible. I thought my Memory Palace technique was impressive, but... Is that why you have that skill? The one where you extract the ingredient's essences that Ma Hualong mentioned?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I do. It’s been a complete game-changer in the way I approached alchemy. I credit that to my expertise in herbalism."

Our conversation sparked a realization. I turned to the other two, curious about their experiences. "Bai Hua, Tao Ren, have you experienced anything similar with the Heavenly Interface?"

Bai Hua nodded enthusiastically. "Most of my techniques come from the Heavenly Interface. All my aromatherapy techniques... it came with a quest, much like you said."

"And you sense of smell?"

He waved his hand. "No, no, I had that since I was born. A talent of mine."

"And you? Surely you received something as well,"

Tao Ren grinned, eager to chip in. "Absolutely. The Heavenly Interface gave me several quests to increase my proficiency in smithing, which eventually gave me a technique to control flames just like my old man. He couldn't believe I learned it at my age. That’s how I managed to create the blade with the pill furnace."

As he spoke, a realization dawned on me. All of us—Bai Hua, Zhi Ruo, Tao Ren, and myself—were here thanks to the Heavenly Interface granting us unique skills. I glanced around the room at Duan Jian and the other competitors. None of them seemed to have received such skills; their concoctions adhered strictly to the standard alchemy principles taught just like those in the Verdant Lotus sect.

Why didn’t the Interface grant them any special skills or abilities? Thinking back to the day it appeared, I remembered the message.




These cryptic words turned out to be true, illuminating hidden paths for those who dared to tread them. I understood why many people in sects didn't receive as many esoteric abilities; it was likely due to their already set path in cultivation.

Someone like Duan Jian wouldn't be interested in cultivating knowledge in aromatherapy or learning how to control flames in the same way we did. The Interface always responded to one's desires, and it was no wonder they didn't have as impressive a showing. This might also explain how Jingyu Lian was capable of utilizing arrays despite it being near impossible at our current cultivation stage.

The Heavenly Interface was more than just a tool; it was a gateway to lost techniques and abilities, ones that many sects and cultivators hoarded, hiding their secrets from the rest of the world. It granted us skills and knowledge that we might never have discovered on our own.

"Do any of you know anything about the Interface Mani-"

A loud gong resonated through the lounge, signaling that it was time to return to the arena. We filed back in, the atmosphere thick with anticipation and anxiety. I kept my thoughts to myself, deciding to explore them at a later date. Ma Hualong stood at the center once again, ready to announce the results.

Ma Hualong’s voice echoed through the arena, signaling the announcement of the results.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have reached a decision,” He began. “The top ten contestants who will move on to the next round are…”

I held my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. This was the moment that would determine our future in the competition.

Ma Hualong started listing the names, beginning with those who placed lower in the top ten. My anxiety spiked with each name that wasn’t mine, but I reminded myself to stay confident. The fact that I hadn't heard my name yet meant I likely placed higher.

“And in fourth place, with his ingenious dual-stage incense, Bai Hua of Summer Sun Cosmetics.”

Bai Hua stepped forward, his smile confident. The crowd’s applause was warm, but as he walked to thank the judges, there was a clear understanding that while his dual-stage incense was clever, it lacked the practicality and effectiveness of similar products.

“In third place, with his thoughtful Purification Pill, Zhi Ruo of the Million Book Pavilion.”

Zhi Ruo’s face lit up with a quiet pride as he stepped forward. The judges recognized the complexity and thoughtfulness of his creation, even if the execution left room for improvement.

“In second place, showing incredible creativity and a high degree of theoretical knowledge, but hampered by the design flaw and volatility of her Exploding Pill, Jingyu Lian of the Whispering Wind sect.”

She stepped forward, her expression composed but her clenched jaw and stiff movements betrayed her frustration. Her blue eyes flicked briefly towards Elder Wei Lian before she bowed to the judges and took her place among the qualifiers.

“And finally, in first place, with the best overall product due to its effectiveness, versatility, and clever usage of Sunfire Blade Grass and pyrite essence, Kai Liu of the Verdant Lotus sect!"

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