Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

44. Blissful Rest

"Oh, Feng Wu? He passed by an hour ago, said he was going to the mission chamber. Let me show you,"

It seems Feng Wu was a person of significance in the sect, considering how the disciple I approached knew immediately where to look. That led me to wonder just how many second-class disciples there were. It seemed like aside from training and getting stronger, disciples were handling many tasks and errands for the sect.

The disciple directed me to the mission chamber, east of the alchemy pavilion and a short walk away. I gave him my thanks and headed off. It seemed as though the sect was used to having guests come in and out, judging by how lax it was. I was expecting suspicious stares and interrogations for wandering on my lonesome, but everybody minded their business. With the night encroaching, I hastened my strides to get there faster.

The structure stood imposing, bordered with simple wooden pillars. The evening sun cast elongated shadows, gently revealing the quiet exterior. Not as vast as the training grounds, but it was larger than Lan-Yin's family tea house back home. Stepping inside, I noticed rows of secluded booths, shielded with wooden partitions for disciples to pen down their mission details privately. There were less than a dozen people in the main hall.

Ah, this was awkward. Doesn't seem like a place for me to go. I flinched as I heard a voice come from my flank.

"Sir, I'm afraid guests are not permitted beyond this point," a voice to my left informed me, breaking my inward stream of thoughts. I turned my head to face a disciple who seemed barely older than myself, with an earnest and slightly stern expression adorning his face.

"I apologize," I began, bowing slightly in a gesture of respect. I felt a little foolish, walking into an area where I clearly did not belong, carried away by my eagerness to reunite with Feng Wu. "I was looking for Feng Wu. Is he here?" I asked.

The disciple's features softened a bit as he recognized the name. "Senior Brother Feng Wu, you say? He is actually with the elder right now, finishing up his report. It shouldn't be much longer." The disciple glanced back towards the private chambers before turning his gaze back to me, his eyes holding a hint of understanding.

"I see..." I muttered. At least I was in the right place. "Would it be possible to ask him to meet me outside once he's done?"

The disciple nodded, offering a small smile in return, his demeanor transforming from stern to somewhat friendly. "Certainly, I'll let him know. Please wait outside; he should be with you shortly."

I sat outside of the building, taking the time to decompress and calm myself. Today was an exhausting, but fulfilling venture. My mind was brimming with new ideas. The pill furnace was a complex item, so the more I learned about it's intricacies, the better my products would be. But it looks like they cost a fortune. The sect had several laying around, perhaps I could negotiate to buy one? I've heard from Feng Wu already about how much they cost, so I'd need to save up from the results of my contract with the Azure Silk Trading Company.

So aside from learning alchemy, I'd need to make my potions for my contract, keep up with my conditioning, and cultivate?

"Tianyi, it's gonna be busy over the next few months," I said with a sigh. "But it's not so bad. In fact, I look forward to it. This place is beautiful. What about you?"

The butterfly let out a feeling of contentment. The environment here was probably doing wonders for her. She was exuding qi constantly back at home, creating pockets of a qi-rich environment in areas she frequented. But here? Her wings had returned to its full glory, maybe even surpassing it. I wonder if it's because she can focus fully on drawing the energy from around us without worry.

It'd be a crime to waste my time here. If my name were to match my reality, I'd have to work harder than anybody else.

"Kai, sorry to keep you waiting."

I spun around to face Feng Wu, an apologetic smile on his face. He looked a little tired, but kept himself upright.

"No problem, were you at the mission chamber penning down the details of the escort mission assigned to you?" I queried, my voice tinged with curiosity. The entire concept of missions and the dynamics of sects were new to me, making every piece of information a treasure to hoard.

Feng Wu nodded, his countenance displaying an open book of experiences and learnings. "Yes, it's also where I handed over the materials I gained from the Wind Serpent we took down in Qingmu to the elder in charge of the mission chamber."

I blinked, absorbing the information. It seemed like a lot of things were handled meticulously here, a trait I found respectable. A creeping thought entered my mind, causing an uneasy churn in my stomach. "So, do I also need to hand over the materials I received from the serpent?" My voice held an undertone of uncertainty, questioning the dynamics of my stand in this transaction.

He did say it was mine, but I'd be pretty sad parting with the egg tucked away in my pouch.

Feng Wu, seeing the quick glance I made to the Wind Serpent egg, gently placed a finger on his lips, his eyes twinkling with mischief and assurance combined. "It's handled," was all he said, but in that simple phrase lay a depth of trust and understanding.

A chuckle escaped me, resonating with the trust woven in his words. My heart felt lighter, the worries momentarily dissipating, and I found myself grinning in response. "I guess I owe you one, Feng Wu,"

Feng Wu shook his head, his smile remaining. "You owe me nothing, Kai. Now, let me show you to the guest quarters."

As we walked, the intricacies of the sect became even more apparent. Feng Wu led me through paths adorned with cobblestones, where the whispers of the leaves and the soft murmur of distant waterfalls seemed to sing a gentle lullaby to the coming night. The architectural symmetry of the buildings that we passed was nothing short of an art form, a perfect marriage of elegance and function. I couldn't help but remark, "This place is incredible. It feels straight out of a fairytale."

Feng Wu nodded, a sense of pride in his eyes. "Indeed, every structure here is designed to integrate seamlessly with the natural surroundings. It's a place where one can cultivate both the mind and the spirit."

As the sky wore a cloak of stars, Feng Wu continued, "I've received word that your ingredients from Tranquil Breeze Farm have arrived. And if you're interested, I can give you an in-depth tour of the sect early in the morning tomorrow."

I paused, a ripple of excitement coursing through me. This was a golden opportunity, not just to familiarize myself with the sect but to forge deeper connections here. I could probably find a place to train as well! I'd absorb as much I can while I was here. "I'd like that," I said, my enthusiasm unmistakable.

Feng Wu nodded. "We can start at dawn, if that suits you?"

I nodded eagerly, my curiosity about this place mounting with every passing second. "Absolutely, I'm looking forward to it. By the way, when do the classes for alchemy start?"

Understanding flickered in Feng Wu’s eyes, he said, “The alchemy pavilion elder will be overseeing that. You can meet him tomorrow morning to discuss your schedule and other particulars.”

I took note of this, a new chapter in my journey about to unfold. “Sounds good, I appreciate the guidance, Feng Wu.”

It was hard to think we met by chance, trying to showcase my talents to the Azure Silk Trading Company just a couple months ago. It was hard to tell where life takes you.

After a few moments, we reached the guest quarters. The building had a humble façade, yet carried a silent dignity that was echoed in the simple but refined interior. Feng Wu opened the door to a room adorned with delicate silk curtains and a bed that promised serene dreams. A gentle lantern cast warm light, creating a soothing ambiance.

"Rest well, we have an early start tomorrow."

After his departure, I dropped my pouch and revealed the egg, which had been secured comfortably. I inspected it for any cracks and deficiencies, but found it unscathed. I kept it by the lantern, giving it a source of warmth and light while I eased myself onto the bed. For the first time in a while, I could just sit back and truly rest.

This bed was so comfy...

But sleep evaded me, as if teasing my exhausted limbs and urging my mind to wade deeper into a tumultuous sea of creativity and innovation. There was a relentless buzz in my head, the unfettered cogs of imagination tirelessly turning, concocting complex formulas and untested alchemic theories. Even as I nestled deeper into the softness of the bed, trying to drown out the noise, the calling was too strong, the pull of potential discoveries too enticing.

As the ideas kept flooding in, a part of me yearned for the blissful ignorance of sleep, for a momentary respite from the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Yet, a deeper, insatiable part couldn't bear to let these fleeting glimpses of innovation pass unrecorded. Is this what it feels like to be on the cusp of something truly revolutionary? I wondered, feeling like a lone explorer on the brink of a new frontier. Each revelation felt like a beacon in the dark, guiding me further into the mysterious realms of alchemy, a journey of both external discovery and inner transformation.

Ha, being a genius unrivalled throughout the heavens has some drawbacks I suppose.

In the stillness of the night, I found myself sitting up, my eyes staring at the dancing flame of the lantern, but my mind was light years away. I contemplated on new combinations of herbs, innovative brewing techniques, and the fantastical creations that awaited in the yet uncharted territory of alchemy. The veil of fatigue seemed to lift, replaced by a fervent desire to explore and understand, to forge new paths where no one had ventured before.

I slipped out of bed, the cool breeze from the open window caressing my face, grounding me yet also encouraging the flames of curiosity to burn brighter. A notebook lay on the small table by the window, beckoning me to pen down the whirlpool of thoughts that threatened to consume me. As I began to write, my hand moved with a life of its own, dancing across the paper in an unrestrained ballet of knowledge and inspiration.

But I knew I couldn't just rely on notes; I needed a place where these ideas could solidify and take form, an inner sanctum where the chaos of creativity could find order and purpose. My mind drifted into the memory palace, a labyrinthine repository where each idea could find a home, a place to grow and evolve.

As the night advanced, I found myself entering this mental space, walking down the sprawling forest that represented my mindscape. Amongst them was a budding sapling; the one that represented my knowledge of alchemy.

I approached it, watching as it reached towards the stars, each leaf a concept, a fragment of understanding. The time had come to nurture this sapling into a tree, to foster its growth with the fertile soil of information and knowledge.

The intricacies of herbalism sprawled out before me in a vibrant tapestry of interweaving concepts. Each herb held a story, a potential to heal or harm, to nourish or weaken. It was up to me to unlock those secrets, to coax forth the true potential lurking within each leaf and root.

I paused, closing my eyes to let the pulsing energies of the natural elements infuse my understanding. My fingertips tingled with the sensation of vibrant leaves and tender petals, the earthy scent of roots filling my senses. Here, in the quiet cradle of my mind, I sifted through each fragment of knowledge I had acquired, connecting the dots, forming a more cohesive picture.

I delved deeper, losing myself in the intricate dance of phytocompounds and their effects on the human body. Antioxidants that could heal and rejuvenate, alkaloids that might wield both danger and medicinal properties, saponins that could cleanse and purify. The labyrinthine pathways of herbal interactions unfolded before me, a grand, yet delicate ballet of nature's wonders.

Each new revelation was like a gentle rain, nurturing the growing tree within my mind, encouraging it to reach higher, to expand its branches and deepen its roots. I could feel it maturing, strengthening, becoming a repository of wisdom and insight.

The hours dwindled away as I wandered deeper into my own consciousness, immersing myself in an ocean of potential, where every droplet held a universe of possibilities. I sensed that I was standing at the threshold of something great, my pulse quickened, beating in harmony with the rhythmic song of the universe.

But amidst this profound journey, a gentle chime echoed, pulling me back to the surface, back to the tangible reality of the room I inhabited. It was the Heavenly Interface.

Spiritual Herbalism has reached level 2.

With that, I meditated peacefully through the night, enjoying the presence of Tianyi and the Wind Serpent Egg. I hummed quietly during my contemplations; the lullaby my mother sang about the Moonlit Grace Lily.

'Sleep, my dear, and worry not, For Moonlit Grace will soothe your thought. Wrapped in lily's tender hold, You'll awaken strong and bold.'

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