Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

26. Meet My Friend

It took me some time to find Feng Wu. He was resting by the shore, cultivating quietly to the sound of waves. As if detecting my presence, he opened his eyes and from a glance he already knew my answer to the Verdant Lotus sect's offer.

Our dialogue was quick and short, although I did want to introduce him to Elder Ming and the others. He was a cultivator! And a second-class disciple at that. For most of the younger generation in the village, it was the first time they'd seen someone of his caliber!

First, I visited Wang Jun and Master Qiang at the forge with the disciple in tow. But on my way there, a gaggle of children stopped us right in front of Mrs. Wang's home. I immediately had an idea.

"Peasants, remove yourselves from the path of this young master and his entourage!" I declared, shooing them out of the way. Contrary to my words, the children didn't shy away and instead drew closer with rising interest on their faces.

Xiao Bao, the youngest and rowdiest of the bunch, wiped the snot from his face and pointed at Feng Wu. "Who's this guy?!"

"He is the honored guest of our village, the second-class disciple of the Verdant Lotus Sect, Feng Wu," I replied, trying to keep a straight face.

Feng Wu, catching onto the act, played along. With an imperious air, he swept a bow in their direction. His sharp and impeccable appearance gave him an air of mystique and grandeur. "At your service, young masters and ladies," he said, his voice filled with feigned pomp and circumstance.

Xiao Bao's eyes widened in admiration, while Mei-Li, a shy girl usually found hiding behind the others., blushed fiercely. "He's... handsome," she whispered to her sister, but loud enough for all to hear.

Feng Wu, in response, looked slightly taken aback but recovered quickly with a gentle smile. "Thank you, young lady. That's quite a compliment."

The children erupted into giggles, pushing Mei-Li forward. She stumbled, her face now a bright red. "I... I want to be a cultivator too," she stammered, looking up at Feng Wu with sparkling eyes.

Feng Wu bent down to her level, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Then work hard, young lady. Cultivation is a path of dedication and discipline, but it can also be very rewarding. Perhaps, one day, I will see you at the Verdant Lotus Sect."

The promise elicited excited squeals from the children, their eyes all filled with dreams of grandeur. Even Xiao Bao seemed taken by the idea, his usual rowdy nature replaced by a determined glint in his eyes.

"Well, then, children," I said, trying to regain control of the situation. "The esteemed disciple Feng Wu and I have important business to attend to. But before we go, do you all promise to work hard and follow your dreams, just like Mei-Li?"

The children nodded enthusiastically, the joy and excitement in their faces reflecting the impact of this unusual encounter. As we continued on our way, I turned to Feng Wu, laughing. "Thank you, you've just become the hero of our village's younger generation."

Feng Wu chuckled, his eyes shining with uncharacteristic warmth. "As long as it inspires them to reach for their dreams," he responded, looking back at the children who were still buzzing with excitement.

Wang Jun and Master Qiang were hard at work in the forge, as always. They were likely growing tired of my constant visits, but they seemed quite suprised by the company I had brought with me. The large, older blacksmith still had the height advantage, but Feng Wu's posture didn't make him seem small at all in comparison to the largest men in the village.

"Master Qiang! This is Feng Wu, an esteemed disciple of the Verdant Lotus sect! He'll be the one I go with for the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet!"

He looked at him with an inspecting eye, before finally speaking. "You need some armor?"

Feng Wu glanced at Master Qiang, his eyes assessing the strong and rough hands of the blacksmith. "I might, indeed," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Though I am more interested in acquiring good quality weapons and utility wares. The Verdant Lotus sect always has need of fine craftsmanship."

Master Qiang's eyes gleamed with interest. "Aye, I reckon we can strike a deal. Quality wares for a fair price."

While the two continued their conversation, I pulled Wang Jun aside. He was watching Feng Wu with eyes full of admiration. "He looks every bit the part of an esteemed cultivator, doesn't he?" I asked.

"He's impressive, that's for sure," Wang Jun replied, still unable to take his eyes off Feng Wu. "You're going to be learning from him?"

"Maybe," I replied with a laugh. "Who knows? Maybe during our journey we'll trade pointers!"

The two of us shared a moment of silence before Wang Jun suddenly threw his arms around me. "You're gonna do great, Kai!" he said, his voice muffled against my shoulder. His hug was warm, and I was certain some of the soot had rubbed off on my dark-red robes. Thank goodness they didn't show stains so easily. "Just promise me one thing, okay? When you're a famous cultivator, don't forget about your old friend Wang Jun."

"I'd never," I responded, returning his hug. "And we're celebrating tonight, right? Drinks at the usual spot?"

Wang Jun's laughter echoed in the blacksmith shop. "You know it! First round's on me."

As we separated, I noticed Feng Wu watching us, a thoughtful expression on his face. Whether it was because of our obvious camaraderie, or because of the potential contract with Master Qiang, I wasn't sure.

As we left the forge, Feng Wu turned to me, his gaze steady. "How much time do you require to arrange your affairs?"

His question was reasonable, but it hung heavily in the air between us. I hadn't truly considered what leaving would mean, what I would need to do before I could go. There was much to think about.

First, there was Lan-Yin and Elder Ming. They'd need to know about the garden shop, how to care for the various plants, and how to utilize the right ingredients for the right sicknesses. The garden was not just a hobby of mine; it was a lifeline for many villagers who depended on the remedies it produced.

Next, I'd have to ensure my obligations to the Azure Silk Trading Company were fulfilled. My ongoing potion contract with them was a significant commitment that I couldn't simply abandon. I'd have to accelerate my production, working long hours to ensure I left them in a good position.

And beyond all that, there were personal matters. Saying goodbye to friends, preparing myself mentally for the journey, and ensuring I left nothing unresolved.

I looked at Feng Wu, who had remained silent as I pondered his question. I met his gaze with a resolute nod. "I believe I can have everything in order within a week," I replied.

Feng Wu nodded in understanding, a look of approval in his eyes. "A week it is," he confirmed. "I will wait for you, Kai. Make sure to leave nothing behind that could hold you back."

His words, though simple, carried a depth that resonated with me. This was not just about leaving my home to compete in the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet. It was about taking the next step on my journey, about growth, about embracing the future without reservations. And for that, I was willing to give it everything I had.

Walking towards the heart of the village, Feng Wu and I moved in comfortable silence. Ahead, perched on a small hill, was the modest abode of Elder Ming, the Village Head and my mentor. Despite his unassuming house, Elder Ming was one of the most respected members of our community, a retired cultivator who had left the Jianghu due to a grave injury he suffered years ago.

"Feng Wu, I'd like you to meet Elder Ming," I introduced as we approached the house. "He's my master, and cared for me since I was a child."

As we entered, Elder Ming was seated at his usual spot by the window, gazing out at the distant fields with a meditative look. His old yet sharp eyes turned to us, scanning Feng Wu with almost palpable intensity.

"Ah, so this is the disciple of the Verdant Lotus Sect. Welcome, young man." His voice was calm, betraying none of the curiosity I knew was simmering beneath his exterior.

"Thank you, Elder Ming," Feng Wu bowed slightly, showing the due respect. He was always composed, but I noticed a hint of wariness in his stance. Elder Ming was not someone to be taken lightly. Even though from a logical standpoint, I knew that Elder Ming was old and injured while Feng Wu was a cultivator in the prime of his life, it felt like he was...cautious?

"Kai tells me you'll be taking him to the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet," Elder Ming started, his eyes never leaving Feng Wu.

"Yes, Elder Ming. He has much potential. He would benefit greatly from the competition and training with our sect." Feng Wu responded, the respect in his voice unwavering.

Elder Ming's gaze hardened subtly, "And what do you stand to gain from this? It's rare to see a disciple of the Verdant Lotus Sect in this part of the world, much less one so invested in our Kai."

I watched Feng Wu carefully as he responded, "Kai's talent is rare and unique. It's in the best interest of the alchemical world that he receives the right training and exposure."

Elder Ming nodded slowly, his penetrating gaze never leaving Feng Wu. "Indeed, Kai is a precious gem. But as a Village Head and his mentor, it's my duty to ensure that he is not exploited."

Feng Wu didn't flinch at the thinly veiled warning. "I understand, Elder Ming. My intentions are honorable. We at the Verdant Lotus Sect believe in nurturing talent, not exploiting it. I assure you, Kai will be treated with the respect and care he deserves."

As they conversed, I found myself lost in their exchange. I wasn't oblivious to the gravity of their conversation, but the layers of meaning that seemed so obvious to them felt out of my grasp.

Elder Ming finally broke his gaze, turning to me with a soft smile. "I trust your judgment, Kai. Always have. Remember, this is your journey. Be sure to make the most out of it."

His words, simple yet profound, served as a reminder of why I was embarking on this journey. It was more than a competition or an opportunity to learn from the best. It was my chance to explore the vast world of alchemy beyond the confines of our village, to see how far I could go with my talent. Hearing him give me his blessings made me relax, and ease the tension from my shoulders.

With renewed determination, I responded and bowed, my hands clasped together in front of me. "I understand, Elder Ming. I promise to make you proud."

As we left Elder Ming's house, a strange silence settled between Feng Wu and me. Despite the discomfort, there was a newfound respect in Feng Wu's gaze. It seemed like the silent conversation between him and Elder Ming had resolved in my favor. But it was clear that the real test was yet to come.

I took him to the Soaring Swallow Tea House, where Lan-Yin worked to serve the few seated. She noticed me immediately, raising a brow at Feng Wu beside me. But she seemed to have an inkling of who he was. I had spent last evening talking to her about my meeting and subsequent offer.

"Lan-Yin, meet Feng Wu, the disciple of the Verdant Lotus Sect I was telling you about," I introduced him, keeping my voice low to not draw too much attention from the other customers.

A blush spread across Lan-Yin's face as she glanced up at Feng Wu, the handsome stranger who stood a head taller than most of the men in our village. "Nice to meet you," she said shyly, "What can I get you?"

Feng Wu gave a polite smile and ordered a cup of jasmine tea. We found an empty corner in the teahouse and sat down on the low cushions, the soft chatter of villagers providing a comfortable background noise.

"Kai," Feng Wu broke the silence, his gaze serious, "I need to know how committed you are to this. Training and cultivation will not be easy, and it'll take time."

"I'm ready," I responded, meeting his gaze squarely. "But I have a concern. What if my cultivation rank becomes too high? Would that make me ineligible for the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet?"

A faint smile appeared on Feng Wu's face. "At your current level, it would take about three or four years of rigorous cultivation to reach the second rank of the Qi Initiation Stage. For the competition, you have nothing to worry about."

His words brought relief, but I couldn't resist the curiosity. "What about you, Feng Wu? What's your cultivation level?"

"I'm at the fourth stage of the Qi Initiation Stage," he replied without hesitation.

My eyes widened. It was already at the realm of superhuman. I've heard of fourth-stage cultivators that could split boulders in half. The protagonist of 'The Storm Sage Chronicles' was a similar rank, and he could conjure up such powerful gusts of wind using a fan that it could cause gouges in the ground. It truly was a testament to the caliber of disciples at the Verdant Lotus Sect.

"But the Sect Leader...he's at a different level," Feng Wu continued, "He's at the third stage of the Essence Awakening Stage. It took him forty-five years of consistent cultivation to reach that stage."

The Essence Awakening Stage. I've seen illustrations before. Elders who could form pure qi to make barriers and manipulate objects. Elder Ming once told me that the Whispering Wind Sect elders use it in the festival in Crescent Bay City to fly in the air and commit acrobatics in the sky!

It made me wonder just how powerful those of higher cultivation ranks were. The Wind Sage was hailed as a legend who equaled the power of a sect just by himself. Surely he was at the Spirit Ascension Stage? Or even higher? At this point in time, even reaching the Essence Awakening Stage would require significant effort.

I asked Feng Wu, but he shrugged. Nobody he knew had seen the Wind Sage before.

"I doubt those of the Whispering Wind sect have seen him either. And they share the same elemental alignment! He's a recluse, probably in closed cultivation for the past few decades." He muttered.

I frowned. Closed cultivation seemed really, really lame. I mean, who'd want to shut themselves off in a secluded area for an undisclosed amount of time, only to get the slightest bit stronger? Wouldn't it make sense to just go out, train, and polish your skills against the world? Meditation was a foundational part of cultivation, but I couldn't see myself doing that sort of thing to get stronger.

But before I could ask him more about the intricacies of cultivation, a notification from the Heavenly Interface arrived.

Your skill has reached the qualifications to evolve to the next stage, Nature's Attunement.

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