Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

17. New Features

I gulped, swallowing down my nervousness as I faced off against the largest challenge in the nineteen years I've lived. Tianyi was absent, and I missed her calming presence greatly.

Feng Wu smirked from the corner of the room, and I glared at him before refocusing on the two people before me.

Mei Liling and Liang Chen, the two people who accompanied Xiao Yun and Feng Wu during their visit to the village, stood before me. The cultivator provided me with some background information about them during our conversation, highlighting their expertise and roles in the Azure Silk Trading Company. It was an enlightening discussion that covered a wide span of topics, which left us with little time to actually do what we wanted to. I only got a few hours to prepare for the presentation, and Feng Wu barely got the opportunity to cultivate.

I felt like I was on the verge of collapsing. Having already consumed another Invigorating Dawn Tonic to keep me awake, I found it increasingly difficult to ignore the warning signals my body was sending me. My eyelids felt heavy, and my muscles ached, desperate for rest and recovery.

Mei Liling was an older woman who took a more advisory and consultative role after working for the Azure Silk Trading Company for more than thirteen years. Feng Wu mentioned her expertise in alchemy. Liang Chen, the vice-leader of finance within the same merchant company, was known for being a shrewd but fair man. THeir reputations as reliable businessmen and businesswomen preceded them, which made me thankful. I did not have the mental capacity to engage in verbal sparring.

If they offered me a deal above five silver a potion, it would be a glorious victory. Then I'd sleep until tomorrow.

The burden of steering the conversation fell squarely on my shoulders. In hindsight, perhaps I should have sought more guidance about how to proceed after delivering my presentation, instead of focusing solely on preparing for it.

Despite my inner turmoils, the older woman greeted me with a small smile. She looked over at the products I brought, each of which I provided a timely explantion for. It was a rehash of the presentation I made yesterday. My voice seemed a bit monotone, so I took a deep breath and did my best to put some energy into my explanations. Mei Liling was quite knowledgeable, and asked me pointed questions about the specifics of the potion. I enjoyed the conversation, and watched as Liang Chen observed beside her, exchanging occasional glances and writing down something on his notepad.

First, the Invigorating Dawn Tonic, a potent brew that infused the body with a burst of energy, making the consumer feel as if they were reborn with the rising sun. Next, a soothing ointment that alleviated pain, fortified by the refreshing essence of mint and wormwood, renowned for its restorative properties. Then there was the calming elixir, a concoction using the tranquilizing properties of lavender and chamomile, known to enhance sleep quality and reduce night tremors. The elderberry potion, a proven remedy for the common cold, had been tested on Xiao Bao during my presentation, showcasing its efficacy. Last but certainly not least, a vial of goji berry essence that honed one's focus to razor-sharp levels. Five vials of each, elegantly packaged and meticulously labeled, nestled within a box carved from the finest oak.

I was planning on experimenting with certain combinations, like the goji berry and the Invigorating Dawn Tonic to create an even more powerful elixir that could awaken the dead, but it would have to wait for later.

I glanced at Mei Liling and Liang Chen, gauging their reactions to my explanations. Mei Liling's eyes seemed to shimmer with interest and curiosity, while Liang Chen maintained a more stoic demeanor. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as I spoke about my creations, showcasing the fruits of my labor and dedication. They were my pride and joy. Although I'd consider them prototypes as of now, they were perfectly serviceable products as is. I'd refine the recipe for them as I produced more.

Mei Liling seemed satisfied by my answers and deferred to Liang Chen, and he turned to face me.

"We've looked over the products you have and would like to offer you a price of five silver per potion."

That was exactly what I wanted. But I didn't show it in my face. I kept my face impassive. The desire to fall asleep likely helped produce an even better blank face than I would've been able to do if I was well-rested.

It was common knowledge that whenever merchants provided a price, it was a gauge to determine whether the person was a sucker or not. Although the degree to which they ripped someone off depended on the merchant's code of morality (which was usually ambiguous).

When I first began running my shop independently and bought from the traveling merchants, they thought I was an easy mark. I mean, I was a child. It was easy to underestimate me.

But not anymore. Kai Liu was a savvy negotiator, talented herbalist, and future cultivator!

"The price seems a bit lacking compared to the quality of the products I'm offering. I believe that the essences used differentiate it from most of the products in the market, no?"

I watched their faces closely, searching for any flicker of reaction. I knew I had a strong point, but it was all about how well I could sell it. My products weren't simply concoctions of herbs and elements; they were the culmination of painstaking research, expertise, and an innovative approach to alchemy. The essences I used set my potions apart from the rest, elevating them to a higher level of quality and potency. As I spoke, I tried to convey my passion for my craft, hoping that the sincerity in my words would resonate with them and demonstrate the true value of what I had to offer.

It was a string of back-and-forth negotiations. I held my ground, but in my head, I knew I already won. I was simply seeing if I could aim for any higher. It came down to the rarity of my skill, which was the ability to extract plant essences that made my products much more special. They were moderately better than anything you could get in the area, but it was about the potential I held. What if I extracted qi-based plants like the Moonlit Grace Lily? Or the ones in my garden growing in a Qi Haven?

They were 'what-ifs', but it was pretty clear to me that Mei Liling was here to determine my qualifications, and for her knowledge of alchemy to identify any weaknesses or areas for improvement in my products, and use these as bargaining chips to negotiate a lower price. But something like extracted essence was unheard of! At least in our province. They likely had alchemists with similar abilities on every corner of the Jade Mist Valley.

In the end, we came to a satisfactory conclusion.

"Six silver for the four potions, and seven silver per Invigorating Dawn Potion." Liang Chen muttered, putting the final touches to the contract he drafted up. He handed it to me for a final revision and I gave it a thorough look.

A message from the Interface appeared before my eyes.

A contract has been created.

Partnership Agreement

This Partnership Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Kai, a skilled alchemist residing in Gentle Wind Village, and the Azure Silk Trading Company, a reputable merchant organization, represented by its executives Liang Chen and Mei Liling.


The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a partnership between Kai and the Azure Silk Trading Company for the marketing, distribution, and sale of Kai's alchemical potions, with the intent to expand their reach and increase profitability for both parties.

Products Involved in Transaction

The following products, crafted by Kai, are subject to this Agreement:

a. Soothing Frost Balm: An ointment that relieves pain, strengthened by the cooling essence of mint and wormwood.

b. Dreamweaver Elixir: A calming concoction using lavender and chamomile, capable of enhancing sleep quality and reducing night tremors.

c. Elderberry Ephemera: A potion made from elderberries, proven to cure the common cold.

d. Goji Clarity Essence: A vial of concentrated goji berry extract, designed to sharpen one's focus and mental acuity.

e. Invigorating Dawn Tonic: A tonic composed of Morning Dew and ginger, created to rejuvenate and eliminate fatigue.

Terms of Partnership

a. Kai agrees to provide the Azure Silk Trading Company with a consistent supply of his high-quality alchemical potions.

b. The Azure Silk Trading Company agrees to market, distribute, and sell Kai's potions through their established networks and channels.

c. Kai shall receive six silver per potion for Soothing Frost Balm, Dreamweaver Elixir, Elderberry Ephemera, and Goji Clarity Essence. He shall receive seven silver per potion for the Invigorating Dawn Tonic.

d. Kai agrees to grant the Azure Silk Trading Company exclusive rights to his products, and will not sell his potions to any other merchant companies or major-third parties.

e. Kai retains the right to sell his potions in his shop, provided he does not supply them to any other merchant companies or major-third parties in large quantities*

f. Both parties agree to maintain open communication and collaborate in good faith for the mutual benefit and success of the partnership.

g. Kai retains the right to renegotiate the terms of this Agreement as his products gain more recognition and demand in the market.


This Agreement shall commence upon the signing of all parties involved and shall continue for a period of 90 days.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Tranquil Breeze Province.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement.

Kai, Alchemist Liang Chen, Executive, Azure Silk Trading Company

Mei Liling, Executive, Azure Silk Trading Company

Witnessed by:

Feng Wu, Second-Class Disciple, Verdant Lotus Sect


I stood there, frozen. The two older advisors looked at me with concern and Mei Liling spoke.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, um, I..." I floundered, trying to think of a way to explain what I was seeing. "I received a message from the Interface. It just lists out what you've written on the contract, and it looks like it is prompting me for an answer. Do you know of this?"

They looked at each other and then back at me, shaking their heads. "We're afraid we don't. No prompt has risen from our ends, and the Heavenly Interface has not been seen to trigger when forming a contract."

I looked around hesitantly. The contract seemed straightforward, there wasn't even anything discussing penalties or punishment. But the appearance of the contract in the interface unsettled me. Without much thought, I decided to accept the terms.

You have made your first contract!

Quest: Contract Fulfillment (Production)

- Complete the terms of your contract.

Everybody in the room seemed to get a similar notification, their eyes flitting down to read a text invisible to my eyes.

"This is...unexpected." Liang Chen said, coughing slightly. "There doesn't seem to be any drawbacks to the contract we have created, but I suppose this makes it more concrete."

I wasn't planning on reneging on the contract, but the Heavenly Interface's interference provided me with even more incentive not to. What would happen if I failed the quest? Would it strike me with lightning? Kill me on the spot? Take my funds?

"If there's anything, please don't hesitate to contact me. This is new for me as well." I confessed. Bowing my head and clasping my hands, I gave them my farewell. "Now I will go and rest. Please excuse me,"

It was still early in the morning when I left the merchants with a copy of my contract. I stumbled out of the tent they set up, putting my hand up to block my eyes from the sunlight.

I needed to sleep, now! Just a small nap would do!

The trek back home felt like a dream, my exhausted mind barely registering the scenery that passed by. The cobblestone streets and familiar faces of the villagers seemed to blend together in a hazy kaleidoscope as I stumbled my way towards the sanctuary of my home.

Seeing Tianyi brought a sense of peace and calm, knowing that I was truly home. The innate qi in the air lifted me slightly, releasing the tension from my shoulders that I held after negotiations. I looked around my room, taking in the familiar surroundings that I had grown to cherish. The neatly arranged shelves of herbs, the soft glow of the lanterns, and the comforting scent of lavender all served as a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, having faced one of the most challenging situations in my life and emerging victorious.

I fell into my bed in a boneless heap. My mind was far too out of sorts to think of anything else other than sleep.

With that, I succumbed to the darkness.

A dim glow visible through my eyelids stirred me from my deep sleep, and as I opened my eyes, a delicate, glimmering butterfly hovered just above my nose. The overwhelming fatigue I had experienced earlier seemed to have vanished without a trace. My body, which had been sore from pushing its limits during my training with Elder Ming, now felt as light as a feather.

Bewildered, I wondered how long I had been asleep. What time could it possibly be?

Curious, I opened my door to find the birds outside chirping merrily, while the sun shone brightly in an unblemished sky. This struck me as odd, and a nagging feeling of unease began to well up in my gut as I glanced around the village.

Could it be possible that I had slept all the way through to the next day?

"Damn it! I missed morning training!" I exclaimed in frustration.

Hastily, I changed into a fresh robe and rinsed my face, before sprinting back toward Gentle Wind Village. Judging by the sun's position, it must have been around noon by now, which meant I was several hours late for my morning training with the Village Head. The disorientation I felt was staggering; I had barely awoken, yet here I was, dashing through the village like a madman.

As I sped along the cobbled pathway, I deftly sidestepped Mrs. Wang as she turned a corner, shouting my apologies before quickly continuing on my way. I waved at the children playing in the street, giving them all an enthusiastic thumbs-up as I dashed past them.

Realizing that this was the first day of my new training schedule made the situation all the more embarrassing. This was hardly the behavior befitting of a cultivator!

This was the price I had to pay for pushing myself so relentlessly. I needed to find a more sustainable balance between my various commitments. The idea of hiring Lan-Yin to run the store in my absence became increasingly attractive, as managing everything on my own was proving to be quite the challenge.

I knocked on Elder Ming's door, and he opened it up after a minute or so. I immediately bowed my head to apologize.

"My apologies, Elder Ming! I overslept because of yesterday and missed today's training! Do with me as you see fit!"

"What are you talking about? Weren't we supposed to begin your new schedule tomorrow?"

I glanced upward in total confusion. It finally sunk in that I wasn't actually late for my training, nor had I slept for a full day. My nap was only a few hours at most, but I suppose it was enough to completely eliminate any and all fatigue from my body. I looked down in disbelief. That was how refreshed I was; the thought that my slumber was anything less than the entire day didn't register in my head.

Elder Ming sighed, seeing the look on my face.

"You brat. I suppose that's another thing I might as well teach you. Resting is just as important in your training than the actual training itself. Come in!"

He ushered me inside, and I asked him an innocuous question.

"Don't you have anything better to do as the village head?"

Elder Ming snorted. "The Gentle Wind Village runs itself fine, Kai. Don't worry about me. I have plenty of time to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours."

Despite Elder Ming's advanced age and frail-looking body, he moved around the furniture in his home with surprising grace and agility. He created a cozy, serene space for me to relax and unwind. Once he had finished, he beckoned me to join him.

"Now, Kai, the first thing you need to understand is that life is a delicate balance of effort and rest. You have been pushing yourself too hard, and that is not the way. I no longer doubt your ability to work hard, but now you must value harmony in all aspects of life. As much as you train and learn, you must also find time to rest and rejuvenate your body and mind."

I sat down on one of the comfortable cushions Elder Ming had arranged on the floor. He poured me a cup of tea from a beautifully crafted teapot. "Drink it slowly, and let your body and mind find peace."

As I sipped the tea, I could feel the tension in my muscles begin to dissipate, and my mind grew more tranquil. Elder Ming, with a gentle voice and a hint of a smile, guided me through some simple breathing exercises. "Breathe in deeply, filling your lungs with the life-giving air around you. Now, release the breath slowly, letting go of any tension or stress you may be holding onto. No need to circulate your qi. This is purely for relaxation, understand?"

I followed Elder Ming's instructions, focusing on my breath and feeling my body grow lighter with each exhalation. He continued, "Now, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a place of serenity – a place where you feel completely at peace. It could be a forest, a beach, or even a quiet room. Let your mind wander and explore this place, allowing yourself to release any worries or concerns."

I closed my eyes, and my mind immediately brought me to my home garden. Surrounded by my plants, I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the soft scent of flowers filled the air. I was truly at peace in this sanctuary of greenery and life. Time seemed to stand still as I allowed myself to release any worries or concerns. WIth the help of my memory palace, visualizing my garden was as easy as breathing. It was incredibly vivid.

After some time, Elder Ming gently tapped my shoulder, bringing me back to the present. "Ah, there you are," he said with a warm smile. "Remember, Kai, balance is the key to a fulfilling life. When you find yourself overwhelmed or exhausted, take the time to rest and recuperate. This will not only make you a better cultivator but also help you maintain harmony in your life."

Elder Ming paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. Then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he continued, "You see, Kai, the journey of life is like the path of a river. It may twist and turn, sometimes flowing smoothly, other times rushing with great force. But the river always finds its way, just as we must find our way through life's challenges. Balance, little cultivator, is the key to navigating these currents."

The Village Head could get oddly philosophical and profound at times like these. And then there were other times when he beats me with a cane or kicks me in the groin. I wonder if he's got a split-personality disorder?

But I nodded regardless, feeling a newfound appreciation for the importance of rest and relaxation. It hasn't even been a full month since the Day of Awakening. But the 'me' before seemed unrecognizable. Too many changes in such a short span of time. No wonder I was so disoriented. Progress was good, but burning myself out like a candle in the process wasn't worth it.

Perhaps I should take this time to read? Elder Ming always had entertaining novels on his shelf. Perhaps this was my chance.

As we continued our conversation, Elder Ming shared more wisdom with me. "In life, there are times when we must be like the bamboo – strong and resilient, bending with the wind but never breaking. And there are times when we must be like the willow – soft and yielding, allowing life to flow around us. Knowing when to be strong and when to be soft is the essence of balance."

Elder Ming graciously allowed me to stay in his home while he went about his day. I made sure to keep his house nice and tidy, going up to his bookshelf and picking the most interesting title to read. Hah, I can't believe it. I haven't read a proper book in ages! Not since I first saw Tianyi.

Ascending the Jade Dragon Mountain: A Tale of Immortal Pursuits. A grand title! You shall be worthy of my attention today, little novel!

I picked it from the shelf, dusting away the forest-green cover, and enjoyed the present.

A new skill has been created.

Reading (Level 1): A skill that grants the ability to read books slightly faster and more efficiently than an average person. Reading enables the user to understand and retain information from books within their current knowledge scope and known languages.

Next Stage: Accelerated Reading


Reading Proficiency - Level 10

Accumulate 50 hours of reading.

Read a total of 30 books.

Develop a basic understanding of at least three different subjects you didn't know before.

I sighed aloud. Work never failed to find me, did it?

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