Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

16. The Escort

I didn't return home until late at night. I spent a long time discussing my future with Elder Ming. How I was going to train and manage my garden shop at the same time. It was tumultuous, but I hashed out an outline that had me doing longer, more rigorous training sessions every other day, followed by a day of rest with cultivation and meditation at the Village Head's home, where he could monitor my progress and I minimized the risk to myself. It also allowed me to train every day, which was important.

Either way, my mornings would be where the bulk of my training happened. Anything involving the usage of techniques and qi circulation was to be done with the Village Head present, although it was for his sake more than it was for mine. Aside from that one instance when I cultivated in the forest, I hadn't suffered from any reflux or deviation. He told me if I was consistent, it wouldn't take long for me to be able to cultivate without the risk of Qi Deviation at minute disturbances.

It was a busy schedule. Elder Ming was incredibly accommodating, and he knew just how much it took to keep the shop running as it is. I should look into hiring someone to run the shop while I was away. Perhaps Lan-Yin would be up for it? Although she worked part-time at the Soaring Swallow, I don't think she'd refuse.

We celebrated the deal I made with Xiao Yun, the daughter of the Azure Silk Trading Company, eating red bean buns that he saved for special occasions. I bade him farewell. Tianyi seemed to linger but eventually came with me to go back home. I suppose she liked Elder Ming's home. It had a cozy feel to it, and the smell of old scrolls permeated the area. It was very nostalgic.

The stars glittered in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the land below. The cool, gentle breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers and damp earth, a constant reminder that spring was in full swing. I couldn't help but smile as I walked down the worn dirt path, my thoughts swirling with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and there was so much to do.

"Ha, so much to do. So little time."

I looked up to the moonlit sky with my hands placed behind my head. It was going to be a bit hectic tomorrow, negotiating the terms of my contract. I was tempted to sleep after such a long and tiring day, but I needed to create more stock in advance for the deal with the merchants. I had about twenty-five bottles fit for sale, with five varying effects and purposes. They were the ones I considered a success. After all, making a new recipe didn't always mean it was good. Even if I was using extracted essences.

I would need to mention my qi-infused plants. Although I should probably wait until some of them are ready to harvest. I need to mark down the differences between regular ones and those I infused with energy.

"Tianyi, could you turn into a human and become my assistant?" I asked her. She fluttered questioningly. "Although I appreciate how you are now, it'd be nice to have some help around the shop."

Your companion, Tianyi, cannot transform until she reaches Essence Awakening Stage - Rank 1.

That was new. I read the notification with a mix of intrigue and bemusement.

My eyes turned toward the butterfly floating around me, glowing softly under the illumination of moonlight. Essence Awakening Stage? A butterfly?

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 2

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Bond Level: 3 (Close Companion) - Tianyi has formed a deep bond with you, displaying loyalty and commitment to your shared journey. Her abilities may strengthen in response to your connection, and she will be more attuned to your emotions and needs. Additional abilities or enhancements may become available as your bond continues to grow.

Imagining Tianyi with the cultivation equivalent of a sect elder was horrifying to think about. Would she be able to conjure up powerful wind blasts with a flap of her wings? Or maybe her healing powers would become potent enough to rejuvenate those on the verge of death. Although I didn't know how to strengthen her, it was definitely possible. She moved up a rank when she took in the Moonlit Grace Lily's energy. It seemed to have a permanent effect on her. I didn't want to replicate it, since that required her being injured, but...

The night was eerily quiet, as if the world itself was holding its breath. The only sound that accompanied my footsteps was the soft fluttering of Tianyi's wings as she floated beside me, her luminescent form casting a comforting glow over the darkened path. I knew I was going to have a long night ahead of me, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something important was going to happen.

As I continued to ramble on to Tianyi, I noticed her fluttering had become a bit more erratic. Did she seem...nervous? It was strange because Tianyi was usually quite placid. The only other time I had seen her act this way was when we were in the forest, right before we were ambushed by that crow.

A strong sense of foreboding washed over me, and I knew something was amiss.

I instantly felt a shiver run down my spine, and my heart began to race. Was it possible that we were being watched or followed? I tried to keep my composure, but it was difficult. With all that talk with Elder Ming about people with ill intent, I became paranoid.

I slowed my pace, my eyes darting around the area, searching for any signs of danger. My hands trembled slightly, and I clenched my fists to steady them. I was afraid, and I couldn't help but think about how all the training I had gone through felt like it was for nothing. I was still just as vulnerable and inexperienced as I was before.

No, I had a trick up my sleeve! The Rooted Banyan Stance! I checked over my interface, trying to remember that I was fully capable of defending myself.



Interface Manipulator - Allows manipulation of the Heavenly Interface and access to special features.

Race: Human

Vitality: Sufficient


Affinity - Wood

Cultivation Rank: Mortal Realm - Rank 2

QI: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

MIND: Mortal Realm - Rank 1

BODY: Mortal Realm - Rank 1


Spiritual Herbalism - 1 (...)

Gardening - 10 (...)

Cultivation Techniques:

Rooted Banyan Stance - 1 (...)

Tianyi's behavior continued to worry me. The closer we got to home, the more her tiny body trembled and remained close to my shoulder, barely even twitching the rest of the way home. I knew I had to do something, but what? My mind raced with possibilities, but nothing seemed like the right move.

As we reached the entrance to my home, I hesitated, my hand hovering over the door. Was it safe to go inside? Or would I be walking into a trap? I felt like I was teetering on the edge of a cliff, unsure whether to jump or step back.

"Tianyi, are you sensing something I'm not?" I whispered, my voice shaking. She didn't respond, but the feeling of nervousness fed into my telepathic bond with her. There was definitely something wrong.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. Okay, I thought, I can do this. I've trained for moments like this, right? I just need to be cautious and smart about my actions. I know where I put my staff. It was behind the door of my bedroom. If anything, I could get it within moments.

Despite my inner pep talk, my hand still trembled as I slowly pushed the door open, my senses on high alert. I tried to channel the same confidence that I had when I pretended to be an arrogant young master, but the feeling of fear and dread continued to cling to me.

As I stepped inside, I carefully surveyed the room, looking for any signs of intruders or traps. Everything seemed normal, but the unsettling feeling in my gut persisted. I knew I couldn't ignore my instincts or Tianyi's behavior.

"Okay, Tianyi, let's do a thorough sweep of the shop," I whispered, my voice barely audible. We moved cautiously from room to room, our nerves taut like a bowstring.

The tension in the air continued to build, and every little sound made me jump. My heart pounded in my ears, and I couldn't help but think that all my training had been for naught. I still felt like an amateur, stumbling in the dark, unsure of what to do next.

As we approached the last room, my bedroom, the atmosphere felt even heavier, and the fear that had been gnawing at me threatened to consume me entirely. I had to force myself to breathe and take one step at a time, my entire body tensed, ready to face whatever was waiting for me behind that door.

I reached out a shaky hand and slowly pushed the door open, bracing myself for whatever horror might lie within. But as the door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit room, there was nothing out of the ordinary. No intruders, no traps, just my simple bedroom, exactly as I had left it.

My legs gave out, and I collapsed onto the mattress with a small sigh.

Damn it all to hell. There was no way I'm sleeping tonight. I'll just spend my time making the potions.

"Excuse me-"

I screamed like a girl upon hearing the unfamilliar voice, shooting up into the air and grabbing my iron staff. The stranger, standing at the entrance of my shop, flinched violently upon my reaction.

"I come in peace!"

He took off his bamboo hat and revealed a handsome face, with white skin and a sharp jawline. His eyes were a deep shade of green and were opened wide, with his hands up in the air in a placating gesture. Once I got a hold of myself, I recognized him by his outfit. The only one amongst the Azure Silk Trading Company who wore a bamboo hat, with green and white robes.

"You-you're that guy! The escort who drank my potion!"

The escort nodded and relaxed, bowing lightly. "Yes, this one's name is Feng Wu, a second-class disciple of the Verdant Lotus Sect. I apologize for my intrusion."

I was surprised to hear that. A second-class disciple? Of the Verdant Lotus Sect? I heard the name in passing, although they were never as popular as the Whispering Winds Sect or the Silent Moon. He gave off an aura of quiet strength. He was calm and composed, and was a far cry from what I expected when dealing with members of a sect.

I half-expected him to beat me up. Although, I don't think someone affiliated with the merchants would do so. He seemed reasonable.

"Yeah...It's alright. But what business do you have with me? Our agreement was to meet in the morning, no?"

My guard was raised. Dealing with cultivators, in real life, was not as simple a matter as it seemed. Feng Wu glanced at my shoulder, where Tianyi was sitting. I shielded her from view, and he seemed to snap out of focus and answered my question, as calm as ever.

"I am not here on Lady Xiao Yun's behalf. I was passing by and noticed this area was laden with qi. It is a rarity to see one, especially here in the outskirts. I wanted to ask for permission to cultivate, outside in the garden. I will be quiet when doing so." He asked courteously, dipping his head and clasping his hands in front of him. A polite request.

I lowered my staff. It seemed he didn't wish me harm. Nor did he covet Tianyi. I glanced at her and she seemed fine, although still a bit shaky after the events that transpired. I suppose she was triggered by the fact that someone was watching us. Once he revealed himself, it seemed as though the butterfly calmed down significantly.

Despite the initial scare, the tension in the room began to dissipate as I allowed myself to relax. I had always been the cautious type, perhaps overly so, but my paranoia had saved me from trouble on more than one occasion. It was hard to say whether my instincts were well-founded or if I was just overly nervous, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. I resolved to stay on guard, just in case.

"...Sure. You have my permission. Would you like some tea?"

I decided to trust him. For now. It wasn't often that I got a chance to interact with a cultivator, after all. The last one I saw was a third-class disciple from the Whispering Winds Sect, several years ago. He was a bit of an asshole, which colored my thoughts on sects in general, but I suppose they weren't all bad. Perhaps I'd get to pick his brain?

Feng Wu raised his head and nodded. I got to prepare two cups. Since we were both going to be active for the night, I decided on making green tea with some goji berries and ginger. Nothing too crazy.

We sat in my small shop, the warm glow of the lanterns casting flickering shadows on the walls. The scent of the tea, both earthy and sweet, filled the room as the steam rose from the cups. It was a simple moment, two strangers sharing tea under the same roof.

I carefully poured the steaming tea into two cups, inhaling the fragrant aroma before setting the cups on the table.

"Please, have a seat," I said, gesturing towards a chair.

"Thank you," Feng Wu replied, settling down with the same grace and poise he seemed to exhibit in everything he did. I couldn't help but admire his elegant movements, so different from my own clumsy, dirt-streaked life.

As we sipped our tea, I couldn't help but let my curiosity get the better of me. "So, Feng Wu, I've heard of the Whispering Winds Sect and the Silent Moon Sect, but not much about your sect, the Verdant Lotus Sect. What's it like?"

Feng Wu took a sip of his tea before answering, "The Verdant Lotus Sect is a smaller sect situated west of Crescent Bay City. Our cultivation techniques are primarily based on the principles of nature and growth, and we strive to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world. While our elders and disciples may not be as prominent as the other sects in the province, we are still amongst the best."

He seemed to puff up upon talking about the sect.

I found myself more and more intrigued. "That's awesome. And what about you? What brought you to the Verdant Lotus Sect?"

Feng Wu's eyes seemed to soften as he began, "I was born into a humble family of herbalists. My parents instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature and its wonders."

He paused, taking another sip of tea, and I couldn't help but feel a kinship with Feng Wu. His story felt familiar, yet I was eager to know more.

"When I was twelve," he continued, "our village was attacked by bandits, and we lost everything. The Verdant Lotus Sect intervened, saving the village and offering aid to the survivors. Recognizing my innate talent and potential, they invited me to join them as a disciple. I accepted, driven by a desire to protect my family and seek a better life."

I couldn't contain my excitement. I leaned in closer. "Your martial arts skills must be incredible, then. You know, I've always been interested in the world of cultivators, but I never had the chance to see one in action. Would you mind showing me some of your moves?"

Feng Wu raised an eyebrow, but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Very well, I can show you some basic forms. Consider it thanks for allowing me to cultivate here. But I must remind you that cultivation is a lifelong journey, and what I will show you is only a glimpse of what our sect elders can perform."

We went out into the clearing, a little further away past the fenced area where my plants grew. I watched from a small distance, making sure not to blink for fear of missing the cultivator's moves. I would see for myself just how far I was from my goal. My goal of becoming a cultivator.

Feng Wu fell into his combat stance, with his palms open, and one arm tucked close to his body and another placed in front of him. He let out a small breath, and his face became impassive. He made wide, sweeping motions, and I could feel the pulse of qi as he entered into a state of flow. Every movement was graceful, practised, and sharp.

A series of rapid strikes unfolded from where he stood, stepping into the blows and giving them enough power to break a man's ribs. I could see it. Had there been a person standing before him, Feng Wu's palm strikes would've done incredible damage. Coming from all angles at speeds I could barely perceive, I saw just how poorly I understood the strength of a second-class disciple.

Elder Ming's sworn brother killed a group of people like this? As a child?

The intricate dance was punctuated by a sweeping low kick, and a downward palm strike to the floor, leaving a small indentation where Feng Wu hit. I gaped in astonishment, as the man returned to his original stance and let out a small breath. His ponytail was barely disturbed, and a single strand of hair fell down his forehead as he turned to me.

"That was the first stance of the Lotus Palm. A staple technique of ours. What do you think?"

I stood there, slackjawed. My new technique, the Rooted Banyan Stance, seemed to pale in comparison. I don't think I would be able to withstand a quarter of those hits even if I was using it!

"...That was incredible! I didn't know palm techniques could be so powerful. You know, I saw something like that in Chronicles of Zhen Lu, where they came across an old master that used something called the Heavenly Palm. With the way they described it, I'm thinking they used your sect's technique as inspiration. But I've heard the Whispering Wind Sect also-"

The man seemed taken aback by my enthusiasm, momentarily lost for words as his eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't help it, though. My excitement bubbled up like a gushing spring, fueled by my desire to become a cultivator. We talked under the silvery glow of the moon, our voices weaving together in the still night air. We delved into the intricacies of cultivation techniques, the subtle differences between sects, and the legends that had been passed down for generations.

And so, I met my first friend outside of the village. A well-mannered cultivator by the name of Feng Wu.

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