Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

12. Validation

As I entered the village square, I bid farewell to Lan-Yin, agreeing to meet her again in a short while. My heart raced with anticipation as I approached the traveling merchant's makeshift shop. Huan's trading post was a colorful assortment of tents and makeshift stalls, adorned with banners and signs displaying various wares. The vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere were a stark contrast to the tranquil surroundings of Gentle Wind Village.

A large, central tent housed Huan's most valuable items, while smaller stalls were scattered around it, showcasing more common products. The scent of exotic herbs and spices filled the air, a testament to the variety of goods Huan had brought with him. As I walked closer, I could see Huan, a middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard, engaged in lively conversation with a group of villagers.

I took a deep breath and approached Huan, who greeted me with a warm smile. "Ah, young Kai! What can I do for you today? Are you here to buy some herbs or perhaps a new tool for your gardening?"

I shook my head, "Actually, Huan, I'm here to sell you some of my own products." I revealed the potions I had crafted, neatly arranged in small glass bottles.

Huan raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued but skeptical. "You've made these yourself, Kai? What do they do?"

As I began to explain the properties of each potion, Lan-Yin arrived with Xiao Bao, a young child coughing gently, and Elder Wen, whose back ached from years of labor. They were the perfect test subjects for my potions. I had asked her to come bring them for me just before we separated, and she seemed content to watch my antics as well. Curiosity gleamed in her eyes, and the rest of the villagers seemed interested in what I had to say.

"This one is a cough suppressant and should alleviate Xiao Bao's cough," I said nervously, handing the small blue vial to the boy. "And this one is a pain-relieving balm for Elder Wen's back." I passed a small jar filled with creamy ointment to the elder.

Lan-Yin helped me apply the potions, as I carefully explained their proper usage. I felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety as we waited for the results, silently hoping that my knowledge and skills were sufficient. This was my first test with other people, and I only made certain that the effects wouldn't be adverse. I waited anxiously, expecting them to work immediately.

After a few moments, the effects became apparent. Xiao Bao's cough subsided, and he smiled brightly, relief shining in his eyes. Elder Wen straightened up, a look of surprise and gratitude on his face as his pain seemed to have vanished. The other villagers present murmured in awe and I felt so happy I was about to explode.

Huan observed the transformation with growing interest, his skepticism replaced by amazement. "Kai, these potions are incredible! I never knew you possessed such talent!" He exclaimed, a hint of newfound respect in his voice. "How'd you do it?"

"The Interface gave me access to some amazing knowledge! These were made from the very plants I found here in the forest or grown in my garden. But only I can create them."

I grabbed an herb from my basket, it was the elderberry. As I closed my eyes and focused, a stream of essence escaped it and coalesced into my palm, stunning the audience and making them gasp.

"Behold, this is my new skill! I can extract a plant's very essence and utilize it in my recipes, creating even more potent concoctions that work better than the original, despite using the same ingredients I always had!"

People clamored over my basket of goods, examining the essences with wonderment. I proudly showed the elderberry essence in my palm to all those who wished to see, and Xiao Bao poked it, almost as if in a trance, and watched it fluctuate slightly. I promptly placed it in the vial containing the rest of my elderberry essence for later use.

"What do you think? Will these products be suitable for sale, esteemed merchant?" I grinned, my confidence at an all-time high. After such a display, there was no way he could refuse.

"I'll have to see it for myself...But Kai, I see the potential of this. I see the potential of you." Huan said with a particular glint in his eye. He seemed to be doing calculations in his head on the potential profits he'd reap from this. "Can you come tomorrow and present this again? There's someone very important coming tomorrow."

My curiosity was piqued. "Who's coming, Huan?"

Huan's eyes lit up with excitement. "Xiao Yun, the daughter of the head of the Azure Silk Trading Company, is arriving tomorrow to assess the potential for opening a permanent shop here in Gentle Wind Village. As you know, I work for them, and if she's impressed with your products, it could mean a great opportunity for you."

I couldn't believe my luck. The chance to showcase my skills and potions to someone so influential could change everything for me. My back straightened and my eyes didn't waver as I made contact with his.

"Fear not, Huan! This young master will prepare a performance the likes of which has never been seen before!" I declared, my voice rich with enthusiasm and certainty. "I shall weave a performance so mesmerizing that all who bear witness will be left utterly spellbound, their minds captivated by the sheer brilliance on display!"

He laughed. So did the other villagers. But it wasn't like how it used to be. They were no longer laughing at me. They were laughing with me. I looked to Lan-Yin and I could see the shock and awe in her eyes, to which I responded with a foxy smirk and a thumbs-up.

"Excellent!" Huan clapped his hands together. "She'll be here in the morning, so make sure you're ready. Bring your best potions and be prepared to demonstrate your abilities. And don't forget that amazing skill of yours!"

I nodded, my mind racing with thoughts of the opportunities that lay ahead. "Thank you for the opportunity, Huan. I won't let you down."

As I parted ways with Huan, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. Tomorrow could be the start of a new chapter in my life as an alchemist and cultivator.

I managed to sell a bunch of my potions and extracts on the spot, and my coin purse was much heftier than before. Lan-Yin closed in on me and grabbed a hold of my shoulders, shaking me violently.

"Kai, that was amazing! That skill of yours is magical! It's like you're a cultivator!"

"No, it's not like I'm a cultivator." I settled her down with a serious expression, before transforming it back into a shit-eating grin. "I am a cultivator!"

We circled each other like a bunch of hooligans, the excitement is contagious. The crowd had dispersed, so it was just us two outside of Huan's outpost making a fool of ourselves.

As the sun began to set, I realized that I needed advice on how to present my potions and elixirs to Xiao Yun. There was only one person in the village who had the wisdom and experience to guide me in this endeavor – Elder Ming. The Village Head would know how to approach this conundrum of mine!

I bid farewell to Lan-Yin, promising to catch up with her later, and made my way to Elder Ming's home. The cobblestone path leading to his house was familiar to me; I had walked it countless times seeking his guidance and company. The village was bathed in the warm, golden glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows on the ground.

As I walked, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Tomorrow would be a turning point in my life, and I wanted to make the best impression possible. Elder Ming had always been there for me, offering his wisdom and support, and I knew I could rely on him now.

I reached Elder Ming's home close to the center of the village and knocked on the door, my heart racing with anticipation.

"Come in, young Kai," Elder Ming called out before I even had a chance to announce my presence. His intuition was uncanny. Perhaps it was his cultivator senses at work?

I stepped inside the dimly lit room, the scent of incense and old scrolls filling the air. Elder Ming sat in a corner, his wise, aged eyes studying me intently.

"You seem to be carrying a heavy burden today, my boy," he said warmly. "What has brought you to my doorstep?"

I explained the situation with the Azure Silk Trading Company and my desire to make a good impression on Xiao Yun.

Elder Ming listened intently, nodding from time to time, and when I finished, he stroked his beard thoughtfully. Then, his eyes twinkled as he looked at me.

"Ha! The best thing you can do to sell to them is to simply be you, Kai," Elder Ming said with a chuckle. His eyes sparkled with wisdom as he continued, "You possess a unique talent and a sincere heart. Trust in yourself and your abilities, and others will be naturally drawn to your cause. It's as simple as that."

His words resonated deeply within me, filling me with newfound confidence. "Thank you, Elder Ming."

Just be me, huh?

He patted my shoulder, his eyes full of warmth and understanding. "Go on, young Kai. Show them what you are capable of. I have faith in you."

I bowed my head in gratitude. "Thank you, Elder Ming. I will do my best."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to bring up the topic of our usual training sessions. "Elder Ming, I was wondering if we could move our training sessions to the afternoon for tomorrow, just for this one time. I need the morning to prepare for my presentation to Xiao Yun and the Azure Silk Trading Company."

Elder Ming's eyes twinkled, and he nodded. "Of course, my boy. Your presentation is important, and I understand that you must focus on it. We shall resume our training in the afternoon. I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, Elder Ming. Your understanding means a lot to me." With a final bow, I left his home, my heart full of gratitude and determination.

As I returned to my garden shop, the evening sky painted in hues of pink and orange, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers, and I could feel the magic of the world around me.

I paused for a moment, gazing out at the horizon and reflecting on the twists and turns my life had taken. I thought back to my early days. Mourning the loss of my parents, picking up the pieces, the long hours spent pouring over scrolls, and the countless times I had failed and picked myself back up. Even before the Day of Awakening, I had worked harder than the rest of my peers. Nobody expected me to keep the shop running, much less have it flourishing the way it was now. My journey had been fraught with obstacles and setbacks, yet somehow, I managed to persevere.

As I stood there, contemplating the future that lay before me, a mixture of fear and excitement swirled within my chest. What if my presentation failed to impress Xiao Yun? What if I stumbled over my words or made a fool of myself in front of everyone? The thought of failure weighed heavily on my mind, causing my heart to race and my palms to sweat.

Yet, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and determination. I had come so far and accomplished so much, and I knew that I had the skills and knowledge to succeed. My journey had not been an easy one, but it had taught me the importance of resilience and perseverance. And those would carry on to my path in cultivation.

With a deep breath, I steeled myself for the challenges that lay ahead, resolving to face them head-on and give it my all. I knew that no matter the outcome, I could hold my head high and be proud of the person I had become. And with Elder Ming's guidance, Lan-Yin, Wang-Jun, and the rest of the other villagers supporting me, I felt more confident than ever that I could seize this opportunity and make the most of it.

I opened the door to my shop, greeted by the familiar sight of Tianyi fluttering about the room. Her vibrant wings shimmered in the fading light, and I could feel her contentment through our magical bond.

"Tianyi, you wouldn't believe what happened today!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement. I shared the events of the day with her, and through our bond, I could sense her joy and pride.

As I settled down at my workbench, surrounded by herbs and plants, I felt a sense of purpose and determination. With Tianyi by my side, I began to scrawl notes in my notebook, listing the potions and elixirs I would present to Xiao Yun, along with detailed explanations of their properties and effects.

I carefully collected the necessary herbs and plants from my shelves, placing them on my workbench, ready for tomorrow's preparations. This young master was going up in the world!

My name shall ring throughout the heavens! Kai Liu, Divine Pinnacle cultivator, master herbalist, and coveted by the finest beauties in the continent! I'll prove Lan-Yin wrong someday. That comment she made about my inability to find a woman still hurt.

There was much to prepare, but I already had an idea of how it was going to go. The framework of my plan was already being built.

Prepare yourself, Xiao Yun! For you will be witness to the greatest presentation you'll ever see!

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