Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

114. Shared Strength, Shared Destiny

"Kai, have you been waiting here this entire time?"

The pre-dawn chill clung to my bones as Elder Zhu's concerned gaze met mine.

I pulled my robe tighter, a futile attempt to ward off the cold. "Just wanted to catch you early, Elder," I replied, trying to sound casual despite the shiver in my voice. "Before the pavilion opens. I have a favor to ask."

His weathered face softened into a warm smile. "Come in, come in. We can't have you freezing out here. Favors can wait until you've thawed a bit."

He ushered me into the pavilion, the warmth inside a stark contrast to the biting wind outside. Within minutes, we were seated in his office, steaming cups of tea cradled in our hands. The familiar scent of herbs and parchment filled the air, a comforting reminder of the countless hours I'd spent here.

"Now then," Elder Zhu began, taking a sip of his tea, "what brings you here at such an early hour? And don't tell me it's just for a friendly chat. I've heard about your performance in the Gauntlet."

I smiled, trying my best to hide the rising sense of embarrassment.

"Yes, Elder Zhu," I replied, my voice a bit hesitant. "I made it to the finals, but... I fell short."

The warmth from the teacup radiated into my hands, offering a small comfort against the chill that lingered from outside.

"I apologize," I continued, my gaze falling to the floor. "I know you had high hopes for me. I... I'm sorry I couldn't bring back a victory with me."

Elder Zhu chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Kai," he said, his tone warm and reassuring, "there's no need to apologize for giving your all. You made it further than any of us could have imagined. You represented the Verdant Lotus Sect with honor and skill, and that is something to be proud of."

He leaned forward, his gaze piercing through my facade of forced cheerfulness. "I know the loss stings but it's in these moments of defeat that we truly learn and grow. Remember, Kai, the Gauntlet is just one step on your journey. There are countless more challenges ahead, and I have no doubt that you will overcome them all."

His words, filled with unwavering belief in my abilities... it was all too much.

Sometimes, my heart wavered. I wondered if rejecting the opportunity to join the sect as his apprentice was the wrong choice.

I clasped my hands together and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Elder."

"Now, what was it you'd like to talk about?"

My eyes sharpened. I brought out the two beast cores in my pocket, each brimming with latent power. One earned through grit and wit, the other a gilded insult. Together, they represented a turning point, a crossroads.

"I need your help in refining these into an elixir."

The ingredients were laid out, a small fortune in herbs and essence: two Wind Serpent cores, a Breezesong Fruit, ginseng, and white peony root.

I took a deep breath, recalling the guide for refining beast cores into elixirs. There was a general rule-of-thumb to follow, a method honed over centuries of trial and error by countless alchemists. The first step was to pair the beast core with a compatible qi ingredient. In this case, the Breezesong Fruit, of the same element, was the perfect match for the Wind Serpent core.

"Beast core first, paired with its elemental twin," I muttered, selecting the Breezesong Fruit. A bittersweet reminder of my reward, used so soon.

Next came the ginseng, a stabilizing force in the concoction. Renowned for its ability to ground and support the body's energies, it'd provide a stable base for the powerful qi released during the refining process.

Finally, the white peony root. This ingredient would make the elixir easier to assimilate into one's dantian, ensuring that the refined qi could be smoothly integrated into my cultivation. The white peony root's gentle properties were essential for creating a seamless blend, allowing the qi to flow effortlessly within me.

"The white peony root is added last, to make the elixir easier to assimilate into the dantian," I said, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. I knew the theory well, and now it was time to put it into practice.

"Are you ready?" Elder Zhu asked.

"Yes, Elder. Let's begin."

I activated my Refinement Simulation Technique, overlaying a vision of the process before me. In my mind's eye, I saw the steps unfold, the ingredients interacting, the heat rising. I immediately noticed that the two beast cores, being of different sizes, could make the concoction more volatile. I'd have to be vigilant during the process.

My hands became more confident, more steady, and I began prepping the ingredients.

I started with the Breezesong Fruit, carefully slicing it and laying the pieces out. The ginseng came next, its roots twisted and strong, a grounding presence amidst the volatile energy. Lastly, the white peony root, its pale color a stark contrast to the other ingredients.

Elder Zhu's watchful eyes followed my every move. "Your hands are steady, Kai. You've grown."

I allowed a smile to appear on my face as I worked. "Thank you, Elder. The Gauntlet has made working under pressure quite easy."

With the ingredients prepared, it was time to start the refining process. I placed the two beast cores into the large pill furnace, their power resonating within the chamber. Elder Zhu added a piece of Qinglian Jadeite, its green fire casting an ethereal glow.

The cores slowly began to dissolve under the intense heat. The Refinement Simulation Technique revealed a subtle imbalance. The cores, mismatched in size, would add volatility to the process.

"Careful now," I murmured, adjusting the heat. "A delicate balance..."

I didn't dare to blink, taking in every detail of the mixture.

Maintaining a steady flow of qi into the furnace, I kept the temperature stable. The effort was demanding, but thanks to my recent breakthrough in cultivation, I could manage it. I eyed the arrays glowing faintly on the table, crafted by Elder Zhu to enhance stability. They offered a safety net, providing some reprieve if I were to make a mistake.

The Breezesong Fruit followed, a burst of vibrant green amidst the swirling energies. The ginseng joined the dance, its earthy essence grounding the volatile mix. Finally, the white peony, a whisper of purity amidst the chaos.

The green flames flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls. The mixture in the furnace shimmered, a vibrant, harmonious blend of energies. I adjusted the heat one last time, ensuring the elixir reached its optimal state.

The real work began: the steady rhythm of stirring, the constant flow of Qi, the unwavering focus. My muscles ached, my mind thrummed with the effort, but a quiet determination settled over me.

"Almost there," Elder Zhu's voice was a gentle encouragement.

The elixir glowed, a radiant beacon in the light of the Alchemy Pavilion, Fatigue warred with exhilaration, but I wouldn't falter. Not now.

I could feel the strain in my arms and mind. Despite my cultivation breakthrough, the task was physically and mentally demanding. Hours passed, the ingredients gradually transforming within the furnace. The once distinct components became a homogenous mixture, now turning into a pure white liquid.

The liquid continued to glow brighter over time, its luminosity increasing as the refining process neared completion. The fatigue in my arms and mind was a constant companion, but I pushed through, knowing the reward was worth the effort.

"Keep going, Kai," Elder Zhu encouraged. "You're almost there."

The glow of the elixir intensified, casting a radiant light that filled the room. Despite the exhaustion, a sense of accomplishment and anticipation fueled my efforts. The final stages required even more precision, ensuring that the elixir's purity was maintained. My hands moved with practiced ease, the Refinement Simulation Technique guiding me through each step, predicting and correcting potential mistakes.

"The elixir is almost ready," I said, my voice steady despite the fatigue. "Just a little longer."

Finally, the mixture reached a state of perfect harmony. The glow of the elixir was blinding, a pure white light that seemed to pulse with energy. I turned off the heat and allowed it to cool, my body sagging with relief.

"It's done," I announced, a tired smile spreading across my face. "We've completed it!"

The molten essence cooled, transforming into a shimmering elixir pulsing with a soft, white glow. Its purity was undeniable, credited to the meticulous care and precision I had poured into the refinement process. Carefully, I transferred the elixir into a large vial.

Elder Zhu approached, his keen eyes studying the vial intently. "An unusual color," he remarked, his brow furrowed in thought. "Most elixirs derived from beast cores carry a distinct tint, reflecting the creature's elemental affinity. But this... this is pure white."

A pang of worry struck me. Had I made an error, despite all the failsafes and the Refinement Simulation Technique's guidance?

"Is that a problem, Elder Zhu?"

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his gaze shifting to meet mine. "Not necessarily," he replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "In fact, it might be a sign of something quite extraordinary."

Before I could question his words, Elder Zhu's hand reached out, his fingers gently brushing against my wrist. A warm energy flowed through me, a gentle probing of my qi. His eyebrows rose in surprise, his eyes widening slightly. "Kai," he said, his voice filled with wonder, "the purity of your qi... it's remarkable. I've rarely encountered such a refined essence."

I blinked, my confusion mounting. "What does that have to do with the elixir, Elder?"

He withdrew his hand. "Your Qi, Kai, is exceptionally pure. It seems that during the refinement process, your own essence has influenced the elixir, purifying it beyond what is typically achievable."

A wave of realization washed over me. Elder Ming's teachings, the Crimson Lotus Purification's slow accumulation had borne fruit in the most unexpected way.

"My mentor taught me an important lesson on how to utilize qi to my advantage." I explained, a sense of pride swelling in my chest. "He recognized my limitations and encouraged me to focus on quality over quantity, refining my energy until only the purest essence remained."

Elder Zhu nodded, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "A wise approach," he said. "Your mentor's insight is evident in your accomplishments. This elixir, Kai, is a testament to your dedication and unwavering pursuit of excellence."

Excitement bubbled within me, a potent mix of anticipation and nervous energy. "Elder Zhu, may I consume the elixir now?" I asked, my voice barely containing the eagerness I felt.

He nodded, his smile widening. "Indeed, Kai. You have earned this moment."

With a newfound sense of purpose, I swiftly cleaned the workspace, my movements efficient and precise. The Two-Star Pagoda Pill Furnace vanished back into my storage ring, leaving the room bathed in the soft glow of the lantern. I turned to Elder Zhu, bowing deeply.

"Thank you, Elder. For everything."

"Go on, then," he chuckled, a warm light in his eyes. "Fulfill your potential."

As I made my way back to my quarters, the vial of elixir clutched tightly in my hand, my thoughts drifted back to the moment I first acquired the beast cores. I had known from that moment that they held the key to a significant breakthrough, not just for me, but for my companions as well. This goal had driven me, a beacon of hope and determination.

Tonight, I would finally accomplish it.

As I entered my room, I was greeted by the familiar sight of Windy and Tianyi waiting patiently for my arrival. Their presence, as always, brought a sense of comfort and purpose.

"Tianyi, Windy," I called softly, drawing their attention. "I have a special gift for us."

Their curiosity was palpable, Tianyi fluttering her wings excitedly while Windy slithered closer, his tongue flicking out to taste the air. I set down the beast core elixir and retrieved three bowls, carefully pouring the prized mixture into each one.

"I know I'm still weak," I confessed, my gaze sweeping over my two spirit companions. I remembered Xu Ziqing's words, and the night I was cornered by the Narrow Stone Peak disciples. I closed my eyes tightly, shaking off the memory.

"...And I'm determined to change that. Not just for myself, but for you, my friends. I want to ensure your safety, to give you the strength to protect yourselves—and, hopefully, to protect me as well."

Tianyi's emotional link pulsated with a warmth that melted away any lingering doubt. It was a wave of pure gratitude and unwavering trust. Windy nudged his snout against my hand, a silent acknowledgment of my words.

I picked up my bowl and held it out to them. "Cheers," I said, clinking my bowl with theirs before bringing it to my lips.

The elixir was cool and smooth, a rush of potent qi flooding my system as I drank. Tianyi unfurled her proboscis and WIndy placed his snout by the bowl, taking small gulps at a time.

The room filled with a soft, radiant light as the power of the elixir coursed through us, binding our fates even closer together.

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