Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 61

Shen Wei also did not expect to receive an email from the developer of Xinghai Smart Voice not long after, and the developer also said that the development of the computer version had been completed and invited her to do internal testing.

She remembered that not long ago, she consulted the developer about when the computer version would be released.I didn't expect to receive this good news just after the National Day.

Now that the developer invites her to do internal testing, Shen Wei is of course very willing. Having experienced the convenience of the mobile version, she knows that even if the computer version is not enhanced, it will greatly facilitate her work.

With excitement, Shen Wei replied to Lin Feixing, saying that she was very willing to accept the invitation for the internal test, and asked if she could invite more people to do the evaluation.

After all, there are many friends in her author group who are also fans of Xinghai Smart Voice. Whoever told them that they have never used such a convenient voice input method, this use is inseparable.

Lin Feixing, who thought he would have to wait a long time for a reply, received a reply from Shen Wei within a short time before sitting in front of the computer. After opening it and reading it, Lin Feixing showed such an expression on his face.

Before he sent the email, he probably guessed that Shen Wei would definitely agree to his request for a test, but now it seems that he doesn't need to find someone else to test.

Shen Wei has already helped him find it. Although Lin Feixing doesn't know how many people there are in Shen Wei's group of friends, but according to the previous experience of Xinghai Smart Voice 1.0 crashing the server, Shen Wei's group of friends probably won't too little.

However, considering that there is no separate server for the PC version of Xinghai Smart Voice, Lin Feixing plans to hang it on the server of the mobile version first during the testing phase, because he does not plan to let too many people test it.

Originally, according to the normal testing process, the more people tested, the better, so that the possibility of detecting problems is greater, but now Lin Feixing has no resources to conduct large-scale testing.

In fact, the main reason is that he has enough confidence in the software he writes, and he knows every line of code in it, so he can completely predict it in his mind.

The reason why he wants to open the test is mainly to improve the user experience, because each user has different usage habits, so Lin Feixing can only ensure that the bottom layer of the software is free from problems, but he cannot guarantee that everyone is satisfied.

The ultimate goal of making software is to serve users, not professionals, so Lin Feixing must consider the user experience.

Then Lin Feixing estimated based on the remaining resources of the server, and finally decided to release 500 users for the PC version test. As for how to distribute the quota, Lin Feixing didn't have to think about it.

He planned to ask Shen Wei to directly select 500 professional writers from her group for testing. Lin Feixing felt that as a professional writer, he should have unique insights into the use of input methods. After all, he often needs to use various input methods to create.

After summarizing his idea and test plan, he sent it to Shen Wei. He asked Shen Wei to distribute the quota, and then counted the user names to him, and he opened the access rights according to the user login.

After answering the email, Shen Wei had been sitting in front of her work station waiting for Lin Feixing's reply. She knew that the other party would reply to her soon, and Shen Wei did not miscalculate.

Only a few minutes later, Shen Wei heard the sound of a new email again. She knew that she had waited for the developer's reply, and opened the new email with excitement.

After reading the new email again, Shen Wei was even more excited than before. She didn't expect that the developer would ask him to arrange internal testers. How much she believed in her.

But then she showed an embarrassing face. She felt uncomfortable when she thought that there were only 500 people in the closed beta, because there were more than that number of friends in her group. How many people would compete for it?

Shen Wei still hopes that all her little friends can use the newly developed PC version of Xinghai Smart Voice, but now it seems that there is no way to do so.

Thinking of this difficult situation, Shen Wei decided to find out what to do with the group leader, Zhongyan. She thought that Zhongyan should have a solution, after all, it is not easy for her to do this even if she is a blind person.

"Master Destiny, I received an email from the developer of Xinghai Smart Voice. The developer said that the PC version has been developed, but it needs to be tested, but the quota is only 500. I hope you can help me in the future Arrange it in the group?"

Shen Wei found the leader of the group, Zhong Yanda, and explained her thoughts to Zhong Yan. Shen Wei knew that it was not practical to arrange 500 testers by herself, after all, her eyes were not convenient.

"Is the PC version coming out so soon? The arrangement for this test quota is simple, just play solitaire in the group, and whoever grabs it first will get it. Don't worry, I will help you!"

After a while, I finally replied to Shen Wei, because this time period is basically at work, so the reply was very fast.

Seeing that Shen Wei agreed to her request, she knew that this matter was basically settled in this way, and she just waited for the friends in the group to grab all the places. After a while, Shen Wei heard a piece of news from the group After repeated ringing, Shen Wei knew it had already started.

Final Yan: "Sister Wei helped everyone get 500 places for the internal test of the Xinghai Smart Voice PC version. If you need it, follow my message below to pick up the dragon yourself. Don't pick up after the number!"

After that, he finally wrote Shen Wei and his group nicknames, and then posted them out. As the initiator of the event, of course, he had to put them in first.
Group friend A: "I'll go, why don't you make a surprise attack in the end, luckily I read the news, add me!"

Group friend B: "I want it too, I want it too, finally I can use the PC version, it's more convenient now, long live Xinghai Smart Voice!"


After a while, the group message was directly 99+. The friends in the group have used Xinghai Smart Voice, and now the main input method is this software, so they know the benefits of this software.

Now that the PC they have been looking forward to day and night is finally out, how can they miss this opportunity, they all sign up quickly, there are only [-] slots, if they miss it, they don’t know how long they will have to wait before they can use the official version.

Shen Wei listened to the crazily sound of the group news, which also surprised Shen Wei, usually when everyone was bragging and chatting at this speed, the sound of the new news basically couldn't stop now.

Shen Wei, who was hurt, could only temporarily turn off the notification tone first. If it was not turned off, it would probably cause people to be disturbed to death. On the other side, Zhong Yan was also confused by the group news. Why are the diving friends so crazy this time?

Ten minutes later, the solitaire with only [-] places was sold out, which is actually considered slow, because it is daytime, and if it was night, it would have been sold out long ago.

Group friend n: "Hey, hey, what's going on with you guys, I just woke up and saw 99+, why didn't you call me for the quota, if I knew it, I wouldn't have stayed up late last night to catch up on the manuscript, I feel like I missed it One hundred million!"

Group friends n+1: "I'm even worse, I forgot to bring my mobile phone and squatted in the toilet, and you all snatched all the places, how about it so fast, I hate it, this damn stomach, I can't do it, I still want go again."


Some people got the quota, but others didn't. Although the quota has been sold out, some of those who didn't get it were complaining about why they didn't get it, while those who got it were mocking those who didn't.

Even though the activity for grabbing the quota has ended, the news in the group has not stopped, basically it will be 99+ in a short while, and those who have just seen the news are all stunned and don't know what happened What, but always feel like I missed something.

Seeing that all the quotas have been snatched up, Zhong Yan also laughed at the news of the group friends. His communication group has never been so lively. It is amazing that he did not expect to explode a few deep-water fish this time!

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