Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 53 Preparing to Establish a Company

Lin Feixing, who was sitting at the bottom, heard the chairman say that two works of the Software Association were shortlisted for the first batch of approval, and among them, he heard the Xinghai intelligent voice developed by himself.

The other work is a travel strategy project, which is already in operation just like Xinghai Smart Voice, and it sounds like more than 2000 people are using it.

Lin Feixing, who is used to analyzing the reasons, found that the two approved projects are already running projects, and have a certain number of users, which means that the software has potential. It seems that the school does not pass all projects.

After the chairman introduced the award-winning projects, the chairman asked the developers to introduce their own projects on stage, so that everyone could learn more. The travel guide developer went up first.

In fact, it can't be called a developer, because this software is developed by a small team, so there are four people on it. After all, not everyone can develop as well as Lin Feixing.

As the most basic student, it is already great to be able to master one or two subjects proficiently. Those who can truly stand on their own can only do it if they have worked hard in the workplace for several years or more than ten years.

The software developed by that small team is called "You Chi Raiders" or "You Chi" for short. The name can explain a lot. People who are originally programmers are usually more homebound, but these few are doing the opposite.

Because I like to travel, but it is difficult to find a pure travel strategy sharing software, so I simply plan to make one myself, so I have the current results. I think that the birth of every new thing may be due to impulse.

Lin Feixing listened to the group of software school seniors explain the development process and experience below, and it was also very rewarding. Like Xinghai Smart Voice, his software was only made on a whim.

A thing without emotion has no soul, and Lin Feixing also saw that the group of seniors really liked "You Chi", so he did a lot better than Lin Feixing in terms of humanization.

And after Lin Feixing read Shen Wei's email last time, he also knew that a piece of software he developed casually had helped so many people, and could make people who had lost their light communicate more smoothly. This made Lin Feixing feel like a burden on his shoulders took a responsibility.

This makes Lin Feixing really want to make Xinghai Smart better, which is his first step to contribute to society.

Under a burst of thunderous applause, the introduction of the seniors finally came to an end. It is only now that people know that there is a story behind the birth of their software. In the end, the projects of the seniors received 15 venture funds.

For a group of college students who have just started their business, this is already a huge sum of money. This may be the last straw that breaks the camel's back, or it may be the first ray of dawn before the rising star.

After the applause was over, it was time for Lin Feixing to take the stage. Fortunately, Lin Feixing came with a laptop, and there was a PPT left in the proposal, so that Lin Feixing would not go up empty-handed and perform without a real meal.

Lin Feixing also introduced the reason for the development of Xinghai's intelligent voice, and the students who heard it laughed. They also did not expect that the project that was selected was born because of a few words from the roommate.

However, after introducing the functions of the software, people became sluggish, not because it was too bad, but because it was too strong. People who learn software like them think they can't do this.

Other speech recognition software can achieve 99.99% to 100% accuracy, which is very powerful, but Lin Feixing's can reach 99.99%, which is basically equal to [-]%, and the [-]% written on it is probably Lin Feixing deliberately reserved for himself. room for.

And the development of this software was done by one person. The most important thing is that Lin Feixing is still a freshman in the mathematics academy. Although there is no rule that other professionals cannot make software, this is a freshman. A few months ago, this person was still in his third year of high school. Woolen cloth.

What did they think they were doing at that time?I'm afraid they are still working hard on the questions in order to score more points in the exam, but now they are told that a freshman has compared them to a group of professionals, who can bear it.

But now the facts are in front of them, which makes them have to accept it. In the end, Lin Feixing told them Shen Wei's story, which made the students below admire Lin Feixing even more.

The last "You Chi" can be said to have benefited many donkey friends, but this software by Lin Feixing has benefited many people who have lost their light. Now it has been sublimated and its nature has changed.

And Lin Feixing's project is also very optimistic by the school, firstly because Lin Feixing's software has thousands of users, and secondly because it is a software that benefits the society, so the school gave the highest evaluation.

The school approved Lin Feixing's project with the highest level of 20 yuan. Lin Feixing was also very happy to hear that he could get 20 yuan in entrepreneurial funds. This shows that he can make Xinghai smart voice better.

But Hui Hui's next sentence broke his excitement, because Hui Hui said that the venture capital needs to be injected into the company's account, which means that their software needs to be registered under the company's name.

But the problem is that Lin Feixing does not have a company, and the four seniors have not registered a company. After all, it is just a matter of interest. Although they may develop into a company in the future, they are not ready yet.

However, the president seemed to know that this would be the case in advance, so he said something to make them feel at ease.

"Don't worry, the school has already considered this situation. If there is no company, the school will help to register. You just need to provide the information. Because it is a school's entrepreneurial project, it only takes about ten days for the approval. You have to be ready."

Hearing these words finally made Lin Feixing heave a sigh of relief. He planned to register by himself, but he heard that the school would arrange it. It was too comprehensive. I have to say that the top schools are great!

In the end, the chairman asked him to think about the name of the company. Of course, it is best for the founder to determine the name of the registered company. Lin Feixing thought for a while and then came up with an idea.

Thinking that his future goal is the stars and the sea, and the software is called Xinghai Smart Voice, so Lin Feixing finally thinks that the company is called "Xinghai Technology", and Xinghai Smart Voice is a sub-brand of the company.

When the president heard these demands from Lin Feixing, he also looked at Lin Feixing differently. He didn't expect that Lin Feixing's ambition seemed to be not small, and even a Xinghai intelligent voice could not satisfy it.

But the chairman will definitely not take care of this. The future development of the company will mainly depend on themselves. What they want to do is their own business. The school is just an incubator.

The success of the entrepreneurial project can be regarded as an advertisement for the school. At least it came from their school. It doesn’t matter if the project fails. This at least cultivates practical talents. will lose money.

At the end of the meeting, it will be stated that the company will be established soon after the National Day, and it may be extended due to the National Day, but they can use this period to form a team that can support the company.

Fortunately, the seniors who developed "You Chi" said that they were a small team, but Lin Feixing was different. He was just one person, and a company must not have only one person if it wants to run normally.

So now Lin Feixing is facing the dilemma of recruiting people. As a freshman, he really doesn't know many people.

Now is not the beginning of entrepreneurship, the project has already come out, and what we need to do now is to make the project better, so we need some real talents, not newcomers who come to the project team to exercise.

As a start-up company, there is no ability to train newcomers who cannot create value, so capable talents are the main goal, but this is where the problem lies.

Thinking of this, Lin Feixing didn't know what to do, but Lin Feixing still issued a recruitment announcement in the Software Association, but he didn't know the effect.

And Lin Feixing also asked the president of the Software Association to recommend someone to him, and the president readily agreed.

But in the end, Lin Feixing thought of Mr. Xia who was in charge of recruiting students. He thought that Mr. Xia might be able to help him. Mr. Xia must have met many talents, but he was going to trouble Mr. Xia again.

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