Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 108 Toastmasters International

Looking at the figure sitting in the corner of the hall reading a book, Lin Feixing walked over slowly, and when he saw the person's face, he had such an expression.

The person sitting also saw Lin Feixing at the same time, and then said with a smile.

"Student Lin, stay safe and sound!"

"President Luo, why are you here?"

That person is Academician Luo Hua, the president of Yanhua Mathematics Association that Lin Feixing just met not long ago!

"Isn't it normal for me to be here? Don't forget who I am, haha."

Lin Feixing thought about it, and indeed, President Luo is the president of the Mathematics Association, and it is not impossible to receive an invitation to attend the lecture together.

After a brief chat with Chairman Luo, Lin Feixing was ready to go back to his room to rest.

Compared with Lin Feixing, President Luo came a day earlier than him, because there are old friends here, and President Luo also came first to meet old friends.

The next day, when Lin Feixing woke up, it was still dark, because his body already had a corresponding biological clock, and he would wake up when the time came.

Now that he came to a foreign country with jet lag, it seemed a little uncomfortable, but he should be able to recover after a day.

Lin Feixing didn't stay in the hotel all the time that day, but went outside for a walk when he had nothing to do.

First, I went to the nearby Notre Dame Cathedral. After all, it was hard to come here once. It would be a pity not to check in.

However, he returned to the hotel early at night, because he heard that it is not safe to go abroad at night, unlike in China, he thinks it is better to be cowardly!

On the third day, Lin Feixing woke up normally, and then went to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast.

After taking a few bites, he went downstairs, where someone was already waiting for him.

He was not nervous at all when he got on the car to the lecture, because this was not the first time.

And this time, because he was giving a speech abroad, he bought himself a suit specially, so that he couldn't embarrass Yanhua when he went out.

Lin Feixing, who put on a suit, looked more energetic than before, and his already handsome face became even more handsome.

It's a pity that this time I didn't go to see beautiful women, but most of the people I had to face were old men.

The venue was held in a large lecture hall in Sixth University. In addition to professors from all over the world, there were also students from the school.

Those who were not invited either chose to stand on both sides of the corridor, or chose to sit on the floor. Anyway, there were people occupying the vacant places!
Lin Feixing admitted that this was the first time he had seen such a scene, and he had never given a speech to the Yanhua Mathematics Association before.

In fact, this is also very normal, because Riemann's conjecture is not a simple problem, but it is much stronger than Zhou's conjecture.

After taking a deep breath and relaxing, Lin Feixing soon started his speech.

Facing this speech, he has already made sufficient preparations. This speech has been prepared for a month and a half.

The time he was trying to understand the proof of Riemann's conjecture was for today, but he didn't know the person he was facing.

This speech will be divided into two sessions. The first session is to explain the proof process of Riemann's conjecture, a total of three hours.

And the second time will be held in the afternoon, that is, it is time for those who listen to the speech to ask questions, which is expected to be two hours.

After the lecture, there will be a dinner in the evening, which is very troublesome.

The three-hour speech in the morning gave Lin Feixing a good experience. For the whole three hours, no one who listened to the speech interrupted him.

And they were all listening to his speech carefully, and Lin Feixing tried to speak clearly enough.

After the speech was over, several old professors with doubts asked Lin Feixing questions.

And Lin Feixing also answered. In the end, because too many people asked questions, Lin Feixing postponed all the answers until the afternoon.

To be honest, the whole morning speech is still very torturous. I don’t feel it during the speech, but I feel a little tired after the speech is over.

The question session in the afternoon is the most test of ability and endurance. Lin Feixing will face questions from famous teachers from all over the world.

Many questions seemed very tricky, and I really couldn't answer them without enough strength.

But Lin Feixing answered all of them fluently, and those professors who still had doubts about him also began to accept Lin Feixing.

Because Lin Feixing is so young, many old professors have doubts about his achievements, but after this questioning, they are really convinced.

With the end of the second time, there was a burst of applause in the classroom, which is people's admiration for the great man!

In their eyes, this young man from Yanhua has completely convinced them.

Seeing this scene, Luo Hua also had a smile on his face. It has been a long time since the Yanhua Mathematics community has received this kind of respect.

Originally, there were only two hours to ask questions, but because people asked too many questions, it was delayed to more than four hours!
Fast-forward to the evening, and finally the crowd clears, and the dinner party will start in two hours.

After such a long speech, it is better to let everyone rest for a while before the dinner.

During the dinner, Professor Luo Hua led him this time, and he met many bigwigs in the mathematics world directly.

Even the professors who have reviewed his papers know a few of them, and these are real bosses!

And when Lin Feixing got to know the big guys, many professors really set their minds on him.

"Student Lin Feixing, I'm Professor Kell from Harvard University. Are you interested in studying in our school? Our school is good."

"Oh no, student Lin, don't listen to him, it's better to come to our Cambridge University!"

"No, no, come to Princeton University, we are a well-known university in the mathematics field, and we welcome student Lin very much!"

In such a short period of time, several world famous schools came to Lin Feixing to win him over.

He didn't pay attention to Professor Luo beside him at all. At this time, Professor Luo's face was completely black!

Poaching corners directly in front of him, the president of the Yanhua Mathematics Association, isn't it that you don't take him too seriously!
So, Lin Feixing was rejected by Professor Luo before he could say no, and even a dozen or so spat on it.

How could Professor Luo allow other schools to poach Yanhua's corner? If he is poached away, then he, the president of the Yanhua Mathematics Association, will not have to be the president!

In the end, professors from other schools who knew they were wrong were also directly told by Professor Luo to run away, and they could be regarded as Yanhua's first mouthpiece!

Lin Feixing can assure you that this Professor Luo is definitely the most irritable professor he has ever seen!
After driving away those people, Professor Luo hurriedly took Lin Feixing back to the room, not letting Lin Feixing come out again, for fear of being found again and continuing to poach the wall.

And Lin Feixing was so happy about this matter, he already knew the people he should know.

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