Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 105 Paper Submission

After several days of struggling without sleep and food, the last barrier was finally broken!
Five days before the exam, Lin Feixing successfully understood Riemann's conjecture, and now this proof can be regarded as his own.

From an observer to now an insider, he has put in a lot of hard work!
If it were someone else, it might not be possible to understand it thoroughly in a month and a half under the premise of having a reference answer!
Even Lin Feixing felt that this was the most difficult time he had encountered, and he felt that it took all his brain cells to solve it.

Now that he has a thorough understanding of the content, he feels that Professor Riemann is a real genius, able to come up with such a problem at that time!
He feels that when this proof is accepted by the world, it will cause a great sensation in the mathematics world.

Many new theories may be generated because of this, but these are not what Lin Feixing needs to consider.

At this moment, the draft paper on his desk could be as thick as a dictionary.

It is conceivable how many formulas he calculated during this period, and this is just the scratch paper he used during this period!

If you add the previous ones, it may become an English-Chinese dictionary!

However, there are actually a lot of them that are not needed at all, and the rest of the time is to start sorting out the materials and make them look like a thesis.

This would have been a long process, but because of the system's reference answer.

Therefore, Lin Feixing only needs to modify and add his own understanding of Riemann's conjecture by comparing the proof materials of the system.

So the task that originally took many days to complete is now completed in half a day!
Looking at the finished papers, Lin Feixing delivered the papers, and the journal was the same as last time.

But because Lin Feixing wasn't in a hurry this time, he didn't use Xiaozhi to advance the review time.

Instead, he reviewed manuscripts at a normal speed. After finishing these, he suddenly thought about whether he should send a copy to Dean Zhong?
As an old professor of mathematics, I must be very interested in this kind of thing!
After thinking about it, I prepared to print out a paper and send it to Dean Zhong tomorrow.

Now Dean Zhong is both a teacher and a friend to him, and Lin Feixing will consult Dean Zhong when he encounters problems.

Compared with him as a "rookie", Dean Zhong still knows a little better than Lin Feixing in many aspects.

After all, people have traveled far more than he has eaten. Dean Zhong was able to remind him of many points that Lin Feixing did not expect.

The next day, Lin Feixing went straight to the dean's office with the printed paper!

When Dean Zhong saw the thesis that Lin Feixing handed him, he was still puzzled at first.

But when he turned the first page, the man was dumbfounded!

Because the formula on the first page became more and more familiar to him, when he realized that it was the formula of Riemann's conjecture, he was stunned!

"Student Lin, is this true? Don't tell me you proved the Riemann Hypothesis?"

Faced with Dean Zhong's expression, Lin Feixing had expected this would happen a long time ago, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Yes Dean, this is the research result of my time, I think I have proved it, and I have submitted the paper!"


Dean Zhong gasped, and then the hand holding the paper began to tremble.

This is because the excited hands are shaking, because Dean Zhong understands that if this is true, then their school will be famous in the entire mathematics world!

Dean Zhong obviously chose to believe Lin Feixing's words. After all, anyone who knew Lin Feixing knew that he never spoke big words.

"Good! Good! Good!"

In the end, Dean Zhong only squeezed out three good words, and began to read the paper.

For this level of proof, most people will definitely not be able to understand it in a short time, but the basic logic can still be seen roughly.

The whole morning, Dean Zhong was studying this thesis, and asked Lin Feixing for advice from time to time.

That's right, just ask for advice!
He, a mathematician, actually asked a freshman who hadn't even graduated from a bachelor's degree for advice!
If this is spread, no one may believe it, but the reality is like this.

But in the face of this situation, Dean Zhong didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and said that he was not ashamed to ask his subordinates, and the master is a teacher!
These few words are the truth among the people who are really doing learning!
When Lin Feixing walked out of the dean's office, his face was full of joy and relief.

He was happy because he seemed to have made a contribution to the school again, and relaxed because he finally solved this problem that had been suppressed for a long time.

Before leaving, Lin Feixing seemed to vaguely hear Dean Zhong saying that he would bring this paper to the Mathematics Association for discussion.

Thinking of the scene of a group of old men spitting and discussing each other, I couldn't help but tremble.

He has decided that no matter how invited by the Mathematics Association, he will not participate in the discussion, at most he will give a speech!
After finishing all this, Lin Feixing felt that he could finally relax, so he planned to go to the company to see the situation.

He hasn't inspected the company properly for a long time, and he doesn't know how Xinghai Smart Voice is doing?

Ever since Zhang Zifeng handed Xinghai Smart Voice over to take care of it, he basically didn't take care of it much.

I just asked Xiaozhi to help me figure it out. According to the news from Xiaozhi, the number of dialects recognized by the software has changed from one to three!

This is all thanks to Lin Feixing's upgrade of Xiaozhi's server, which has released Xiaozhi's computing power to the maximum.

When Lin Feixing came to the company by taxi, he found that there were more people as soon as he entered. Now there are thirty people.

For a technology company, there are already a lot of people, many of whom have never met Lin Feixing, the boss behind the scenes.

Many new employees also looked puzzled and wary when they saw Lin Feixing walking in the company as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was afraid that he was a spy sent by a certain company, but fortunately, some old employees recognized Lin Feixing.

"Boss, why do you have time to come to the company?!"

A pleasant voice sounded behind Lin Feixing, and Lin Feixing knew who was calling him without looking back.

The person who spoke was the third batch of people recruited by the company. At that time, Lin Feixing had not handed over the company to Zhang Zifeng for management.

He personally interviewed this person, the director of the company's publicity department, and his name was Liu Lin.

After looking back, I found that it was indeed Liu Lin. The main reason for recruiting her at that time was that she was very clean.

Even the voice is very clean, and the personality is very good, so that everyone who has come into contact with it feels very comfortable.

And her subsequent performance also proved that Lin Feixing was not mistaken, because of her existence, the company's popularity is now rising.

Now the number of software users has reached 300 million, and there are more than 60 member users!
Compared with the number of people at the beginning, it can be regarded as a huge difference, and how much time did it take?

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