Black Sky

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 Escape from the dead

Anyway, these are the people that Chus brought out, and when they threw collectively on the ground in front of Sae Young, Chus felt that his face was lost along with them.

He sighed hard to say anything, and said: “Ladies and gentlemen, promise me, will you not say that you are from the special training camp in the future?”

Three people: “Huh?”

“Ah what? Excuse me, get up and roll over.” Chus said blankly.

The people who came out of the training camp carried some of the unique conditioned reflexes of the military, especially when they were trained by Chus. Almost as soon as he heard such words, he whipped up to his feet, and almost ran into the queue to report.

Everyone stood on the center’s transmission platform together, and all the staff of the agency involved in high-precision secrets were familiar with this thing.

In the past, the 70th floor of the security building used this kind of transmission pad, but it is an updated version, which is more simple and high-end than this. It looks a bit like the glass elevators of ancient times. The moment a person enters, the DNA sequence will be scanned, compared with the internal files of the building and the appointment and hospitality information. Only when the identity is verified can it start smoothly.

Unidentified visitors will be intelligently locked by the touch sensor at the bottom of the teleportation pad and cannot move unless they chop their legs.

Truss had to use this every day when he went up and downstairs. It was a natural thing to get used to it.

He almost subconsciously raised his hand and pressed the starter, and the scanning area started automatically.

The moment the red light swept under his palm, he suddenly reacted, and suddenly withdrew his hand: “…”

He inadvertently regarded this place as a security building. In the security building, his authority is at the top level. Of course, it is unimpeded. You can scan the DNA casually with your palm. There is absolutely no need to worry about the verification failure. But here is different, this is Fort Barney.

Even if this old version of the transmission pad seems to only need to verify the identity of the initiator, the security is not that high. but…

In a place where he was banned when he was 14 years old, where did he get the authority?

The three fools hadn’t reacted yet, and Sae Young had already said in a joking tone: “Our sir also has some recklessness, but it doesn’t matter.”

He took out the core disk of the Celestial Eye system that had been dismantled, and blinked at Chuss, “I hate to clean up the mess, but if it’s your sir, I can reluctantly—”

Before he finished speaking, an unfamiliar electronic voice interrupted him, “Identity verification is passed, and the transmission pad is activated.”


With a soft sound, the entire transmission pad trembles and slowly descends to the next level.

Sae Young: “…”

Three fools: “…”

Even Chu Si looked at his palm blankly, and then frowned, “Passed?”

With a move of Saer’s transparent eyes, he scanned Chus up and down, and finally stared at Chus’s eyes again, as if he was staring at a prey close at hand.

Truth really didn’t like being stared at like this. His gaze couldn’t say whether it was a scrutiny or something. In short, there was a sense of oppression that was neither light nor heavy. The so-called “sense of oppression” is the most annoying to Chief Chu, who eats soft but not hard.

Just when he felt a little upset, Sae Young suddenly changed his eyes, and squirmed his mouth and reached out to touch the starter in the grounds.

The red light swept across under his palm.

The electronic tone sounded again, “Identity verification passed.”

Sahe snorted, “I knew it, after all, it is something that hasn’t been updated in 50 years. I guess it will pass if a dog touches it. Huh? Do you want to try them all?”

Three fools: “…” What the **** do you mean? !

With a violent temper, you will roll up your sleeves on the spot! However, halfway through the roll, he suddenly remembered who the **** was. He froze again, and silently put down his sleeves with a poisoned expression on his face that he had taken rat medicine.

Truth frowned and looked at Saer: “…You don’t have a gang fight with people today, don’t you?”

Sahe smiled at him: “My dear, you have wronged me. I just speak more straightforwardly.”

“Well, you always make sense.” Truth said.

Tang suddenly turned his head and looked at Le Pen with a weird expression. Le Pen looked at Liu with a weird expression. Liu didn’t squint, “…” Don’t look at me, I don’t understand.

The second underground level in the east of the center fort is more than 40 meters high. It is one of the largest spaces in the center fort, and the other is the second underground level in the west. The huge and complex equipment runs from the bottom to the top of the wall, looking spectacular and icy.

When the teleportation ground reached the end, the top mouth was sealed, and the copper wall and iron wall completely covered them in the second underground space.

However, the gate of the teleportation pad seemed to be dead, and there was no movement.

“Huh?” Tang raised his hand and patted the transparent door, frowning: “Will this door also age? Why is it so slow?”

As soon as he finished saying this, another electronic sound came out from the starter: “The command source starts to verify.”

“Command source? What command source?” Le Pen turned around in place, “This sounds familiar.”


“The S001 command source could not be detected.” The electronic tone rang again without ups and downs.

Le Pen’s expressions suddenly changed, “Fuck S001? That information really came from here!”

They subconsciously figured out the communicator, but this time what they received was no longer information. The electronic tone went on to say: “Identity is wrong, the self-destructing program is started, the countdown is 5—”

At the moment when the number “5” came out, a row of black holes suddenly protruded from the top of the sealed glass cylinder on the transmission platform.

Everyone was shocked.


Tang immediately drew out a pocket and popped it out. Liu held it down, and quickly shouted, “Are you crazy?! It’s us who exploded in such a small space!”



They were stunned by a crisp noise behind them, almost thinking that Sae Young was going to blow up the fort regardless. Turning his head, he found that he was standing next to the starter. The cover of the starter was broken to the ground, revealing the complicated chips and wiring inside.


“Communication—” Saer stretched out his hand without raising his head. Before he could finish speaking, Truth had already slapped everyone’s communicator and threw it to him.

Sahe took it, and whistled at him, “I’m very pleased for so many years—”

“Shut up, hurry up,” Truth finished, looking up at the jet hole of the black hole in the head.


Saer dexterously connected all the communicators to the cables, typed a long string of characters on one of them with his fingers, and simply connected the core of the sky eye.

“Liquid Nitrogen Preparation—”

When Chu Si heard this, he immediately picked up the cannon barrel that Saer was leaning against his leg and carried it on his shoulder, and then took a handful of pocket ammunition from Liu’s hand and sent it all into the trajectory.


The moment the liquid nitrogen spurted out, Chus had already exploded artillery fire towards the spout hole above his head.

At the moment of the explosion, the entire center fort shook.

“Oh, fucking-” Tang and the others jumped. If there was a wall at this time, they would have quickly turned out. In this kind of sealed place, this kind of lethal weapon is just banging, you can’t do such a thing if you’re not crazy!

“What?! Isn’t it time for you to blow up the apartment?” Chu Si said casually, squinting his eyes through the sight and looking at the exploding fire.

Sahe laughed out loud, seemingly very exciting. He bit the tip of his tongue, raised his eyelids, and quickly glanced up toward the top, but his fingers didn’t stop at all. In this way, he took time out of his busy schedule, freed his right hand and snapped his fingers in Chus’s ear, “As expected of my sir!”

“Fuck you!” Chus moved the barrel threateningly, as if Saer would just waste another second and he would blow off the head of this rogue thing.

The moment the fire exploded, the extremely high temperature instantly turned the liquid nitrogen into it.

The instant thick mist rushed down from the top, wrapped in a burning heat wave.


The familiar electronic sound of the Skyeye system is like the sound of heaven: “The interference data is successfully spread.”

All the electronic screens on the second basement floor of the entire East Central Fort suddenly lit up, as if a giant beast suddenly opened its eyes.

The starter that was dismantled badly once again made a beep: “Unlocked successfully, the cleaning program is started.”

The glass door suddenly opened when the dense fog filled.

The sudden whiteness of the environment dazzled Truth’s eyes, and the old problem was committed again at the critical moment. He felt that he was being pulled by his wrist, and then he turned it on the spot in that direction.

The sound of the gun barrel hitting the ground was very ear-piercing. Truth closed his eyes abruptly, then opened it again, and he saw a buzzing sound from the jet hole in the head, and the huge suction instantly smashed the fog, fire and heat Sucked it back.

In the glass cover of the transmission apron, only a faint mist remained, and it quickly disappeared cleanly.

The place where Tang fell was closest to Chus. He slumped on the ground, muttering dumbfounded: “Fuck? Is this all right?”

“Thanks.” Chu Si loosened his shoulders, said to him, turned over and stood up, and took a rough check with the gun barrel.

Tang: “Huh?”

“Give me a hand,” Chus said casually.

Tang: “Huh?”

When Le Pen and Liu also got up from the ground, Sahe had already entered the glass cover again and tapped on the communicator for a moment.

Just listen to the devices on the wall smashing medicine and saying one after another

“S001 command source”

“Found Command Source”

“S001 start”

“Command source is disturbed”

“Program error”


Everyone: “…”

Sahe pulled out all the communicators and grabbed them in his hands. He mocked in the sickly electronic sounds, leaned against the glass door in a shapeless way, picked up a communicator and glanced at it casually. : “The programs on this screen are all in a mess—”

Before he finished speaking, Le Pen twitched his mouth and raised his hand: “Mine.”

Saer raised his hand and threw it over, then picked up the next one: “The edge of this screen is knocked like a dog?”

Tang Gan said: “My.”

Sahe threw it over again. He turned on both of the remaining two screens and took a look, raised his eyebrows to choose one, and threw it directly at Liu.

Liu: “…”

“Sir, come get your communicator.” Saer shook the thin plate at Chus with his eyes bent.

Chus: “Throw it over.”

Saer dragged his tone, “Just now a senior officer with long legs was dragged by me when he was blind in it. Should I say thank you?” He paused, then squinted his eyes and added: “Yes. The right person?”

“…” Truth looked at him for three seconds and said, “Thank you.”

Saer: “You’re welcome.”

After speaking, he raised his foot and walked over to shoot the communicator in Chus’s hand.

Truth finally didn’t hold back, “Are you naive?”

“I’m well-developed and mature. Thank you, sir, for your concern.” When Saer was speaking, he had already bypassed Truth and walked straight to the central operation desk. “Let me see where the stubborn 50001 is.”

Truth: “…” How the **** it sounds, it doesn’t sound right.

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