[BL] NEET life in the Apocalypse

Chapter 8-Moving away

Chapter 8—Moving away

by Bocchan13

Song Yu wasn’t much for sentimentality. There was nothing for him here. After leaving the Song Family mansion, he took a bus back to his old apartment. Putting the AC on blast again, he took inventory of what he would need during the apocalypse.

His plan was to go to A country and build an impenetrable fort. The villa he just received was large enough to house 10 people. So being alone would definitely work. The area surrounding the villa was extensive, the border ranging almost 100 meters from all sides. The back of the villa led to a lake, so it wasn’t cornered off. It was the perfect location for a zombie getaway. There would be no one for hundreds of miles. The seasons in A country varied. The summer was cool and the winter was extremely cold, the snow could build up extremely high. It was the perfect weather since the zombies disliked cold.

Why is there a villa in the middle of nowhere, you say? It used to be the safe house for one of the family members. It was so safe in fact, that the assassin (who was rumored to be his own brother), could not find him for 3 decades. And since the Song family also provided relief to the villagers at the base of the forest during a flood, the villagers never built buildings close to it.

When they first made Paradise base, they had to establish rules and laws, allocation, mission control, agriculture and factory made items. That in itself took 5 years of intense work.

Since he didn’t need to do that anymore, all he needed were things for himself. He rubbed his hands eagerly as the memories resurfaced.

In the apocalypse, the most coveted thing was food. Poultry, eggs, dairy, wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits…everything was in high demand. Even if it was a small potato, it could rack up quite a bit. Song Yu and his friends stumbled upon a farm and took their farming equipment, including an electronic husk machine, fertilizer, hoes, a machine that tilled, and several other things.

Song Yu definitely wanted to be self-sufficient and never leave his compound unless he wanted to, so buying grains and seed as well as ready-made foods.

Spices, sauces and of course salt. His space was roughly the size of a 2 story house. He could fit almost ten years’ worth of food in there. However, he still had to take into account other things, so putting that aside, food was the most needed.

After food came drink. Song Yu didn’t have to worry about that. After seven years in the apocalypse, the water started to be contaminated with the virus. Song Yu was responsible for the purification in his space. The villa had both the lake and a well. When it froze over, he could melt the snow.

Song Yu did not have a good memory, so when he thought of his ideas, he jotted it down. Food, water, medicine, the fence, farming equipment, heat insulators, solar panels, wind turbines, wool, clothing, entertainment, reinforced walls, animals, and of course AC. There was more Song Yu needed, but for now, he had to get out of the city and to A Country. Only 1 day back from the apocalypse and he felt he lost time. There was still 3 months.

Money made everything. The fence would take around 5 weeks, and the reinforced walls at the villa would take around 2. Song Yu looked at his list and sighed. If the zombie apocalypse ended up NOT happening…then that was even better.

Before leaving the city, he contacted his university and resigned from class. He called the apartment owner and paid the leaving deposit. Once that was done, Song Yu took only a small amount of stuff from his apartment (including the bedding!) and booked a plane.

He tried his best to not think about the other person, and it was only when he was 20,000 feet in the air, did he take out the picture from his breast pocket. The picture was done poorly with bad lighting and blurry sides, but the two faces were clear as they hunched over the phone. Lan Zhou’s face was brightly lit, and although cold, it showed gentleness and patience.

He stared at the photo for a while, before putting it back into his pocket. Sighing, he leaned back into the seat and closed his eyes. His journey is just starting; there was no time for sentimentality…

Lan Zhou woke up in the hotel room alone. He reached for that slender body, but found nothing but cold sheets. Opening his eyes, he frantically got out of bed; not caring for his nakedness and checked everywhere. He wasn’t in the bathroom, he wasn’t in the living room and he wasn’t on the balcony…was he…stood up?

Lan Zhou weakly sat down on the bed as last night went through his head. Did he hurt Song Yu? Is that why? But that couldn’t be! Song Yu initiated their last two rounds! Did he have something urgent to do? Lan Zhou scoured around the room, but there wasn’t a trace of a letter, or anything signaling the time they shared. It was as if last night had been an illusion.

No! That can’t be! Lan Zhou whipped out his phone and realized that Song Yu didn’t give him a phone number. No way to contact him, no evidence of being here in the hotel…what was going on? Lan Zhou wanted to cry! His first time, he gave it to the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he’s GONE!

Lan Zhou spent 28 years as a virgin, waiting for that one person who could spark that intense love he was so willing to give. He waited patiently, and when he found it, he wanted it right away. It wasn’t love at first sight. As a face-con, it was most likely love at face first. But after interacting with him, seeing his dazed eyes as they shared a kiss, his small voice when he said don’t bite, and the wild abandon when they finally made love in bed…

It was as if the checklist in Lan Zhou’s head for the perfect partner was checked over and over again. Sweet but bitter, funny and charismatic, strong yet tender. These contradictions that made up Song Yu was also in Lan Zhou. And although they only met, unlike the other people Lan Zhou had dated…he felt that a future with Song Yu would be splendid.

He had planned to become exclusive with Song Yu this morning, maybe wait a few weeks before getting married and have him take over the agriculture department (which was non-existent for now) at his company. He would cook breakfast early in the morning and watch him eat happily in the afternoons before coming home together at night!

What happened to this beautiful dream??

Lan Zhou really did slip a tear before coming to his senses. No! He has to find him! He has to know why he was abandoned! Speed dialing Wang Cheng, he put on some clothes and checked out of the hotel.

“Hey Old Lan, congratulations on popping your cherry!”

“Save it. I need your help. Get the CCTV records of last night from the club and do a deep dive investigation of the person named Song Yu. I need this by this afternoon, can you do it?”

“Woah bro, aren’t you supposed to be in wedded bliss? Where’s sister-in-law?”

“He ran away,” Lan Zhou bit off bitterly. Wang Cheng on the other side now felt guilty. His bro was just used as a one night stand!

“Roger. I’ll come to the company at 3 with the information. Lan Zhou, please chase your wife!”

“Will do.” Lan Zhou sat in the company car as the driver took him to the company building. He rubbed his eyes and couldn’t help but sigh deeply. He never expected that the one person who he wanted to share a connection with…didn’t want anything to do with him.


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