
Sebas Aren - Gigarat King (Chapter 22)

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

A gigantic dungeon mutation in the form of 5 feet long bled over Sebas, previous attempts to [Bite] him were largely unsuccessful, only successful in drenching him in blood as the corpse ended up landing on him as his dagger removed the life from the meaty rodent, mid-leap.

Sebas removed the rat’s tail and pelt, as it seemed as if his trait, was guiding him. Dropping the pieces of monster parts into his magic bag, he looked up at the other two, who shared an equal look of disdain.

“I think I understand why they call you tiny,” Karri said to Sebas.

“Is that all you have to provoke me?”

“I could think of a few more things.”

“Do you want to go find somewhere to wash that stuff off?” Adam asked.

In response, Sebas prodded a bloodied finger onto the blue-burning corpse of the rat. He lit in a similar blue flame but only ended up cleaned of blood, not a bit of scorch or burns except for lightning arc trails underneath his skin.

Adam clapped at the pathetic magic trick while Karri just stared.

“You said you needed a Broodmother pelt, May I ask why?”

“You may.”

“You are aware that the item in question is highly sought after, and would be considered impossible to get by a group of an abnormal, and a classless.”

“Isn’t that why you’re here?” Adam asked.

“Yes, but I’m not doing it for you.” Karri retorted.

“Then why are you doing it?” Sebas piped up this time.

“That’s a stupid question.”

“Indulge me.”

“That’s what adventurers do, help adventurers.”

“Nobody else wanted you in their party, did they.”

An arrow was knocked into the bowstrings of a beautiful recurve bow, aimed true at Sebas.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I recall that there’s a lot of things adventurers do, including not taking sass from ex-nobility.”

“You should aim good, cause if I survive in the-“

“EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING AND LOOK AT THAT!” Adam yelled at the top of his lungs, pointing at what can only be described as a ball of gigarats, rolling towards the group.

“Joy,” Karri said bleakly.

“What’s the verdict?” Sebas asked.

“Run away!” Adam had a hint of panic in his voice. The giga-mischief rumbled through the wheat fields, barreling directly for the group of adventurers. Sebas began to run for the flank of the beast, willing to fight it. Karri sneered and motioned at Adam to distract it.

Sebas outsped the ball of beasts by twofold at least, running across its surface with a blade, drawing blood from 12 of the uncountable gigarats.

“DEATH TO THOSE WHO HARM MY FRIENDS,” Adam yelled, removing a significant chunk of the rat’s heads. The mass rolled forward, crushing Adam beneath the mass of flesh. Sebas began to rip the adventurer out from underneath the rats, but his body failed to move in ways that he wished.

[Access. 12 Stat Points are available for Distribution.]

[Strength 15 -> 25]

[Access. You have 25 points in Strength. External forces have boosted this by an additional 5 points.]

[Access. 2 Stat Points are available for Distribution.]

[Constitution 13 -> 15]

[Access. You have 15 points in Constitution. External forces offer no additional upgrades.]

[Notice: Trait (Risk-taker) has been created after meeting the requirements.]

Adam is pulled out from underneath the Gigarat king, and tossed into the distance with a potion that follows, landing softly on his chest. Sebas manages to get his hand inside of the Gigarat king through some sort of adrenaline rage, shoving the now biting Gigarats aside from his body, he begins to rip several half dozens of gigarodent out with his own hands, knife loosening several dozen pieces of Gigarat-king, the animals that drop began to latch onto him, biting onto his legs, one onto his shoulder, causing a screaming pain; a warcry to sound from Sebas.

His dagger began to shine purple, turning his attention away from the recoiling mass of rats, meanwhile, arrows peppered the battlefield, shooting stray rats directly in the back or front of their respective heads, Sebas turned only to get rolled over by a mass of black fleshy rat.

[Notice: Perspective Shift; Karri Bladewood (LV 11)]

“Welp. he’s dead.” Karri thought to herself as the giant rat began to swallow Sebas in its mass of weight. She began to shoot arrows at a rate abnormal and unnatural to her normal rate of fire, she would have to abandon the fight when the last of her arrows left her quiver.

She leaped down from the tree she stood on, leaping strides making her way to Adam, and shoved the potion on his chest in his mouth.

Adam coughed in pain, audible cracks could be heard as the man’s ribs re-align within his body.

“Is Sebas okay?”

“He’s dead, we’re leaving.”

Adam looked shell-shocked, allowing himself to be removed from the ground, Karri held him upright and began to walk towards the entrance, confident the king rat would not be able to do anything now that the beast was feeding.

“I need to go back.”

Sighing, Karri let go, allowing Adam to collect his sword. They both walked towards the still ball of rats, which was rumbling along with an unnatural sound of discordant squeaks and painful sounds.

Karri dropped her arm, which was about to knock out Adam. Her curiosity took an interest in the oddity, being intrigued by oddities and abnormalities, she noticed some of the rat king were dead, a lot more than they killed earlier. She willed her mental notifications to be allowed through.

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[+24 Duplicate Messages]

[Notice: Perspective Shift; Sebas Aren (LV 8)]

Red flashes light up the inside of the rat king:

A tangle of tails formed a ball in the center, and a strange similar red glow peers from inside the mesh of tails.

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[Shared Experience Points have been collected]

[(Risk-Taker) has been activated]

[(Valuables Insight) spies something shiny!]

Sebas held a hand against the side of his head, mental noises bounced around in his head as he wormed through the rat king’s cacophony and screeched out in protest.

Taking his knife, Sebas continued to remove the lower mass of rats from the embrace of life, while the rest began to glow red. Fortunately, he had yet to be crushed due to the strange internals of the creature, each tail leaves a gap about a foot long allowing one to crawl around against the rats, not happily, but successfully.

Sebas downed a potion as the colony began to enrage, several dozen glowing red lights took the form of an aura that seemed to emit light. His flesh had several dozen bites on it which healed only to leave greenish marks underneath scars, shrugging it off, Sebas continued his effort of slaying rats before he heard something.

It was too muffled to be properly heard, but soon a triple slash brought additional light inside the dark interior, followed by the word “CORE”

Sebas scratched his head and laid back, thinking as to where the core would be. He had some sort of scent in his nose that led him into a search, and it seemed to end at the giant ball of tails. He began to climb up one and started to carefully remove tails while searching around inside the flesh, uncovering a singular small stone within.

“No way.”

Sebas focused on the object, and soon the word came up. His grin was glinting in the dark at the small object. He dropped it into his magical storage.

[Magic Bag {Capacity 12%}: 1x , 1x, Unidentified Treasure Casket, 1x , 1x , 1x ]

Sebas noticed the poison and pulled the pure red liquid vial out, and with a careful cut on the tip of the rabbit’s tail knot, he poured the poison out.

A black rot began snaking its way through 90% of the rat king and the entire mini room of tails began collapsing.

Waiting outside Karri and Adam were on wheat fields as Sebas crawled through the hundred corpses, and slid down off the giant pile of flesh.

The pile of corpses was utterly ruined, black necrotic rot making up most of their bodies.

Adam tacked Sebas in a hug, blubbering about something that Sebas refrained from broaching, Karri stood over the boy, sitting on Adam while holding an arrow to Sebas's neck.

“What do you know about rosary poison?” She demanded the answer, a sharpness within her voice.

“If it has anything to do with something tragic, it wasn’t me, we have a lie detector if you want to meet her.”



She began to mumble: “If he knows Jenva, there’s no way he would have anything to do with it.”

“Can you get off of Adam?”

“… why just Adam?”

“I don’t like the face he’s making, and the drool that he’s leaking onto my shirt.”

Karri, wishing to inflict pain on Sebas, smirked and crossed her legs while patting Adam on the back.

“You’re both horrible,” Sebas said while standing upright, his equally rivaling his two companions.

“Adam go FUCKING LOOT THEM BEFORE THEY BURN UP,” Sebas yelled sharply while shaking the boy, only for Adam to give his familiar strange salute across his forehead.

Sebas turned to Karri, “Don’t lead him on, he’s too stupid to pick up cues.”

“There’s nothing there, are you worried your piggy bank is going to disappear?”

Sebas nodded, “Finder's keepers witch.”

The pair practically had sparks coming off of one another, as a glare was shared.

[Magic Bag {Capacity 89%}: 1x , 1x, Unidentified Treasure Casket, 1x , 99x , 99x ]

“Remind me why you get to hold the loot?” Karri asked.

“Because I was the party leader when I started with Adam 5 days ago.”

“Two weeks ago.” Adam corrected.

“Right, two weeks ago.”

“I still cannot believe you tried to open a chest.”

“I’d do it again if the people I lived with weren’t “worried” about me,” Sebas said with a grin.

“You truly are going to die one day, but not yet.”

“You know that’s probably the nicest thing you’ve said, Karri.”

“I have my moments.”

After making their way back through the giant door and crowd of people who make it a hassle to enter and exit, Sebas allowed his notifications to appear.

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 4 Gigarat]

[+76 Duplicate messages]

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 7 Field Boss: Gigarat King]

[Trait experience has been gained]

[You have been Poisoned]

[+12 Duplicate messages]


[Human Level 8 -> 9]


[Human Level 9 -> 10]

[Class can be selected!]

[Please choose a class:

Blacksmith Apprentice {Gis}

Honorary Elven Hunter {Cyran}

Rampaging Assassin


[ ]

Dungeon Thief

Fledgling Beast Reaper

Fleet-foot Scouter

Sebas squinted at the last slot with confusion, prompting Adam to sling his arm around him.

“What’s wrong amigo? Something off?”

“I’m poisoned.”

“Then drink an antidote, stupid,” Karri said with a snark.

Sebas didn’t respond, tipping back the viscous liquid letting out a sigh, and clutched his chest.

“Seems like you took too long, let’s take him to his people Adam.”

“Whatever you want momma” is all Sebas heard from Adam before passing out from the pain.

Sebas woke up, a note on the nightstand of his attic bedroom, a lodging allowed by the lovely couple he had been indebted to.

“Going out with my GF Sebas, I’ll ttyl, <3, sleep or else miss Fayeth said she would “hit you with a frying pan til you quit putting yourself in danger” -Adam”

A massive >:P Was drawn on the other half of his note, while Karri wrote on the bottom of the letter.

“Your cut is 12 silver, 3 coppers, it seems that rat king parts aren’t useful except for the monster core you hid from us.”

Sebas looked over at a coin purse on the end table, along with a sandwich and a glass of water, along with the note “Congratulations on becoming level 10 Sebas” written by Jenva.

Sebas shakes his head and holds the back of his neck with his hand, taking a bite of a delicious rabbit steak sandwich and stared out of the attic window towards the street below.

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