
Sebas Aren - Eruka Dungeon Southeast (Chapter 2)


“Giant structures that span for miles within the ground, ruins, or crypts that have been eaten by a special creature known as a “Dungeon Slug.”

A long time ago a group of adventurers under the (Explorer) class wanted to “solve” the mystery behind the dangerous phenomena where a cave or tomb would suddenly and unexpectedly disappear, and reappear a year later.

They discovered a strange beast that is all white in appearance, presumed to be a slime relative rather than a “slug.”

A “chrysalis” or “cocoon” is formed, a membrane that holds the slug’s “stomach” is formed below ground within the first 4 months. Afterwards mana is absorbed from the decaying bodies, nature, and other factors.

A dungeon slug can be found collecting “Subjects” for analysis, giant tentacles will shoot from the ground and collect small to medium sized beasts, as far as documented cases go.

A subject [Horned Rabbit LV5] was seen, and filmed with a recording artifact, collected via a dungeon slug.

Later that same month, a door opened up on the hillside with a brand new Horned Rabbit Dungeon.

Not everything is known yet about the phenomenon, but even adventurers are not an exception from the phenomenon, don’t you wonder where zombie and skeleton dungeons come from?”

excerpt from “Dungeon Slug” by Serril Zale


Jingling his copper plate around his neck Sebas looks at the man with tired eyes.

“You only have permission to use the first floor of the dungeon, please refrain from trying to enter the second floor.”

“You need permission?”

“It’s in the plate information, it lets us know what Level you are, it gives a decent gauge of your character.”

Sebas looks at the copper plate himself, seeing “Sebas Aren” and LV 3 etched on the plate

“Plus sir, you don’t exactly have the equipment to hunt any slimes, boars, or anything else.”

Sebas looks down at his ragged, undersized clothes, empty dagger sheathe, and a lack of any sort of potions makes him say to the man. “That’s fair,” before continuing “aren’t these a really good way for people to target newbies?”

“Yes, we have the occasional problem arise where someone’s appearance makes them seem like an easy mark.”

Sebas glances at the man’s Bronze plate, seeing that this individual is not quite a weakling, he makes out the words “Elimir” no last name, level 31.

The man’s perception makes Sebas embarassed when he holds it up closer, showing him a better look, where Sebas can see the word “Guardian” at the bottom of the plaque.


“It’s fine to look, but be careful with your eyes, some people don’t like everything about them bein’ known' to someone who looks like a thieving urchin.”

That makes Sebas shrink up more, dearth in ability and stature, not to mention status, now appears to be just a simple urchin.

“Is there anything to know about the beasts in the dungeon?”

Tapping a sign behind the guild’s booth, a sign shows the horned rabbits on a mural, showing the weak points being the underbelly, and the hind legs; while the horns are extremely durable and sought after, not to mention dangerous, and the scruff behind the neck, if grasped, can immobilize the beasts.

“Thank you, Elimir.”

“That’s sir Elimir newbie, the copper plates have to give us bronze’s the respect we deserve.” Says Elimir with a smug face

A halfhearted fake chuckle and a mumble of “Sir Elimir” follows Sebas entering a black iron door with cross patterns making up the left and right parts of the floor to ceiling panels, split in two by an inch wide mullion. The sheer size of the door makes it difficult to open, not to mention the dark metal and stopper made of clumped dirt.

Sebas strains himself before asking the attendant for assistance, which shows off considerable strength compared to Sebas’ measly 6.

“I still don’t know if a level 3 will be sufficient in a horned rabbit dungeon, don’t die little urchin.”

“Please quit calling me an urchin sir Elimir”

The smug attendant guard gives a wry laugh before closing the door. Following, sconces of metal light up with a yellow flame in a sequence towards a bright light in the distance, reminiscent of sunlight.

The last thing Sebas expected was a forest grotto underground, the ceiling expanding for at least 300 yards, where an additional giant ceiling of light yellow stones seem to glow, making a faux sun.

Sebas breathes in the dungeon air, feeling full of vitality, despite the lack of a decent meal and inadequate sleep for the past few days. Perhaps this place could be used as a temporary base if the guild doesn’t kick him out first.

Getting over the comfort of the atmosphere within the cavern, Sebas begins to examine the grass beneath his feet, the only difference is the grass below ground seems to be a much darker shade than that up above, he begins to stretch his body like his old sword instructor taught him.

The only fortunate part of being a member of a noble household is an introductory level of information, not everything in this world is equal, learning to read, write, and fight are a few things people struggle with… although he has never killed anything before.

Smacking himself in the face, he focuses on what he can do now, thinking is useless, the only thing you should be thinking about is bringing home money.

Sebas begins to make his way through the knee high grass around him, towards a few thickets of dungeon(?) trees, a blackened bark compared to a hazel surface fir tree.

He would climb up to get a better view of the grassy area around him, but he simply doesn’t have the energy to waste right now, he’s already risking his life, playing around and climbing up a log sounds like a stupid idea when there are rodents with shivs running around.

A rumble in the grass is heard, making Sebas alert, bending his left knee in preparation to evade backwards, he waits for whatever could be nearby.

Silence has become a constant in the dungeon, there is no wind, no clouds, nothing that makes something “real”, it’s an artificial room, just like the beasts that have the desire to kill whatever enters the dungeon.

In an instant a few limbs are seen moving around within the brush, and Sebas leaps back further in the small grove, waiting for further confirmation, or a beast to get impatient and attack him.

*crack* *shuffle* *rustle*

A beast leaps from the edge of the grass, and a glaring light shines from a rabbit’s horn, it sits directly on the creature’s forehead and appears to be glowing.

A skill, great, well I’m going to die.

Sebas has no chance to evade, as his leg is buckling from a lack of sleep, and braces himself to catch the beast.

Better a single arm rather than my chest I guess.

Within 3 seconds, blood slams into Sebas’ eyes, and he screams in pain as a hole is torn through his palm, surprising him ever so slightly, since an old training wound removed pain he felt within that area.

The rabbit begins to rush forward again, only to be pushed back by Sebas’ Strength, and instinctively he grabs for a knife he doesn’t have anymore. As it was sold for food.

Angry huffs well from within Sebas, he becomes frustrated by everything that’s happened within the past few months… or perhaps what’s happened since he got his Curse.

Skills. Skills. Skills. Can’t use em, what am I supposed to do, fuck it hurts…

Sebas attempts to squeeze his hand against the rabbit, unsuccessful in crushing the beast, before slamming it into a tree, the beast flew from his hand with a yelp as it smacked into the dark log.

Now both brutally injured each, bloody and dirty, both the rabbit and Sebas refuse to back down.

Sebas goes for a kick, and loses half of his shoe, trying to grab the legs or anywhere on the beast fails as well.

The rabbit slings the scrap leather off of its horn and charges again, directly into his arm once more, now wedging on the wrist.

Fucking hell, that’s painful, this is actually worse than anything I have ever heard of, this is for newbies? What kind of place is the guild, these delinquents smashing their heads against eachother. And I can’t kill a rat

Sebas rips the beast from his arm and holds the wounded wrist, squeezing tightly to minimize the blood flow.

The rabbit is huffing violently, and it’s horn shines again before Sebas, making him fearful.

He braces his arm again, watching as the left side of his palm is cut again, widening the hole in his palm.

But he grabs the beast by the head once more.

A fervor burns through him, with some sort of bloody battle frenzy, he decides to [Bite] the neck of the animal, releasing a sickening crunch as the beast wriggles around in his mouth before before going limp.

A large chunk of flesh is torn out, and his eye is nearly pierced by the [Horn Attack] skill, before the light comes down and dulls.

Breathing heavily, Sebas holds the beast in his mouth, taken aback by whatever primal urge took over and told him to bite.

[Notice: Kill confirmed, Level 1 Horned Rabbit]

[Experience Points have been collected]


[Level 3 Human -> Level 4 Human]

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