Bi The Way

Vol 2, Chapter 19: What

Rodney spotted Ally's high blonde ponytail, bobbing above the sea of students in the crowded hallway. He waited by her locker prepared to carry her books to her next class, her eyes met his' and a small smile graced her face.

"Hey," Rodney said, clearing his throat as he came to a stop beside her locker. "Ready to head to advanced functions?"

"I just got here," Ally laughed, giving him a peck on the cheek. "You know you don't have to carry my books to every class for me."

"I know I just missed you is all," Rodney said putting an arm around her.

"It's only been like forty minutes since we saw each other." Ally rolled her eyes playfully.

"forty unbearable minutes," Rodney said, dramatically leaning against the row of lockers. "I can't wait for summer, then we can be together all the time. And the cottage is going to be amazing."

"Right," Ally said slowly, she suddenly seemed distant.

"Did I say something wrong?" Rodney asked, noticing the change.

"No... it's just, well I haven't really got around to setting up the whole cottage thing yet." Ally admitted, not meeting Rodney's gaze.

"But I thought you said it was all set up for the first weekend in July?" Rodney asked, frowning. Ally had told them all weeks ago that she had gotten permission to use the cottage that weekend.

Ally nodded, her fingers drumming an anxious rhythm on the metal door. "I know, I just... I felt bad that I hadn't asked yet and I really didn't want to disappoint you."

"Why haven't you asked yet though?" Rodney felt worried, could she feel like there was something off in their relationship again? "Are you worried they will say no?" Rodney offered

"No, it's not that. I just keep forgetting about it and I have been so busy with homework that it just falls through the cracks, you know?" Ally looked at him in search of understanding.

"Of course, you know you have this super awesome boyfriend now who can help you out," Rodney said with a smile, "Science fair is over so I am all yours now."

"Really?" Her blue eyes lit up and she pulled him in a tight hug. She stood on tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you! That means I can go to the beach with my family this weekend and rest easy knowing you are the case."

Rodney paused for a moment, realizing that his lack of clarity had once again gotten him into trouble. "I mean what exactly do I need to do?" he asked, feeling like he might have bit off more than he can chew.

"Just call my uncle for me and let him know we would like to use his cottage," Ally instructed.

"Oh Ally, I don't think I'm the one who should do that. I was thinking more like organizing a meal plan or some activities for us to do." Rodney explained, feeling awkward about talking to a man he barely knew on Ally's behalf.

"But Rodney I keep forgetting and you remember everything, please, I don't want to let everyone down." Ally looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Ok, just text me the number and I will get it done," Rodney said, kissing Ally again.

"Thank you, you are a lifesaver," Ally kissed him again before heading off toward class. Rodney watched her disappear down the hallway, feeling a little weird about his new task, but wanting to prove he really was the best boyfriend ever. Not a boyfriend who cheats but a Boyfriend who saves the day.


Later that evening, Rodney sat at his desk, laptop open as he read the email he got back about the cottage. His heart sank as he scrolled through the message—the main cabin was going to be used but a couple of friends but they could use the two bunkies at the back of the property. He rubbed his temples, feeling the onset of a stress-induced headache. He knew his friends would be disappointed.

"Well at least it is something," he muttered under his breath, as he wrote his thank you email.

Then he realized they had never discussed how they were going to get to Rice Lake, Rodney shot Ally a quick text about what the plan was to get up there but after an hour or so of no response, he nervously sent Derek a text. "Hey man, any chance I could borrow one of your folks' cars for the Rice Lake trip? Ally is not sure her parents can fit us all in theirs." He lied

Seconds later, his phone buzzed. Derek's response was not what he hoped it would be. "IDK dude, will check with them and get back to you ASAP."

"Great," Rodney sighed, tossing the phone onto his bed. With nothing back from Ally, he wondered what was keeping her from responding. He wondered if she felt overcrowded by him, after all since the science fair he had tried to spend every possible moment the her.

With a low buzz, the phone shook on his bed sheets, "Hey Rod, I asked my parents and they said they couldn't drive us up because dad has to work late Friday. They will be coming up to check on us though after," Ally's text read.

"No worries, I asked Derek and hopefully his parents will let him borrow the van for the weekend" He typed out feeling happy they had a place to stay and a possible ride. He was just relieved Ally was texting him back.

"Rodney you are just incredible! hey, I was thinking about what you said earlier and it would be awesome if you could plan some meals and activities for us to do. Thank you so much," Ally ended her text with a little kissy face, which made Rodney's heart swell. He quickly texted back he was on it, he was going to plan the perfect weekend for Ally.

"Okay, think. Think!" He coached himself aloud, willing his scattered brain to focus.

"Wait, do we even have sleeping bags for this?" He really had no idea what exactly a bunkie was or if it had beds. He made a small note, adding it to the growing list of things to confirm.

"Rodney, dinner's ready!" his mom called from down the hall, he could smell the stuffed peppers from his room.

"Coming, Mom! Just... just need a minute!" He called back as he scribbled a few more things he would need to figure out down on his notepad. Rodney leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. This was going to be harder than he thought. He felt like he was piecing together a puzzle with half the pieces missing.

Over dinner, all he could think about was what else he needed for this trip from food to firewood. He was starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the ever-growing list. After dinner he felt a little lost as he helped clear the table, he actually wished he had homework to do so he had an excuse to not sort out the trip.


Rodney's sneakers slapped against the pavement as he shuffled home from school at the end of the week, his breath forming small clouds in the cool air as he headed for home. Not only did he have his usual homework to do but now he was planning this trip all on his own. Ally seemed to always be too busy to help but kept saying how much she loved and appreciated him, which is all that was keeping him going.

"Hey, Rodney!"

The familiar voice snagged his attention, and he turned to see Matt jogging lightly to catch up. Rodney's heart lept when he saw him; Matt had been quiet and distant since the focus of the group's conversation had been about Ally's cottage trip for them.

"Matt, hey," Rodney replied, a smile stretching across his face. "What's up? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just noticed in class today that you scribbling away about paper lanterns and..." Matt's hands found refuge in his pockets, he gave Rodney a look asking him to fill in the blanks for him. He clearly wanted to know what it was all about, but wasn't sure if Ally was going to be showing up anytime soon.

"They are for the cottage trip and Ally is with her family tonight..." Rodney began to explain.

"Right, I know that, I was just wondering why we're trying to figure out whether you need lanterns or not, at lunch Ally said she was taking care of it all." Matt cut him off, his voice steady but his gaze fixed on a point just over Rodney's shoulder. "I know I said I wanted to stay out of things. But you have that look you get when you are really stressed out on your face a lot recently. So I just wanted to check in, you know?"

"Thanks, Matt. Honestly, Ally has been really busy so I have trying to help her out. I think I may be in over my head," Rodney said, he felt like a soda about to burst under pressure.

"What exactly are you in charge of?" Matt asked, genuinely concerned for his friend. "Because honestly if you go with flashlights instead then you don't have to buy matches or risk burning yourself."

"Thanks, Matt, I was just going with lanterns because of a camping video I watched," Rodney exhaled sharply, running a hand through his tousled brown hair. "I can't believe I forgot the flashlights existed. Well, that is one thing off the list only like twenty more to go..."

"Sounds like a lot, weird how calm Ally seems with all this work left to do," Matt said giving Rodney and worried look.

"Believe me, it is a lot. This whole thing's a mess, I don't even have what we need to make s'mores. I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be going on and on about this, we can change the subject to something less Ally-related if you want."

Matt hesitated and Rodney watched him shift his jaw as if he was trying to make up his mind. "I can help you if you want, I kind of have a knack for organizing...."

"Are you sure? I would love the help but we can do something else too," Rodney took a step closer, searching Matt's eyes for the truth. "Seriously, I have the new Walking Dead game we can play instead."

"No, honestly I think I would have more fun planning the trip," Matt conceded, seeming actually excited for the opportunity. "I want you guys to have a good time, even if I'm not there with you."

"Thanks, man, I really appreciate it." Rodney's arm shot out to thank Matt, Matt took his hand and Rodney pulled him into a hug.

Together, they walked toward Rodney's house. Rodney felt excited to have Matt's help, even if he wasn't sure how Matt was feeling about everything.

Rodney's room was a minefield of crumpled papers and frantically scribbled lists. When Matt stepped in, his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, as he looked over the disorganized state of the trip.

"Whoa, Rodney," Matt said, surveying the chaos. "It's like a tornado hit your planning strategy."

Rodney grimaced, shoving a pile of papers off a chair so Matt could sit. "I told you it was bad. I mean, I can barely keep track of who needs to bring what, I don't even know who is sharing a room with who."

Matt's lips thinned into a determined line as he sat down, rolling up his sleeves. "Okay, first things first, let's tackle the rooms." His hands moved swiftly, snatching up a pen from the table and finding a blank page on the notepad. "You and Derek, bunkmates, that's obvious. Steven and Luke, they're solid together. Madison and Ally, easy choice. And Jordan... he deserves his own space."

As Matt wrote out the plans for the bunks, Rodney found himself momentarily speechless, awestruck by how quickly Matt was able to make decisions that had been stressing him out for days. Matt looked up, "Sorry I should have asked if those sleeping arrangements worked for you, old habits die hard." Matt looked apologetic.

"Matt, it's ok. You're like, a wizard with this stuff," Rodney said, excited to see the progress being made.

"Well ok then," Matt replied, offering a small, proud smile. "Let's keep working then."

"Absolutely. And Matt, The is still a bunk free if you change your mind," Rodney offered.

"Thanks, but no," Matt shook his head, his jaw clenching slightly. "It would just be... too weird. With Ally there and all."

Rodney nodded, he didn't want to push any farther. He could almost see the war inside Matt. "When I get back though, we should shoot some hoops."

"Sure thing," Matt said, his shoulders relaxing a bit, Rodney smiled before they returned to their work.

Rodney tried to follow Matt's lead, his movements precise and methodical. There was a quiet grace to him that Rodney hadn't noticed before—an elegance in efficiency. He realized just how much Matt had changed in a year.

Within hours they had sorted through most of the work and Rodney's room had become a bedroom again. Rodney and Matt decided to call it for the day and play GTA to celebrate a job well done.

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