Bi The Way

Chapter 3: Ally

Rodney's heart hammered in his chest as he leaned against the lockers, waiting for Derek to arrive. He nervously tapped his fingers on his backpack, lost in thought when Derek suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Rodney," Derek said with his signature grin, "I've got a plan to win over Ally. But first, we need to know our enemy: Matt. We need to find his weaknesses so we can exploit them."

Rodney furrowed his brow, unsure about the plan. "And how do you propose we do that?"

Derek leaned closer, lowering his voice. "You're going to befriend him. Get close, figure out what makes him tick."

"Are you crazy?" Rodney whispered, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. "He's dating Ally! I can't just... hang out with him."

Derek rolled his eyes. "Come on, Rodney, it's not like you're asking him to prom."

"If it is so easy, why don't you do it?" he asked, doubting his ability to make a friend on command.

"I would, but Matt knows who I am. It has to be you," Before Rodney could protest further, Derek pointed down the hall where Matt and Ally stood, sharing a tender kiss.

Jealousy flared in Rodney's chest, and he clenched his fists. "Ok, how are we doing this?"


Later that afternoon, Rodney followed Matt to the weight room, trying to blend in among the other students working out. As he approached a rowing machine, he realized he had no clue what he was doing. He watched others using the equipment, attempting to mimic their movements but only succeeding in looking awkward and uncomfortable.

"Need some help?" Matt's voice came from behind him, startling Rodney. His cheeks flushed red as he turned to face his romantic rival.

"Uh yeah. I guess I'm not really used to this stuff," Rodney admitted, forcing a sheepish grin.

"They don't have rowing machines in the big city, eh," Matt said in a tone that made Rodney unsure if it was a joke or not.

"Oh no, I just am trying a new town new me thing. I guess it is pretty obvious I haven't spent much time in a gym before." Rodney admitted

"Ok, well let me show you how it works," Matt motioned for Rodney to step aside then he stepped up to the machine, demonstrating how to properly use it.

"Thank you, uh do you mind showing me how to use the other machines?"

Matt gave Rodney a nod to follow him. As they worked out together, Rodney found himself oddly at ease with Matt. They chatted about classes, sports, and even favorite TV shows.

Soon Rodney was lost in his imagination, he had found himself in an alien world surrounded by beings he didn't understand. One of the extraterrestrials, however, had taken the time to teach him the ways and he had an appreciation for that. Lost in his own world Rodney didn't seem to notice that Matt was texting Ally every few minutes.

But Rodney returned to reality as they approached the weight bench, Matt showed him some basic lifting techniques, and Rodney pushed his daydreams aside. This guy was not a helpful alien guiding him through new territory, he was the guy standing between him and the girl he loved.

"Hey Rodney," Matt said as they finished their workout, bringing Rodney's attention back to him, "a few of us are hanging out at the park on Saturday. You should come."

"Uh, sure," Rodney replied hesitantly, feeling the weight of Derek's plan heavy on his shoulders.

"Great, see you there!" Matt grinned, and they parted ways. As Rodney walked home, he couldn't help but feel conflicted about the whole situation.

He wanted to hate Matt, everyone else seemed to, but he really didn't. He pulled out his phone and texted Derek, recounting the unexpected connection he had made with Matt during their workout.

Derek responded swiftly: "Be careful not to get too attached. I know he comes off as this amazing guy, but under all that charm is the real Matt. He knows how to manipulate people."

Rodney sighed and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. How could he possibly sabotage Matt and Ally's relationship when he was starting to actually like the guy? Was Derek Right? Was there something he wasn't seeing? His thoughts churned as he approached his house, only to find Ally waiting for him on his front porch.

"Hey, stranger," she greeted him with a warm smile. "Feels like we haven't had time to talk lately."

"Yeah, it has been a while," Rodney agreed, his heart fluttering. "Want to go grab some dinner at Roy's?"

"Sounds perfect," Ally replied, and they headed off to the diner together.

As they sat in the cozy booth, surrounded by the scent of sizzling burgers and fries, Rodney imagined that they were on a fancy date, complete with candlelight and soft music. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and he found himself lost in her blue eyes.

"So where have been? I feel like I only see glimpses of you at school" Ally asked, breaking into his daydream. "What do you like to do after school?"

"Um, I don't really do much," Rodney admitted sheepishly. "I'm still adjusting to everything here."

"You should join the science club," Ally suggested. "You've always loved doing your own science experiments, remember that time you built your own rocket out of pop bottles in grade 1."

"Oh yeah," Rodney couldn't help but laugh "It got stuck on the school roof on its first launch," The pair laughed.

"See the science club does those kinds of experiments all the time, plus you could get a chance to meet some people." Ally pressed.

Rodney considered the idea, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Ally's phone buzzing. She glanced down at the screen, her face lighting up as she read the text from Matt.

"Sorry, I have to go, the boyfriend is calling," she tried to joke, slipping out of the booth. "But let me know if you decide to join the club, okay?"

"Sure," Rodney replied, feeling a knot in his stomach as he watched her leave. The imagined fancy date had vanished, replaced by cold reality. It felt like Matt had some secret ability to disrupt his limited time with his best friend. Derek's plan seemed more appealing than ever before in his mind, and he would get his chance to learn more about Matt on Saturday.


The sun dipped low in the sky as Rodney approached Victoria Park on Saturday. He spotted Matt, Parker, Steven, and Jordan sitting together on a cluster of wooden benches, their voices carrying through the air as they laughingly shared stories.

"Rodney! Over here!" Parker called out excitedly, waving him over with a friendly grin. As Rodney approached, he felt the familiar butterflies of nerves fluttering in his stomach. This was his chance to get into the group and he knew he couldn't mess it up.

"Hey guys," Rodney greeted them, trying to sound casual. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Party at McTagger's, he has this old barn outside of town," Matt replied, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Should be a good time."

"First things first though," Jordan chimed in, eyeing the brown paper bag that Matt produced from his backpack. "Pre-drinks!"

"Snagged some alcohol from my family's liquor cabinet," Matt said proudly as he pulled out a bottle of vodka. The boys exchanged glances, excitement brewing beneath the surface.

"Alright, pass it around," Matt instructed, uncapping the bottle and taking a swig before handing it off to Steven. Rodney watched as the bottle made its way through the group, each boy taking a gulp before passing it on.

When it reached Rodney, he hesitated. He had never drank alcohol before. Parker seemed to sense his apprehension, offering a gentle out. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, man."

Matt scoffed, nudging Rodney playfully. "Come on, don't be a buzzkill. Just take a sip."

Feeling the weight of their expectant gazes, Rodney swallowed his nerves and lifted the bottle to his lips. The vodka burned as it slid down his throat, and he choked back a cough as he handed the bottle to Parker.

"Nice one," Matt praised, grinning at Rodney's reddened face. "You'll fit right in tonight."


The boys called a taxi and headed out to the barn. As the evening wore on and the alcohol didn't quite sit well, Rodney felt his stomach churn, though he wasn't sure if it was alcohol or his nerves. He sent Derek a text, admitting he wasn't feeling well.

The response came quickly, full of concern: "Where are you? I can come get you."

The problem was, that Rodney had no idea where they were. The barn, illuminated by strings of old Christmas lights, was packed with dancing bodies and pulsating music. As they entered the old barn, Matt split for the group. Matt pushed his way across the room to Ally, their hands entwined as they moved together, lost in each other's gaze.

Rodney couldn't tear his eyes away from the pair, both jealous and in awe of the seemingly happy couple. He felt drawn to Matt's confidence and charm, just as much as he longed for Ally's warmth and kindness. The conflicting emotions only added to his disorientation, leaving him unsteady on his feet.

"Seriously, where are you?" Derek's insistent text arrived, but Rodney still didn't have an answer.

"Lost," he replied, still struggling to keep his focus as he took a cup of spiked punch and began chugging, unaware of what it was. At this moment, all he wanted was someone to lean on – and perhaps, deep down, he wished anyone would look at him the way Matt and Alley looked at each other.

Rodney felt like he needed to sit down and stumbled toward a row of fold-out chairs. He told himself that he would just sit for a minute but the alcohol made his eyes feel heavy and slipped into a dream. He found himself standing on the set of a dating game show, dazzling lights shining down on him. Parker, dressed in a glitzy suit, stepped up to the microphone. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for! Rodney Thompson is about to make the most important decision of his life!"

"Choose! Choose!" chanted the imaginary audience, their voices pounding against his skull like a drum.

"Will it be our gorgeous and athletic Ally Matthews?" Parker asked, gesturing toward Ally, who stood poised in an elegant gown. She blew Rodney a kiss, her blue eyes sparkling like sapphires.

"Or will he choose our charming and confident Matt Jenkins?" Parker continued, as Matt appeared, dapper in a tailored suit, flashing a devastatingly alluring smile.

"Rodney," Parker said, his voice suddenly serious, "The choice is yours."

He hesitated, his mind torn between the two as his jealousy of Matt twisted into a form of adoration. The chant grew louder, pressing in on him from all sides. As indecision threatened to drown him, he jolted awake, and a wave of nausea surged through his body. Reality crashed back onto him, and he stumbled towards the barn doors, retching violently.

"Ugh, disgusting!" cried a party-goer, recoiling from the sight. Murmurs of revulsion rippled through the crowd, sending a flush of shame across Rodney's face.

Unable to bear it any longer, he fled the party, desperate for fresh air and escape from the judgmental eyes. His breath came in ragged gasps as he stumbled through the open field, the cold wind cutting through him like a knife.

"Rodney!" called a familiar voice, and he looked up to see Derek pulling up in his car. "thank God our generation posts everything on Instagram or I wouldn't have been able to find you. Get in – let's get you home."

"Thanks, Derek," Rodney mumbled, his voice hoarse from the ordeal. He climbed into the passenger seat, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as the warm air enveloped him.

"Drink lots of water when you get home," Derek advised, concern etching his features. "And listen, Rodney, don't try to be like those idiots. You're way more interesting than will ever hope to be."

"Really?" Rodney asked, a small, hopeful smile playing on his lips.

"Absolutely," Derek replied, his eyes reflecting sincerity. "Embrace your uniqueness, man."

"Thank you, Derek," Rodney whispered, touched by the older boy's kindness. As they pulled up to his house, he stepped out of the car, his heart lighter. "Would you want to hang out tomorrow?" Rodney took his chance at making a real friend.

Without hesitation Derek responded "I'll see you tomorrow buddy," With a final grateful nod, Rodney turned and headed inside, ready for the solace of his bed and the dreams that awaited him.

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