Bi The Way

Chapter 15: Just

Rodney swallowed hard standing outside the restaurant, he didn't think Ally would have chosen such a high-end place for a double date. Under the dim, elegant lights of The Clock Tower, Rodney nervously adjusted his emerald green bowtie, the fabric matching Erica's stunning dress. As they entered the restaurant, the clinking of glasses and soft murmurs of conversation filled the air. Matt and Ally were already waiting at their reserved table, and the moment Rodney saw them he realized just how overdressed they were.

"Hey, guys," Rodney greeted them, feeling a flutter of nerves in his stomach. He made sure to take Erica's coat for her and hang it on the back of her chair, earning an appreciative smile from her. Ally watched the exchange with envy, glancing at Matt who hadn't bothered to offer the same courtesy.

"Artichoke dip sounds good, right?" Rodney asked as they settled into their seats, trying to make conversation. Everyone agreed, and he ordered the appetizer for the table.

Matt, ever the skeptic, leaned forward. "So, how did you two lovebirds start dating?" He grinned, hoping to catch Rodney in a lie.

Erica gave a warm laugh, her eyes twinkling. "It was actually really sweet. I dropped my science project in the hallway - a DNA strand made of pipe cleaners - and Rodney helped me reconstruct it right there on the spot." She leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to Rodney's cheek, causing Matt's grin to falter. "He is just the most kind-hearted person I know." Matt rolled his eyes, seeming almost disgusted by this answer.

The server returned ready to take their orders, Matt ordered a salad for Ally, while Erica and Rodney decided to share a massive stack of nachos. Rodney could sense the tension growing between Matt and Ally and tried to steer the conversation away from anything that could cause conflict.

"Remember that time back in Toronto when we played at that elementary school playground close to the lake?" Rodney asked Ally, he had noticed she had been oddly quiet so far. "These older kids stole my bike, and you chased them down, throwing a stick through the spokes!"

Ally laughed, her eyes lighting up. "That kid ate dirt! I was pretty badass, wasn't I?"

"Definitely," Rodney agreed, happy to see Ally joining the conversation.

Matt's annoyance bubbled over as he noticed Ally seemed to be almost glowing as she recounted more stories from Toronto with Rodney. He couldn't stand that everyone seemed to buying Rodney's innocent act except for him. He slid his arm around Ally, trying to assert his desirability. "Well, if we're talking about impressive feats, two nights ago I single-handedly won the Rockets game for us. We were down by 3 but I scored a hat trick in under a minute."

Erica attempted to join in "Oh no way, my hockey team had a pretty close game recently too," but Matt cut her off with a dismissive wave of his hand. Inside, Rodney winced at Matt's behavior. All he'd wanted was to work with Ally on the charity, but the result of his lie was this dinner and Matt seemed about to pop. But he played along, masking his concern with a smile, hoping it would all work out in the end.

Ally's patience however had reached its breaking point; she could no longer ignore Matt's behavior. "I need to go," she declared, pushing back her chair and standing up. "I'm going home." She turned to Rodney and Erica, an apologetic smile on her lips. "I'm sorry, you guys but I am just not feeling well. I hope you understand,"

"Ally, wait!" Matt called out, not seeming to realize the last thing she wanted right now was to talk to him. He scrambled after her, leaving Rodney and Erica alone at the table.

"Ally, are you mad at me?" Matt asked as he caught up with her outside. "Because I am sorry, but Rodney just gets under my skin. Like it is so clear he wants you and this has to be some kind of scheme, I just don't know what it is yet."

"Matt, it's clear you're jealous of my friendship with him. You need to fix it if you want us to stay together. This isn't a scheme, this is Rodney and Erica was right, he is the kindest person I know." Ally replied, her voice firm but laced with disappointment. She didn't wait for a response, walking away into the night.


Back inside the restaurant, Rodney rubbed his temples, worry etched on his face. "We might've just ruined Ally's relationship," he muttered. "I feel bad about it."

Erica leaned in, a wicked glint in her eyes. "But wasn't that the goal?"

"I suppose so, but I don't want to be responsible for it. It feels so wrong," Rodney suggested, trying to regain some control over the evening.

"Wow, you really are too much Rodney" Erica laughed, " but if you want to let things play out with them on its own. We should stay and enjoy a more intimate dinner, just the two of us. Give something new a try," She traced the rim of her wine glass seductively.

"Thanks for the offer. I just think we are better off as friends." Rodney's words were gentle, but firm.

"Of course," Erica replied, the corners of her mouth twitching with feigned indifference. They settled the bill and left, each lost in their own thoughts.


Monday morning found Rodney and Ally counting the money raised for their charity over the past week. The tension from Friday's double date still hung in the air, evident in Ally's furrowed brow.

"Rodney, I'm sorry about Matt," she said, breaking the silence. "I just wish he'd stop trying to be better than everyone else and be himself."

"Being yourself can be scary," Rodney replied, his voice soft with understanding. "Sometimes, I don't even know who I am."

"Rodney, you've always been you, and that's what I admire about you. It's why Erica likes you so much." Ally offered a reassuring smile.

"Actually, Erica and I broke up over the weekend." Rodney focused intently on counting the money, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh Rodney, I'm sorry. But you'll find someone in no time," Ally assured him, her voice full of warmth.

"Maybe, but I think I just want to focus on the charity for now." He glanced up at her, gauging her reaction.

Ally raised an eyebrow, surprised by his response but accepting it nonetheless. "Well, alright then. Let's get back to work, partner."

As they sorted through the piles of cash and coins, their conversation shifted to the upcoming spring break, the shadow of Friday night's events gradually fading into memory.


Madison leaned against her locker, watching as Parker approached with a spring in his step. She took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of textbooks and pencil shavings that filled the hallway.

"Hey," she said, her voice hesitant. "Did you hear about Erica and Rodney breaking up?"

"Really?" Parker feigned surprise, but the corners of his mouth tugged into a subtle smile. "Well, I guess I was right about them after all."

"Wait, why are you smiling?" Madison's brow furrowed as she wondered why his friend's heartbreak would make him so happy.

"Smiling? Me?" Parker quickly wiped the expression off his face, trying to play it off. "I'm not smiling. Anyway, I should go check on Rodney to see how he's doing." He turned to leave, but Madison's thoughts churned with doubt.

Parker had seemed against Erica and Rodney from the beginning, she thought, but why? Her fingers tapped anxiously on her phone, as she tried to figure out why Parker was acting so weird. A flurry of texts flew between her and Erica, revealing a long-forgotten history of hand-holding in middle school.

Later that day, Madison confronted Parker beneath the shadow of a towering oak tree, its leaves rustling softly above them.

"Ever since we got together," she began, her voice wavering, "I feel like I've been putting in more effort than you have in our relationship. It's like you love someone else, but you're just not being upfront about it." She hoped he would reassure her that she was wrong.

Parker's gaze dropped to the ground, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his jacket. "Look, I do have feelings for someone else. I can't seem to get over them, no matter how hard I try."

Madison's heart sank. "It's Erica, isn't it?" Her voice cracked with emotion as she continued, "I know about how you two had I thing in middle school. I don't want to be the girl you settle for, Parker."

"No, Madison, it's not-" But before Parker could clarify, she had already stormed off, tears streaming down her cheeks. He watched her go, his heart heavy with unspoken truths.


The sleek, modern interior of Sushi Galore in London, felt worlds away from the familiar, casual hangouts Jordan and Steven frequented back in Strathroy. A crystal chandelier hung above their table, casting glimmers of light that danced across Jordan's dyed hair like tiny stars.

"Wow, this place is... fancy," Jordan commented, a hint of trepidation creeping into their voice as they took in the immaculate white tablecloth and gleaming silverware.

"Uh, yeah. I thought it would be nice to try something new as our official first date," Steven replied, his fingers nervously tapping against the menu, betraying his uncertainty as he adjusted his watch. "I hope you like sushi."

"Of course, I do," Jordan smiled, trying to put Steven at ease. "It's just this place is a bit overwhelming, that's all."

As they perused the menu and ordered their dishes, the conversation between them became stilted and awkward, a far cry from the effortless banter they usually shared. Steven's gaze darted around the room, avoiding eye contact, and Jordan could sense his unease.

"Steven, this is weird right?" Jordan finally asked, unable to take the tension any longer. "Like why has this felt so hard."

"I know..." Steven hesitated for a moment, "I've never dated another guy before."

Jordan laughed, knowing this was the first time Steven had taken anyone on a date. They leaned in closer, offering a reassuring smile. "I am aware, remember we are in the same boat here. You don't have to go out of your way to impress me, I already really like you."

"Right, of course." Relief washed over Steven's face, but it was quickly followed by a tinge of regret. "I still feel like I messed up this date, though."

"Hey, it's okay." Jordan laughed softly, their eyes twinkling with amusement. "Maybe next time we can go somewhere more our speed?"

"Deal," Steven agreed, a genuine smile slowly spreading across his face.


The following day, as the school cafeteria buzzed with life, Steven approached Jordan's table with a tray of McDonald's in hand. "Thought this might be more our style."

"Definitely!" Jordan grinned, eagerly unwrapping a cheeseburger. They shared a laugh and began to dig into their meal, the ease of their conversation returning as if it had never left them.

As they finished lunch, Steven leaned in, gently brushing his lips against Jordan's. Their first public kiss felt like a promise, a declaration of commitment. They pulled away, cheeks flushed and hearts racing.

"Jordan," Steven said, his voice filled with sincerity, "I really like you."

"Steven, I really like you too," Jordan replied, their eyes meeting with warmth and understanding.

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