Bi The Way

Chapter 11: What

The heavy silence of the cafeteria was finally broken by a collective exhale as the first semester finals drew to a close. Rodney sat alone at a table, tapping an idle rhythm on the cold plastic surface while he waited for Derek to finish his last exam. He had been grounded for what felt like an eternity, and now that he was free again, he was eager to make up for lost time.

"Freedom tastes sweet, doesn't it?" Rodney whispered to himself, trying to ignore the laughter coming from a nearby table. His gaze flickered over to the source of the sound, finding Ally, Matt, Luke, Steven, and Parker all sitting together in a tight circle, their faces glowing with relief and excitement. Since being grounded, he hadn't really talked to any of them for weeks. He didn't exactly feel bad about it, since Parker and Ally were both busy with their significant others anyway.

Then, during their animated conversation, Matt's eyes locked onto Rodney's. Caught staring, Rodney quickly averted his gaze, focusing intently on the patterned linoleum floor beneath his feet. A bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck, and he prayed that Matt wouldn't come over.

"Hey guys!" Ally exclaimed, her voice ringing across the cafeteria. "We should have a movie night to celebrate the end of exams! My place, tonight?"

"Sounds great," Steven agreed, adjusting his hoodie strings with a smile.

"Can I bring Madison?" Parker asked hesitantly.

"Sorry, Parker," Ally replied, biting her lip. "My parents are in Toronto, and they told me I can only have four friends over."

Rodney continued to stare at the ground, but he was very aware of the conversation happening next to him, trying to make himself invisible. He could still feel Matt's gaze on him, making his skin crawl. He knew Matt didn't like him, and he knew the gears were turning in Matt's head to make Ally feel the same way, and ensure there really is nothing between them.

"Hey," Matt said suddenly, surprising everyone. "Why don't we invite Rodney? I mean didn't you say earlier Ally that he had been grounded until the end of the semester, well the semester's over right?"

"Really?" Ally asked, looking at Matt with surprise. Inviting Rodney was the last thing she had expected from her boyfriend. "you would be ok with that?"

"Sure," Matt lied smoothly, his eyes never leaving Rodney. "I think it would be good for me to get to know him better, after all, he is your best friend babe."

"Alright," Ally agreed, nodding. She turned to face Rodney, who had been listening intently to every word. "Rodney, would you like to join us for a movie night at my place tonight?"

"Uh, yeah!" Rodney stammered, his heart racing. "Yeah, I'd love to."

"Great!" Ally beamed, genuinely happy to include her friend who she had been missing for a while now. "I'll text you the details later."

"Thanks, Ally," Rodney replied, trying to keep his voice steady. A chance to talk to Ally and hang out again was more than Rodney could've hoped for. It was a chance to finally feel like he belonged in her friend group too, and he wasn't about to let it slip away.


"Can you believe it?" Rodney exclaimed as he walked alongside Derek, the afternoon sun casting long shadows on the sidewalk. "I was invited to Ally's movie night!"

"Really?" Derek raised an eyebrow, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "But didn't you say it was Matt's idea?"

"Yup," Rodney replied, kicking an ice chunk off the sidewalk with the toe of his boot. "Maybe since I haven't been hanging around so much he isn't worried about Ally and I hanging out together."

"Or maybe there's something else going on," Derek countered. "That's not how Matt works. Trust me."

"Have you ever told me why you don't like him?" Rodney asked, genuinely curious.

"Actually, I—" Derek began but was interrupted when Jordan appeared from around the corner, their short, dyed hair shimmering like a halo in the sunlight.

"Hey, guys!" Jordan called out, catching up to them. "Rumor has it there's a movie night at Ally's?"

"Uh, yeah," Rodney replied, scratching the back of his neck. "Were you invited?"

"Not officially," Jordan sighed, disappointment flickering across their expressive face. "But I am having a little movie night of my own. I make killer nachos — perfect for classic movie nights."

"Oh, sorry Jordan but I already told Ally I would go to hers," Rodney said, trying to let them down easy.

"No, it's cool," Jordan said, feigning nonchalance as they turned away. "Catch you guys later."

As Jordan disappeared around the next corner, Derek picked up where he left off. "So, Matt? Yeah, we have a history, our moms are like best friends. Anyway, when he was in second grade he killed my fish, and took them right out of the aquarium to quote on quote play with them. And it got worse last year I was up for captain on our hockey team, and he told the coach I broke his stick on purpose and was taking things from their bags. Coach believed him and kicked me from the team.."

"Wow," Rodney murmured, his eyes widening in surprise. "This is actually a crazy thing to do."

"Right, he put the stuff in my bag," Derek said, "So be careful tonight ok?" he gave Rodney a reassuring pat on the shoulder.


"Hey, Ally!" Parker called out as he and Steven walked into her living room. "Luke can't make it. He didn't clean his room like his mom asked."

"Alright," Ally said, visibly disappointed. "Well, we're watching a Fast and Furious marathon. It's Matt's favorite."

"Ah, of course," Steven chuckled, rolling his eyes as Parker smirked. "What else?"

"By the way, I brought some Mountain Dew Red for everyone," Parker announced, brandishing the rare, discontinued soda with pride.

"Really?" Ally wrinkled her nose and winced at the drink. "Most people don't even like the taste, Parker."

"Hey, let's order pizza!" Steven interjected, hoping to ease the tension. "Everyone loves pizza, right?"

"Great idea," Ally agreed, her smile returning. "Pizza and movies — perfect combo. Matt should be here any minute."

"Speak of the devil," Parker muttered under his breath as Matt swaggered into Ally's living room, fashionably late. "Traffic was a nightmare," he claimed with a dramatic sigh.

"Perfect timing," Steven said, eyeing Matt skeptically. "We were just about to order pizza."

"Fantastic," Matt replied, his eyes lighting up. He snatched the phone from Steven and immediately took control of the situation, acting as if he knew everyone's favorite pizzas by heart. "One pepperoni, one veggie, and one supreme —" he paused, smirking to himself, "—with extra cheese." His authoritative tone left no room for dispute, he was sure he impressed everyone with his personal knowledge of them.

As Matt placed the order, he casually removed his jacket, revealing that he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. "None of them were clean," he explained nonchalantly, but Parker could tell he was just insecure about Rodney coming and trying to impress —typical Matt.

"Hey, where's Rodney?" Matt inquired, feigning concern. "Thought he was joining us tonight?"

Ally frowned, slightly worried. "I don't know. He didn't really respond to my text."

Matt's lips curved into a satisfied smile at the thought of Rodney's absence. He pulled back on his jacket, faking a shiver.

The doorbell rang, and there stood Rodney, arms laden with grocery bags overflowing with every chip flavor imaginable. "Didn't know what everyone liked," he gasped, struggling to maintain his grip on the precarious load. "So I bought them all."

"Total power move, dude!" Steven grinned, rushing to help Rodney with the bags. Matt scowled, clearly irked by how easy it was for Rodney to make a good impression.

As they settled down in the living room and started the first movie, Rodney glanced around curiously. "The Fast and The Furious? I mean, it's fine, but —"

"Matt's favorite," Parker interrupted, trying to prevent a possible conflict.

"Ah," Rodney nodded, understanding. He noticed Parker surreptitiously texting someone as the movie began, it must be Madison he thought. He kind of wished Parker was texting him through the slog of a film.

The doorbell rang, shattering the momentary calm that had settled over the room as the film reached its second act. Parker leaped to his feet, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "That must be the pizza," he announced, making a beeline for the door.

"Finally," Matt muttered, shifting restlessly on the couch. Rodney glanced at him warily, remembering Derek's warning about Matt always getting what he wanted.

Parker returned moments later, balancing a stack of pizza boxes and...Madison? Rodney blinked in surprise as Madison slipped past Parker with a sheepish smile, her presence an unexpected twist in the evening's events.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Ally asked, her voice equal parts confusion and irritation.

"Hey, Ally! Parker invited me," Madison replied, raising her eyebrows innocently. "Since Luke couldn't make it, he thought I could take his spot."

"Really, Parker?" Ally frowned, crossing her arms. "You could've at least given me a heads-up."

"Come on, Ally," Parker protested. "She is taking Luke's spot. No house rules broken, right?"

"Guys, enough!" Matt interjected, his face growing redder by the second. "You're making me miss the movie. Everyone's here, let's just enjoy it."

"Fine," Ally huffed, turning her attention back to the screen. Madison took a seat beside Parker, who handed her a can of Mountain Dew Code Red with a grin. As the movie continued, Rodney could hear Parker's low grumbling as he complained to Madison about Ally's behavior. "Every time she's around Matt, she turns into a control freak," Madison murmured soothing words, her hand comforting on Parker's arm.

The doorbell chimed once more, startling everyone in the room. Steven stood, shaking his head. "I'll get it this time."

He returned moments later, trailed by a casually dressed Jordan. "Hey, guys," Jordan greeted nonchalantly. "I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd pop by to see how Ally's doing."

"Nice cover story," Rodney thought, casting a knowing glance in Jordan's direction. He knew Jordan had planned this from the start, but decided not to call him out on it.

"Sure, the more the merrier," Ally said with a forced smile, though her eyes betrayed her lingering irritation.

"Thanks!" Jordan beamed, taking a seat next to Steven. The two friends began whispering animatedly about workout routines, Jordan's eyes widening as Steven shared his recent progress. Rodney could hear traces of admiration in Jordan's voice as he marveled at Steven's transformation.

Rodney leaned back, the scent of pizza wafting through the air as he tried to focus on the movie. But even amidst the high-speed chases and witty banter, he couldn't help but feel alone on this movie night.

As the movie played on, Rodney couldn't help but notice how Madison and Parker were lost in their own world of whispered conversations and sipping Code Red, while Jordan and Steven engaged in an animated discussion about the merits of different workout routines. And, of course, there were Matt and Ally, sitting close together, his arm draped around her shoulders, but Rodney had no one.

At that moment, Rodney felt achingly alone, even amidst the group of friends. He retreated into a daydream where he was the center of attention, surrounded by adoring friends who celebrated him with a musical number. In this fantasy, Jordan, Madison, and Steven danced as energetic backup singers, while Parker, Matt, and Ally harmonized in a chorus of praise, extolling his virtues and singing of his undeniable charm. Each of them was genuinely happy to be around him.

"Rodney! Hey, Rodney!"

The sound of his name jolted Rodney back to reality, and he blinked, refocusing on the present. He found himself staring at Parker and Ally, who were arguing once again, their voices raised in frustration. Madison looked over at Rodney, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "You should do something," she urged, gesturing toward the escalating tension between Parker and Ally.

"Why me?" Rodney asked.

"Because it's about you," Madison informed him.

Before Rodney could utter a word, Ally snapped, "Rodney was my friend first, you know. We used to do everything together and now you come along and he spends all his time with you."

Parker scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Ally, you did that to yourself by ignoring him." Rodney stood there, feeling exposed and bewildered as to how this argument had become about him.

"Enough!" Matt shouted suddenly, silencing both Ally and Parker. All eyes turned to him as he continued, "You two are great friends, and now all you do is fight. And the only thing that's changed is Rodney is here now." His accusing gaze settled on Rodney, who suddenly felt the weight of everyone's scrutiny. "Obviously, he's the problem."

A sinking feeling twisted in Rodney's gut as he realized that Matt was using Ally and Parker against him – Rodney didn't know what to do or say to get out of this. The room went quiet as they all stared at him, waiting for a response.

"Uh hey, I don't want to see friends fighting. Whenever my dad and I used to fight, when it was over we would play music together." Rodney grabbed a guitar off the wall and began strumming the chords to "Lips of an Angel." He poured his heart into the performance, his voice soaring as he sang the poignant lyrics, not wanting to engage in the argument.

When he finished, there was a moment of silence as the group was bewildered by what had just occurred before Matt sneered, "Trying to seduce my girlfriend now, are you?"

"Of course not! No, I was just trying to..." Rodney protested, but it was too late. Matt stormed out of the room, followed by Steven and Jordan, who tried to calm him down. Parker left as well, Madison in tow, muttering about needing space from Ally.

Feeling like he'd only made things worse, Rodney slumped back onto the couch, ready to give in to despair. But then Ally placed her hand on his shoulder, her touch gentle and comforting. "I remember when your dad taught you that song," she said softly. "You've always had a way with music, Rodney."

She sat down beside him, her blue eyes radiating warmth. "I miss him too," she admitted. "But I also miss the times we shared, like when he took us to Toronto Island, and we ate so much ice cream I got sick on the ferry ride back." A faint smile crossed her lips at the memory. "You don't have to feel alone, Rodney. You'll always have me." She then stood up and headed to talk to Matt.

As her words washed over him, something within Rodney shifted – a spark of hope reignited amidst the tumultuous emotions that maybe he did still have a chance to be with Ally.


As Derek's car pulled up in front of Ally's house, Rodney stepped out onto the sidewalk, feeling the cool night air brush against his face like an old friend. Before he could even close the door, Derek rolled down the window and leaned over the console.

"Hey man, how'd it go?" Derek asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

Rodney hesitated for a moment, the weight of the evening still heavy on his shoulders. He glanced back at the house, the flickering glow of the television visible through the living room window. "It was... interesting," he finally said, sliding into the passenger seat and shutting the door behind him.

"Interesting?" Derek raised an eyebrow as he pulled away from the curb. "That's one word for it. Care to elaborate?"

As they drove through the quiet streets, Rodney recounted the events of the movie night – from Matt's manipulations to the impromptu performance that had left everyone speechless. Derek listened intently, his grip on the steering wheel tightening with each new revelation.

"Man, I wish I could have been there to witness it all," Derek muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "You sure you're okay?"

Rodney nodded, staring out at the passing houses. "I'm fine, just... surprised, I guess. But there's something else, too." He hesitated, then continued, "When Ally and I talked after everyone left, it reminded me of why we were friends in the first place. And I think... I think my feelings for her might be coming back."

"Really?" Derek shot him a sidelong glance, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Well, that's certainly an interesting development."

"Is it?" Rodney asked, skepticism lacing his voice. "I mean, with everything that's happened, is it really the right time to be feeling this way, did all that time we spent apart while I was grounded really change anything?"

"Hey," Derek said, his tone growing serious. "There's never a 'right' time for feelings – they happen when they happen. And if you ask me, it sounds like Ally may still have some of those feelings for you too."

Rodney mulled over Derek's words, was it possible they both still had feelings for each other? "You really think there could still be something between us."

"Of course, man." Derek flashed him a reassuring smile. "Now, let's focus on getting you and Ally back on track, okay? If I recall correctly the original plan was you two lovebirds would be together by the end of the year."

"That is only five months away, is that enough time?" Rodney worried, thinking about just how optimistic his original timeline was.

"More than enough time buddy, we got this," Derek's certainty gave Rodney hope that he wouldn't feel so alone by the end of June.

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