Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 498: Explosion

With great difficulty, Ma Wang Shu stood up and started gathering all her strength and condensed them on the palm of her hands. 

Ma Wang Shu then swiftly sprinted towards Fa Yuan to stop the still chanting YinYing with a blast from her prepared attack.   



Ma Wang Shu's attack hit the sound of the barrier that he made. Of course, Fa Yuan did not want his hard work suddenly to go to waste, thus he was prepared by it. 

However, the crack was enough to confirm that his preparation was not enough to keep his focus on his task and safe from the beings that were stopping him. 

Ma Wang Shu sent another blast. This time stronger than the previous one. 




"Cough!" Fa Yuan almost puked blood from that hit, but he endured. Blood on his mouth, but he continued to chant with eyes closed through clenched teeth. 

His chant became faster, clearly challengingly Ma Wang Shu. Fa Yuan knew that his feeble barrier would be broken soon. 

"Just give up!" Ma Wang Shu screamed before coating her fists with energy and punching Fa Yuan's barrier hard. 


The barrier crashed, and Fa Yuan coughed blood again. This time, his eyes were already open as he glared evilly with Ma Wang Shu. It was like he was openly challenging the woman to try attacking him again.


Sadly instead of Ma Wang Shu doing it, explosive magic was hit on Fa Yuan's direction from the side. 

The impact was with tremendous force, causing Fa Yuan to knock and collide with the purple goblin statue near him. This caused the mountain to shook but not enough to destroy the statue. 

However, the impact did much more than just hit Fa Yuan; it caused him to stop chanting that broke the chain of the ritual. 

"You imbecile! What you have done? How dare you disrupt the ritual?" Fa Yuan shouted frustratingly at Ma Wang Shu. 

Even though Yinyings were supposed not to show strong emotion most of the time, there were exceptional cases like him that still feel most emotions just like a regular mortal. 

"It was not me!" Ma Wang Shu replied, trying to sound innocent as she prepared to defend from Fa Yuan's attack. Inside her mask, a mocking smirk was hidden. 

The attack was from Gao Lan Mei, and Ma Wang Shu was so delighted that it happens. 

Ma Wang Shu quickly glanced at the fight between Gao Lan Mei and Li Huan, and it seems it was one-sided. 

'At last, this will be over soon.'  Ma Wang Shu thought to herself with relief. She would mourn for deaths and move on soon. 

"Aaahh!" With utter rage and anger, Fa Yuan prepared to land a massive attack on Ma Wang Shu. An attack that can potentially annihilate her from the very place she stood.

Ma Wang Shu hissed. For her, it was always bothersome to fight with someone who seems to have unlimited energy. 


The ground shook. It shook hard enough that it took both Ma Wang Shu and Fa Yuan off balance, rendering Fa Yuan unable to attack. 

They didn't know what caused the ground to shake in such a manner. It could be anything at this point. 

However, the unmistakable feeling that something was wrong with space was there. 

"Haha! Finally, they arrive! No one will be spared now!" Ma Wang Shu suddenly declared as she tried to stand up from the fall. 

Fa Yuan stiffened after hearing what Ma Wang Shu had said, 'Reinforcement? Does she mean more soldiers from Justice Affairs?' Fa Yuan thought to himself with concern, 'If so, this could mean we need to give up now.'

Fa Yuan was alarmed as he tried to sense where the new arrivals would be showing up. 


An explosion happened inside the seal. Fa Yuan did not know where it came from or what caused it. 

He only knew that it had resulted in the dust to surround the place that covered the entire area within the seal Ma Wang Shu's subordinates had made. 

As he was figuring out what was going on around him, he felt pressure on himself. It felt like he was getting weaker as all the energy he had was gradually getting lesser and lesser by second. 

'What is happening to me? Why do I all of a sudden feel so weak? Why do I feel suffocated?' he thought to himself as he held his throat that was dry. As seconds went by, the intensity of the force got stronger. 

Fa Yuan looked forward to taking a glance at Ma Wang Shu and for an opportunity to attack her release him from this state.  

"What did you-" Whatever he was supposed to say was halted. He thought it was one of Ma Wang Shu's poison ability that was poisoning him, but he was dumbfounded. He was nearest to the woman. Thus he was able to see her situation. 

Ma Wang Shu was still laughing earlier, but at that moment, she was laying down and struggling to stay up on her feet.

She tried to speak out, "The seal… Remove…" Ma Wang Shu uttered with great difficulty. She was trying to say it to her subordinates, but it was too soft for them to hear. 

Ma Wang Shu gritted her teeth as she forced herself to get up. It was confusing why suddenly she lost almost all her strength! 

Add to the fact that the dust seems to not lessen at all in the air. It was like a sand storm moving around, covering their sight. He also noticed that it seems to get darker, like impurities, but different as the magical energy in the air was more potent.  

"Fa Yuan!" Li Huan screamed frantically as if her life depends on it. 'How can that be?!' 


Author's Note:

Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being.

If you also additional time, please check out my other books, "Baby Contract: Forced Deal with a Dragon" and "Mischievous Fake Wife" while waiting for the chapters of this novel. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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