Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 492: Struggle

"Agh!" Ma Wang Shu groaned in annoyance. 

"You are playing with me. " Li Huan said with a smirk on her face.  

"Sure! I will play with you. " Enraged Ma Wang Shu shouted and stood up to attack Li Huan who was prepared to defend herself as the other woman  rushed her way. 

However, instead of the attack coming on her way, Ma Wang Shu  sent it toward Fa Liwei and Fa Yuan direction, before crashing her body directly at Yuan. 

"B*tch!" Li Huan screamed as Ma Wang Shu crashed on her, she was enraged as well on the woman's way of attacking. It was an underhanded attack from an officer of Justice Affairs who was supposed to fight fair.  

The crash was not hard enough to throw off Li Huan. So she had used it as an opportunity to closely attack Ma Wang Shu. 

"You can't escape!" Li Huan declared evilly, before her arms circled the other woman's neck. 

"Ah!" Li Huan suddenly screamed in pain due to her shoulder stinging painfully. Ma Wang Shu had just bitten her. 

"Hehe. Sorry, I don't swing that way." Ma Wang Shu said before kicking the other woman away from her. 

Li Huan hit her back at one of the trees. The impact causing  it to break down. 


Seeing this Ma Wang Shu sent another beam of magic towards Fa Liwei and Fa Yuan's. It seemed  that her initial attack had gone useless them. 


When Ma Wang Shu tried to attack again, her magic collided with another being. 

"You are fighting with me. " Li Huan said in annoyance. If there were still a lot of impurities around, she had already absorbed all of it. Her magic was almost running out, from the time she had taken down the purification firewall from the flame blessed. 

"Why are you so clingy? Do you like me that much?" Ma Wang Shu asked tauntingly. 

"So you are a poisoned woman. " Li Huan blurted furiously as she held the burnt shoulder carefully. 

Ma Wang Shu laughed out loud , the mask covering her face made it sound more sinister and muffled. "Thank you very much!" She said proudly before making a very deep mocking bow towards them.

However, what she did was only to distract Li Huan. Because within the friction of a second,  Ma Wang Shu fired two separate beams of the same magic at Li Huan and Fa Yuan. 


The beams hit both of them with tremendous force, almost knocking them out. The beams left scorch marks on the chest of both Li Huan and Fa Yuan's vessel.

In resultFa Yuan's concentration in controlling the magic that Fa Liwei was sending him almost collapsed. 

"Ignore her! Concentrate and do not waste our time. " Fa Liwei finally said to Fa Yuan. 

"We cannot keep this up for much longer. We have to free the master right now!" Fa Yuan said in a strong voice. 

With that, Li Huan snapped her shoulder back to the place before  rushing towards Ma Wang Shu and landed a heavy blow on the woman.


The blow hit her very hard. "I will keep her out of our way. " a hint of anxiousness for the first time could be heard in the fake Li Huan's voice.

Li Huan knew what to do. She had to keep Ma Wang Shu occupied while Fa Liwei and Fa Yuan could open the gate in due time.

"Let's see how your venom can hold up against this. " Li Huan spit the words out of her mouth as she sent a blow of impurity filled beam at Ma Wang Shu.

As a woman who was designed to withstand impurities, what Li Huan was doing was not enough to completely stop Ma Wang Shu.

In fact, she used this chance to release an airborne type of poison and mixed it in the air with a snicker. 



At this time, the whole  Mount Hua was dark as a moonless night now. It got darker and still as time went on. 

All the impurities that were stuck inside the boundary spell were gushing over the top of the mountain.

The sky could not be seen, gusts of wind was blowing strongly  all around the mountain. The impurities that were now on top of theMount Hua formed a sort of dark storm cloud. 

Clouds emanated thunder with bright black and purple lightning in the skies of Mount Hua, especially above the golden cage. 

And in this type of place with so dire conditions , aside from them, Ma Wang Shu knew that it would be impossible for any life to survive on the mountain. 

It was not a good sight and the  magical energy it had around it was also proof that the situation was severe to the point that it could be felt  from far beyond the Shizi Empire.

'Great! They need to feel it so they can bring their lazy ass here' Ma Wang Shu thought to herself. There was no use hiding the fact that she could not deal with the enemy all on her own. All she needed to do was delay them. 

There were a lot of questions circling inside her head. 

Where were the officers? 

What happened to her sister who was supposed to be a deacon on the place? 

What was most confusing for her was that why the supposed unity of the Justice Affairs was now used as the enemy's battleground?

Ma Wang Shu could not voice out her questions. All she could do at this time was to release all the frustration and use it to eradicate first if possible. 


Immortal Domain, Justice Affairs Special Units meeting…

The foreboding feeling of danger was suddenly  felt by those who were strong enough to notice it, despite Shizi Empire being miles away from them. 

It was like a sharp feeling of fear that would make anyone sweat to the point of agitation. 

Some of them could not help but shake their knee calves to make themselves calm as the feeling was tingling in their spine, making it so uncomfortable to focus on anything else. Like they needed to listen to the man standing on the platform, who was their general and had summoned them. 

"I have never seen anything like this before. Such, destructive magical energy. Can you feel it?" One of them could not help but ask softly with  voice laced with nervousness to another Justice Affairs captain like him. 

"Shh... We don't want the General to be pissed off…" The man replied under his breath despite also being curious about what was going on. 

They were attending a meeting regarding the missing gatekeeper who facilitated the main gate towards the Mortal Domain. 

Most of the beings who were summoned to the meeting were captains. They were standing in a wide-open space, waiting for the general to start speaking on the platform. 

"General Kang? Where are you going?" One of the captains asked in astonishment when they saw the general jumping down from the platform before he casually walked away from them . 

"Did you not all felt that?" General Kang asked with indifference, that sounded more  like mocking in their ears. 

He was wearing a golden mask as well. The only indication that he was a Justice Affairs general was because of the three jade stars like a pendant on his robe belt. "I want to fight those. Those who want to fight as well can join me." General Kang said. 

The magical energy around him rose up. Then, General Kang raised his hands towards the sky, fingers clawing on it before he stretched his hands apart like tearing the space on it. 

Just like his intention, his hands were able to rip the part of the sky opening a portal. When it was big enough for a man to pass through, General Wang shifted his gaze back to the captains, "I will count up to fifty before I close this gate." He said jumping towards the portal. 


Other parts of the Immortal Domain… 

If the Justice Affair were able to feel the sinister energy coming from the Mortal Domain, same would be the case as well for those who were leading powerful clans. 

Because of this, clan leaders had decided to check it out personally as they wanted to make sure that they would be prepared in case something did happen and it may affect the Immortal Domain. 

One of these clan leaders who was heading to the Mortal Domain had a surname Gao…


Shizi Empire… 

The magical energy was pressuring them further. Despite the absence of condensed impurities, it seemed  that the enemies had managed to use another source. 

"Tsk. Just look at that magnificence of danger. Are you ready to die? Me, I am not sure." One of the Justice Affairs officers said to the other almost sarcastically as they ran towards Mount Hua. 

"You can curse me with immortality if I accidentally used you like a shield and caused your death." The other replied casually. 

At this time, since the boundary spell had already been destroyed, the beings who could not fight were evacuated by the other officers for protection. 

The other Justice Affairs officers were going towards Mount Hua and managed to join Wei Jiayi, Sung Zhi Ruo on their way there. 

Wei Jiyai, who was already in his mortal form, heard the two young officers' casual conversation. 

He made a grunting noise through his nostrils as he glanced facing the two as if to tell them to concentrate on the given task at hand and not turn into a coward. 

The two officers got the hint and shut up, but not before they scoffed at Wei Jiayi. They both quickly shook off their concerns. 

Wei Jiyai knew it was not their fault. However, he wanted nothing more than to rush towards the mountain and fight until he breathed his last breath. 

This was the time that he felt that him being a sentinel captain was useless. He had to stay where he was to protect the ones who could not protect themselves, so he had to take them somewhere far away from where they were at that moment.

He just stared at the mountain and the huge swirling cluster of dark impurity cloud that encircled it. It seemed like the sky was about to come crashing down and the ground was about to erupt. Well, he wasn't too wrong in thinking this either.

Wei Jiayi also hoped that Gao Lan Mei would not do anything that would make it hard for him to save her… 


At Mount Hua… 

Li Huan's beam of impurities had hit Ma Wang Shu hard. Li Huan wrapped her up in layers of impurities. 

Even though the impurities themselves did not have such an effect on Ma Wang Shu as she was a poisonous being, the threshold that Li Huan put on her was strong.

It was annoying Ma Wang Shu as she was having a hard time looking for opportunities to also send an attack towards Fa Liwei and Fa Yuan. 

"You are a pest!" Li Huan shrieked angrily as she sent another blast of magic towards Ma Wang Shu's way. 

Ma Wang Shu used a rock as large as her fist, coated it with magic before allowing it to collide with Li Huan's incoming attack. Using the same method on smaller rocks, she started to throw them towards the enemy like bullets. 

"Go away! I want to pest handsome men not a dead woman like you. " Ma Wang Shu said insultingly.  

Li Huan evaded most of the stones as she got closer to Ma Wang Shu. 

"You want to get close again?! Why are you so clingy?" Ma Wang Shu did not step back and welcomed Li Huan's attack as well. 

She pretended to struggle as she coated her nails with poison. Ma Wang Shu then tried to claw anything that she could touch on the other woman's body. 

"I will not let you go!" Li Huan said as the woman chanted next to her ears. 

Ma Wang Shu grew alarmed. Her movements were getting more aggressive however, she was not able to free herself. 

The worst part was that she could hear the chants of Fa Liwei and Fa Yuan at the same time. 


Author's Note:

Hi guys! Thank you so much for underdstanding the recent issue with this chapter. I have now updated it. 

Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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