Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 483: Statues


The land shook once again. This time it was way stronger than the previous once. 

There was no chance for Wei Jiayi's dragon form to release another breath of fire to attack the Boundary spell, as its huge body swayed from the movement of the land. 

On top of that, their bodies too heavy causing great imbalance and all the cultivators within the flame, ice wall and those fighting within Impurities plopped down to the ground, as if they were kowtowing. 

Not long after, the dragon's body also slowly came down. It fought hard from the pressure, but ended up still having its head pinned down like there was an invisible force pushing it towards the ground forcefully. 


The land continued to shook, the reason unknown to everyone that why it was happening with consistency They were all braising themselves from the next attack. 

'Or was it the reinforcements? I hope it is the reinforcements.' Some of them hoped silently. 

Just as it released another growl, chilling red light from all corners of the Shizi empire suddenly appeared. They looked like multiple pair of eyes glaring at them. 

"What is going on?!" Gao Shen screamed in frustration. 

"Mei'er? Are you alright?" Li Mao asked next. Her voice laced with worry since the shaking continued. 

Those who were within the flame wall could not see those chilling red lights around them. 

Gao Lan Mei felt her heart go cold, because of the familiar feeling she was getting from those chilling pairs of red lights. It had a strange feeling, calling out to her innermost being.  

'What if they were those statues… Or was it another disgusting creature?' Gao Lan Mei dreaded the possibility. "Jiayi, attack those!" She said in a hurry, yelling. 

The moment she said that it did not take long for the dragon to release a powerful breath of fire, aiming at the nearest pair of red lights. 

Impurities dispersed because of the flame and hit that thing or creature imitating the red light. 

Since the force was still heavy within the entire Shizi Empire, after the dragon breathed fire, its head plopped down to the ground again. 

Its eyes though were still gazing at the place where it had attacked just like Gao Lan Mei. 

After the dragon attacked, the pair of red lights still remained, and this time they were able to see clearly where it came from before the Impurities could hide its pure form. 

Gao Lan Mei could not help but gasp. Her face was gone paler than before.  

The entire Shizi Empire was surrounded by statues of sitting goblins sitting on a pillar. 

Each goblin had their eyes brightened with red, wings spread wide open. Their mouths were also opened, in them, was a hilt of sword-like they have swallowed it. 

She was afraid to look at the statues. Why? Because they looked exactly like the statues on the chamber from her previous life. 

Though scared, she still knew what to do. With that, Gao Lan Mei slowly changed her posture to neutralize her balance better and not feel further pain from the pressure. 

Wei Jaiyi's dragon did help to lessen it, but she was still able to feel some impact of it. 

The pressure was from the statues. It broke the balance. One of the significant factors that she was able to break the balance of life and death, was because of these statues. 

Once the goblin completely pulled out the enchanted sword from its mouth, then the Caster was able use its magic.  

However, why were the enemies using these? How were they even able to obtain one?  

It did not matter. Gao Lan Mei had already decided what to do. 'If that's the case…. We just need to destroy them,' 

But how?

Where should we start? 



Just before Gao Lan Mei could tell Wei Jiayi what to do, the dragon started flaring breaths of fire on the Boundary spell like he had not seen the goblins. 


Gao Lan Men knew that the dragon was fighting alone from that moment. Not only the other beings could not help him, but it was also trying to protect itself and her from the enormous pressure.  

It did not go wasted, though. The entire place began to shake again. Gao Lan Mei was begging to get out of the situation as soon as possible. The statues of goblins were like calling to her spirit to return. 

'Please, please,' She uttered silently. There was no way they could destroy the statues. They could only make a way out. 


The enemy would not let them continue delaying their plans, though. After two or more breath of flame from the dragon, the familiar beam of light hit its body, causing it to almost fall to the ground again. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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