Being the Demon Lord’s Daughter Is Boring, So I Escape to Become an Adventurer!

14 – Bell

When I awoke the next day, I felt incredibly tired. I couldn’t remember anything from dinner last night, but I believed I had fallen asleep at the table. But how did I end up in my bed?

It was a burden to fully open my eyes and I just wanted to sink into my bed without moving a single inch. The bedsheet being too thick was the main reason, because although it kept me toasty within, if I were to shift ever so slightly, the dampness from my sweat-soaked nightgown would feel icky and ruin the snuggly experience.

When I realized that my cheeks were moist as well, I knew I couldn’t turn my head either, as my face would just land in a puddle of drool. I apologized to the maids who would have to later clean this drenched mess of a bed—in my mind, of course. After all, it wasn’t truly my fault. Blame the one who decided on covering me with this mammoth in the first place.

The only offense I should take responsibility for was drowning my pillow in slobber, but that should’ve been easy to launder and change. Changing the bedsheets, on the other hand, was a true nuisance, right? Which meant I was innocent, right? I nodded to myself in affirmation.

I ended up staring at the ceiling for fifteen minutes before fully awakening. When I looked around, I noticed a hanging bell above my right. That wasn’t there yesterday.

Bored and curious, I pulled on the bell’s chain, but no sound was produced. Disappointed, I yanked on the chain several more times, but it was no use. When I peeked under the bell and saw that the clapper was missing, I plopped back onto my bed, flustered. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be reassessed.

Just then, a few knocks hit my door. “Little Miss, may we enter?”

The voice belonged to Farel, one of the two maids who styled me before dinner yesterday. “Yes, please enter,” I said.

My door burst open and revealed two weary maids, Farel and Laura.

“Sorry for taking so long!” said Laura, with her hands on her knees from exhaustion.

“Why do you two look so tired?”

“We were folding laundry but when the bell started ringing, we rushed over here as fast as we could! I would’ve gotten here faster if I didn’t have to wait for Farel.”

“I-I’m terribly sorry, Little Miss. Please forgive my shortcomings.”

Seeing the two of them in this pitiful state made me feel bad. I had even rung the bell several times thinking it was malfunctioning, which likely pressured them further.

“There’s nothing to apologize for. I thought the bell was broken, but it seems to have worked.”

“The Little Miss is too kind. I will strive to improve my pace next time.”

“Me too! I can just run here and leave Farel behind.”

There was no need for them to run in the first place…. They had arrived rather promptly—in under a minute—so I had no reason to complain.

“Promise me that you two will walk here next time.”

“Okay!” Laura shouted with heaving breaths, and Farel nodded.

A more pressing question at hand needed to be answered.

“Who installed the bell?”

“I don’t know who exactly, but it was one of the male servants,” Farel said, placing a finger on her chin.

I reached for the bell and pulled on its chain several times. “Why doesn’t it make any sound?”

Laura’s eyes sparkled and she proudly held her hips. “Ah, that was my idea! Do you like it?”

“Um, why is the clapper missing?” I sat back on my bed.

“You see, that way, the sharp sound from the bell won’t bother you. Hehe. Praise me with head rubs please—ow!”

Farel drilled a fist into Laura’s head. “Laura, mind your manners. Don’t make me remind you again. Little Miss, please forgive me for enacting such punishment before you.”

Head rubs as praise…? I had trouble following Laura’s request. Anyway, I understood her reasoning for castrating the bell and found it to be quite interesting. After all, back in the castle, I had simply requested for the maids telepathically. This bell contraption on the other hand, although primitive, had a certain charm to it.

“Little Miss, shall we prepare for breakfast?”

“Yes please. I’m soaked.”

“Hya!” Laura yelped as she flailed open the curtains. My eyes instantly closed shut from the sudden influx of sunlight—gah! In the Nether, there were many hazards that could blind, but sunlight wasn’t one of them.

“Laura.” Farel’s grave tone tempted me to force an eye ajar.

Eek! …May I appeal to your immeasurable kindness, Little Miss Farel?”

A vein bulged on Farel’s temple, and she balled her hand into a fist. “Too late. Wrong person.”

The density of Farel’s fist was incredibly daunting. I gauged that it could even dent a skull, which wasn’t the worst of punishments I’d had the pleasure of beholding. Laura shrunk to the floor with her arms protecting her head as Farel rapidly closed in on her.

“Please please please, have mercy!” cried Laura.

When Farel reached Laura, she paused with her fist in the air. Towering over Laura, she warned, “I take it you will behave from here onward?”


Through sheer intimidation, Laura was reduced to a whimpering mess. When I imagined her as a poor pup, I couldn’t help but pity her. She reminded me of last night when Damien’s icy aura unleashed right next to me. A chill zapped down my spine from the very thought. I’ll ask Lydia about auras later today during our magic lesson.

After the two had settled down, I asked, “What time is it?”

“It is almost eleven o’clock, Little Miss.”

Eleven already? That meant I’d missed breakfast and would have to wait at least an hour before the next meal. I didn’t want to wait that long…

“Little Miss, are you feeling ill?”

Farel could tell I was in a bad mood. “I’m fine. I’m just a little hungry.” I was starving.

“Oh my. Laura, let us bathe and dress the Little Miss posthaste.”

“Roger that.” Laura saluted to Farel as if she were addressing her commander.

“There’s no need to hurry. Lunch won’t be for a while anyway,” I said.

Upon hearing my dejected words, the two maids put on puzzled faces.

“Little Miss, the meal is already being prepared as we speak.”

Laura chimed in after, saying, “Yup. Master ordered us to notify the kitchen when you wake up.”

This time, I was the one puzzled. Apparently, the mealtime had been decided based on my whims. Of course, back in the castle, I was given this flexible treatment due to my royal lineage, but here, I was merely a guest.

Presuming that Damien also had this treatment, wouldn’t it overburden the kitchen? Plus, didn’t I have an etiquette lesson with Miss Tarotte, too? Did that mean she was waiting on me as well? My head started to hurt. “What about the Duke? Has he eaten yet?”

“No, not yet. We were also ordered to report to Sir Abel, who in turn would notify Master.”

What? I didn’t know if I understood her correctly, but… Damien was waiting to eat with me? Why would he do that? He didn’t seem the hospitable type.

Farel and Laura urged me to get out of bed, their reason being that their master, Damien, was marking time. The two of them bathed me, which I enjoyed very much, and then accoutred me, which I disliked very much.

Looking in the mirror, I was wearing a frilly white and blue dress laced with a variety of flowers. Farel was at my right picking accessories while Laura was behind me shaping my hair into elegant curls.

The entire process should’ve taken less than an hour, but Farel was being indecisive with the earrings. I suggested closing my eyes and pointing to a random one, but she insisted that they had to compliment my dress, necklace, bracelet, ribbons, and barrette. To say the least, I was fuming more than a factory.

When I reached the dining hall, it was already past noon, and Damien was already seated at the table. I felt a little guilty because he was always the one waiting.

“Greetings, Duke Hazel. Thank you for the meal.”

After curtsying, Abel led me to my seat. Damien was looking at me while resting his cheek on a fist. Do you want to start another staring contest? I’ll happily take a second win.

“How are you feeling?”

Startled by his sudden question, I blinked. A wave of shame shrouded me due to my imaginary loss. No. That didn’t count. I wasn’t ready.

I turned away from him and answered, “I-I’m fine. Where is Miss Tarotte?”

“On leave.”

Huh? Miss Tarotte wasn’t coming? For some reason, I had a feeling it wasn’t voluntary.

“Really?” I gazed at him doubtfully. He didn’t budge whatsoever, and I found myself pouting at a rockface. I gave up, and instead asked, “What about my etiquette lessons?”

“I will substitute.”

Wait. Damien… teaching me etiquette…? Wasn’t that just a joke?

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