Before The College Entrance Examination, 20 Years Later, I Sent A Text Message

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Jiang Wenwen

“I haven’t thought about it yet! Besides, I haven’t got the “Guide for Examination” yet, and I don’t know any universities in China.”

Chen Yu casually said it.

Don’t say that he is not sure if Bai Jing really likes him, even if he is sure, he may not be willing to be with Bai Jing.

After all, the girls he had a crush on in the past did not include Bai Jing.

What’s more, he “played” very well in the college entrance examination this time, and he will definitely not be in the same school with Bai Jing in the future, and have a long-distance relationship? If you can find a good girlfriend by your side, who wants to have a long-distance relationship? Usually I want to touch a small hand, but I can’t. What’s the point of falling in love other than torturing myself?

“Oh, that’s it…”

Bai Jing seemed a little disappointed, but her introverted personality kept her from saying anything.

Huizhou No. 7 Middle School.

At school, Huang Cheng parted ways with Chen Yu and Bai Jing.

He is a science class.

The rest of Chen Yu and Bai Jing parked their cars in the bicycle shed. The two walked into the teaching building one after the other, and went upstairs to Class 10 of Senior Three.

There are 12 classes in the third grade of Huizhou No. 7 Middle School.

Class 1 – Class 8 belong to the science class.

Classes 9-12 are liberal arts classes.

Class 12 of Senior Three is the only liberal arts key class among several liberal arts classes.

Like the Class 10 of Senior Three, where Chen Yu and Bai Jing are located, it is naturally an ordinary class.

When the two of them entered the classroom, most of the classmates in the class had arrived, and everyone finally stopped wearing the school uniforms. Everyone dressed differently and looked full of vitality, and everyone’s mental outlook was also very different from before. .

It seems that after taking the college entrance examination, they all suddenly grew up, and their tone and voice seem to be different from before.

Of course, because they no longer wear school uniforms, everyone’s family background can be reflected in today’s clothing.

Chen Yu’s seat is very far back because of his height.

After entering the classroom, he and Bai Jing separated, and Chen Yu strode towards the back row of the classroom.

Along the way, a classmate who knew him smiled and greeted him, and another guy reached out and tried to pat his butt, but he patted his paw at will.

With a smile, he came to the penultimate row and looked at his tablemate who was already sitting in his seat – Jiang Wenwen.


His roommate is a girl.

At the beginning, the head teacher probably wanted everyone to be more disciplined in class and not talk to each other, so he deliberately made boys and girls sit at the same table. These days, boys and girls of this age usually rarely talk to each other, and they fight each other even more. not enough.

Therefore, the purpose of the head teacher is achieved.

The discipline in the class has always been okay.

Thanks to the arrangement of the head teacher, Chen Yu was able to sit at the same table with Jiang Wenwen for one year.

It was during the year at the same table that he liked Jiang Wenwen more and more.

She has a pair of long legs that are more than one meter long. They are moderately long and straight. When Chen Yu is embarrassed to stare at her face and chest, she lowers her head and pretends to lie on the desk to sleep, but she actually opens her mouth. She stared at her long legs, staring at her, never getting tired of seeing it.

He remembered that when the two of them were at the same table, there was a time when Jiang Wenwen liked to wear skirts. At that time, he liked to stare at her legs, but… Later, for some unknown reason, she never wore skirts again. .


She also has a beautiful face with melon seeds, black and shiny hair, a height of over 1.7 meters, and a graceful figure, which almost satisfied all Chen Yu’s fantasies about beautiful women.


God is fair!

God gave Jiang Wenwen excellent beauty, but did not give her the same excellent IQ.

Her usual academic performance is average in the class.

Similar to Bai Jing.

In an ordinary class like them, with average grades, it means that they are not eligible for a bachelor’s degree, and at most they can take a college entrance examination.

However, Chen Yu, whose grades were a little worse than her, didn’t care.

On the contrary, because her grades are not so good, I think they are a good match. However, looking at her up close at this moment, Chen Yu unconsciously remembered what the 37-year-old Chen Yu said.

– No money, no house, no wife and children.

That is to say, according to their original destiny, Jiang Wenwen will not belong to him Chen Yu in the future.

After this enlightenment rose in his heart, he suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to like Jiang Wenwen so much.

“Beauty, did my chair wipe for me?”

With mixed feelings, Chen Yu asked Jiang Wenwen as usual.

During the year they were at the same table, they developed a tacit understanding.

——Every day, no matter which of the two of them came to the classroom first, when they took a tissue to wipe the table and chairs, they would wipe the other person’s hands.

“It’s wiped.”

Jiang Wenwen gave him a smile and replied softly.

“Thank you!”

Chen Yu sat down carelessly.

As soon as he sat down, several classmates around him started chatting with him.

“Hey, Chen Yu, how many points did you get this time?”

“Which university are you going to attend?”

“Hey, Chen Yu, where have you been on vacation recently? I went to Mount Huangshan, Mad! Climbing the mountain is exhausting me!”

Chen Yu chatted with them lazily, about his college entrance examination results this time, he just said he didn’t know, and he didn’t call to check the scores.

And when he said this, several classmates around him did not doubt it.

Because we all know Chen Yu’s usual grades, and his grades are not good, it is not very strange that he is not interested in checking his scores by phone in advance.

When chatting with a few classmates around, Chen Yu’s eyes always glanced at Jiang Wenwen beside him intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, it was the girl he had a crush on for a long time, how could he just let it go?

Besides, since she knew that she would not marry him in the future, even touching her little hand now would be profitable.

“Hey, how did you do this time? How many points did you get?”

Chen Yu took an opportunity and casually asked Jiang Wenwen next to him.

Jiang Wenwen glanced at him and shook her head slightly, “About four hundred points, the undergraduate course is definitely hopeless.”

Chen Yu nodded, not surprised.

“Have you decided where to go?”

he asked again.

Jiang Wenwen shook her head slightly, “I haven’t thought about it yet!”

Her temperament is a bit cold. Chen Yu used to like her character, but today she feels that she is so cold to him. It should not be because of her personality, but she has no feelings for him Chen Yu.

“Have lunch together? I’ll treat you!”

Having had a crush on her for so long, but never even touched her little hand, the more Chen Yu thought about it, the more she felt a loss, so she wanted to create a chance.

Otherwise, if they miss today, they may never have the chance to meet again in this life.


Jiang Wenwen chuckled and shook her head, “Forget it! Let’s talk about it next time, okay?”

next time?

After today, is there still a chance to meet next time?

Chen Yu laughed at himself, didn’t force it, and shrugged to give up.

At this moment, their class study committee member, Qin Lili, came in from outside the classroom door, walking briskly, waving a finger-wide note in her hand, and said loudly to everyone: “Hey, hey! The head teacher called you to go. I have already received the score sheet from his home, so hurry up and get it! His home is in Unit 502, Unit 2 of the teacher’s dormitory, so hurry up!”

Go to the head teacher’s house to get the score card?

Chen Yu was quite surprised, and the first reaction in his heart was – the head teacher wants everyone to go to his house to recognize his family, so that everyone can give him gifts during the new year and festivals in the future, right?

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