Before The College Entrance Examination, 20 Years Later, I Sent A Text Message

Chapter 297

Chapter 296 Huge Spaceship On Mars

In the postpartum recovery room.

Chen Yu put the little guy on the bed, turned around to open the milk powder can on the bedside table, took the milk bottle, and planned to make some milk powder for the little guy.

During this period, the little guy was crying all the time on the bed.

Chen Yu said “don’t cry, don’t cry” to comfort him, but he didn’t hug the little guy, because he had been coaxing the little guy when he just walked all the way from the delivery room with the little guy. Thing, hoping to make Little Thing stop crying, but he didn’t make it.

That is to say, this little thing has been crying since it was handed over to him, and it has not stopped.

So Chen Yu thought to see if he could use milk powder to make this little thing stop crying.

Therefore, the top priority is to soak the milk powder first, as for the cry of the little guy? Just let him cry for a while! Anyway, he’s not good at coaxing him as a father.


Brewing milk powder is also very unfamiliar to Chen Yu.

Although he has memories of other time and space in his mind and making milk powder for his children, he still seems a bit clumsy when he really starts to operate it at this time.

Jiang Xiu, who had just entered the room, looked at his clumsy appearance, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

With a sigh, he walked to Chen Yu’s side and said softly, “I’ll come! Go and coax the child.”

Chen Yu looked at her in surprise.

Then he nodded slightly, “That’s hard work for you.”

Saying that, he handed her the milk powder can in his hand.

“Are you being so polite to me?”

Jiang Xiu glanced at him and scooped up the milk powder skillfully. Before pouring a spoonful of milk powder into the bottle, she paused, looked down at the amount of water in the bottle, put down the milk powder can in her hand, and reached out to touch the temperature of the bottle. After that everything is proficient.

Chen Yu picked up the crying child in bed, coaxed and watched Jiang Xiu do this, silently learning how to make milk powder from her.

After a while, Jiang Xiu soaked the milk powder, and when she subconsciously handed the bottle to Chen Yu, she hesitated and put the bottle back.

The hand that Chen Yu had just reached to take the bottle stopped there.

Chen Yu looked at Jiang Xiu with a question mark on his forehead.


Jiang Xiu smiled helplessly, walked over to the bed, and put the bottle on the bedside table. She turned and sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out her hands, “Give me the baby! I don’t think you can breastfeed, so let me do it!”


Chen Yu hesitated slightly, nodded, “Thank you!”

With that said, he handed the child over to Jiang Xiu.

Jiang Xiu lowered her head and pressed the collar near the child’s chin with her hand, revealing his small mouth. She then brought the bottle and coaxed the child softly while feeding the child.

Everything is gentle.

The crying of the child gradually stopped, and when the child drank the milk, it stopped crying completely, closed his eyes, and sucked the milk there.

at the same time.


Musk sent the spacecraft TT7 to Mars for the ninth time, and the dark spacecraft parked quietly in a canyon.

At the same time, in a wasteland about tens of kilometers away from this canyon, a rover was driving forward on the surface of Mars.

In the car, there were two astronauts in red space suits.

Someone once said that there is no way in the world, and the more people walk, the more there is a way.

This is very appropriate to look at from Mars.

On Mars without human habitation, there is no way.

Therefore, the rover was not driving smoothly in this wasteland, it was bumpy, and it was off-road all the time.

The two astronauts in the car, the one on the left was driving intently, while the one on the right held a tablet-like instrument in his hand, and pointed his finger forward from time to time, as if to guide the astronauts driving.

Time passed little by little.

The rover finally crossed the wasteland and came to the entrance of another canyon.

At this point, the rover finally stopped.

Two astronauts in thick space suits got out of the car awkwardly.

In each hand a small box with wheels.

Turning his head and looking around, the man with the “tablet” in his hand pointed to the entrance of the canyon, and then the two of them staggered towards the entrance of the canyon.

After the two entered the canyon, they walked for about half an hour.

They stopped one after another.

The eyes of both of them were fixed on a huge spaceship the size of a hill in the canyon.

The spacecraft TT7, which they drove from Earth to Mars, was actually huge, more than 100 meters long and 40 meters wide.

But compared to the spaceship they saw in front of their eyes, the TT7 they had come from the earth was not enough to see.

The huge spaceship in front of me is really like a hill, not only in size but also in shape.

From their point of view, the length of the spaceship is at least two kilometers, and there is a feeling that there is no end in sight.


Visually at least one or two hundred meters.

too big!

Compared with the spaceship in front of them, the TT7 they drove from Earth was like a child’s toy, too small.

It’s just that this huge spaceship has never appeared in any news on Earth.

Moreover, the spaceship in front of me seems to have crashed long ago.

The hull of the spaceship on the left is obviously broken. It is estimated that when it fell into this canyon a long time ago, the hull on the left first hit the ground of the canyon. On the ground, there are many metal fragments scattered. In addition, a thick layer of dust has also fallen on the huge spaceship in front of me. I don’t know if the dust splashed down when it fell and fell on the spaceship.

and also

This huge spaceship quietly parked in this canyon, very close to the ground, seems to have opened a door, the door is dark, like a huge cave entrance.

Not too big to look like a door.

Because this dark entrance is tens of meters long, wide and high.

Is there such a big door under the sky?

The two astronauts stood here and watched from a distance for a long time. Finally, the two looked at each other and nodded slightly to each other. Then, they continued to walk towards the huge spaceship and went straight to the road on the spaceship. ” door”.


Magic City Red House Hospital.

Feng Yan had been sent back to the postpartum recuperation room. She was wearing a loose hospital gown, her face was pale and bloodless, and she was lying weakly on the hospital bed. But at this moment, she looked at the little guy lying in her arms, with a gentle smile on her pale face and eyes.

The little guy in his arms obviously looks ugly.

She never seemed to get enough of it.

The little guy fell asleep, but because he had not yet adapted to the life after leaving his mother’s belly, even when he fell asleep, his whole body was slightly curled up, and his two small wrinkled hands were clenched into fists and pressed against his chin.

It looked like a very insecure little beast.

Chen Yu sat on the escort chair beside the bed, accompanied by this girl, Jiang Xiu went downstairs to buy something, and hasn’t come back yet.

“The child’s name, which one do you want to use?”

Feng Yan turned his face slightly, looked at Chen Yu, and asked him with a smile.

Chen Yu smiled bitterly and asked back, “What do you think? Which name do you want to use?”

“Chen Xuan? I like the word Xuan.”

Feng Yan’s voice was still weak, but there was always a smile in her eyes. Obviously, the birth of her son made her feel happy.

Chen Yu nodded slightly, “Yes! However, a two-character name is easy to have the same name as someone else’s, and putting it together with my name can easily make people misunderstand that he is my brother, not my son, so I recommend Before the word Xuan, add another word? What do you think?”

Feng Yan squinted and thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said with a smile, “Well, then it’s called Chen Yuxuan? What do you think of adding the word Xuan after your name?”

After speaking, she bit her lip and forcibly endured it, so she didn’t laugh out loud.

Chen Yu looked at her blankly.

Very speechless.

But she wasn’t finished yet, seeing him speechless, she even said: “Add a word after your name, it should be able to tell that it is your son? Besides, Yuxuan and Yuxuan are in the middle of the word Qi Yuxuan’ang. The two words in the word have a very good meaning. If I remember correctly, this word in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is used to describe the beautiful Zhou Lang and Zhou Yu, right? So, use the word Yuxuan in the middle of this word to be our children I think it’s a good name, what do you think?”

Chen Yu has been unable to complain.

How did you name your son like that?

After the father’s name, add a word, is the son’s name?

Which acquaintance will laugh when they hear this kid’s name?

And Feng Yan added at this time: “Also, in this case, when you leave your real estate, car, etc. to your son in the future, I don’t think you have to go to the house on purpose, and let your son be directly behind your name, Add a word of Xuan, it’s his, even the transfer fee is saved, hehe.”

She finally couldn’t hold back, and still laughed out loud.

Chen Yu gave her a roll of eyes.

“Add a zigzag! Chen Zhixuan, do you think it’s okay?”

Chen Yu didn’t bother to complain about her, and simply stated his proposal directly.

Feng Yan softly read “Chen Zhixuan” twice, and then asked curiously, “What does this name mean?”

Chen Yu explained casually: “Have you read the Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty? In that book there is a very powerful evil king Shi Zhixuan, the kind that can almost beat the world invincible. Do you think that with such a character’s name, I will give it to you? Name your son, does it have a meaning?”

Feng Yan frowned: “What king? Evil king?”

Chen Yu smiled, “Yes! Evil King Shi Zhixuan.”

Feng Yan frowned even more, “What do you think? Why use the name of the evil king to name our son? Isn’t it auspicious?”

Chen Yu shook his head, “What’s so unlucky? The evil king is very powerful, and he’s not the kind of big devil who kills innocent people indiscriminately. It’s just that his behavior is a bit evil. I think it’s pretty good. Don’t you want our son to be one in the future? A well-behaved honest person?”

Feng Yan wondered: “Isn’t it good to be an honest person?”

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and sighed: “I read a passage before, it seems that it was written by a mother to her son, which probably means that your mother taught you to be an upright and kind person since you were a child, to study hard and not to lie. , Don’t be lazy, don’t learn badly, but when you grow up, your mother realizes that a child like you can’t do anything in this society.”

Having said that, Chen Yu showed a complicated smile and said to Feng Yan: “So, naming our children after the evil king, I don’t think it’s okay, we are not expecting our children to learn badly in the future, just hope He can be a little more casual, don’t be too rigid, don’t you think it’s bad?”

Feng Yan frowned, his expression a little tangled and complicated.

Because of the example Chen Yu just gave, she was very complicated to listen to it.

Teaching the son in the direction of integrity and kindness will eventually make it difficult for the son to walk in this society?

She wanted to refute the example.

But unexpectedly flashed in her mind the honest men she had seen over the years.

Those honest men, it seems that most of them really don’t do well.

Thinking of this in her head, she thought it was ridiculous.

Be honest, is it wrong?

Why in the real society, some people who are sweet-smelling, stalking, unscrupulous, and unscrupulous in life and work are often able to get along well? On the contrary, most honest people are at the bottom of the society?

For a long time, she looked down at the son in her arms with a complicated expression, and said softly: “Let’s change the name! I still don’t want to use the name of the evil king as our son’s name, why don’t we just call Chen Xi? Don’t expect him to achieve much in the future, but hope that he will have more happy events and more happiness in this life, do you think?”

When she said these words, her eyes kept looking at the baby in the swaddling clothes.

“Chen Xi? Joy of joy?”

Chen Yu asked.

Feng Yan nodded slightly and hummed.

Seeing that she was no longer interested in discussing the child’s name, Chen Yu didn’t say a two-character name at this time, and it was easy to have the same name as someone else.

Not to mention the two-character name and his Chen Yu’s name together, it is easy to make people think that they are not father and son, but brothers.

He thought for a while, nodded, and said, “Okay! It’s good, then it’s Chen Xi!”

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed by.

The little guy Chen Xi, the reddish skin on his body has gradually faded from the redness, and the wrinkled skin from the amniotic fluid has gradually become smooth and smooth. In a few days, it is like changing a child with someone.

Like two people.

It’s almost the same every day.

Also like the old saying goes.

It’s only been a few days since the time has passed, and the little guy’s face seems to have grown a lot.

Feng Yan also recovered a lot in just a few days.

She is no longer as weak as the day she gave birth, her complexion is much better, and she can already get out of bed and walk by herself. This time she gave birth to a child, not a cesarean section, and her body recovered very quickly after giving birth.

On the fifth day after giving birth, the doctor announced that she could be discharged from the hospital.

Jiang Xiu helped with the discharge procedures, Chen Yu was busy packing, and took Feng Yan’s mother and son out of the hospital that afternoon and returned to their manor in Modu.

In the days that followed, Chen Yu clearly felt that his life had undergone tremendous changes.

The focus of his and Feng Yan’s life seems to have shifted to the newly born son at once, and everything in life must make way for this little guy.

------off topic-----


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