Becoming Legend

Chapter 94: Wanna bet?

Wind's blowing east. A good start, for a new year. New year, a new adventure. It doesn't matter what. Survive. Just survive. Survive by becoming strong. Ned steeled his thoughts. This wind will help us reach the boundary of Bogblot and Scattered Bay, faster.

With the ship changed course, their speed went dragging. But it was better than to be swallowed by a Leviathan Class monster. A Grade S magical beast.

Atop its reptilian snout, an enormous horn of sparkling crystals scatters. Inside its gaping maw were full of crystalline teeth. Its massive monstrosity, black scales serves as a shield. Its six legs end in a jagged claw of crystal. The Lev'rath. An apex predator, capable of swallowing several ships in one gulp. In fact, on the surface, a Lev'rath could charge headlong and swallow everything on its path.

Lev'rath according to the crew of the ship. To think that a massive monster swum along with the human habitat. It sure would cause a tremendous amount of damage.

To Ned's surprise, The last day of Lower Frost month wasn't customary at all. And Ned doubted if people of Earflgard ever celebrated the new year.

The new year passed as if nothing had happened. The crew was still knocked with ale. Last night—was, for the crew seemed to be the joyous moment of their lives.

Ned climbed the rook's nest. Enjoying the wide and serene view of the blue and limitless ocean. The sun rose, and was a good thing to absorb some of its heat; it makes one felt alive. Ned stood, feeling the breeze of the cold wind damping his cheeks.

One by one, the crew started to proceed with their own task. Some cleaned the deck. Others cooked food. Two of the crew moved along the Lobby's edges to scout the surrounding ocean. The rest finished repairing the hole the Scourge crew bored.

Sisi was still asleep. It has been three days. Might have taken its toll. Ned raised his hands to feel the passing wind. Mana Burn did a lot of toll on her body. Too much, it affected her consciousness. Sisi will sure to gauge her magic the next time she uses it.

Hocoff and Anita still remained in their cages. Anita was inside her coffin, resting. While Yaluk was done sleeping. But his mind seemed to be out of his consciousness. Ever since he woke up, he remained seated. Wouldn't take any food or water. If he died. The bounty the crew will receive will be halved. Not that it matters anymore, since Ned shared a thousand of Mana stones; will sure make a lot of upgrade with the Lobby. And that made Lady Darcey excited. She can't wait to drop off Ned and proceed to their headquarters—Titan's Cay.

Ropes rustled as one of the crew climbed at the peak of the rook's nest.

"Lad," a lady said. Wearing a monotonous uniform of the crew. White linen covering her chest, enough to cover the necessary regions. Brown leather pants, extended by brown leather boots. Blade hung her waist. The only difference that made them apart from the other crew were the shells hanging on their ears. Some made a shell necklace. Wrist seashell jewelry. Ned wondered if these shells were the utmost important part of their body.

"Cas'a," Ned said. Reaching a hand towards the approaching lady pirate. Must be around her twenties, but Ned had a hard time discerning their ages. They all looked, young and energetic.

"Enjoying the view?" Cas'a said. Reaching for the gentleman's hand, and nodded as a thank, and proceed to wander the circular nest made of wood. It's her turn to watch the security of the crew. Rook's nest, with a good watcher, none could sneak inside the Lobby. Cas'a's role was simple, gave off a warning if she deemed something was of emergency.

She walked, and at the center was a pole. Along hung with different tools. One of them Cas'a pulled. Long cylindrical tools with glasses at both ends. Ned assumed some sort of telescope.

"Something like that," Ned said. Standing at the edge of the nest. Hands-on his waist. Wind blowing. Eyes gazing the horizon. The smell of salt entered the nostrils of Ned. Gulping with nothing but air. He could at least taste salt.

Ned gazed Cas'a, trying to figure out how she used a tool something that long. Almost half a meter, constructed with thin wood, clamp with irons every five to six inches. Overall its cylinder was painted with a burnished color.

"Oculus," Cas'a said. Giving the item to Ned. and smiled. "Some sort of Perception Claim. Able to extend the view of whoever eyes inside the glass. Inject mana in it, it will extend more of your vision." She explained.

Ned eyed the glass inside, he nodded. Looking at the horizon, he could see the black speck in the far distance. The Oculus extended Ned's vision. "A telescope indeed," Ned muttered, enough for him that he alone could hear. He injected mana, and his vision flashed. The black speck was now clearer. Some sort of magical beasts swimming in a group. Their fins were black.

Satisfied with the tool, Ned handed it back to Cas'a.

Claims; utility item imbued with magic, enough to be used for daily living. These tools, people calling Claim were useful indeed. It shows the progress of any nation. Helpful, but without magic, they seemed to be impractical. But still, useful.

The day went on as it was; Ned wakes up, trained with his magic. Absorb. Store. Expand. Materialize. Then conjure. His fire spell, the fireball conjured faster than how it was. Although, the materialization was seconds faster. It would still make a big difference against someone who's magic was slower than him.

As for Egnious. It needed a lot of mana to conjure. And since Ned's mana was pure. He was somewhat, hesitant to use it.

He wanted to absorb the Mana stones but decided not to. Since it only gave him a meager amount of mana. He chose to keep it and use it as a currency for trade. Although the mana was thin. It was still worth it since Ned could still absorb some it.

Because of his... abnormalities. Ned's body needed to separate the impurities from the mana present. And only a small amount of it was pure. With this, Ned knew, his proficiency towards magic was going to be slow.

Ned sighed. He almost looked a hunchback with his sighing and shoulder lowering these past few days. But Ned can't help it, he was trapped in the middle of the ocean. With nothing to do but to assess his magic. He was bored—he devised his own training.

It was to train his body. So far, his body couldn't catch up with his magic. Ned assumed, he could use ten maybe fifteen of fireball before his body gives up. Or equivalent to four Egnious.

Ned wasn't satisfied. What if he fought someone with the same strength as him but could last longer than his body could. Then, with the battle of attrition, he would sure to lose.

With the help of his system, Ned trained with his body, He ran, from one point to the end of the Lobby. He climbed the arm thick ropes, he lifted barrels—acted as weights. Ate food, and rest. And repeat.

Seeing the confused faces of the crew every morning was something Ned expected. This kind of routine was something they experienced to Ned. But Ned explained: "It was to make me stronger," he said. The rest then just let out a sigh of agreement.

It has been two weeks since Ned has been doing this routine. It was also the same as Anita, two weeks, and still resting. Sisi, these past few days she woke up but still disoriented. And Lady Darcey decided to let her rest a long time.

As for Yaluk. He started to act strangely. Sometimes he stood, crank his knuckles, and looked Ned with earnest eyes. But Yaluk never spoke. He at least receives food and water. As for his staff, it would be dangerous for a summoner to lay an eye on their weapon, let alone give it to them. Lady Darcey explained that some mages could use their weapons in a distance. With that, she hid the summoner's staff only she knew. Yaluk was strong not even Lady Darcey could defeat him. Not until Anita was awake. Then the crew couldn't rest for a while. Two of the Lobby's crew were always at standby outside Yaluk's cage.

As a new member, Ned was given an empty room, used to be old storage. It doesn't matter to Ned. He could sleep where, he could sleep in slums if he wanted to.

Ned finished his last routine; a hundred push-ups when Lady Darcey called him in distance. The sun was at high noon, birds sounded like seagulls hovered the Lobby. The sky was blue, and the wind was warm.

She stood outside the Captain's cabin, it was an open space, a place where some of the crew would train their blades and fighting stances. Wooden floor surrounded by ropes, barrels, iron chains.

"Lad, how good are ye with blades?" she said. Gripping her cutlass on her waist.

"Average," Ned said. Wiping the last of his sweat running on his forehead. He doesn't want to sound cool or all-knowing with weapons. But his Master did train him with different weapons.

"And stances?"

Ned frowned. The sun took some of his skin, it was hot, his lips cracked. But tolerable. "Well," he said. "My stance focuses on taking down magical beasts."

"You're gonna lose."

Ned paused. Lose she said? that's one thing I couldn't afford. Especially now, that I'm nearing Bogblot. Ned knitted his thoughts. "Why?" he asked.

"Cas'a!" the Captain cried.

A loud thud rung behind Ned. It was Cas'a. Ned looked up the rook's nest. Did she jump from there? he thought. It was almost fifteen meters.

Ned saw Cas'a kneeling from his landing. Before she stood, particles of yellow-golden dust dispersed from her legs.

"Fight her lad," Lady Darcey said. "She's our weakest crew here."

Cas'a frowned. "Looks like not anymore," she said. Looking down at Ned.

Were they like these? they seemed to change when they fought. Ned thought. "I don't want to," he said. "But calling me weak, seems... weak." Ned smiled. His eyes looked delighted. Well, can't help it. Can't afford to be weak. I'm be becoming rusty after all.

Ned spun around to face her adversary. He twitched his shoulders and raised hands. Posing a melee stance.

"Hold it, lad!" Lady Darcey cried. "Crew! throw them blades. And... A thousand Pica if our scrawny lad here last 1 minute against Cas'a! Anyone? wanna bet?"

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