Becoming Legend

Chapter 92: Becoming Pirate

Ned made his way into the Cuttlewitch Lobby's tavern—just below the main deck alongside the prison cell. Lanterns made of wood and tampered with iron hung the wall. Inside these lanterns were the stones used to light the room, it was at least made for decorating. Wooden chairs and tables were lined randomly.

Upon entering the door, Ned eyed the bar at the corner where bottles of different sizes perfectly placed according to its likeness. Some were filled with blue liquid, brown, some clear, but mostly orange. At the side of the bar—divided by a wooden longboard—were barrels, stacked handily. 

Even though the tavern was exclusive only for the female crew. In which Ned couldn't feel at all, since the tavern was filled with swords, axes, and different armaments. Ned eyed the seat at the corner. Lady Darcey had been keeping an eye with Sisi for the past two days after she assigned proper errands with the remaining crew. 

Ned sighed as he reached for a seat at the corner to his right. It was at this time that the crew were busy with their errands, that Ned chose to be alone. He had been figuring out his magic which he was unable to do so for the past two days. Ever since he left O'rriadt. He always wanted to try conjuring different magic elements but was hindered by the Gate's appearance and Rassus. Ned made sure to only use fire spells during those fights since, out of the rest of the element, fire is the strongest to cast. Also, he was used to conjuring fire spells. 

I wonder, how they learned spells in this world. Ned asked himself. It might be useful if I learn how. I needed a new fire spell, something that needed to take out a lot of enemies at once. 

Ned paused. The fire on his hands trembled with silence. It flowed like water—that he wasn't able to conjure. Like Lady Darcey, he could make terra magic circled her body. Ned stood. He focused. The fire on his hands started to coil around his hands. It moved. Limbs. Chest. It expanded until it formed a circle around his body. And vanished. He couldn't control the fire magic for too long. There must be some sort of technique here. He thought.

Normally, I could just focus and let the mana flow, and once the mana was out, I could just control it. Expand or retract. Ned sighed. It took him hours to focus. 

With the rest of the crew been busy and their number dwindling. They had a hard time making up with the rest, dead. Their greatest loss was their scullery—cooking room. 

Ned made a space in his spatial inventory by giving out the rest of the soup he stored. Kammas inventory was so handy. Ned thought with a smile after he gave the soup. 

Sisi has been regaining consciousness from time to time but eventually went back to sleep with her mana slowly filling up. Mana Burn causes too much stress in the body of a magic-user. With the body being accustomed to using mana, the result of an instant depletion was unbearable. Too much mana burn will result in the user unable to wake up. 

Luckily, according to Lady Darcey, this was the first time that Sisi went into mana burn. 

It has been, and according to Earflgard's months, it was 31st Lower Frost Month. Hours later, it will enter into a new day, new month, new year, and a new adventure. New Year huh. Ned shrugged within his thoughts. Not that it matters to me. I just needed to go to Bogblot. And if possible, without anymore hindrance. 

Ned was right, anymore encounter with other pirate's ships and Scourge crew, Time to Loot might as well surrender. Without Anita and the giant, Ned was sure that the Lobby will disappear in the seas of Scattered Bay. 

Lady Darcey and the crew made an agreement, Anita would take an order from Lady Darcey. All this because of Ned, due to him as big brother figure. Anita would follow Lady Darcey—her new big sister. 

Ned speculated that whoever created Anita was ahead of their time. A core that changes color, strength not even a diamond level hunter could match, speed, agility, she wasn't even balanced. Anita was imbalanced.

As to how Ned made Anita follow him, was still a mystery. Surely it was more than just the Phadthai. Something within her core might have changed. She was a puppet, commonly known by the people as Forgehuman. 

But if Ned could discern between Anita and Hocoff. Hocoff was more of a Forgehuman because of its mechanical arms, more human-like flesh, and submissiveness. A complete difference of Anita—a body made of wood, the only human flesh she has was her face. Even at the back of her head was made of wood, it was like her face was stitched onto the wooden head. And of course, her rebellious temperant.

With Anita's core changed to red, she was fully immersed in combat mode. Almost the same as Ned's Combat mode HUD. Everything went red. Aggressive and forceful.

"Well, this is it for today," Ned said. Stepping out the tavern after hours and hours of concentration.

Outside was lit by a fluorescent of white and yellow from the moon and stars. The wind blew endlessly, it was cold during the day but was even frigid during the night.

Sheets of threaded mist fettered themselves to the Cuttlewitch Lobby and kept the ocean in silence.

Not long after, the empty night was broke with the crowd coming at the other side of the ship. It would take Ned minutes before reaching the end of the ship from the Captain's cabin.

The crew were chartering, some were gloomy, some went silent. "They lost a lot," Ned thought.

"Lad," high yet rounded voice rung behind Ned. Lady Darcey, carrying her favored mug, circular wooden mug clipped with iron at bottom. Inside, Ned could see spills of orange liquid.

Ned lowered his shoulder as he paced closer to the intoxicated captain. "I made my self clear," he said. Stopping a meter away from Lady Darcey. Ned could sense Lady Darcey even with his eyes closed, and as always, she was reeking of ale. "I don't drink."

"Aye," she said. Lifting the mug and gesturing Ned to made his way back into the tavern. "Time to Loot's tradition."

Ned scowled. Tradition? Ned went back inside the tavern without asking Lady Darcey a follow-up.

"Good, lad," she said. Almost smiling.

Inside, the remaining crew brimmed the tavern. The decorated lamp was lit, blue, and sometimes yellow light passed through the glass, amplifying the light even further.

Ned entered, and the rest went silent. Ned analyzed the unsteady silence, he scans the room. Ned knew most of them.

Most of them were friendly. But they are cautious about giving out their names. Just like the round lady at the very corner of the room. Curly hair, thin eyes, and well-kept dress. She wasn't like the others with almost naked clothing. Edma was the one that replaced Edna with distributing food. They were almost looking identical. Ned gazed at her and smiled. The latter went blushing, not suitable for her age. Besides Edma was another crew. She was the one that brought food when Ned was held captive. Rosy cheeks, round nose. She always wore her pirate hat. It was obvious since a part of her shoulder and head were looking pinkish beside the rest of her body. Ned nodded towards Echi.

To Ned's surprise, Lady Baba was actually the one, and maybe the only one to be allowed inside the liquor bar. There, Ned saw Lady Baba was missing drinks, and tasting each every time she mixed new drinks.

Ned felt something was different, the room felt heavy, the air was thick. Their mood wasn't gloomy, yet their stares were locking at Ned.

Now what. Ned thought.

"Don't worry, lad," Lady Darcey walked in behind Ned. "They're like that to a new member."

Ned let out a breath. Turned his head behind his shoulder and raised a brow. "New member?" he said. Implying something within his words.

"Aye, lad," she said. Moved toward the center of the tavern. Nodded to Lady Baba, and the rest of the crew. Drunk her ale in one gulp, and started. "Time to Loot crew—

this was the worst of our year. We lost comrades, not just a handful. The lobby was nearly destroyed. Hopes crushed. Faith lost. A year ago, it was ye sister, sitting, laughing, and drinking ale beside ye. Months and months ago, some of them died. We all knew, being a pirate was a great gamble. It wasn't sure if today was our last day. Ye wasn't sure, Ye captain wasn't sure. But one thing I knew, from years of me travel. Camaraderie. Aye! That's the thing and the only reason why we soar the seven seas. To build camaraderie. Us survived the seas, us survive the waves, because us, were comrades. And now, we made another one," Lady Darcey announced looking back at Ned.

"This was against our traditions, but his help went far greater than me expected. I, Time to Loot's captain, Cuttlewitch Lobby's mother. And these crews founder, announced Ned of O'rriadt, as one of Time to Loot's new member, and will, only be the male member, and us new youngest member. By the power given by the Maker, Asashil, and her brethren. By the power given by one of the emperors of the seven seas. Emperor of the East, Empress Chi. I, Darcey of the Loot, welcomed Ned. May he battle the seven seas with his unwavering strength. Bend the ocean with his will. And protect the Time to Loot with his wits!"

Lady Darcey raised the mug with enthusiasm. She cried, and the rest followed. Their gloomy faces—gone. They stood, cheered, and raised their mug filled with seafoam ale. All cheered, even the old Lady Baba at the back of the bar winked at Ned.

With that, Ned became the new member of Time to Loot. In which, he wasn't sure how to react. And at least he gave off cool smile.

"I didn't ask for any of this."

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