Becoming Legend

Chapter 345: Hunter Exam: Theatre of War, I

It only took minutes for the blue men in uniform to hand the Storing Claims and after which, the lady on the stage explained the first phase of the Hunter Exam: Theatre of War.

Theatre of War. In order to proceed to the next phase, candidates must earn 1, 000 points by storing in their Storing Claim. Each was given 50 points. Candidates will start at the edge of Wrath Island, from their current locations which was a stone castle dug inside the mountain, they will then slowly make their way to the middle of the island while securing their Storing Claim along the way.

So for me to win, I needed to forcefully absorb the Mana from a target candidate, Ned thought while crossing his arms. Unaware of the stares around him. And each orb contains 50 points of Mana. Ned wondered how would the Association count the points when the phase was done?

"Storing Claims can store Mana and are then separately divided inside the orb," the Diamond Hunter explained, which by now, introduced herself as Medly a Diamond Rank Hunter. She wasn't a Royal Knight, so Ned assumed that she doesn't know that he got Edwin's token. "There's a limit to how much you can store, but don't worry, a thousand won't fill the Claim. Claims are created by artisans of our beloved Kingdom, so there's always a secret as to what it can offer. You don't know, it might save you from a pinch." Medly then smiled, which made the crowd gasped.

"Be aware, candidates," she continued. "Although Wrath Island wasn't home for high-tiered magical beast anymore. Still, the Association made sure that the candidates to pass this phase are worthy to be called a hunter. Time completion for the Theatre of War is 7 days."

As soon as Hunter Medly finished explaining, the ground rumbled. Sound of gears grinding astonished the crowd as it keeps on getting louder and louder. Then, the wall behind Hunter Medly slowly cracked open, sunlight and wind seeped through the emerging gap.

There, behind her emerges the real beauty of Wrath Island: rivers, greenery of forests, plains, and jungles. A swamp to the far end of the island, and hot sands scattered on the edges along with oasis.

While the crowd enjoys the scenery, Ned felt intents glaring at him. It was at this moment that they were mixed with each other, as to how it should be. Doesn't matter if you were recommended by a Diamond Rank, or Gold, or Silver, or Wood. What matters is, if you could survive.

"Watch out, kid." A voice rang beside Ned after this same man bumped him.

Ned only walked it off as the men on blue uniforms gestured for the crowd to proceed to the clearing across them. Ned looked over his shoulder and left a glare at the guy that bumped him. Ned nodded as though in mockery that left the man glared at him angrily.

[I would not advise that you provoked them, Ned.]

ICE echoed in his mind.

Just checking who I am against, Ned thought as a reply. He's been scanning the crowd even as they walk. The exam was diverse indeed as Ned inspected different candidates that came in different places.

As they slowly walk toward the clearing, Ned was able to insect the dozens of tents that stood in line before them. Each tent was guarded by hunters, but not just hunters as they wore silver armor and an expensive set of weapons. They gestured for the candidates to walk inside the tents.

One by one, each candidate walked and emerged behind the tents. Ned held the orb in his hand and tried to examine it as he waited for his turn to walk inside the tent.

"Inspect," he muttered. But to his surprise, no information was given. It shows that the Storing Claim was either blocked with a spell or was a high-tiered magical item somewhere between Grade 3 or 5.

It has been thirty minutes and Ned reached the tent. He was gestured by one of the Hunter, that at closer inspection was actually a Royal Knight of Silver Rank.

Inside, Ned was examined by a clerk. Between them was a table with a polished cube over it. Ned was asked to put the items he has with him over the table and as soon as he does, the cube lit up and gave off an aura dimming blue then yellow. The clerk later explained in a tone she held monotonously. The cube inspects the items the candidates were carrying. Each candidate must only have an item Graded C and below any other item higher was confiscated. No potions and armors Graded C and above. Especially no Inheritance item. Trinkets like Talisman of Truth are advised to wear at all times if a candidate has one. And most of all, no Inventory Claim aside from the Storing Item. This means Spatial rings, magical chest, and magical pouches were prohibited.

"Your ring," the clerk in yellow hair demanded. "You know what to do."

Ned hesitated at first, but goals outweigh his desire, he got no other choice but to take off the ring for the first time after he wore it.

But as soon as he took off the ring, chimes bombarded his thoughts that even ICE got no way to control.

[Warning: Kamma's Ring must be worn at all times.]

That's the first, Ned thought confused.

[Warning: Kamma's Ring must be worn at all times.]

[Warning: Kamma's Ring must be worn at all times.]

The clerk took Kamma's Ring off Ned's hand and placed it closer to the cube. The clerk frowned and stared at Ned with eyes as though scrutinizing him. She let out a sigh and injected Mana into the cube once more.

"Sorry about that, Candidate," the clerk said. "It ran out of energy."

Her eyes then went back to the Cube and smiled as it shows nothing but white light, signifying that Ned's items were good to be used for the exam.

Ned didn't wait for another prompt, he reached for the Ring first, wore it, and smiled after the prompts ended. After fixing the Krisalix sword on his waist along with the leather pouch filled with nothing but Edwin's Token, and the Storing Claim. He proceeds to leave the tent and was once again directed by a knight in silver armor to a wide clearance across them.

At this moment, Ned tried to look for the twins once again, but it seemed that the hundreds of lining crowds were blocking his view.

What now, he thought after he followed another line of the candidates. This time, all of them were mixed in one place as they walked towards a bright light shining at the far end.

Another moment passed, Ned approached one of these bright lights. It was after all a portal standing almost ten feet. Purple light swirling inside, around the portal were words etched. Each time a candidate went inside the portal, the words lightened and dimmed. In the portal stood three hunters that manage it. Every time a candidate went inside the portal one of the Hunter changes a stone at the surface of the portal. While the other was guarding it, and the other one making sure the candidate won't do something stupid while they were being teleported.

Before Ned stepped into the portal, Ned felt the mood around him change. It's either the candidates were tensed up or excited. But some don't feel both. Candidates that were veterans—a veteran in doing the Exam over and over again, were seemed to be eager.

First rule: no killing, Ned thought and walked to the swirling portal as it was his turn.

"Hold on," one of the Hunter that manages the portal said. "Hold on to your breath." He then grinned and as soon as he gave the command with a gesture of his hand. The swirling light swallowed Ned.

The feeling of being drowned Ned felt. Coldness followed by his vision swirling filled his vision. He then felt his body floated in the light. Suddenly, he was flicked by an unknown force, spilling Ned out of the portal.

He rolled as soon as he made contact on the ground. Still, his vision blurring, but not as much as the one when he was inside the portal.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. Falling leaves he saw. Trees both old and young stood in defense from the strong gust of the wind. It was quiet, the kind of quiet where one sat in a rocking chair overlooking the sunset while humming at the whisper of the wind.

Ned's trance wavered off after a snapping twig sounded not far from his right. Instinctively, he drew the Krisalix out its scabbard. His other hand securing the leather pouch with the Storing Claim.

Ned let out a breath of relief, "Rabbi," he said, sheathing the sword back. He clapped, trying to seduce the Rabbi to him. The Rabbi twitched and took a step forward closer to Ned.

As soon as the Rabbi was closer about a meter away from Ned. A hissed he heard of above the tree.

Ned rolled to his right after a blurring figure slithered to him, making contact with the Rabbi instead of Ned.

It was a serpent. Slimy scales reflecting a rainbow from the sunlight. It coiled to prepare another attack while it let the Rabbi escaped.

It used the Rabbi to bait me, Ned thought in a bent position. The Krisalix aligned horizontally before him.

The serpent pulled itself like a spring, and never waited for Ned's next action as it sprung to him.

"Slow," Ned muttered and prepared to evade the attack by rolling to his right—

An arrow broke the wind between him and the serpent that went scraping on Ned's by the arm. Blood sprayed off his right arm.

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