Became a Tutorial Scarecrow

Chapter 14

Chapter: 14

Sephiroth cried out endlessly, as if the world would fade away.

I always thought it was just a cartoonish display, but when a person cries for a long time, tears really do form.

Huh, huuh…

“Um… Sir Librarian?”


Just when it seems like he calmed down a bit, calling his name hits the switch again like a jump scare. I want to comfort him, but what on earth do I do?

The only recent private conversations I’ve had with women were with Mariana and Ryona. Even they stopped crying and got back on their feet after a while.

What’s going on? Every time I run into these big brats, the kids of this world seem more mature. Is the Philia Empire okay with this?

“I understand too. When you like something, it’s only natural to want to geek out about it, right? I was like that too.”

Let’s wrap him up in some understanding.

As someone with my share of experience in this area, I know how comforting it is to find a kindred spirit for your hidden hobbies.

Huh… Right, well…

Yeah, the photos probably were the real issue here.

This too… wouldn’t it just be fine to toss out some vague praise?

“I never thought the photo was ugly or like, slutty or anything harsh.”

“W-what a lie… So that’s how you really felt…”

“Really! After seeing your photo, Librarian-nim…

[The Mouth of Truth]

“To be honest, it was really quite shocking.”

“Eh? Huh, ehhh…??”

“? Brother?”


No, if you suddenly cast an anti-lie spell here…!

“So, um!”

Abba… Ababababa…

Sephiroth’s tears were sucked right back in. Instead, her mind glazed over as she kept spitting out nonsensical words.

Maria’s gaze sharpened, about five degrees more intense than usual.

Winds, spread?

Am I going blind? Why does it feel like red light is coming out of Maria’s eyes…?


Still, it’s clear that I didn’t find anything strange about Sephiroth.

She managed to gather herself enough to engage in a conversation.

Maria… is still young, so I’ll let that be. Sephiroth won’t dwell too much on what she said.


Did Maria just avoid eye contact…?

“Ahem. So… you’ve decided the library’s volumes aren’t as important as they used to be, moved everything up top, and are using the basement as a hobby space? Considering no one’s coming by anyway?”

“Yes… that’s correct.”

No matter how I see it, it feels like a blatant abuse of power.

If I recall correctly, there was definitely a ‘Collection of Forbidden Tactical Magic’ in that pile. You think that’s unimportant now?

“B-but more importantly… how did you know how to open the basement passage…?”

Based on the way the atmosphere shifted, it’s clear they’re highly suspicious.

Well… I guess they’ll manage fine. If the palace library gets robbed, it’s already game over, to begin with.

“A friend told me.”

I tossed that out casually. Watching Dia do it, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that.


What are you gonna do staring at me suspiciously like that? The Mouth of Truth loses its efficacy against wary foes.

Even if it works, what can you do about what to say next?

“Your Majesty. Everyone has secrets they don’t want revealed to others.”

And who exactly do you think holds the reins here?

“If we each have such secrets, isn’t it best that we ‘each’ keep them safe?”

After lingering awkwardly at the door, I stepped back inside.

As I turned towards the wall piled with photos, Sephiroth’s black hole-like pupils opened wide in real-time.

“I-I… there’s no way… right?”

“Most of these photos, taken in the nude or in unique outfits, regardless of whether they’re ugly or not, must be exceedingly embarrassing to ‘others’. Am I correct?”

I raised a random photo as an example.

The bottom half showed her lifting her skirt with one hand to reveal her underwear slightly, while the upper half was shielded by her hand.

“Even if it’s just your lower face in the picture… it’s only a matter of time before people figure out whose it is. Especially if rumors about ‘who’s in the photo’ start flying around.”

Hik, huh…!!

The palace librarian has a peculiar hobby of secretly taking suggestive photos of herself. Even worse, it’s become public knowledge.

Just the existence of such rumors is embarrassing enough, but there’s physical evidence too. It’s quite clear what it was likely used for.

What if the Knight Order investigates and discovers the truth of the basement? It wouldn’t be surprising if one day Sephiroth self-destructed and was found as ashes.

To stop this, we’d have to kill each other, right? How would a royal guest even manage that?

“I-I’m so sorry…!! Please, just forgive me this once…!! I’ll lick your foot…!!!”

Sephiroth, showing an unexpected quick wit, pleaded dramatically.

“Don’t worry. Like I said, I want to keep our secrets safe. Maria, put your shoes back on.”


“Instead, I’d like to ask you one favor.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m doing this for nothing.

Either the information guild or sneaky nobles would see a huge profit from it.

“Yes, yes, of course…!! Just tell me anything…!”

Fortunately, Sephiroth was quite cooperative. I genuinely appreciate that she understands my desire to protect her.

With this, it became impossible to predict what would grace the front page of next week’s newspaper. After all, life is much more interesting when the future is unknown.

“I’d like to meet the saintess. Could you write me a letter of recommendation?”

“Oh, absolutely…!! I’ll write it right away…!!”

Sephiroth practically jumped up from where she was sitting, nearly crawling on all fours in excitement.

At this point, it resembled a fluffy giant dog.

“…Is nothing hanging from it? Maria needs to add something to make it manly…”


“Maria didn’t say anything.”

Now I’ve seen everything worth seeing in the basement.

I decided I hadn’t wasted my time, so I grabbed a photo and headed up the stairs.

“Maria. Should we get a dog later?”

“Maria is already raising her brother.”


I couldn’t conjure up anything to retort with. I just softly stroked Maria’s head.

… It’s just that the foundation is still shaky, so it leans heavily on me, not that it’s actually being raised. Truly.


Right after leaving the library, I announced my intention to leave the palace tomorrow.

Though I didn’t find any solid clues, I did get the key to approaching the next possibility.

The letter of recommendation written by the library officer. That’s an incredibly powerful card that allows for private meetings regardless of status.

“If there are no leads in magic, then I guess it’ll be best to rely on the divine.”

The contemporary saintess is hailed, surpassing all predecessors, as a once-in-a-lifetime genius.

I didn’t even look it up, but the news managed to fly into my ears daily. So it speaks for itself.

Her astounding abilities are clear proof of her closeness to the divine. Perhaps I might actually get to meet the only god on this continent.

Knock, knock—

That was the first knock I’d heard since staying at the palace.

Though it felt out of place, it hinted at the appearance of a new character, prompting me to hurry to the door.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Maria.”

A girl with white hair and gray eyes greeted us at the door.

Her tidy attire was so beautiful that for a moment, I was under the impression that the saintess had come to pay me a visit.

“I am the captain of the Third Knight Division. My name is Yuri Caesar of the Four Holy Emperors.”

“Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, Commander.”


Yuri bowed politely while crossing her arms behind her back.

I’m leaving tomorrow, but what could the Knight Commander want? Has the threat against the librarian been discovered?

“I’ve heard you’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“His Majesty has suggested that the two esteemed guests participate in the royal auction happening tomorrow before departing.”

“The royal auction… that’s the one held behind the central square, right?”

Yuri nodded gently with a friendly smile.

“If you’re willing to participate, His Majesty has promised VIP privileges that guarantee a seat and that I’ll accompany you as your escort.”

“What about Sister Izuri?”

“Senior Izuri is in confinement, taking time off for writing a report regarding the incident with the vice-captain.”

‘Can I even share all this…?’

In any case, participating in the auction piqued my interest.

I wasn’t heading straight to the saintess anyway; I’d stop at home to regroup.

Being able to participate in a high-demand auction as a VIP, and with the Knight Commander at my side? This is something I absolutely have to do.

“Maria, are you coming?”

“If my brother is going, then Maria wants to go too.”

“Yes. We will both participate.”

This was a fantastic opportunity to rake in earnings, and perhaps circulate wealth through society.

If all goes well, my contact base with the Knight Commander could expand. I’m counting on you again this time, Mariemon.

“Yes. I will inform His Majesty that both of you will be attending.”

Yuri closed the door with her foot as she stepped away.

The final agenda at the palace was decided upon the royal auction.

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