Beacon of Light in the Dark Sea

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Before Benjamin could retort to Kanu, I asked Kanu first.

What do you mean its about the same whether we get out by elevator or not?

The source of this is Shouldnt things be better if we escape the leaking undersea base? Why is being trapped in a flooding place similar to leaving by elevator? Does he know something about the Infinite Bridge or have other information? Benjamin shouted at me from the side.

Hey! I was talking first! Why are you butting in and making a fuss!

Its exactly what I said. Theres not much difference.

Just wait quietly.

As Jihyun, Benjamin, Kanu and I each spoke a word next to the elevator door, a screeching noise sounded. Turning my head to check the source, I saw Kevin, who had claimed a corner of the elevator, scratching the wall with his axe blade. He spoke in a hoarse voice.

Shut up!

His charisma silenced everyone who had been chattering. Jihyun glanced at us and Kevin, then buried her head back in the elevator circuits. Benjamin, who had been looking at Kevin, grumbled softly across from me.

This is all your fault.

Does blaming others like that make your life any better?

Benjamin lowered his body as if he wanted to lunge at me right then. But he didnt attack. It seemed because Kevin, who looked at least 10cm taller and 20kg heavier, was still watching us holding the axe. He warned me.

Consider yourself lucky today.

Then he went to stand next to Carter, leaning against the elevator wall and glaring at Kanu and me.

Well. If I was lucky today, wouldnt I already be lying on a beach drinking cocktails and listening to music, or strolling in the wind under a blue sky?

Not stuck in these deep seas trying to escape a flooded elevator with strangers. Banishing Benjamin from my mind in 2 seconds, I tried to talk to Kanu again.

Right then, the elevator spoke to us.

[Maximum occupancy exceeded]

That flat, monotonous voice instantly sent chills down my spine. Come to think of it, everyone had already boarded but the elevator doors remained open. I thought it was because they stayed open a long time or Jihyun was examining the internal circuits, but that didnt seem to be the only reason. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

The elevator, with buttons lit from the 1st to 7th floors and BA (Basic Area), spoke again as if issuing an eviction order.

[Maximum occupancy exceeded]

Everyone turned to look at Jihyun standing by the door. She glanced at the chilly water on the elevator floor and the people, then spoke dispassionately.

Its because of the water weight. The elevator can operate. It cant go up due to the combined weight of the people and the water past ankle-level.

James looked around at the water-filled elevator floor and asked Jihyun,

How heavy is the water to cause this? It says the capacity is 50 people, and there are only 12 of us here. The water is barely above our ankles.

Jihyun stared blankly at peoples faces with a soulless expression. She seemed reluctant to explain. Yoo Geum-yi , standing next to Kim Ga-young, looked at the elevator floor and the water level above her ankles. She sloshed to the other end of the elevator. Walking back and forth, she began muttering.

Assuming its 400cm from here to there and roughly 300cm side to side, with the current water level around 25cm Uh, since 1 liter of water equals 1kg, divide by 1000.

Yoo Geum-yi sighed several times, stretching out her fingers to measure the water level. Amazing. Shes calculating the water weight with a formula. It only just occurred to me that 1 liter equals 1 kilo.

Yoo Geum-yi bit her lip, narrowed her brows, and said,

Its marked that 3750kg is the operational weight, but the water alone is approximately 3000kg. But I calculated roughly, so the water might weigh even more.

Kim Ga-young massaged Yoo Geum-yi s shoulders vigorously, saying Our Geum is the best! I clapped softly next to them and started doing simple multiplication. Assuming an average of 75kg per person times 12 people. Then the weight of the people here is about 900kg.

If the water really weighs 3000kg, at least 2 people need to get off to reach 750kg. Then Carter spoke, hanging onto the metal handrail inside the elevator with both arms.

I Im absolutely not getting off.

Benjamin yelled at everyone.

The people who boarded the elevator last should get off now in good conscience.

At those words, Logan, who had been leaning against the elevator wall, burst into laughter. Ahahaha! Low chuckles from Sam, James, and Kanu filled the elevator.

Jihyun and Kevin had boarded early, while the rest of us entered around the same time. I dont even remember who was late or early. Do you think people will listen to you when you havent exactly acted conscientiously yourself? As expected, no one exited the elevator after Benjamins words.

The elevator chided us.

[Maximum occupancy exceeded]

When no one moved, Benjamin pointed at Sam, who was snickering, and said,

You fat pig. Get off quickly! Without you alone, we could fit 2 more people.

Sam shouted angrily.

You think Ill get off alone if I do! Ill grab you and take you down with me. Ready to leave with this pig? Huh? Are you ready? Ill catch you alone and drag you off!

As Sam spread his arms wide and walked side to side like a crab a few times, Benjamin spewed curses. James and Kanu snickered watching them. Kevin shook his head and spoke, looking at the elevator wall.

Whoevers getting off, you better decide fast.

He scratched the elevator wall with his axe blade again. Screech.

I marked the water level as soon as I entered the elevator and it keeps rising.

Wasnt he just trying to scare people then? On the elevator wall Kevin had marked with the axe, there was one line drawn at ankle bone height and now another clear line up to the calf.

The water had drained to ankle level but is rising again. Even running the drainage system cant stop the flooding. Fear began to cloud peoples expressions.

Logan asked the now silent group,

What. Should we wrestle and randomly shove out about 3 people?

Cracking his neck loudly, Logan muttered softly. Im fine with that. Then he menacingly cracked his wrists and fingers. At that action, Kevin silently tightened his grip on the axe handle. A faint tension swept through the elevator. Logan looked around at everyone and asked,

Anyone voluntarily want to exit the elevator?

No response. Logan was staring at Benjamin, and strangely, Kevin was also eyeing Benjamin. As Benjamins eyes met Logans then Kevins when he turned his head, he cursed, asking why they were both looking at him.

Were short on time and you want us to fight each other in this elevator? To be honest, Id rather just get off than fight to board the elevator. Im usually unlucky, so I might get hit if Kevins axe slips from his hand. Lets say Benjamin is forced out. Then what? Whos next?

Rather than get hurt brawling, it might be better to stay healthy and find another escape route. If it doesnt work, we could head back to the main operations area.

But if I made the call here, there are at least two people who could be easily ousted by force. I didnt want to see the two who struggled diving to open the valve get kicked out. Besides, Im responsible for the lives of those in my backpack.

People are desperate to live. Whod want to get off here?

Emma, who had been sitting crouched in the corner, spoke while submerged in the water. She was sitting on the floor, and the water would soon reach her knees, but she didnt budge. Shes just sitting there getting completely soaked.

Thinking it might not be bad to quickly exit and re-enter if a fight broke out, I looked at the door and saw all the elevator button lights were on. Almost unconsciously, I asked Jihyun,

Engineer! Cant we have more than half the people get off here, stop the elevator on the 3rd or 4th floor to drain the water, and have them walk up the stairs to board again on the 3rd floor?

We could avoid the 1st floor where water is gushing in, stop the elevator on another floor to scoop out water, and board. Jihyun smiled faintly at me, then frowned at someone else and said,

Thats a good suggestion. Anyone have a better idea? If not, Id like to go with that.

Perhaps thinking hed be forced out if he stayed quiet, Benjamin hastily pointed at Emma and said,

Then make her get off first. Im taking the elevator up to the 3rd or 4th floor. I worked hard swimming to open the drain hole! Its only right that someone who did nothing and is freeloading on the elevator should exit!

Try saying that to Kevin too. Kim Ga-young spoke to Benjamin.

Pathetic bastard.

Petty bastard.

Maybe not understanding the insults or processing them slowly, Benjamin got angry after a few seconds.

This bitch doesnt know her place!

This bitch doesnt know her place~

Kim Ga-young snorted and mimicked Benjamins English. Then she looked at the people in the elevator and got off. I looked at the others after Kim Ga-young, then exited the elevator next. I made the suggestion, so I should set an example.

[Maximum occupancy exceeded]

Hearing the voice behind me, I followed Kim Ga-young. With me and Kim Ga-young off, Yoo Geum-yi probably wouldnt be kicked out. Even if she was forced out of the elevator, she just needed to walk up to the 3rd floor. As I started climbing the 1st floor stairs, I saw Yoo Geum-yi walking behind me.

Why did you get off? You shouldve stayed on.

Yoo Geum-yi smiled awkwardly and said,

Most people will probably have to get off.

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