Be The Superheroes’ Father in Marvel X DC universe

(Preview) Fast Pass: #3.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts and the Great America exchange student Chris’ harems~ (Second Half)

#3.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts and the Great America exchange student Chris' harems~ (Second Half) (Standard 11000+ words)

CH12. Potions class

CH13. Mudblood!

CH14. Chris' heavy punch!

CH15. Saving Hermione!

CH16. The annoying Crookshanks

CH17. Wantonness during the class~

CH18. Wantonness in the library~

CH19. The Attack of Hermione!

CH20. Miss Know-It-All (X) Miss Suck-It-All (✓)

CH21. Hermione's virgin defloration!

CH22. Creampie Hermione!

CH23. Hannah joins the battle!

CH24. Hannah's pussy and anal's virgin defloration~

CH12. Potions class

After a short lunch break, there were no afternoon classes for the small group of study partners because Chris had gone dashing off to the Slytherin girls' dormitory with Pansy for a pleasure time~

Hermione Granger, eager and studious as always, couldn't tolerate wasting her time. Her thirst for exploring the magical world and learning magical knowledge was unparalleled.

Carrying her thick textbook for Potions class, she joined the Gryffindor students on their way to the Potions classroom.

"Hermione, did you go to the Study Buddy class with that American exchange student this morning?" Ron asked, realizing he had asked a foolish question. He quickly added, "I mean, it's a shame you didn't join us for class. Do you know what interesting thing happened during the morning Flying lesson?"

"That annoying Malfoy tried to snatch Neville's Remembrall and threw it high up into the air. But Harry showed his power! Not only taught Malfoy a lesson but also flew on his broomstick up into the sky and safely retrieved the Remembrall!" Hermione replied with pride, glancing at Ron.

"Did you know? No first-year has ever mastered flying skills so quickly. Harry amazed everyone."

Listening to Ron's enthusiastic description, Harry was about to make a modest comment when he saw Hermione glance at Ron and proudly raise her head. "So what? When I was practicing flying this morning, I effortlessly flew up into the sky and circled the castle three times!"

Harry just smiled. While he often showed courage in the face of challenges, he wasn't the type to seek attention and show off his abilities.

On the other hand, Ron felt a bit annoyed by Hermione's words, which stifled his excitement.

After thinking for a moment, Ron asked, "Did you also have the Charms class in the morning?"

"Of course, but our class schedule was different from yours. We had Flying first, and then Charms." Hermione replied.

Ron remembered the somewhat comical Professor Flitwick in the Charms class and had something else to talk about, "You know, that professor is quite interesting. He stands on a pile of books during class and taught us a levitation charm called... Wingardium Leviosa!"

Hermione waved her hand to interrupt Ron's performance. "Stop, stop. We're on our way to the Potions class now. You're waving your wand near people's faces, and you even pronounced the spell wrong. It's 'Leviosa', not 'Leviosaaa'."


This was a soul-crushing moment for the underachiever in front of the overachiever.

Although Hermione meant well and corrected him, her pride in her words still made Ron feel uncomfortable.

His face turned red, and he no longer wanted to engage with Hermione. He grabbed Harry and hurriedly left her side, rushing into the Potions classroom.

Although Harry gave Hermione an apologetic look before being dragged away by Ron, she still felt a bit sad because she hadn't made many friends with her personality. Harry, Ron, Chris, and a few other girls who were also study buddies were among the few people she knew well.

As a Muggle-born entering the wizarding world, Hermione, realizing that many pure-blood and half-blood students were not necessarily better than her, had a mix of self-doubt and arrogance in her mindset.

In front of others, she often used an assertive tone to protect herself. As a result, when she tried to share her experiences with others, she became an unlikable figure.

The Potions class was held in an underground classroom. It was colder than the main castle, with glass jars lining the walls, containing preserved specimens that sent shivers down your spine.

Today's Potions class was attended by both Gryffindor and Slytherin newbies. Hermione had just had a conflict with her two friends and wasn't very familiar with the other Gryffindors. She didn't want to go to the Slytherin side either, so she ended up sitting alone in the front row, opening her textbook and waiting for class to begin.

Professor Snape, with a gloomy expression on his face, picked up the roster as soon as class started. After taking attendance, he looked at the entire class. His eyes were as dark as Hagrid's, but they lacked Hagrid's warmth. His eyes were cold, empty, reminiscent of two dark tunnels.

"You have come here to learn the intricate science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion making." he began, speaking with a voice slightly louder than a whisper, yet every word he uttered was heard clearly by everyone.

Professor Snape's reputation precedes him, possessing an effortless ability to command order in the classroom, "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few… Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

"But there is one requirement, and that is you are not the kind of imbeciles and fools I often encounter." he added.

Everyone felt that he was targeting Harry, as he had never been fond of Harry Potter from Gryffindor since the beginning.

However, to everyone's surprise, the first person he questioned was Draco Malfoy from Slytherin.

"What is the difference, Malfoy, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

CH13. Mudblood!

Draco had prepared for the potions class at home, considering that it was taught by their Head of House, Professor Snape.

However, like Potter, he found it challenging to memorize the entirety of "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi".

Snape then turned to Hermione and asked, "Granger, you answer."

Hermione stood up confidently and said, "Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, both referred to as aconite."

Professor Snape asked a few more questions, and while Draco stuttered and seemed clueless, Hermione, who had prepared in advance, consistently provided the correct answers.

For some reason, it seemed that Professor Snape had shifted his focus towards the pride of Slytherin, Draco Malfoy.

Finally, Snape sneered, said nothing more, but it deeply wounded Draco.

An hour later, the Potions class finally ended.

Feeling embarrassed, Draco and his two cronies approached Hermione, who was picking up her books, preparing to leave.

"Who do you think you are? Feeling proud because you prepared the answers in advance?" Draco said, dramatically covering his nose. "Filthy little mudblood!"


Hermione encountered a new term she didn't understand. Though it didn't sound pleasant, she curiously asked, "What does 'mudblood' mean?"

Draco and his cronies burst into laughter. He chuckled and said, "It's the best compliment and description for someone like you!"

After saying that, he left the classroom.

Gryffindor students either whispered or glared at him in anger.

Hermione was perplexed and went to ask the Gryffindor that she had spoken to before, Lavender.

Lavender looked uneasy, hesitating a bit, "You wouldn't want to know."

But Hermione insisted on understanding and Lavender had no choice but to answer truthfully, "It's a derogatory term for someone of Muggle-born heritage, very malicious and rude. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always believe they are superior to others because they are so-called pure-bloods."

Sure enough, tears welled up in Hermione's eyes instantly.

She didn't ask further, clutching her books, and hurriedly left the classroom.

Behind her, Professor Snape watched her deeply with his gaze.

Chris fucked around the Slytherin common room for the entire afternoon, then joined Pansy in the Great Hall for dinner.

However, there was some confusion as Hannah and Cho Chang were at the table, but Hermione was nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps she was studying diligently in the library, he thought.

But even as the sumptuous dinner appeared on the table, Hermione was still missing, and everyone was puzzled.

Cho Chang suggested, "I'll go to Gryffindor and ask around. Maybe they know something."

When she returned, however, her expression was not favorable.

"Pavarti Patil from Gryffindor said she saw Hermione alone in the girls' bathroom this afternoon, crying and refusing comfort from others."

"What happened?"

"They say she had a falling out with a friend and was insulted by Draco Malfoy."

Chris was possessive, especially when it came to his girls.

From the moment he met Hermione when he first arrived at school, he regarded her as his off-limits.

Although the women in this world were nothing more than sophisticated playthings for Chris, who had traveled through time and space. But how could he allow anyone to come and insult what was his?

So, fueled by anger, Chris charged towards the Slytherin table.

(The whole story is 11000+ words. Visit my patreon for the whole Fast Past story :)

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