Be The Superheroes’ Father in Marvel X DC universe

Chapter 82 – The young Magneto

Sebastian Shaw was also smoking a cigar, he took out a bar of chocolate, "If you can move it, this is your prize!"

Apart from the factor of the mother, Sebastian Shaw found his partner, Chris, to be a mystery in terms of how he knew they were mutants. However, despite the curiosity, Sebastian felt reassured by him.

It's strange - someone you don't know very well being a partner?

It is highly unlikely for someone to bring a friend home on the very first day of meeting, and even give the friend his own mother! Sebastian Shaw breaks this tradition by offering his mother and a cuckolded slave~

Eric was a little scared and tried as hard as he can, but three minutes have passed. Chris has finished a cigarette, the coin was still not moving.

"I can't do it, sir." Eric lowered his head in shame.

"It's not that you can't, it's that you don't have the motivation. Get his family, I have a use for them." Chris said.

Sebastian Shaw nodded and rang the bell, summoning the soldiers outside.

Shortly after, a soldier escorted a middle-aged woman with golden hair into the room. The woman's face was covered in dust, but her eyes were bright. Following behind her, a dirty little girl appeared, her expression somewhat timid.

Lastly, a weathered middle-aged man entered the room, presumably Magneto's father.

Finally, there was a middle-aged man who looked like Magneto's father.

After Eric saw his family, Chris pushed them out of the room and picked up a handgun. He whispered a few instructions to them.

The middle-aged woman nodded reluctantly, indicating her agreement as it was not a difficult task for her.

"I'm going to count to three, and if you can't move the coin, I'm going to shoot your father!" Chris said as he picked up his gun.

Eric became nervous and used his concentration to do so.

Sebastian Shaw was surprised to see that the coin was actually moving, just shaking slightly.

This indicated that the little boy was indeed a mutant. The specific ability were not clear at the moment, but if these ability can be developed to a certain extent, it could potentially be quite powerful and extraordinary!

Eric continued his efforts while Sebastian Shaw pondered the situation. Sebastian wondered what he would do if Chris eventually wanted to take the little boy away. He was in great need of talented individuals, genuine talents!

Three minutes later, Eric was still trying, the result of the coin was still not moving.

"I'm sorry, sir!" Eric still begged.

Chris grinned and pulled the trigger, firing a single shot.

"Ah!" The bullet only hit the sandbag, Magneto's father screamed in response.

Magneto's mother cried out, "Jakob! How are you!? Oh! Please save him!"

It wasn't evident, but Magneto's mother appeared to be quite skilled at acting. By simply acting, she was able to evade laborious work, and it was worth her wholehearted dedication.

Upon hearing the sound of gunshots and his father's agonizing scream, something within Erik suddenly snapped. A surge of anger propelled him forward, his entire being fueled by rage. With his father's life taken away, the sound of his mother's weeping and his sister's panicked cries only further stoked his emotions.

Invisible forces began to manifest as the magnetic field became disrupted. All metallic objects started contorting and moving in a chaotic dance. The room became a whirlwind of flying debris, as countless metal items were lifted into the air.


Sebastian Shaw was overjoyed at the sight. With such a powerful mutant ability at such a young age, it would only be a matter of time before he could be trained to become a powerful fighter in the future.

The angry Eric tried to grab Chris's pistol, then only to see Chris' hand pulled out and Eric's father pushed in.

Eric saw his father "come back from the dead", a bit blindsided, the whole person fainted in the emotional turmoil, apparently unable to accept the fact.

Chris grabbed a bottle of water and poured it over Erik, abruptly awakening him from his state.

Dazed, Erik woke up and saw his father right in front of him. Overwhelmed with emotion, he immediately embraced his father. "Dad, you're alive! This is incredible!"

"I'm alive, my child!" the man held his son tightly in his arms.

Chris walked back to his desk and said, "See, I was right, wasn't I?"

"An excellent individual, very impressive, indeed. What do you want?" Sebastian Shaw openly praised Eric, clearly satisfied.

"I want both of them, the mother and daughter, and the father and son are yours." Chris looked at Magneto's mother and sister with great interest.

"Ha, alright. I thought you might go for Eric." Sebastian Shaw chuckled, emitting a laughter that only men understand.

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