Be The Superheroes’ Father in Marvel X DC universe

Chapter 68 – Cosmic Cube!!!

Chris ransacked the lab, poking around with a flashlight, taking anything of value according to the treasure map.

In the process, Chris also found out that the things he had collected were something like artifacts, and some of them were ancient manuscripts. The manuscripts contained inscriptions in an unfamiliar script, making it difficult to determine their origin or the era they belonged to. The pages had turned yellow with age, indicating their considerable antiquity.

"Another ancient artifact?" Chris frowned and didn't think much about it, putting the things away.

Finally, he arrived at a room guarded by a reinforced alloy door constructed with the structure of a ship's wrench. The door was equipped with an alarm system, fingerprint lock, retinal scanner, and key lock, all requiring synchronization for the security door to open.

Considering the time period of World War II, achieving such technological advancements was remarkable, even surpassing innovations of the following four to five decades! 

However, all these advanced security measures proved to be futile as Chris had obtained a universal key by 10,000 CP at his Conqueror Store.

Chris: I must admit, your reinforced alloy security door is quite formidable. However, what if I get god from the machine, directly exchange a universal key from the almighty Conqueror Store, how would Your Excellency respond?(lol)

The universal key was inserted into the keyhole and quickly disintegrated.

The mechanisms on it were all activated at the same time, and the spinning wheel on the security door spun automatically.

In ten seconds, the security door opened.

Inside was a brocade box, when he saw this brocade box, Chris's heartbeat accelerated by a few points, as if this brocade box had something extraordinary in it!

When he took the box out and opened it, the dazzling blue light inside almost blinded Chris.


This was the Cosmic Cube! Another name was the Space Stone!

It could realize the role of spatial teleportation as well as providing energy! And each of the six Infinity Stones, each of which had a very heavenly role, could be called a plug-in!

However, to Chris' surprise, the Conqueror Store did not recycle the Cosmic Cube, but instead drew much of their energy.

The dazzling glow of the Cosmic Cube was all greatly diminished, and they seemed to be hollowed out a bit.

Looking at his personal board, Chris's heart rate accelerated, he had finally gotten a taste of what it meant to get rich overnight!

The original 2,400,000 CP became 2,700,000 million after the ancient artifacts were looted, which was a full 330,000 CP!

And after the energy of the Cosmic Cube was extracted by the Conqueror Store, his CP instantly increased to seven million! A whole seven million CP!

The energy of the Cosmic Cube is indeed renewable, which implies a possibility - it could be utilized for point farming function, drawing energy from the universe to provide for the exchange of CP in the Conqueror Store.

At this thought, Chris' smile became more and more unbridled!

After rummaging through the area, Chris continued to explore and stumbled upon another small compartment. Inside, he found a serum carefully preserved at low temperatures, presumably the serum crafted by Red Skull. Nearby, there were some draft equations written in German.

Suddenly an alarm sounded, not knowing if he had triggered some kind of mechanism, Chris immediately used teleportation spell to get outside of the lab.

The serum and the Cosmic Cube was in his hands. Even though stealing was wrong, and Chris hated being a thief, too; if you have the ability, go out and rob! But looking at the crowded Hydra forces, Chris still decided that stealing was more appropriate.

Following his path back to the starting point, Chris decided it was best to initiate a tactical retreat.


Dottie, who was rummaging through the base, was startled by the sound of the alarm; the documents here didn't match her mission at all.

The alarm sounded, and Dottie's first instinct was to retreat too.

Female spies captured by Hydra would end up in a very miserable situation, there were those who were raped to death and those who were beaten to death, in short, that kind of scene would not be something a woman would want to see.

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