Be The Icy Beauty: A Xianxia/Cultivation Tale

Xia Xuefeng Interlude 5: The Son of Heaven Society

Commodore Black Heartflame's eyes widened at the girl's ridiculous claim. Initially, he was tempted to dismiss the assertion as absurd but... The girl was currently infected with his Blackheart Truth Flames, which he trusted absolutely. If she tried to deceive him, her very soul would burn to a crisp. It should be in no way possible for a mere Qi Condensation cultivator to lie to him, who was at the eighth stage of Nascent Soul.

However, just because she wasn't lying did not necessarily mean she was telling the truth, only that she believed she was. It wasn't like the average mortal even understood the finer details of cultivation, such as the difference between a regular powerful cultivator and an actual Immortal being from the higher realms. More likely than not, the girl was just mistaking an 'ordinary' high-level cultivator for a Transcendent. After all, inheritances from the higher realms were indescribably rare and each changed the history of the world forever. Each of the Jade Sparrow World's Four Hegemon Sects was founded on the inheritance of a being from the higher realms, proving just how Heaven Defying such a thing was.

Furthermore, the last known descent of something from a higher realm was the falling of the feather of an Immortal Kunpeng, which went on to serve as the founding treasure of the Kunpeng Emperor's Hold. With the immortal legacy, they usurped the previous ruling sect of the Shattered Shell Continent, the only known time in history that one of the Four Hegemon Sects were replaced. This event was already so indescribably old that even the name of the usurped sect was lost to history, despite having once been a central pillar of the world, nothing of their legacy remained.

This was why the Commodore was deeply skeptical of her claim. Of course, the only way for him to confirm or deny it was to investigate directly. His Nascent Soul thrummed with rainbow light as he prepared to scan this so-called Sealing Mark...

An imperceptible wave ran through the air, like a monotone filter had suddenly flashed for a moment. The Commodore blinked rapidly, his head growing foggy.

'What was I thinking about? Ah, it can't have been important if I forgot.'


Xia Xuefeng closed her eyes in fear, waiting for their reaction. She had no clue what would happen to her now. As she waited, she felt the Sealing Mark in her Dantian rumble for a moment.

'What was that?'

All of a sudden, the man with the black fiery eyes spoke up.

"Then I think this matter is adjourned. Captain Ji will compensate you for any harm incurred. As an apology for your wrongful imprisonment, upon my name as Commodore Black Heartflame, I guarantee you anything within my ability and a ticket to wherever you want to go, whether it be joining the sect or some other power, or even living the rest of your life like a wealthy mortal royal."

"Uh... I'm confused? Didn't you want to know about the Sealing Mark?" Xia Xuefeng asked tentatively.

"The Pagoda must have been destroyed due to some strange reaction between it and the spatial formula. I can assure you that your innocence is not up for question," the judge seemed to be talking past her as if he couldn't hear her words at all.

'Is the Sealing Mark somehow hiding its existence? Is it altering their perception...'

A horrifying question suddenly bubbled into her mind.

'If the sealing mark can make these super strong cultivators completely forget something... Is it influencing my own mind as well?'

Her already pale face went white with terror, and she felt her heart start to race. She began to think as hard as she could searching for any case of missing memories, trying to remember if she had forgotten anything. At that point, the even more terrifying revelation set in. If the Sealing Mark could make her forget things... It could also make her forget she had forgotten things. On the verge of a panic attack, she pinched her own thigh, trying desperately to remain calm.

'Don't worry about things outside your control, Xia Xuefeng. If the Sealing Mark is screwing with you, you're fucked anyways. All you can do is try to deal with whatever comes at you at any given moment. In the meantime, need to focus on getting back to Mistress's side. If anyone knows how to deal with a mind-altering magical seal, it's her.'

Xia Xuefeng was relatively certain at this point Bing Meilu's background was far more spectacular than she let on. Becoming more familiar with the world of cultivation had only made the crazy things the ice cultivator had pulled off more impressive in hindsight than they had been to the still-mortal girl.

"Really? Just a boring 'formation interaction'? Ah, how disappointing..." The red-robed Commodore Rampage-Sword disappeared with a crack of air.

"I'll head back to watch over the rest of the disciple recruitment," said a white-beared old man, flying out of the window.

Commodore Liyang, who'd been interested in the pagoda, grabbed its owner and disappeared in a flash of light. Only Captain Ji Longyi and Commodore Black Heartflame were left in the room with Xia Xuefeng. She paused for a second to consider his offer of a 'ticket' to whenever she wanted to go.

"I will be joining the sect. I have an obligation to stay by my benefactor's side," Xia Xuefeng said to the judge. "As for my favour..."

She paused in thought. Doubtless, there were countless resources he could give her that would be immensely useful to her cultivation. Rare spirits beasts with valuable blood, magical treasures and more. Yet only one idea was dominating her mind.

"There are innocent people in the Shadow Pit. People who were born there, with no crime other than having evil parents. They have to live under the thumb of monstrous cannibals like the Flavoured Tongue Sect, who eat their own babies. That's not right. if you can, please free these people," Xia Xuefeng begged.

"...Are you serious? Do you know how valuable the favour of a Nascent Soul can be? You really want to use it to help strangers for no gain?" Captain Ji Longyi asked, raising an eyebrow.

As he spoke to her, Xia Xuefeng once felt a strange resonance in the Karmic Merit that suffused her body, which seemed to respond happily every time the man spoke directly to her. In her months of possessing the energy, it would resonate whenever she did something that conformed to the Dao of Heaven, encouraging certain actions and discouraging others. She had no clue why being simply spoken to by Ji Longyi had the same effect as attacking demonic cultivators and creating the Safe Zone in the Shadow Pit. She had to suppress a smile of happiness at the warm, giddy feeling, reminding herself she hated the bastard.

"...Yes." the girl eventually said. "If it weren't for people willing to help others for no gain, I would have died a long time ago. The best I can do is pay the benevolence forward."

Xia Xuefeng once more felt the flush of warmth run through her body as the searing Yang energy that was Karmic Merit vibrated. It resonated with what she said as the Dao of Heaven itself was confirming her words. It also did not like the existence of mortals in the Shadow Pit, it seemed. If she were to guess that had more to do with the fact they were being used as a resource for demonic cultivation more so than the suffering of mortals. Ji Longyi gave her a complex, considering look.

"If that's really what you want, I can," The Commodore nodded. "Are you sure?"

"I am."

"Very well. Captain, I'll leave you to ensure she gets properly inducted into the sect, and I trust you'll make sure to swiftly pay off your debt."

With that, the fire-eyed cultivator disappeared in a flash of rainbow light, leaving Xia Xuefeng alone with Ji Longyi. She looked over at the man who'd been responsible for her capture and stay in the hellish Shadow Pit, studying him closely for the first time. He was tall and slender, with pale, unblemished skin and long raven black hair framing an attractive face that was more pretty than handsome. With his pure white robes, he would have seemed like the picture of a refined noble gentleman, if not for the expression of awkward hesitancy that coloured his face.

'I'm sorry that you falsely imprisoned me you feel awkward!' Xia Xuefeng snorted, crossing her arms.

For months, she had raged against this man in her head, imagining a day of reckoning where she could get her righteous vengeance. Now that they were finally face to face, she had no clue what to say. He seemed genuinely sorry for the mistake, but sorry wasn't good enough! On the other hand, he was important and powerful and Xia Xuefeng had no backing, so she couldn't let loose her tongue on the man... yet anyways.

One day though, she'd show the spoiled rich kid the depth of depraved insults she'd learned living life as a peasant!

"So... How do you plan on compensating me?" the girl frowned.

"Ah- Yes. I'm very sorry about the whole ordeal, it must have been tough for you," he clasped his fists and bowed in apology, once more causing the Karmic Merit to bubble with warmth and giddiness. "I sincerely had no intentions of blabala false words of sympathy..."

Well, maybe he didn't quite say that, but Xia Xuefeng had already stopped paying attention. The talk was cheap, especially when it came to 'refined upper-class gentlemen'. She'd see if he was sincere based on how much she was compensated.

'Enough words- Money now!' she thought.

"Mhmm. I'm very grateful for all your words. Truly, it's some of the sincerity of all time," she sighed. "But I do have a business to get to, so if you plan on paying me back..."

"Of course. I'll take you to my treasury. There, you can take whatever you want?"

'Whatever I want? I hope you don't regret your words, pretty boy!'

Ji Longyi reached out to Xia Xuefeng with his palm expectantly. She gave him a disgusted look. Surely he didn't expect her to take his hand? After an uncomfortably long pause, he hesitantly retracted his hand, pulling out a longsword, which hovered in the air.

"You can use this flying sword," he explained patronizingly as if she didn't already understand such an obvious concept.

Xia Xuefeng hid her disdain, only smiling politely as she jumped onto the blade. As a former public-facing employee at a trade caravan, she knew how to control her dislike of people. Ji Longyi took off flying, and her sword followed closely behind, powered by his Core Formation cultivation. They flew out of the courtroom into the open air of Port Snake. Even further, they crossed over forests and rivers until arriving at a green, forest-covered mountain. A huge white marble complex spread out across a plateau.

"This is the Son of Heaven Pavilion!" he said, smiling proudly.

'Does he expect me to be impressed or something?'

As they flew down to the white marble pavilion, she gasped. The air itself was completely filled with Karmic Merit, suffusing the entire pavilion. Her own energy resonated, bubbling happily, and a flush of warmth and contentment filled her. Xia Xuefeng frowned in suspicion. What exactly was the relationship between the man and her Karmit Merit?

"Why is this place filled with Karmit merit?" the girl eventually asked.

Ji Longyi turned to her, smiling.

"So you can feel it, huh? Well, this place was once the base of a strong group of demonic cultivators until I purified it. The whole place is filled with Karmic Merit which has tons of uses for people like us."

'Purifed it, huh?'

She shivered slightly at the complete nonchalance with which he described the extermination of a group of living humans. Xia Xuefeng had no love for demonic cultivators, and could easily justify killing them, but she'd seen Ji Longyi's precaution, or lack thereof, when it came to dealing with so-called 'demonic cultivators'. How many innocents had he killed or imprisoned just for resembling a demonic cultivator, without even a trial? He looked confused at her frown, before continuing.

"You also have a lot of Karmic Merit, don't you? It's always encouraging to see people following the path of benevolence." Ji Longyi smiled. "And after you went out of your way to free the people born in the Shadow Pit, I just knew you were the right fit for my Son of Heaven Society. We're a brotherhood focused on following the Dao of Heaven by saving mortals and exterminating demonic cultivators. I'd like to offer you-"


"Huh? You didn't even hear what I was going to say?"




Ji Longyi paused, looking at her in confusion. Xia Xuefeng could feel the Karmic Merit reacting in displeasure. Refusing his offer had somehow made the energy angry with her.

"You know I almost died three times in the shadow pit because of you!" Xia Xuefeng finally exploded, gritting her teeth. "I had to fucking kill people just to survive. It's not all water under the bridge just because I got out now. Did you seriously think I would just forget about all that and join your organization no question asked?"

"But- You have Karmic Merit?" Ji Longyi asked. "Can't you feel it encouraging you to join us in our righteous mission?"

"Yes, and I don't care what it wants. I have my own life to live, and I'm certainly not going to spend it around you of all people!"

Ji Longyi seemed completely confused. As if the concept of not doing what the Dao of Heaven wanted was incomprehensible. Bing Meilu's words resonated in her mind.

'However, you must be very careful. While Karmic Merit is very useful, it is ultimately a shackle, like all karma. Every drop of it you use is a debt you will have to repay Heaven if you wish to transcend karma and ascend to a higher realm. I would recommend only using it if absolutely necessary.'

Was this what she meant by a shackle? Had Ji Longyi been following the encouragement of the Karmic Merit for so long that he didn't even understand that someone might not agree with it? The happy bubbling of the Yang energy was suddenly given a sinister re-cast in Xia Xuefeng's mind.

Protecting mortals in the shadow zone, and killing demonic cultivators, all of that had elicited happiness and encouragement from the Karmic Merit, which she hadn't had a problem with, because she already agreed those were good things. But now, feeling the artificial happiness it tried to induce in her for something and someone she disliked, the way it tried to compel her to abandon all her resentment with Ji Longyi and join whatever his 'Son of Heaven Society' was made her suddenly very suspicious of it.

She was tempted to immediately expel it all, but the energy has already saved her life once., Keeping it in reserve as a trump card was immensely useful, even if it came with the cost of having to mitigate its unsubtle attempts to push her in a certain direction.

"Your own plans? Surely you don't think you know better what you should do than the Dao of Heaven?" he was taken aback.

"Maybe I do, and maybe I don't," she crossed her arms, eyes narrowed. "But it's certainly none of your business anyways. I'm here to be compensated for your crimes against me, not to play buddy-buddy."

Ji Longyi frowned, a subtle pressure emanating from him. Xia Xuefeng suddenly remembered she was speaking to someone in Core Formation, who could crush her like an ant if he chose, and a bead of sweat ran down her head. Maybe she shouldn't have lost her temper... Yet, instead of anger, the boy just seemed lost, as if he didn't know what to do.

"...Alright," he shrugged. "We can go to the treasury now."

He almost looked like a kicked puppy and she felt a wince of sympathy, before pausing.

'Wait, I hate this guy? Fuck him! Was that the Karmic Merit influencing me again? Surely I don't feel any sympathy for this stuck-up privileged bastard, right? Between this and the Sealing Mark, I can't trust fucking anything!'

Truly, there was no such thing as a free meal. Was there any source of power that didn't horribly backfire and leave her influenced by some nefarious being? After the Blood-Moon Spectral God and the Karmic Merit, the girl was tempted to say no.

The two walked in silence toward a large building. They stepped inside. Within was a beautiful young woman in a blue robe. She perked up upon seeing Ji Longyi and ran over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Brother Long, you're back!" she cheered.

The woman turned to look at Xia Xuefeng, eyeing her curiously. Both of the girls could feel the Karmic Merit in each other.

"Oh, I didn't know we'd be getting a new mem-"

"I'm not," Xi Xuefeng cut her off, perhaps with an unnecessarily harsh tone that left the blue-robed woman taken aback. "He's here to pay me back for a debt."

Ji Longyi laughed nervously, pulling himself off the woman.

"Sister Fei Fei, this is Xia Xuefeng. There was a mistake where I ended up mistaking her for a demonic cultivator and having her arrested. However, it turned out she was actually innocent, so I've resolved to pay her back for my mistake."

"Oh, just like big brother to be so magnanimous," the woman sighed, smiling up at Ji Longyi with infatuation.

'Get a fucking room you shameless flirt,' Xia Xuefeng grumbled. 'And magnanimous, did you even hear the story? What part of what he did is magnanimous?!'

Ji Longyi excused himself to go unlock the vault, which would take a short while. In the meantime, Fei Fei and the blood cultivator were left alone together. The moment Ji Longyi left, the woman crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, her whole demeanour changing. Xia Xuefeng had been made to attend to enough noblewomen while working at the caravan to understand this time of two-faced person. She could already predict the woman shouting at her for taking away her 'precious brother Long's attention' or some other inane nonsense.

"Why aren't you joining our Society?" the woman asked instead, eyes narrowed. "As a possessor of Karmic Merit, surely you can feel the encouragement of the Dao of Heaven to join us in our righteous cause."

"I have no plans to join an organization founded by Ji Longyi," Xia Xuefeng replied. "I don't have to blindly follow everything the Karmic Merit wants. Besides, who'se to say joining him is even the best way to help people?"

"Of course it is," Fei Fei snorted. "I suppose you might not know this, but Ji Longyi is a Chosen of Heaven. You probably felt the way your Karmic merit responded to his presence. He's a special existence, a cultivator blessed by Heaven and destined for greatness. It's the duty and penance of all cultivators to assist him in his rise to power. No one but him has the chance to bring true salvation to our world and purge demonic cultivators once and for all!"

The woman's tone gained a subtle edge of zeal to it as she spoke. Xia Xuefeng changed her mental categorization of her from a flirty noblewoman to a religious fanatic. Her interest in Ji Longyi suddenly seemed far more creepy.

"You can have fun with that, I have stuff to do," Xia Xuefeng shrugged.

"Hmmph, typical cultivator. You selfishly steal the Spiritual Energy of heaven and Earth and yet refuse to do your part in carrying out the will of the Dao of Heaven. If it weren't for cultivators stealing the power of the Heavens, they would have exterminated all demonic cultivators by now. If you're going to weaken the heavens, you should at least pay it back with loyal service!"

The woman seemed to have a particular hate boner for demonic cultivators. But her words made Xia Xuefeng pause. Cultivation primarily occurred through the absorption of the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth that filled the world. Was it really the case that if there were no orthodox cultivators, the Heavens would have the power to strike down demons more often?

Images flashbacked in her mind, of the horrific things she'd seen in the Shadow Pit, watching a demonic cultivator swallow their own baby only moments after birth, piles of corpses she found tossed aside like trash, drained of their life essence. Was all of that essentially the fault of people like her? Waves of guilt assaulted her-

'Is that the Karmic merit affecting me again? I either need to get rid of this stuff or find a way to stop it from affecting my emotions like this.'

So far it only seemed to have the power to affect her emotions in relatively unsubtle ways, making her feel happiness, guilt, contentment of discomfort, to push her in the directions it wanted. Compared to the potential memory alteration of the Sealing Mark, it was far less scary.

"I've already killed countless demonic cultivators and even founded a protection group for them in the Shadow Pit. As far as cultivators go, I think I've been incredibly good to mortals. I don't need your lectures! Where the hell were you when countless innocent people were born and killed by demonic cultivators in the shadow pit? Huh? How come I had to personally beg a Commodore just to end this disgusting system that was around for god knows how long? I bet you knew about it and did nothing. For all your preaching, you never came to save anyone in there, did you! Where was your 'Son of Heaven' society then?"

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