Be The Icy Beauty: A Xianxia/Cultivation Tale

Chapter 9: Farewell

Lord Jiang stood frozen for a second, mind processing the events that had just taken place. Slowly a look of surprise and confusion manifested itself across his face.

"What? That's not possible," he muttered, shocked. "No one has beaten my son before... You can't have-"

"There's a first time for everything," Bing Meilu interrupted. "As I said, I've won and our bet is settled. You may go tell my grandfather the marriage is cancelled. Good day."

Having finished what she came to do, Bing Meilu spun around, the sudden motion causing her dress to spin in the air. With her back facing Lord Jiang and his son, she walked away, pushing open the gate to leave the training field. A low growl bore out from Jiang Fang, who still lay on the floor holding his broken arm. A fire lit up in his eyes as he glared intensely at Bing Meilu's retreating form.

"Bing Meilu, this is not over yet! Once I'm stronger, I will defeat you!"

Bing Meilu stepped out of Jiang Manor's front door, walking up to the gate she had entered through. The lone guard from before stood there, resting his weight on the shaft of his spear. The man looked up upon noticing her approach. His eyes caught sight of her clean, unruffled clothing and her uninjured body. He let out a laugh, a sneer of derision appearing on his face.

"What, did you give up before even fighting?" the man asked in between chuckles.

"No. I won," Bing Meilu replied offhandedly as she walked past the guard.

Though she could hear the guard call after her, asking some questions, Bing Meilu paid him no mind as she walked. Currently, she was deep in thought, pondering her future plans.

Considering her talent, Bing Meilu could conceivably just hide in a cave for the next few centuries and cultivate until she reached immortality. However, it would go much, much faster if she had the resources and backing of a sect. On the Bird Talon continent, she had only one real option. The entire continent was under the rule of a single supreme sect, the Twelve Headed Avian Sect. While there was a variety of weaker rabble sects running around, none of them could ever amass any real wealth or power before being wiped out.

However, the Twelve-headed Bird Sect did in fact, have twelve separate branches or 'heads' with which Bing Meilu could join. The sect Bing Meilu had been a part of in her first life, the Moon Crying Swan Palace seemed like the obvious choice. While it had less total resources as the third strongest branch of the sect than the two stronger branches, the first-ranked Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada and the second-ranked Order of the Sharpened Heaven Peng, the resources it did have were perfectly suited for her unique style of cultivation.

The Moon Crying Swan Palace was specifically focused on yin type cultivation, the style Bing Meilu followed, thus the Palace possessed a variety of special legacies and treasures specifically designed to aid in such cultivation. Furthermore, it was the sect Bing Meilu had grown up with, so she was already familiar with the internal structure, politics and secrets of the sect, making it even more of a perfect choice.

However, the most compelling reason to join it would be to recruit her old comrades. It was in the Moon Crying Swan Sect that Bing Meilu would meet two of her closest friends, Junior Sister Shui Wu and Junior Sister Ruan Hua who would accompany her throughout her entire life, and even be amongst the founding members of Bing Meilu's self-created sect, the Crystal Providence Heavenly Palace.

Bing Meilu made up her mind. She would definitely be joining the Moon Crying Swan Palace. But how would she get into the Palace? Unlike her first life, Bing Meilu was not really content to just wait years until her Master happened to come by the town and notice her. Bing Meilu did not want to waste years of prime cultivation time, so she would have to find a way to join as soon as possible.

"It seems that I'll have to compete in the Sect Recruitment trials," Bing Meilu frowned.

It slightly irked her to do so, as there was a stigma associated with joining through the trials rather than being recruited directly. Generally, weaker and less talented members would enter through the trials while the more talented would be directly recruited by an elder. However, Bing Meilu was confident she could still catch the eye of an elder after passing the trials, given her talent. The girl sighed. It seemed Bing Meilu's time at Jiang City had finally come to an end. Now, she would leave and truly begin life as a cultivator.

However, Bing Meilu sighed, looking in the direction of the small farmhouse her family lived in. It wouldn't be proper to leave without saying her goodbyes. Bing Meilu walked through the streets of the town, past shops and homes until she reached the outskirts. She could see the farmhouse in the distance, standing alone outside the city. Bing Meilu slowly approached it, pushing open the door and stepping into the kitchen. The room was empty, her family likely out working in the fields.

Bing Meilu retrieved a small wooden plate from a nearby cupboard, placing it in the center of the table. Soft blue light began to gather around her finger, millions of tiny flaxes coalescing.

"Frozen Creation," Bing Meilu murmured, Qi within her Dantain churning out to form letters of solid ice upon the plate.

Dear honoured parents and grandparents. I write to you my final farewell. By the time you are reading this letter, I am likely long gone. The truth is, I have left to become an immortal cultivator and pursue the Great Dao.

I know I was never the child you wished for me to be, and I am sorry, but I must pursue my own path as a cultivator. I am not ungrateful for the life you gave me or the time and money spent on raising me. I assure you, I will repay you a thousandfold. As a cultivator, I will ensure that all of you, and all of your descendants live long and comfortable lives. Give my farewell to Bing Wei.

I wish you all well, from Bing Meliu

Bing Meilu stood up, looking down at the plate expressionlessly. She sighed once more before turning out and leaving.

Now truly began Bing Meilu's journey of Cultivation.

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