Be The Icy Beauty: A Xianxia/Cultivation Tale

Chapter 20: Greenwind Pavilion

The cool ocean air of the western coast caressed Bing Meilu's pale skin as she walked. Gripped tightly in her palm was a large box of ice that contained the snake demon whose bite still lingered on her calf.

The distant figure of Blue Pearl City grew larger as Bing Meilu marched. Large caravans trailed in the outskirts of the city, forming huge open-air bazaars.

Soon Bing Meilu reached the edge of the city proper, the constant cacophony of a lively market filling the air. Blue Pearl City was a vibrant center of trade and one could tell immediately upon entering the city.

Silently, Bing Meilu's examined the city, comparing it to her memories of the distant past. The massive Ocean Slaying Temple floated high above the city, its domed jade roof supporting the statue of Abbot Ocean Slaying. She could see the carved sapphire exterior of the cities Blue Wing Alchemy Academy branch shining in the soft daylight along with the dozens of castle-sized luxury hotels positioned just next to it.

Beyond some unnoticeable differences, it was exactly the same as the Blue Pearl City of her memory. For a moment, Bing Meilu allowed herself to indulge in nostalgia as her eyes scanned across the skyline.

It was here Bing Meilu had once competed for glory and wealth in the Ocean Slaying Grand Quest. It was here Bing Meilu had killed her first person. It was here she had met Junior Sister Ruan Hua. After a moment, Bing Meilu exhaled, turning to face the distant hotel district.

"Follow me," Bing Meilu instructed her companions. "We'll be checking into Greenwind Pavilion for the night."

Wordlessly Zhang and Xia Xuefeng followed Bing Meilu as she led them through the sprawling, winding roads of the city. They soon arrived upon a massive wooden mansion built from jade-green wood and resplendent white marble.

At the door stood two spear-wielding burly guards clad in bamboo armour that shimmered with azure Wood Qi. A sneer rose upon their faces as they caught sight of Bing Meilu and her two companions.

Covered in blood, mud and filth, visibly injured and wearing cheap clothing. This was unmistakably the look of someone who had no money!

However, the sneers were quickly replaced with flattering expressions when the guards noticed the powerful Qi aura emanating from the man of the group.

It was undoubtedly a Peak Core Formation expert! While someone of that level was far less important here in the thriving south than they would be in the desolate north, it was still a high enough cultivation to be treated with respect.

"Good afternoon," one of the guards greeted, pushing open the doors of Greenwind Pavillion.

Bing Meilu paid the guards no mind, stepping into the hotel's lobby. It was warm inside, heat drifting from large red orbs that floated throughout the hotel's lobby.

Three clerks stood behind a counter, eyeing Bing Meilu and her entourage skeptically.

However, Bing Meilu was unperturbed by the looks of the clerks and confidently walked over to them.

"I'd look to book two rooms for the night," Bing Meilu said. "How much?"

"Two mid-tier spirit stones per room, per night," the clerk responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Zhang," Bing Meilu ordered.

Face pained, Zhang pulled out his shrinkage box, reluctantly retrieving four marble-sized rocks that glowed with white Qi.

'Isn't this way too much?' Zhang thought bitterly. 'Four mid-tier spirit stones for one night at a hotel?'

That was more than a fifth of the wealth he had accumulated over his entire lifetime!

'I guess it's nothing to the disciple of a major sect,' he continued, sighing.

"Thank you," the clerk smiled, grabbing the spirit stones.

He reached under his counter, grabbing two small jade slips. One read 'Room 2B and the other read 'Room 2C'.

"These keycards will open your rooms, which are on the second floor," the clerk instructed, dropping the keycards into Bing Meilu's open palm.

"Zhang, you take room 2B, I and Xia Xuefeng will share room 2C," Bing Meilu instructed.

Zhang nodded, grabbing the 2B keycard from Bing Meilu's hands.

"Clerk, do you happen to know when the next Moon Crying Swan Palace Sect Recruitment trials will be held?" Bing Meilu asked curiously.

"...You haven't heard?" The clerk asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Heard what?" Bing Meilu asked, a sinking feeling filling her gut.

"The Moon Crying Swan Palace was destroyed."

Bing Meilu's eyes widened.

"What?! What do you mean?" she demanded, shoulder shaking slightly. "How the hell could the Moon Crying Swan Palace have been destroyed?"

"Well, I don't how it happened," the clerk shrugged. "All that's publically been announced by the Twelve-Headed Avian Sect is that the Moon Crying Swan Palace was destroyed a few weeks ago and that the Swallowing Sky Gulper Armada would be administering their territory temporarily. The entire continent is in an uproar."

Behind her, Zhang and Xia Xuefeng's faces had gone white with shock.

The Moon Crying Swan Palace was the third strongest branch of the Twelve-headed Avian Sect. It was an unshakable existence that had reigned over the continent for hundreds of thousands of years unfailingly. What could possibly destroy such an existence?

The two turned to look at Bing Meilu, their eyes wide. Questions flittered through their minds.

What would this mean for the three of them? Zhang needed medicine from the Moon Crying Swan Palace to heal his meridians. Would he still be able to get it if there was no longer a Moon Crying Swan Palace in the world? Xia Xuefeng wished to follow Bing Meilu and join the Palace. What would she do now?

Meanwhile, Bing Meilu closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. After a moment, she exhaled, body relaxing.

'The Moon Crying Swan Palace was not destroyed in my first life,' Bing Meilu thought, forcing herself to calmly examine the situation. 'There are three possibilities I can think of that would lead to something like this happening. Firstly, somehow my actions have caused ripples in the river of time that led to a huge event like this. This means my knowledge of the future will no longer be reliable. Second, my action of violating the Heavenly Laws of Time has led to divine punishment of some sort. This means I'll face all sorts of dangers until my cultivation reaches a high enough level. Finally, an entity strong enough to transcend time has decided to make things difficult for me while I am still weak. This means the same thing as the second possibility '

Not only were all three possibilities horrible, but they weren't even mutually exclusive, meaning it could be all three at the same time! Bing Meilu sighed. However, it would just be a waste of time to worry about things far beyond her control.

No matter whether it was divine punishment from heaven, changes in the future or godlike entities, all Bing Meilu had to worry about was cultivating until she was strong enough to face them head-on! Absolute power would destroy every obstacle in her way.

'As for my master and the rest of the Moon Crying Swan Palace,' Bing Meilu thought with determination. 'I'll bring them back from the dead!'

If she had been an ordinary mortal, Bing Meilu would surely be depressed after finding out her sect was destroyed. However, she was someone who had stood at the peak of the Celestial realm, someone capable of creating her own Heaven and Earth and shattering Natural Law. She knew well how exactly to bring back the dead.

In order to revive someone whose cultivation was in the Mortal Realm, one's cultivation would need to be in the Immortal Realm, or possess certain powerful magical treasures and forbidden arts. Nevertheless, doing so would invoke terrible karmic consequences and divine retribution. Generally, the only person an Immortal would risk themselves to revive would be their closest family members or important young geniuses of their sect.

However, when one broke past the peak of Immortal and stepped into the Deathless Realm, they would sever themselves from all karma and become strong enough to evade divine tribulation.

Thus, once Bing Meilu reached the deathless Realm, she would revive the Moon Crying Swan Palace!

However, until then she would still have to join another sect. Bing Meilu's original plan of entering the Moon Crying Swan Palace through the Sect Recruitment Trials was unfeasible now, given there was no longer a Moon Crying Swan Palace.

The second best option of the remaining eleven 'Heads' of the Twelve Headed Bird Sect was none other than the Swallowing Sky Gulper Armada. They were the strongest of the branches and had the most resources, however, they lacked any of the special ice-related inheritances Bing Meilu had wanted to get from the Moon Crying Swan Palace.

'I'll head to the nearby Bluewing Alchemy Academy and show some Moon Crying Swan Palace secret techniques off to 'prove' I am a disciple from the sect who was not in it during its destruction. As part of the Twelve-headed Avian Sect alliances, I'll be able to transfer into one of the other branches. ' Bing Meilu decided, formulating a plan in her mind.

"Let's talk in my room," Bing Meilu said, looking at Zhang and Xia Xuefeng.


Sitting down on a soft bed, Bing Meilu looked at her two companions.

"As you know, we can't exactly head to the Moon Crying Swan Palace anymore," began Bing Meilu. "This means I have to change my plans for the immediate future. As a disciple of the former Moon Crying Swan Palace, I will be transferred into one of the other branches of the Twelve Headed Avian Sect."

"What about me? Do my injuries still get healed?" Zhang asked.

"Yes," Bing Meilu nodded. "Although I can no longer just request some medicine from my sect, I do know how to make it. In fact, I may be the only person left alive with knowledge of that secret recipe. So long as you follow me back to the Twelve Headed Avian Sect, I'll make sure to get you that medicine."

Zhang nodded expressionlessly, though Bing Meilu could see a flash of relief in his eyes.

"As for you, Xia Xuefeng," Bing Meilu said. "Unlike the Moon Crying Swan Palace, I won't be able to make the Swallowing Sky Gulper Armamada accept you as a disciple."

Xia Xuefeng face fell.

"However, while cultivating the technique I gave you, there is exactly zero chance you'll fail any mere Sect Recruitment Trial." Bing Meilu continued. "So don't worry about it."

"... Thank you, young mistress. I'll definitely pass that sect recruitment trial," Xia Xuefeng quietly said, sighing with relief.

"Now, let's rest for the day," Bing Meilu ordered. "We'll head out tomorrow morning."

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