Be a master through ancient times

Chapter 52

Note-taking has become popular in county schools. Whether it is the students in the township examination class or the children's class, in addition to books and ink, they also need to bring a notebook for note-taking every day.Every time after school, there will be those slow-witted people looking for someone to borrow notes to copy.

Among them, the notes of Chu Ci are the most popular.He memorizes quickly and well, unlike others, who often get confused because of writing too fast, or have a lot of wrong words, which makes people puzzling.

However, Chu Ci's notes generally have to be checked by Zhang Wenhai and others before they can be borrowed.

At the beginning, everyone was often tired and had sore wrists, but after looking at it later, they found that the writing speed seemed to have improved a lot, and in order to memorize what the teacher said in class, they were more attentive than before.

After the self-feeling has improved, the students who were originally reluctant also spontaneously fell in love with taking notes.

Several years later, when later generations looked through the notes hidden in the Yuanshan County School, they were surprised to find that so many politicians and great Confucian scholars had been born here.

Let's not talk about it later, let's talk about now.

On the evening of March [-], Director Kong Shan suddenly received a notice from the county government, saying that Zhu Tixue, the Department of Educational Affairs of Ganzhou Prefecture, was going to inspect the counties and would issue a plaque of "virtuous and upright".I got the news today that Zhu Tixue has set the first stop in their Yuanshan County, so the county magistrate speculates that the chances of awarding it to the people of Yuanshan are higher.

This "virtuous and upright" plaque is issued once a year, and only one person in each province can have this honor.They have their own channels to inquire about the style of each student, and then recommend them upwards.However, whether to publish or not depends entirely on the mind of the academic officer. If he thinks that no student can get this plaque, he may not issue it this year.Ordinary students can get this plaque, but it is really smoke from the ancestral grave.

In previous years, this plaque usually fell on the students of Yangxin Mansion, but this year it would actually fall on them in Ganzhou Mansion!

Ganzhou Prefecture is an area under the jurisdiction of Xijiang Province.There are a total of thirteen prefectures under the jurisdiction of Xijiang Province, and its capital city is Yangxin Mansion, where the Zhengti School appointed by the imperial court is located.Zheng Ti Xue also has no grades. He does not belong to the Six Departments of the Yamen, but is directly listed in the Department of Promotion and Academic Affairs under the Cabinet, and is directly managed by the Cabinet.

Under Zhengti School, there is a deputy in each prefecture, supervising the studies of the counties under the prefecture.Zhengti from Xijiang Province is very old, and I heard that he will retire soon and return to his hometown with honor.And his successor may be Zhu Tixue from Ganzhou Prefecture. I heard that he has made great achievements in the past year, and the news of his promotion should be certain.

Not only is Tixue responsible for monitoring the academic level of students in all counties in the prefecture, the performance of the county magistrate is also linked to this.The academic level of the county is related to whether he can be promoted smoothly after three years.

If there is a student in this county who can win the "virtuous founder" plaque, then he will definitely be excellent in the performance appraisal at the end of the year.Therefore, the county magistrate paid special attention to this opportunity, and took Chief Kong Shan overnight to discuss the reception work three days later.

Director Kong Shan was also very cautious about this, and immediately said that he would select a few students from Class A of the township examination to participate in the assessment.He roughly mentioned his name, and among them was Fang Jinyang, the head of this year's court examination.

County magistrate Yang was deeply impressed by Fang Jinyang, and it was because of his ranking that he almost caused a scandal in the discharge test.Fortunately, with the help of Na Chuci at that time, they were able to turn the tide.

"Is there a student named Chu Ci in the county school?"

"There is indeed a man, how did the old parents know about him?" Kong Shanzhang was a little puzzled, Chu Ci was obviously selected by the previous county magistrate, why did County Magistrate Yang pay so much attention to him?

"I met this boy once, and he was the first in the last year's exam. I saw that he is articulate and quick thinking. Why can't he even get into class A?" County magistrate Yang was a little disappointed.

"It's not his fault. The county school's New Year's placement test is usually placed on the annual final exam, and the classes are arranged according to their rank. This Chu Ci didn't come to participate in the assessment last year. As usual, he will not be able to enter the county school this year. But I and all the masters felt sorry for his real talent and learning, so we made an exception and let him enter Class C first, and then make plans."

"That's the case. Then, let him prepare an article and a poem. If you need to ask a few more people to learn, there won't be no one to fill in."



After the news of the school's coming was spread among the students, it quickly became the top topic list in the past two days. No matter who it is, they should talk about this topic when chatting.

Director Kong Shan also found a few students to talk to, and the tails of those who were selected were almost raised to the sky.What does this mean?This means that they will soon have the opportunity to meet and chat with the court officials. Maybe the other party will be amazed at their talents after chatting with them, and then it is not bad to accept them as disciples!

People who say this openly and aboveboard are generally scoffed at by others, but everyone has this hope in their hearts.

Among those who were sought by the head of the mountain were Qi Xu, Jiang Huai, Zhou Chengyuan, Jiang Bixian, Fang Jinyang and Chen Zifang from Class A, and Luo Yingshu and He Jin from Class B.

When the eight of them went to Shanchang's study together, they saw Chu Ci from a distance on the road. He seemed to be going in the same direction as them.

"Brother Chu, did you also go to Shanchang's study?"


Before Fang Jinyang finished speaking, a sneer came from his side, and Fang Jinyang's face turned red immediately.

"Brother, why did you laugh contemptuously at what I said?"

"What you said was so funny, so I couldn't bear it anymore. Everyone knows that Chuci is a student in Class C now. How could the head of the mountain let him stand in front of the class?" He Jin's voice was incongruous Big, but the contempt on his face is unpleasant.

He used to target Chu Ci because when Chu Ci entered the county trial class, he happened to be squeezed out of Class A.Now that he feels that he is No.2 in Class B, he starts to look down on Chu Ci, but he doesn't even think about why Chu Ci is in Class C.

"Hey, isn't this Brother He? Brother Qi is here too? Did you and Brother Fang just talk about me? Sigh, I don't have a good memory on weekdays. I always feel that what happened at the gate of the county school at the end of November last year The matter has not ended yet, I wonder if Brother He still remembers it?"

Chu Ci walked over with a lazy smile on his lips.He patted the back of Fang Jinyang's hand first, and then looked at He Jin with a playful look. What he said made the other students laugh a little. Is it because of a bad memory?

He Jin's face turned pale, he quickened his pace, and walked forward without saying a word.

Qi Xu was all smiles, and cupped his hands towards Chu Ci: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Chu is still as funny as before."

"Brother Qi is also as handsome and unrestrained as before, which makes me envious." Chu Ci also cupped his hands, and then began to greet each other with other students.

Several other people also knew him, but they didn't have a deep relationship. Everyone studied hard in their studies, and it was rare for them to get together to chat about things that had nothing to do with their studies.

A few people talked and laughed, and came outside Shanchang's study.Seeing that Chu Ci really came together, He Jin, who arrived first, couldn't help but widen his eyes, then thought about something in his mind, and his face became very complicated.

Chu Ci guessed that he was probably thinking of some dirty deal, otherwise why would he have such an angry and powerless expression on his face.

Qi Xu is the head of Class A, so naturally he should be the one to knock on the door.He knocked on the door three times, and then the voice of the head of the mountain came from inside.

"come in!"

"The head of the mountain is polite, and Teacher Jiang is polite."

The head of the mountain was sitting behind the desk, and Teacher Jiang was standing beside him, reporting something to him.

Seeing the students coming, the head of the mountain asked Mr. Jiang to go out to do errands first.After Teacher Jiang left, the head of the mountain said: "You don't need to be formal, just sit down."

After the students sat down, he said again: "You probably have heard about the purpose of my coming here today, right?"

The students nodded. There was such a big commotion, and if they didn't know, wouldn't they be talking nonsense?

"On the twenty-eighth day, which is the day after tomorrow, I wish the students will come to the county school to test your studies. When the time comes, the nine of you will stand at the front to greet you. If you ask questions, you will be respected regardless of the rules or answers." There is a limit to advancing and retreating, and to abide by etiquette, but I am not very worried about this. If you can stand out from the crowd, you must be superior in all aspects. The most important thing at present is today and tomorrow. You need to prepare an article The policy theory and poems are published, and will be read by the academics when the time comes."

At the beginning, Director Kong Shan planned to use all the students from Class A, but then he thought, if all the students from Class A were used, then there would be a sudden statement of Chu Ci in it, wouldn’t it be a problem for a discerning person?It's better to have a few people from each of Classes A, B, and C, which is more reasonable.

Moreover, it was not the first time for him to receive a master of education. Generally speaking, he would only choose two or three for careful examination, and most of them would ask him and other masters some questions about county education.

"Yes, the students would like to follow the instructions of the head of the mountain."

In fact, this article was written the moment they got the news.This is an opportunity to stand out. If you can grasp this opportunity, you will be able to rise to the top in the future.

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