Be a master through ancient times

Chapter 38 The Tragic Mock Exam

Shopkeeper Lu's idea of ​​setting up stalls in other towns is of course not feasible, but they can't stop the students from rushing towards Ping'an Town.

Batch after batch of people came in groups, and the shopkeeper Lu was so happy that he just bought two firecrackers and put them on it.

Some people are really puzzled, what kind of magic did Ping'an Town cast on everyone?First, the women in the family were crazy about it, and now it is the turn of the men in the family to bang against the big wall for it.

The instigator of all this, Chu Ci, did not respond at all. He was still strictly urging Zhang and Fang to study.

Seeing that the county examination is coming soon, it is even more negligent.Chu Ci is very familiar with the nervousness and anxiety of candidates who are about to take the exam. Every time they study for a period of time, they will take them for a walk in the garden to relax their bodies and tense emotions.

Spring comes early in Yuanshan County. Although it is still cold, there are some fresh greens in front of my eyes, and the buds are blooming on the branches. After a long time, my eyes seem to feel more comfortable.

It's a pity that often only Chu Ci has this kind of experience.The two didn't leave for long, and they always asked to go back to their room to read their homework.

Chu Ci really wanted to grab their collars and shout, do you know how hard modern students are?I didn't know what physical education was in the second year of high school!I don't cherish the opportunity to give you physical education classes now!I really can't sit still...

Chu Ci roared in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face, and then went back to the room with the two of them.

With the blessing of Chuci, Zhang Wenhai felt that he was expected to be a scholar this year, so he was more serious than before, and he was still reading in the middle of the night for the past two or three days.Because Fang Jinyang was worried about his health, he deliberately wanted to exercise, and he also allowed himself to work night shifts with Zhang Wenhai.

Looking at the two people's darkening eye circles and their bodies that seemed to be hollowed out by something, Chu Ci finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Take a rest today! You two go to rest by yourself, and you are not allowed to stay in the study anymore. I have something for you to do tomorrow. If you are still in the same state as today, you will bear the consequences."

After throwing down these words, Chu Ci returned to his room with the book in his arms, leaving only Zhang Wenhai and Fang Jinyang looking at each other.

"Hey, brother Chu must have said that when he saw that you and I were too tired. But the county test is only ten days away, so how can I go to rest with peace of mind?"

Zhang Wenhai felt that he was so energetic that he could still fight for another ten days.

Fang Jinyang vaguely understood what Chu Ci was thinking, but he thought, whose students didn't live like this?Time is running out, so let's go first.

Chu Ci sent someone to watch them, and listened to the servant's report that they didn't seem to plan to go out.Chu Ci smiled coldly, and then asked the servant to listen to him. After giving such orders, he immersed himself in the sea of ​​books again.

Hehe, I hope they can still laugh out loud tomorrow.

On this day, Zhang Wenhai and Fang Jinyang didn't go to rest until midnight.He had been staying up late for the past few days, and it was too late, so Fang Jinyang rested at Zhang's house again.

Almost not long after lying down, Zhang Wenhai was woken up by a "bang bang bang".

He opened his sleepy eyes, looked at the still dark night sky outside, turned over and fell asleep again.But the voice followed like a shadow, as if it was right outside his door.

No, right outside his door!

Zhang Wenhai suddenly opened his eyes, his face was as black as paint, he pulled a piece of clothing to put on his body, thinking that when he went out later, he would let the person who knocked on the door know what it means to disturb people's dreams and die!

As soon as the door was opened, Xiao Chengzi yelled: "Master, why are you getting up now, hurry up, little one will help you pack other things first, you put on your clothes first!"

Zhang Wenhai was confused. Is today a special day?Buddha's birthday?Saint's birthday?

He put on his clothes numbly, trying to wear a fox fur outside but was stopped.Xiaochengzi carried a bundle behind him and pushed him forward.It was so dark that he couldn't even see the way.

After following Xiao Chengzi and turning left and right, he finally came to a door.There was a faint light in front of the door, and there were two people standing there. After a closer look, it was Fang Jinyang and his servant Shi Shi.

"Jinyang, what's going on?"

"Wen Hai, I don't know either." Fang Jinyang was weaker, and was so sleepy that he couldn't even pronounce words, so he called Zhang Wenhai by his first name.

The two leaned on their respective servants and almost fell asleep, but a loud cry woke them up immediately.

"The gate of the county test is open, and the fish jump through the dragon's gate!"

County test? !

The eyes of the two opened suddenly, and they didn't know why they heard the chant of the county trial opening the door.

With this sound, the vermilion door in front of him was also pushed open.Two burly men came out from the inside, said to them that they were offended, and then picked up the small orange and the basket in Shitou's hands and began to search.

Xiaochengzi and Shitou looked at the two people who had been well concealed with some sympathy, and silently retreated after saluting.

After searching the basket, the two began to search for them.Fortunately, they still remembered that Zhang Wenhai was the young master of the family, and he didn't treat them too much, unlike the real county test.

The two walked in with their baskets in their hands. First, there was a narrow road blocked by a fence, and then someone sang from a distance, "Zhang Wenhai, a student from Ping'an Town, Yuanshan County, is the guarantor of Changxi Village. Student Fang Jinyang, guarantor of Changxi village, born Chuci!"

This step is the guarantor. If you want to be a scholar, you must have a guarantor for you to prove that you are not an impostor or a criminal.

Their doubts were getting heavier and heavier, and they even wondered if they had fallen asleep and slept until the day of the county test.But there are too few people around.

It wasn't until they saw Chu Ci sitting in the courtyard with a serious face that they realized that this was what Chu Ci said yesterday and asked them to do.

Zhang Wenhai raised his smiling face, and just as he was about to speak, he was yelled at by the strong servant standing beside Chu Ci: "On the examination room, discipline is strict, don't talk nonsense!"

The two were pushed into the No. [-] room, which was exactly the same size and style as the county test, and even the damp and rot smell was the same.

Chu Ci sat at the head and didn't even look at them.When the sky was getting brighter, he signaled the servant to go out to get things.

"The road to the imperial examination is difficult and difficult. You need to study hard and practice hard before you can become a master." First, there are familiar exhortations, and then the representative of the inspector, chief examiner, and deputy examiner speaks. dizzy.

Zhang Wenhai has a relatively strong body, although he has been sitting in the cold wind for a long time in thin clothes, he is not uncomfortable.Fang Jinyang's complexion was already pale, if it wasn't for the fact that they were so ugly together, he would have wanted to hug him tightly.

They entered the arena from Maoshichu until Chenshizheng, and finally someone came to light incense and signaled the start of the exam.

Some people came down to distribute papers, one person distributed three plain white papers for drafting, and then five sheets of paper marked with red lines, horizontal and vertical grids, each page had twelve lines, and each line had twenty characters.

A healthy servant entered the arena holding an examination card, and the two of them cheered up and began to copy the questions for the exam...

Chu Ci leisurely sat on top wrapped in a fur coat, holding a stove, drinking hot tea and eating snacks.The county examination time is from Chenshizheng to Shenshizheng, that is, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, a total of eight hours.

He asked Xiao Chengzi to prepare some steamed buns and a bamboo tube of water for the two of them, and the standards were all in accordance with the rules of the county test.

If they didn't go through a mock exam, the two of them would probably have to study day and night like before.After more than ten days like this, the body will collapse before the exam.Instead of passing out in the examination room, it is better to pass out in the mock exam, at least there is a chance of recovery.

Sure enough, Fang Jinyang passed out not long after noon.

Chu Ci ruthlessly asked someone to carry him down for medical treatment, and then shifted his gaze to Zhang Wenhai.Zhang Wenhai has been trembling since Fang Jinyang was carried away, in fact, he could hardly hold on anymore.He only slept for about an hour and a half yesterday before being woken up, and he is really sleepy now.

The topic in front of him was horizontal and vertical, but he couldn't recognize a single word.Zhang Wenhai gritted his teeth and pinched himself hard. After finally cheering up a little, he started writing again.

After all, he didn't make it to the end of the exam, so he was carried down and fell into a deep sleep.

Once the two fell asleep, it was already the next morning.They didn't eat during the trip, but their spirits improved a little, and the long sleep basically made up for all the nights they stayed up before.

After arriving at the study, Chu Ci was not there.There is a piece of paper on the seat where he often sits, which says that he has corrected the mock exam papers of the two of them yesterday, and today he will go to the county town, and they will arrange their own time to study.

The two went to their respective desks, and saw yesterday's exam paper, which had so many traces of marking with a red pen, it was simply too horrible to look at.


Today is the third day of February, Master Qin and the others have already returned to school.

Chu Ci took the poems and articles he wrote during this period, got into the carriage before dawn, and rushed to the county seat.

Sure enough, someone was sweeping at the gate of the county school.The time for the students to return to school was set on the eighth day of February, but there were quite a few people who came early.

When Chu Ci walked into Master Qin's yard, he saw his wife sweeping the yard.He hurried forward, put the big and small bags of New Year's greetings on the stone table, then took the broom from the teacher's wife and started sweeping the floor.

"A Ci, go see your husband. He is talking with Master Zhu in the study. Don't worry, I'm here." The teacher's wife smiled softly.

"As the saying goes, disciples do their best when there is something to do. The master and his wife are husband and wife, and it is right for disciples to help with some things. On the stone table over there is a little thought from the students. Please don't dislike the teacher's wife."

"Come here, why bother? Your husband and I don't need anything, so you can save your husband to buy something for yourself in the future, so your husband can rest assured."

Mrs. Qin knew Chuci's family background. He used to be very stubborn. Even if he ate the tasteless C dishes every day, he would not come here for a meal. Now he seems to be thinking about it. It's better to shout.

"During the New Year's Eve in previous years, my family was in a difficult situation, and there were not many presents for my husband. My husband and my wife used various methods to make up for it. Now I have a lot of money. If it is still the same as usual, wouldn't it be too impolite? Mrs. Don't worry, I will bother you more in the future, and you should bother me by then."

Mrs. Qin was amused by him, and began to arrange the etiquette brought by Chu Ci.

Chu Ci wiped out the weeds in the yard, and swept the fallen leaves and flowers aside before resting.He went to the sink to freshen up for a while, and then arranged his clothes again. After he felt that he was ready, he went to the door of Mr.'s study and knocked lightly on the door.

The voice inside stopped abruptly, and after a while, Master Qin's voice came, "Come in."

"Hello sir, master Zhu. Student Chu Ci, sorry to disturb you two." Chu Ci hurried forward to salute.

"It's nothing, we're just talking about you." Master Qin waved at him, signaling him to sit down and talk. "The disaster relief strategy you offered made a great contribution. At this time, the snow disaster in Mobei has passed. Because the disaster relief was timely, the number of casualties was less than that of other places in previous years, and the reconstruction after the disaster was also very smooth. I think the reward should arrive soon. "

"It turned out to be his suggestion. Brother Xinran is really as insightful as a torch, and he has recruited high-level disciples. I admire you." Master Zhu praised.His students have already made meritorious service for the imperial court, but his students still look like stupid gooses. Alas, it's maddening to compare people to others.

Master Qin pretended not to care and waved his hands with a smile: "Brother Chang Ming is absurdly praised. The young fellow is stubborn and embarrassing. This time just coincides with his meeting, so it's not worth mentioning."

Seeing Qin Lingqing like that made Master Zhu's teeth itch, but he had the capital to be embarrassed, so he could only say a few more compliments and then left.

"Did you bring your homework?" Master Qin turned into a strict teacher in a second.

Chu Ci respectfully submitted the homework and handed it over to Master Qin for inspection.

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