
Chapter 66: Putting on a show…

Obeying Melody’s command, I reached under my skirt and grabbed my panties, then pulled them off. I didn’t feel too weird right now, probably because I’m in a bathroom, but assuming I won’t be wearing these anymore…


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 4/11: Put your panties into spatial storage.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


Yeah… I’m going to walk on that glass floor with… nothing. Oh god…

I shook my thoughts away and quickly shoved the panties into the spatial storage, then reflexively grabbed my skirt, shoving it in between my legs as my mind kept jumping back to that glass floor. If anyone looks up… they’d probably need a camera to see anything, but if any tourists take pictures of the overhang… I might be starring in them. Staring through a drippy puddle of my juices on the floor…

After putting away my panties, the quest updated again. And I don’t know if I should be happy or sad about it.


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 5/11: Masturbate.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


Masturbate… this is going to make me so wet. I’ll literally be guaranteed to leave a trail of arousal in my wake… but if Melody commands, then I shall oblige.

Placing my hands on my thighs, I hiked up my skirt, revealing my dripping folds to the world. Well, to the stall right now… but the world will see soon enough since I know I’m not getting those panties back. Next, while using my left hand to hold up my skirt, I carefully slid my right hand inwards and brushed it against my lips until I landed right on the bud.

I began with gentle circles, slowly speeding up, then I slowed down, closed my eyes, and my imagination ran wild. I was in a glass display box, the entire world watching, as I rubbed my clit. My knees were held far apart by ropes connecting to opposite corners, forcing my dripping pussy to be wide on display and I fucking loved it. I hid my face, staring down at my body, at my left hand, holding my skirt up, knowing I could just drop it… but I didn’t.

The rubbing intensified, I raised my skirt higher, trying to hide myself from view, trying to hide how much I craved the humiliating attention. My breathing became labored as my senses dulled, focused solely on my twitching body as I pressed harder into myself. I heard mumbles as the crowd surrounding me talked and chuckled. Doors opened and closed as they went about their lives, with me just a normal centerpiece. One that drew a lot of attention, sure, but one that wasn’t unexpected. I was exactly where I belonged.

A little horny slut, displaying herself to the world, ashamed of it yet so desperate for more. My circles grew tighter, my legs started shaking, sweat began dripping, and then—


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 6/11: Stop.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


I opened my eyes after the system panel rudely interrupted my fantasies. And I stopped… masturbating in a public bathroom with insanely thin walls that probably allowed everyone to hear me…

I didn’t know system panels could appear when I closed my eyes, though. That’s cool. Melody… can command me non-verbally even when I’m blind folded… in my sleep… whenever, wherever… 


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 7/11: Leave the stall and wash your hands.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


Once the quest updated again, I reached out toward the roll of toilet paper—No... Melody didn't exactly say to do that... just… I withdrew my hand and pushed my skirt back down, stood up, and unlocked the stall. Taking a deep breath, I walked toward a sink, washed my hands, and dried them under one of the hand dryers. After a couple seconds, the quest updated another time.


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 8/11: Exit the bathroom and return to the table.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


Yeah… I left the bathroom and spent a second gathering my bearings, attempting to figure out the least humiliating route back to our table. A straight line would mean walking across a lot of glass which… well… I guess I could use my hands and tuck my skirt in between my legs… ah. Wait. What am I thinking? That would draw the stares of literally everyone in this restaurant, not to mention get my skirt wet with my own fluids…

I’ll just do the obvious. Act normal. Walk along the edge, right beside the glass, but still on the normal floor, until I’m directly in front of our table, then I’ll just need to sprint a few steps and I’ll be back in my seat. Yes. Yes. No show for anyone… unless they happen to be staring up at my dripping wet pussy being stretched around as I sprint to my seat, leaving puddles behind me, during the few seconds of my sprint. 

Or walk… this isn't really the type of place you sprint… and if I sprinted I might trip and fall, my legs all splayed about and my skirt sliding up and as everyone rushes to help me they suddenly pause seeing my lack of clothes, and step back in disgust, leaving me suffering on the dirty floor… and then Melody would come help me up, tell everyone to fuck off, and we’d head home and have a nice long shower together… Maybe I should sprint.

From the bathroom, I walked to near the edge of the glass floor, but stayed about a foot away… which presented the first challenge. There were tables there. Every couple meters. They weren’t on the edge, but they were close enough that it’d look weird if I walked by… but if I shifted over, I’d be halfway on the glass, and it’d all be visible. Wait. I can just go deeper inside. There’s enough room to walk between the next two sets of tables, and I wouldn’t need to worry about glass. It’d just be normal… just going commando…

I walked away from the edge and took a much less risky route, and soon arrived at my destination, where I’d need to turn. The first little bit was easy. I walked in between two tables and went to the edge of the glass… and then I took another step, blushing profusely, and went for it. As quickly as I could manage without looking like I was running, I walked the short distance to my seat, right beside Melody, grabbed the hem of my skirt, and sat down, squeezing my legs as tightly as possible. Safe.

Our appetizers had arrived while I was… busy in the bathroom and there was a small bowl of a bright green soup on top of a plate in front of me and utensils beside it on a fabric napkin. I think those go on laps, but no one else put them on their laps… After finishing up with whatever she was saying to everyone else, Melody smiled at me and whispered, “Eat up.”

With a nervous blush, since I knew there was still more coming with three more subtasks, I took my right hand off my lap, my left still pressing down my skirt onto my tightly sealed legs, and picked up the spoon, stirring the green soup a little, and taking a small spoonful. I leaned in a little and sucked it up. The soup was pretty sweet and there was a hint of minty flavor, less prominent than I expected given it was called pea and mint soup, but it was okay. The texture was a little creamy, not overbearing though. It still felt like a soup and not… a pile of gooey cream.

After a few more spoonfuls, I got a little confused. Everyone was eating, and I really expected Melody to progress the subtask, but she didn’t. Soon enough Amane came, she ordered, and then everyone discussed her day. She had a creative writing class, it seems like she’s a passionate writer… and given her… tendencies… I think she probably has some interesting stories that I’d love to read. Melody still didn’t progress the quest though. It wasn’t until the main course arrived and the conversation died down that the quest finally updated.


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 9/11: Spread your legs until I tap them.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


I don’t have a good feeling about this. I glanced over at Melody, but she ignored me as she bit into a spoonful of her pie-looking thing. Well, no point delaying it. I removed my left hand from my lap and brought it up to the table, my fingers just awkwardly curling around the edge of the table. My right hand took a fork and stabbed a piece of ravioli and held it there while I slowly began spreading my legs, not wanting to go a millimeter more than necessary.

I reached a few inches, and then I began eating food, trying to act normal… even though no one can see what I’m doing. They can see through the glass table, but there’s nothing to see since my skirt is blocking everything. Only one angle would be able to see, and no one is at that angle so it’s fine… I kept spreading my legs, a few more inches, then a foot between my knees, and then it started getting… uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable from spreading my legs… but… it was wide. I tried to distract myself with my food until finally, Melody’s hand suddenly touched my legs when my knees were probably a foot and a half apart and I froze, letting out a breath I didn’t know I held.

A foot and a half doesn’t sound like much… but I’m sitting on a chair not… what the hell am I saying? One and a half feet is a lot. The only time I can picture myself spreading more than that is with Melody pounding into my wet valley while I’m all tied up. Or when I’m falling off of a couch like a lazy cat or something, I guess…


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 10/11: Wait for me to check :)

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


I almost spit out my food as I read the popup, but managed to quickly take a sip of my lemonade and down it all. What the fuck is that subtask? Check what?! She wouldn’t… not… here? Surely?

My prayers went unanswered, as I felt Melody’s hand, which never left after she lightly squeezed my legs, began sliding down my thighs, toward the hem of my skirt… and then she touched my skin… and slid under my skirt. I think I know why she waited for the food to arrive. So no one would see this perverted stunt through the glass table… although everyone was looking down at their food… god, if anyone looked up a little, looked at me… they’d see Melody’s hand under my skirt, sliding to my begging pussy…

My eyes darted around our table, watching as everyone ate, Melody included, except for me… with my face red as a beet or a cherry or watermelon guts or whatever other red shit there is… and then Melody slid even further and I started sweating. Her wrist was forcing my skirt up my leg as it approached my inner thigh, inches away from the uncovered dripping—no, so much more. I’m probably a whole faucet by now, a faucet at max output on the max hotness level… 

Meanwhile, my left hand was holding the edge of the table in a death grip while my right hand trembled from my nerves as I poked around my bowl… attempting to look a little normal. And then, Melody reached it. Something round was abruptly pushed inside of me and I let out a quiet yelp before I quickly covered it with a cough… but Silvia was staring straight at me with her golden eyes. She totally saw or heard or probably both. As I stared back, somehow managing to blush even more, she smiled, gave a small shake of her head, and returned to her food. Fuck me…

Melody’s hand left my skirt… but there was still something inside of me. And I knew exactly what it was. She is… crazy.


Quest Initiated

Punishment time…

Task: Be punished.

Subtask 11/11: No cumming until we’re home :P

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Hot steamy sex ;)

Failure: Alternative punishment in private.


Right as the quest updated, a gentle vibration stole all of my attention.

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