
Chapter 57: The first class…

The next two trips to the laundry room were, thankfully, or unthankfully, uneventful. We transferred the clothes to the dryer, tossed in some wool dryer balls, started it up, then came back after another forty minutes and it was done. Forty minutes feels a bit short but the clothes were dry, so whatever I guess.

Once we brought all the clothes back to the dorm room, Melody told me to strip off my panties and bra after which she unchained me… yeah she waited until I had my panties and bra off before unchaining me, which meant needing to shake my boobs a little so the bra would fall, and meant that my panties were tangled around my ankle chains.

Following that awkwardness, we went through the clothes, splitting them into hers and mine. A lot of the clothes I’ve been wearing were hers—only the sweaters were about fifty-fifty. After we had everything sorted, Melody suggested, “How about you take a shower first?”

“Sure?” I replied, picking up my pile of clothes sitting beside me on the couch. 

“I’m gonna tell my father about the whole experience thing,” Melody explained… if that really counted, since I assume she could always do that later if she showered first, but whatever. I guess she’s eager to share the supposed big news. Casually redefining how people think of the system is something…

I stood up from the couch with all my clothes wrapped around my arms, carefully balancing to make sure I didn’t drop anything from the bundle, and headed toward the stairs, where I cautiously climbed up. After reaching the top and heading into my room, I stuffed away all the clothes with some very rushed organizing, then headed toward the bathroom… which still feels a little weird. Walking out of my room naked, heading to the shower carrying literally nothing. Just feels like I should be carrying clothes with me… especially since the shower isn’t directly connected to my room… but oh well, Melody’s rules rule.

After I entered the room, I squatted over the toilet bowl, pulling the lid down so there was something to put my left hand on and prop myself up with, then moved my right hand toward my back and took a few deep breaths.

Melody never told me to take out my tail-plug, but if I don't the fur on it will get wet… which is fine I guess? But I don’t know… doesn’t feel like something that should get wet… for some reason… even though it definitely will… many many times… I wonder if I could insert the tail… inside of me… would that feel weird? Like a floppy fluffy dildo… would it tickle me?

Anyway, my muscles relaxed and I pulled the plug straight out, causing my butt to feel empty and start closing in on where the object once was… I rinsed the plug in the sink quickly, then set it down right beside it. I’d probably put the tail right back in after my shower.

Facing the mirror, I was completely naked minus my collar… which I didn’t feel like taking off… how am I already so attached to you, you stupid object? I’ll need to take it off tomorrow though. Unless I want to display it to the entire school already. Yeah, no thanks. My party was plenty. 

I can leave it on for the shower though. It’s leather… it’ll be fine… actually isn’t leather supposed to not get wet or something? Ugh… if it gets damaged Melody might get mad… or happy since I didn’t take it off? Maybe? Either way… I get rewarded… so like… it doesn’t really matter.

I took a quick shower, nothing too fancy, then dried myself off with a towel and didn’t put on any clothes… which meant I still had some very visible droplets of water running down my body… that looked really lickable. The collar also felt fine, after dabbing it with the towel... it was dry. It felt the same. I wonder if it has some coating or something? Or just Melody magic on it.

Moving on, I plugged myself back up, which took a decent bit of effort, to push a plug into myself and relax while doing it, but I managed, since the plug was small enough that I could kinda just… jam it up and up. Then, I prepared to head back downstairs, only to find Melody walking down the hallway. She must have heard me turn off the water.

“Go cuddle up in my bed, I’ll join you soon,” Melody whispered sensually, slipping past me and into the bathroom. Blushing, I did just that, and fell asleep almost instantly, briefly waking up as Melody’s bare arms curled around my body, hugging me… so cozy.

The next morning, I was shaken awake by Melody at the bright and early hour of seven in the morning. Too early for any reasonable person to be waking up. Although I’ve been doing it for basically all of my life. People with high schools that start at nine are so lucky. Mine always started at fucking seven-thirty, give or take ten minutes. But at least here, it’s a pain exclusive to the elite. Our first class is the leadership class at eight, normal classes don’t really start until nine, I think.

“Let’s get dressed then we can walk to breakfast and from there walk to class,” Melody said, as I rolled around pulling the blankets around me, before finally settling down and sitting up.

“Can you take off my collar?” I asked immediately… since I don’t want to broadcast that to the world… yet… “Also… the tail?”

“Yeah.” Melody nodded, reaching around my neck and unstrapping the collar, before pushing my head down into a pillow and pulling the tail out with absolutely no warning, a little intense… kinda rough… kinda hot… and now I’m kinda horny… but I stood up and quickly ran over to my room to get dressed, where I selected a generic black hoodie, some ankle-high socks, and a skirt. And lingerie. Was not planning to go naked today.

I returned to Melody’s room to find her wearing similar clothes, black hoodie, black socks, although they were thigh-high, and a black skirt. Same boring color scheme as me… except the shades of her clothes were perfectly matched… mine varied a little. The socks and the hoodie were a bit lighter than the skirt.

Melody and I both brushed our teeth next, something I’ve always felt was odd to do before you eat breakfast, since you haven’t eaten anything yet, but if you aren’t planning on heading back home I guess it’s fine… then we left the dorm and began the walk toward the dining hall.

As much as I hate mornings, the campus was really nice this early in the morning. It was a cool temperature, but fine with hoodies, and there was just a little bit of fog still. The grass was still wet, covered in little drops of water, and the trees were mostly green but a few of them were just barely starting to shift toward orange hues as the fall weather was soon to kick in, even if most wouldn’t fall for another month or so. It was pretty nice. There weren’t any cars driving yet, well there was one, but they don’t count since… they don’t. And there weren’t many people out yet, just a handful heading toward the dining hall. Which makes sense, since the sun rose like fifteen minutes ago so obviously no one in the world should be out and about yet.

We ate a short breakfast from the buffet, grabbing some generic eggs and sausage items along with a cup of coffee for each of us. It was a nice relaxed breakfast, and we didn’t leave until around seven-forty since the walk to building C, which apparently stands for Celestria, was only ten minutes. No idea why they didn’t write out those names on the schedule when they wrote out basically everything else.

From the right of the dining hall, the building was almost straight ahead, with a small turn to the left at the end. Of course, the path wasn’t that direct, it was winding around, hitting a bunch of other buildings, but the general direction was consistent. We didn’t get too lost and arrived at the wooden four-story cube almost perfectly on time, seven-fifty.

Then, we located the room. The first digit indicated the floor, and in this building's case, which Melody was very familiar with, the second digit indicates which quadrant the room is in. Which sounds a little weird, until you realize the hallways, elevators, and staircases are all on the outside of this building. Yeah. I don’t know what the architect was on… but whatever. Room 103 is on the first floor, the first quadrant—they go 0, 1, 2, 3 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4—and the third room in that quadrant. 

As we headed there, Melody explained a little more. “The first, or zeroth, quadrant is the most dense, having nine rooms, one through nine. All the rooms are… a little weirdly shaped.”

Yeah. No surprise there. Since the hallways are on the outside of the building.

“It’s like a lopsided triangle,” Melody finished, as we entered one of the building's doors, which was thankfully at the border between the zeroth and third quadrants, so we had hardly anywhere to walk. “The room is just down here.”

Melody wasn’t lying. It was only feet away. The door’s in this quadrant were literally feet apart. The third quadrant only had one visible door, which is like the only way this setup would make any sense.

The hallway we were in didn’t really follow the cabin style that the rest of the campus went with. The floors were a boring white tile, and the ceiling was just gray tiles. The outside walls were windows, the inside walls were plain gray. It was a pretty depressing building. Like what you’d imagine a business building to be… maybe that makes sense? I mean… Celestria is a giant company.

Room 103 was completely different though. We entered the room, and, well first, it was a triangle. The two walls maybe ten feet apart, probably less, slowly point inwards until meeting at a point forty-ish feet away. A desk was placed in front of that point, and a board connected to the two walls a few feet in front.

The part that really stood out was how… different it felt. Obviously, it was a small classroom. There were four desks for a couple rows, then three, then two… then the gap and the teachers desk. Which was a normal wooden desk, if a little more polished than the rest, but not something big. But the floors and walls and ceiling were completely different. For one, the walls were red. It looked shit. But whatever. Secondly, the floors were carpet, not the business/classroom-like super-short rough carpet, but thick gray carpet, fluffier than what someone would put in their home, and the ceiling was popcorn. A popcorn ceiling. A light-blue popcorn ceiling. What the hell?

Melody and I took a seat at the final row of four desks, both on the left side, and waited. Only one person had arrived before us, but after a couple minutes, about twenty other people entered the room. A pretty small class.

At exactly eight o’clock, the professor walked in and headed straight down the center, until he hit three desks, then toward his desk where he spun around and delightfully announced, “Good morning, everyone! I’m Professor Platford Playard, your instructor for this leadership course. It's an honor to guide such a promising group of students!”

Having your initials be PP must really suck… making people either laugh or become horny every time you say your name… tough life… really tough life.

Bit of a boring chapter with some necessary worldbuilding, but I'm feeling better now so we should be back on schedule for almost daily releases.

Anyway, wanna come party with other horny people? 

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