
Chapter 50: Sharing… abilities…

A few steps into our journey, Silvia called out that there was a fork in the road, and she saw seven normal slimes.

“Let’s head there, then,” Melody shouted back, as we saw Silvia emerge from the left path. As we approached the fork, she went back into the path, and we followed.

“Right there,” Silvia said, extending her right hand and pointing toward the passage once we neared.

The short path led to a small chamber, small as in the same size as the entrance room, and in the center was a group of seven green blobs begging to be killed. We entered the room, with Melody in the lead, and repeated the same thing we did for the last two groups, just with more slimes to kill.

I spawned the largest sphere I could once more, my mana having already recovered to full. This feels a little broken, but I am X tier… so I guess that’s expected.

Melody then ran out of the chronofield before the slimes could attack her, while Amane and Elle took her place, each directing about half of the slimes their way. Four went to Amane, three went to Elle. Once the slimes were divided, Fara charged in, killing all three of Elle’s while Melody took care of all four of Amane’s.

The moment the battle ended, the combat summary popped up.


Combat Summary

Enemy Assists: 

7x Slime

You are 100% of the way to level 4 (increase pending) and 13.33% of the way to level 5.


As cool as already reaching another level was… no one else has yet, and I can’t really take advantage until chatting with Melody… which I’m not sure I want to do here. So I guess I’ll just keep building up experience. Yeah, this is totally broken. Support in general, since Silvia has basically the same growth, which she confirmed seconds later. “I leveled up.”

“What the fuck?” Fara exclaimed. “You didn’t even get experience for the first couple kills…”

“Support levels quickly.” Silvia shrugged, looking over at me. I blushed.

“What’s your new ability?” Elle asked, as Silvia and I walked closer to the group, who were congregating around the dead slime bodies.

“We can share the abilities we gain later,” Melody interrupted. “Let’s get everyone a level first.”

“What if we need the ability?” Fara argued.

Melody tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. “You really think we need them?”

Then she turned to face Silvia more directly. “Unless you think it’ll be beneficial in the next couple battles.”

“Probably not.” Silvia shrugged.

“Then, let’s keep grinding.” Melody clapped her hands together. “Back the way we came, only one exit.”

Silvia took the lead once more, and we continued traveling down the pathways, turning to the other fork. After following the path for a little while, we met a second fork, one that led straight to a dead end, and a much smaller path to the right. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the dead end contained another group of slimes, the biggest group yet.

“Eleven…” Fara breathed out. “That’s a lot.”

Melody nodded. “We can easily handle it. How much do you think you can take with your mana?”

“Probably like eight,” Fara said after a moment of thought. Worrying about mana… that would really suck.

“More than I expected,” Melody commented happily. “I’ll take four, you can have seven. For safety.”

“Okay.” Fara nodded, which set into motion our execution plan.

Melody ran forward. I spawned the biggest chronofield I could, and then Amane and Elle charged on in. They each distracted as many as they could, which actually let a singular slime slip through that Melody immediately took care of, during which Fara went in, and began electrocuting Elle’s slimes, while Melody killed three of Amane’s.

Once Fara finished Elle’s slimes off, she moved over to Amane’s and took care of them, ending the quick combat session.


Combat Summary

Enemy Assists: 

11x Slime

You are 100% of the way to level 4 (increase pending) and 50% of the way to level 5.


Support really does level up quickly…

“Has everyone leveled up now?” Melody asked as she walked back over to me. Everyone was walking back over to me. Probably since I was right beside the fork in the road.

“Yep,” Fara and Elle replied, followed by a quiet “Yes” from Amane.

“Okay,” Melody began, leaning walking over to a wall and leaning on it. We all followed, putting ourselves into more relaxed positions.

Before I could fully lean against the wall, a system message popped up.


Quest Initiated

Where you belong.

Task: Sit down beside Melody’s feet.

Reward: +1 Submission

Failure: Disproportionate Punishment :)


Disproportionate punishment… why do I want that? I… I kind of want to keep standing… although my legs are a little tired. Maybe it would push Melody to do a little… more, you know?

I looked over at Melody’s face… which scrunched up a little, seemingly confused at my reluctance based on how she kept glancing at the floor.

I was really tempted to stay standing… but seeing her stare at me… if I stand, I’m disobeying a direct command. It’s not some interpretation issue or something that she kind of didn’t explicitly state… or just general mischief… I shouldn’t be disobeying anything this direct. Regardless of how fun punishment is. And she probably wouldn’t have fun if I disobeyed all the time. I bet Melody loves seeing me obey… she likes the power it gives her… and I don’t want to make her sad. Yeah, I’ll just sit… I can disobey later, in private.

Leaning my back against the wall, I slowly slid down. Slowly not because of nerves, both Amane and Silvia were already sitting down, but because the cave rock was kind of rough. I had to keep leaning forward so I wouldn’t scratch myself.

Quest Updated

Where you belong.

All tasks completed!

Submission increased by 1.

No failures have been issued.

The six of us formed a rough circle, while the S tier remained standing at the wall across from us. While everyone was getting settled and reading through their own abilities and whatnot, I gained a… lovely notification.


BDSysteM Level Up!

Having reached level 4, you have unlocked the following ability augment.

Core Ability Augment: Heal (Level 3) - Pleasure Wave

In addition to current healing capabilities, when this effect is activated by Mistress, any orgasm pet experiences is converted into a healing wave at a reduced health cost that radiates outwards in a circle from pet, with decreasing effectiveness based on distance.

If minimum health is reached, this effect is automatically disabled.

Note: This ability is an augment to “Heal” and will consume its pseudo health but will be displayed separately for clarity.

Effectiveness decrease rate:

25% per meter

Initial healing strength:

20% of pet’s max health

Ratio of health healed to health lost:

(default ratio)^3

Minimum health:

25% of pet’s max health


Pet is incapable of orgasm while effect is active as all orgasms are denied and instead converted to healing energy.

Seriously?! An ability that rewards people when I'm denied orgasm? I'm so going to die... thank god this won't be something we need anytime soon... oh my god... I can't stop picturing it. Vibrators crammed inside of me, Melody turning them up whenever healing is needed, my entire body collapsing with each burst of vibrations, and then struggling to stand right after so I don't look too weird. All I'd be able to contribute is whatever Melody commands... I wouldn't be able to run, hell I wouldn't be able to pay attention to the damn battle. I'd only be able to crawl on the floor, activating abilities whenever someone shouts for me to do so... I'm so going to hate this. It turns me on way too fucking much.

Melody clapped her hands together. “Let’s go around in a circle and share our new abilities. Scarlet, would you like to start us off?”

Melody smirked down at me… fuck fuck fuck… this is a punishment, isn’t it? Because I hesitated earlier… ugh! How the hell do I explain this? Uh… I heal you when I orgasm. “It's… um… an addon to my healing.”

What else do I say?! How can I simplify this… okay, okay. What does the ability do? It’s a wave… a circle. It’s an area of effect ability. AoE! A group heal! “It lets me AoE heal, so a bit more efficient in case it’s ever needed.”

After that, Amane went next since she was just to the left of me. Thank god no one asked questions… I can't say I’d be able to answer much more than what I just explained.

“I… can…” Amane mumbled for a little, before making her voice just a little louder, clearly saying, “I have a pain… combo… multiplier.”

That’s cool. Getting hit makes the next hits… uh… how does that work with her ability? Maybe it speeds up the conversion rate from pain to mana? Unless it’s more mana… I wonder what her excess mana becomes… is it just lost? Or can we use it somehow? She’s probably said already but oh well.

No one asked Amane for further explanation, which wasn’t too surprising. I assume we all deduced something similar and decided this wasn’t really the place to try and force someone to be more outspoken and we could always find out later. Her abilities weren’t too important on this first floor.

After Amane, we continued going around the circle. The next to go was Silvia. “I gained an enhanced sight ability. Lets me see further, like a telescope, and see through stationary objects less than three inches thick.”

Simple enough. See through stationary objects… so she can’t see through my clothes yet… that’s… reassuring. Unless she’s hiding something. Silvia’s looked at me way too weirdly way too many times to not be hiding something.

Next up was Elle. “An automatic teleport on hit… six-hour cooldown, but teleports me backwards or wherever there’s a safer place within ten meters.”

That one seems pretty good. Especially for a dodge tank, since I assume her health isn’t a primary stat. Six-hour cooldown is killer though. But hey, it’s better than not being able to teleport so… 

“Can you disable it?” Melody asked. “In case you don’t want to be teleported?”

“No…” Elle sighed. “Not yet at least.”

Still better than nothing.

Finally, Fara went, grinning as she said, “I gained an electric pulse. Shoots a huge electric ring around me with a cooldown of only one hour.”

“How much mana does it use?” Melody asked, likely trying to plan when it could be used.

“It’s like the other, charged with mana,” Fara replied. “But fifty mana is roughly one meter, I think. So I’d say that’s the minimum. But with sixty-five mana? Literally not a problem. Charge in, kill all, and flee!”

Melody was not enthused, but nodded along. After a little bit of rest, Melody clapped her hands. “I think our strategy should be the same. Objections?”

After we all shook our heads, she continued, “Then let’s go kill some more slimes and level you all up. I think we can take the boss down once we all hit level three, which shouldn’t take too long.”

50 chapters! Yay!

As a present, there's a 6.5k word side story available for free on my discord. It's a retelling of chapters 3-5, Scarlet's meeting with Melody, but from Melody's POV.

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