
Chapter 40: Melody’s mansion…

“Come,” Melody said, begging to walk onto the driveway toward the side road. I followed behind her, and we walked for a few minutes, until we wrapped around to the back-left side of the mansion, which looked just as intricate and detailed as the front. The road branched out to three more buildings, all with large garage doors, and Melody led me to the center one, walked to the door at the edge, and typed in a passcode, which she didn’t try hiding. It was 1234.

With the door unlocked, we walked through and Melody hit the lights. Her red sports car was there, closest. Right beside it was a blue sports car, and behind that, was a black minivan. The rest, another two columns and a spot behind the red sports car, was all empty.

“My garage codes are all 1234,” Melody said, walking toward the back where there was another doorway. “You can park in here if you ever visit, there should be room.”

I nodded, following her toward the back of the two-car-deep garage. She typed a new code in the metal door, which led to a staircase leading to an all-concrete underground. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, there was a long hallway, and Melody turned right, leading to the main house. I think.

Continuing to follow and passing by plenty of other hallways, we eventually reached another metal door. On this door, Melody pressed her finger against the sensor, and we escaped the maze and entered… a room with black walls and a whole bunch of… uh… structures and beams and things covered in chains and toys and other goodies. This is a lot more than I expected, I must say.

Melody stood beside me, right at the edge of the room, and spoke. “The main house doesn’t have keypads, so I’ll need to add you to the security system.”

“Okay…” I replied, still trying to take in the dungeon. Along the walls were racks of ropes and whips and chains and some nunchucks? “What is this… place?”

“Well, it’s a combo. Weapon storage sex dungeon.” Melody chuckled. “Almost everything is new from the past few months. Some of the toys I’ve played with, though.”

Uhm… okay. “So… why such a maze?”

Melody shrugged. “It was that way when we bought it, we just expanded the maze even more. There’s a map of it somewhere… I can find a copy for you.”

Then Melody spun around. “Shall we go into the actual house now?”

“Sure,” I replied, following her out of the dungeon.

That dungeon though… is there anything that wasn’t there? Obviously any toy or rope or vibrator imaginable was somewhere on some rack or table, but even the actual metal structures. There were so many weird chairs with legs in the air, pipe structure things, a wooden horse, with a padded edge of course, some chains hanging down from the ceiling… and probably plenty of places to hang me or… parts of me from.

After a much shorter walk than the one to the dungeon, Melody led me to a staircase going up, right into the main house. After another fingerprint scan, the door opened and revealed a total environment shift from the basement. A huge open lobby-like area. It looked like a mansion ripped straight out of the gilded age. Straight in front was a large wooden double-door section, and all around there were bright, vivid golds and reds along all the walls, similarly bright wooden floors and furniture, and thick heavy gold curtains draping the few windows that broke through the contrast-free environment.

“It’s ugly. I know,” Melody said, catching my eyes scanning the room. “We’re planning to renovate it eventually.”

I mean… it's not pretty by any stretch but it's not that bad. It has some charm… you know… for like roleplay. I could dress as a maid and Melody a fine young lady… until I spill some water, ruining her pristine frilly dress, a dress worth more than my life. Naturally, I’d be punished. Punished for my insolence and incapability. Forced to strip in front of her, only to be far too slow, getting pulled over her lap seconds after beginning, my panties still hanging between my legs. Then she’d begin the spanking. Grabbing a specially designed paddle while making me beg for more. Slapping over and over and over… it sounds so fun! We need to do that before they renovate.

Moving on, Melody caught a maid walking by. The maid was dressed in a maid dress. I never thought I’d see a maid actually dressed like a maid… it just feels like a fiction thing, but it was a maid. A very pretty maid with long brown hair.

“Cindy, can you tell whoever’s cooking to bring some food to my room? For two,” Melody called out, grabbing my hand at the end.

Cindy the maid replied, “Of course, Lady Celestria.”

Lady Celestria… so fancy.

Melody tugged my hand, turning left, and heading down a hallway away from the open-ish section we were just in, which I think is near the front of the mansion. Because of the two giant doors in the middle. After walking around the maze of a house for a little bit, we somehow ended up on the second floor, and soon after inside a giant bedroom. At the far right corner, we entered on the far right front, there was a bed that was definitely king-sized, at least. It had four posts that all went way up then had thin purple curtains hanging down, making the bed its own small room.

Beyond the bed, there were a few storage cabinets, a bookshelf, a window with a ledge and a view of greenery and trees at the center, and a door on the left end opening to a bathroom and probably a closet too. The floor had a soft carpet and unlike the rest of the house, these walls were a newly painted sky-blue shade.

Melody walked inside before me and went over to the bed, attaching the hanging curtains to the four posts, opening up the bed’s room to the bedroom. Then she sat, tapping the space beside her. “Come sit.”

I walked over and sat beside her, sinking into the plush silk bed. It’s so soft…

“I’m going to go grab my cello, I’ll be right back,” Melody said, standing up and leaving the room. I was alone in Melody’s room.


I looked around.

Honestly, this room seems less decorated than her academy room. There’s nothing… no plushies… no… sex toys. Just a room. Nothing standing on any dressers, no mirror, empty window seal… I doubt she stays here much. This bed is comfy though. And—

My chain of thought was interrupted by the door opening again, where I expected Melody to walk through, but found the maid from earlier standing there with a tray balanced in one hand. Seeing me, she replied. “Hello, my lady. Is Lady Celestria here?”

I blushed. I’m a lady? Heh… a horny lady… “...just call me Scarlet.”

“Ah, sure, Scarlet,” Cindy replied. “I have some snacks, I wasn’t sure how heavy of a meal was needed.”

“Snacks are fine…” I replied, then my eyes darted around the room. “Just uh… set them… somewhere.”

Cindy giggled a little, before walking over and setting the large metal tray on the bed. “Shout if you need anything else, I should be able to hear you.”

Then she left. And I looked over the tray. Lots of food. Some crackers, some… caviar, I think. And… other green mushy stuff. And then some cheeses and meats along with a handful of fruits. I grabbed a few grapes and ate them.

By the time I finished, Melody appeared in the door, carrying a cello with a navy blue case in her right hand while her left attempted to prop open the door. Seeing her struggle, I leapt up and held the door open for her.

“Thanks,” Melody said, looking at the bed. “I see the snacks arrived.”

“Yeah,” I replied, closing the door behind her. “Cindy said they didn’t know how heavy of a meal you wanted.”

“These are fine.” Melody walked over to the bed, setting the cello upright and leaning down to grab a few grapes. “So, should I play for you?”

I nodded.

“Sit down,” Melody said, pointing to the ground right at my feet, which were now only a few feet away from Melody.

I sat, crossing my legs, while Melody walked over to her cello case, pushing it down on the ground, and unhooking all the latches to open the top. She grabbed a bow, a long wooden stick with some white hair, reminding me of Eve’s, from the top portion of the case, the part that opened up, and then reached toward the skinner part at the top, where there was a small black fabric bag right above the peg box thing. She took out a circular orangish transparent block of something and rubbed it along the bow’s hair… up and down and up and down, then put it back, and unstrapped the cello, taking it out of the case. Then, she sat down on the bed, right beside the food tray.

The cello was pulled up on her lap where Melody slid it across until she could reach the bottom of the wide fat section, and she twisted a little black plastic thing, then pulled out a long rod a fairly large distance, somewhere between a foot or two… and I really want to be that cello, having my butt plug removed. After that, she spun the cello around, letting the long thin piece connecting the main body and the pegs settle to the left of her thin neck while her legs hugged the lower section.

Melody wiggled around a little, probably making sure the length of that rod was correct, then brought up her bow with her right hand, while her left hand reached up, with her fingers splayed apart, each the same distance from the next, and pressed down. And up. And down. And up. And down…

And then she removed them, and did some weird posing to bring her arm under the cello, reaching down toward four small black circles. She placed her bow on the string, underneath her left arm, and played, switching between the strings, playing two at a time, and using her left hand to adjust their tuning.

Finally, she relaxed, returning to her original pose, and letting her right and left hands rest on her knees. “One last thing, I think you have too many clothes on.”

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