Bankai: The new Hokage activates group chat

Chapter 21

Acting President Zhang Yan:"Whoever voted against it, please stand up!"

"Otherwise I will wear small shoes for him from now on! (Bloody kitchen knife)"

After becoming the acting president, Zhang Yan added a prefix in front of him, which made him feel very unqualified.

Being an acting president doesn't sound good at all.

I will definitely become a full member in the future!!!

But now, he The most curious thing is which Tie Hanhan voted against him.

He doesn't think anyone will vote against him now. It's not against him, but because it's against most people in the union! member:.......?

They wanted to complain about Zhang Yan.

You have clearly said that you want to put on small shoes for others, are you a fool to admit it?

Of course, what Zhang Yan understood was also obvious to everyone, and it was clear that the guy who objected was probably careless.

Everyone just tacitly agrees to deny it.

Yin Xinyue:"It's not me, it's definitely not me!"

The twelve-winged fallen angel Black Cat:"It's not this fallen angel either!"

The Tang family's mistress:"It's not me either!"

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"Uh~ It's me���I seem to have made a mistake!"


Wow, how could someone be so stupid?

You actually admitted it?

Zhang Yan was also speechless. Should he wear small shoes for Sun Ce in the future, or should he wear small shoes?

Acting President Zhang Yan:"As expected of you, the tragic emperor Sun Ce."

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"???"

Sun Ce was confused. What does Tragedy Emperor mean?

Zhang Yan didn't explain too much. When the time comes to upload a book of Three Kingdoms, Sun Ce will naturally understand.

Now that he has successfully become the acting president, there is one thing that he has been holding back from saying, and it is time to mention it.

Acting President Zhang Yan:"@英雄者 in the dark@ Acting President Su Hanxue, before I upload the copy of the memory, I have a question that has been bothering you for a long time and I want to ask you two."

Acting President Su Hanxue:"Uh~ Excuse me!"

Darkness The lonely person in the middle (Ai Jiang):"Please tell me!"

Acting President Zhang Yan:"Have you seen the shuttle talisman?"

Acting President Zhang Yan:"I looked at the mall and found that the shuttle talisman only costs 500 points. Gui, Ai Jiang, and fellow villagers, haven’t you ever considered staying in another world?"

Acting President Zhang Yan said:"For example, Ai Jiang, once you have 500 points, you can do whatever you want in the world of us union members. If you pick one and go there, won’t you have friends?"

"If you want to have special abilities, you can come to my world, Whitebeard's world, or even the world of Death and God Killer. We members will definitely protect you. You don't have to be afraid of anything, right?"

"If you just want to live a normal life, you can also go to Ruri-chan's world, which is all set in an island country. You don't have to worry about being found by a black organization, worrying about when you will die, or harming others, right?"

"And fellow countrymen, if you don’t understand The Legend of Yi Tian Slaying the Dragon, then why don’t you go to a world you are familiar with?

Acting President Su Hanxue:"I think so too, but the shuttle talisman is too expensive, and it can only be used for twenty-four hours. If you return overtime, you will need to renew it.""

The Lonely Man in the Dark:"I also know that this is something I won't consider in a short time."

Hai Yuan Ai and Su Hanxue have naturally known about the shuttle talisman, and they learned about it immediately. They can be said to be the two people who the union members want to travel through again.

It's just that the price of the shuttle talisman prohibits them.

"I probably know what mistake these two silly women made."

Seeing their answers, Zhang Yan slapped his forehead speechlessly.

After joining the union, he immediately had a comprehensive understanding of the union, which naturally included the shuttle charms that could be purchased in the points mall.

The price of the shuttle charms It's five hundred points!

The function is to go to any union member's world, provided that the acting president or the world's indigenous members agree. After using the shuttle symbol, members can reach the union member's world from the moment they arrive.

Counting, members can choose to return to the original world at any time within 24 hours.

This is a special reminder: if it exceeds 24 hours, members need to spend another 500 points to purchase a new time travel charm to return to the original world. World.

Seeing the setting of the shuttle symbol, Zhang Yan thinks it is very reasonable. It is equivalent to a round-trip ticket. If you spend money, you can go back and forth within the specified time. If it exceeds, you will naturally need to buy another return ticket.

What if you don’t come back after traveling through time?

The union didn’t seem to say that it would cost points to stay permanently in the new world, right?

But when Zhang Yan looked at the previous chat records, he found that there was still a negative emotion in the words Haiyuan Ai. Su Hanxue was even more stupid because he was afraid of the dark organization.

He actually showed a sense of urgency because of the unfamiliar world he traveled through.

Now Zhang Yan understood that it was these two women who co-authored the story. Not even the other members were aware of this use of the shuttle talisman.

They habitually tied the matter together, so they were blinded.

Acting President Zhang Yan:"Screenshot of the shuttle talisman's information, Ai Jiang. Miss Su, please take a look at the situation of the shuttle talisman. I want to say that it is not a problem at all for you to change to a new environment that is absolutely safe, right?"

Acting President Su Hanxue:"?"

Lonely in the dark:"??"

All the trade union members fell into a state of confusion because of Zhang Yan's words.

Not a problem?

Why isn't it a problem?

So a group of people clicked on the screenshot of the shuttle symbol.

But looking at the screenshot of the shuttle symbol, they couldn't figure out where the problem lay.

Go to the country and get 500 points.

If you return more than 24 hours later, you will be charged 500 points.

That's right~~

But there are also a few smart people who have vaguely realized what they have overlooked.

But before they could confirm their guesses, Zhang Yan had already given the answer.

Acting President Zhang Yan:"It's true that it costs 500 points to purchase a shuttle talisman, and it's true that it also costs 500 points to come back after more than 24 hours. But what if we choose not to come back after traveling through it?"

"Will we stay in that world forever?"

"To stay in the new world forever, it doesn’t seem like you need to spend points, right?"

The words woke up the dreamer.

As Zhang Yan revealed the truth, the atmosphere in the trade union chat group suddenly became a little awkward.

Yin Xinyue:"....."

Yan Lingji:"...."

The Tang family’s mistress:"....."

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