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Chapter 008: Why surrender?

Tang Qinghua did not rest after settling down the family affairs.

It is a good way to make money by hanging up the computer. It is no problem to make millions a year, but it needs to rely on blood to survive. It is destined to be a small business. If the start-up capital is enough, what should he do?

"Perhaps has good potential?"

Tang Qinghua gradually realized the key.

In the past two years, there have not been many online games, and trading websites have not become popular. When Penguin and Old City have fully entered the game, trading websites have quickly become popular. As the industry leader, 5177 once had a market value of 15 billion and has absolute potential.

Today's has not yet received capital injection from IDI, and is still growing silently in the traditional way. With the help of 18 years of knowledge, Tang Qinghua believes that he has a way for to quickly surpass 5177.

"Fuck it, it's settled!"

Tang Qinghua took a deep breath and made up his mind: "Before we start to work hard, we must first improve the website and add point card recharge."


In order to meet Uncle Huang Mao, Tang Qinghua spent more than 600 on a nice suit to make himself look more formal.

Huang Mao’s actual surname is He, and his name is He Yongxin. He is a native of Dagang. After the demolition and compensation, his uncle started a small business, first selling CDs and tapes, and then accidentally came into contact with the card business. Seeing the potential of his passion, he spent all his money funds and became Jiangdong's first-level agent.

In just two years, he went from being a homeless man to becoming a multi-millionaire, which shows how passionate he is.

The He family does not live in the city, their villa is in the suburbs.

"Boom boom boom!"

Tang Qinghua knocked on the door of He's house with fruits in hand.

"come in--"

Huang Mao opened the door and spoke with a smile.

Putting down the fruit, Tang Qinghua looked at the two people in the hall. One was Huang Mao's father, who looked honest and honest, more like a farmer; the other was Huang Mao's uncle, who was in a suit and leather shoes and obviously a businessman. Both of them looked at Tang Qinghua.

Huang Mao opened his mouth and introduced the people on both sides.

"Sit down, you're welcome!"

Huang Mao’s father speaks with a Jiangdong accent.

"I heard from Xiaoxin, do you want to get some cards?"

Huang Mao's uncle said calmly: "Tell me what you do. How many tickets can you ask for in a month?"

"Uncle He, I made a trading website and want to sell point cards online. I don't have the exact demand yet, but I estimate that there will be at least 1000 cards per month. If the scale expands in the future, I will definitely need more." Tang Qinghua said .

"1000 pictures per month? Well, yes..."

Uncle Huang Mao looked indifferent and nodded casually: "I will give you 30 yuan per ticket. From now on, you can get it at Xiaoxin's Internet cafe."

30 yuan each?

Tang Qinghua couldn't help but be disappointed!

At this price, he could just buy it directly, why would he need to negotiate in person?

As far as he knew, the first-level agents had different strengths. The price of the point card they received was between 19 and 22, the second-level agent was between 25 and 28, and the terminal sales were between 30 and 32. He came to Uncle Huangmao The purpose of negotiation is to obtain the secondary agency rights, not the final sales price.

"What? Are you dissatisfied?"

Uncle Huang Mao looked at him and asked.

"Uncle, can the price be cheaper?"

Tang Qinghua tried to speak.

Uncle Huang Mao: "What price do you want?"

Tang Qinghua smiled: "26% or not?"

Uncle Huang Mao couldn't help but laugh: "In my hands, there are indeed people who can get 26, but do you know how many they have per month? At least 10000 starts, and more can even be tens of thousands. Can you compare with them?"

Tang Qinghua: "What about 28?"

Uncle Huang Mao frowned a little: "Young people should be content and don't aim too high... 30 yuan a piece, you earn 5 yuan each, 1000 yuan is 5000 yuan, much better than working part-time..."

He already knew from his nephew that Tang Qinghua was a migrant worker. In his eyes, these people were not worthy of recognition at all. Even if Tang Qinghua spoke generously and decently, he still did not take him seriously!

He's just a wage earner, earning three to five thousand a month. It's time to burn incense and worship Buddha!

Tang Qinghua: "..."

He knew that there were not so many good things!

The businessman is a big profiteer, but the other party obviously thinks he gets too little and is unwilling to give him secondary agency rights.

But even though the other party was like this, Tang Qinghua still didn't give up: "Uncle, if I don't need a physical card and directly connect the card password online, I can save a lot of costs. Do you think it can be a little cheaper?"

Unexpectedly, when Uncle Huang Mao heard this, his face suddenly turned gloomy: "No!"

Tang Qinghua: "Uncle..."

No need for physical cards, card production costs are reduced, transportation costs are reduced, and it is reasonable to say that it is cheaper.

Uncle Huang Mao suddenly turned his face: "If you want to take it, take it, if you don't take it, get out!"

The scene suddenly turned cold.

Tang Qinghua was furious and didn't want to look at his face anymore. He bowed slightly to Huang Mao's father: "Uncle, excuse me, goodbye!"

After saying that, he stood up and strode out.

"Hmph, what!"

Huang Mao's uncle snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"Uncle, can't we lower the price? Don't you have a lot of people under you who only take 2000-3000 tickets per month, and the price is still 27-28?" Huang Mao asked awkwardly, feeling sorry for Tang Qinghua.

"Surrender? Why should I surrender to him?"

His uncle glared, as if educating him: "Although these people under me don't get much, they at least monopolize the market of a district or a town. As long as I can capture such people, those places will always be my market."

"Even if I could get the electronic card secret that this guy mentioned, I would never give it to him, because the electronic card secret is directly connected to Shengda. Once he gets the electronic card secret, I will only have a small referral fee. Not only will I have to If there is no profit, he will still occupy the market... So, even if his sales volume is very small, he cannot start this business!"

"Remember, you have to keep your eyes open when making friends, don't hang out with these wage earners... these poor guys are not worthy!"


Tang Qinghua was not angry when he came back from He's house.

In his opinion, it boils down to his lack of strength. If he can sell 5000 or even 10000 tickets per month, then it will definitely not be a problem to get a second-level agent... Of course, he does not know the real reason why Uncle Huang Mao refused.

"If it doesn't work out, just go talk to Shengda."

This idea suddenly came to Tang Qinghua's mind. He remembered that Chen Tian's wife Luo Qianqian was in charge of Shengda point card matters. If he could convince her, not to mention the price of the second-level agent, even the first-level agent would be possible.

The prerequisite is that you still have to have strength!

If wants to talk to Shengda, it must have enough traffic, but where will the traffic come from?

In Tang Qinghua's mind, two navigation websites "hao321" and "" suddenly appeared.

hao321 was born in May 1999. Before the emergence of 5, it was the only website navigation website. At this time, 365% of Baidu's traffic came from it. Some people estimate that nearly 321% of Internet users at that time were using hao[-].

365 Website Navigation was created in May 2003. Not many people may know about it now, but Tang Qinghua knows that it has developed extremely rapidly. In just one year, its daily traffic has reached millions, and it has quickly gained access to ancient songs and IDI investments.

Tang Qinghua immediately opened two websites and followed the QQ link below to find them.

There was no response on the hao321 side, but it passed within seconds on the 365 network side.

Tang Qinghua didn't find it strange. At this time, hao321 was still managed by Li Xingping alone, and it was impossible to pay attention to QQ at all times. However, 365 was a company with someone responsible for receiving customers.

"Hello, nice to meet you!"

A message was sent: "I am Qingqing, the customer service staff of 365 Navigation website. How can I help you?"

“What’s the price of the head link on your website?”

Tang Qinghua directly stated his intention.

“What is your website?”

The other party did not directly quote: "The purpose of our 365 Navigation Network is to provide users with a better online experience, so the website linked from the head needs to have a certain degree of popularity, or have a leading advantage in its own field..."

It's very lofty,

It’s not just to raise the price!

After sending the URL, Tang Qinghua said: "Feiniao Game Trading Network has only been established recently, but it has a good reputation and reputation. In the field of game trading, only 5177 is the only competitor that is qualified to be ranked as the top link."

The other party was silent for a moment, seeming to be discussing the conversation.

365 customer service: "Your website has great potential, and of course it has the qualifications."

Tang Qinghua: "Let's make a quote."

365 customer service: "After evaluating your website, we came up with a price of 20000 yuan per month."

Tang Qinghua: "..."

Damn, what a joke!

At this time, although hao321 has dominated the market for many years, its monthly income from hundreds of advertising spaces is now only around 60. Your 365 traffic is less than one-third of that, and the top advertising space is not even full. Who will give you the courage to bid? So high?Liang Jingru?

Tang Qinghua: "5000 yuan."

365 Customer Service: "Impossible! Sir, our website has millions of stable users, a variety of promotion channels, and the head link is the best position, which can bring huge traffic to your website..."

Tang Qinghua: "It's too expensive. If it's at this price, I will definitely choose hao321."

365 customer service: "Sir..."

After some haggling,

The final transaction price was 13000 yuan!

But it’s not one position, but two advertising spaces: one link for the head position [Flying Bird Game], priced at 10000 yuan; and one link for the sub-position [Game Transaction], priced at 3000 yuan.

The money was transferred, and after 5 minutes, the link was changed.

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